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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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My black-eyed peas are cooking.

All is right with the world

I'll be in NYC for Spamalot March 10-16 (with tickets for the 11 and 13th). We may be forced to buy more tickets, but that's what we have so far.

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BTW, one of my purchases was a funky black embroidered t-shirt for our still hypothetical trip to NYC to see Spamalot. Gotta try not to look too touristy amidst all them thar sophistimicated Noo Yawkers.... :cryingwlaughter:

What? You mean my black Clay Aiken t-shirt with sequined halo, wings and Waldo would not be appropriate evening attire?

Crap. I may have to venture into the malls before the hypothetical trip myself.

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Got a kick out of the discussion on musical the other night. For the most part I am not found. I did enjoy Chicago and Grease. Hated Moulin Rouge. I have never watched the Sound of Music. It is my sisters favorite. It came on the other night. My husband looked at me and in went a dvd. Someday I will sit and watch it before I am to old to appreciate it.

I know I will not get to see Spamalot. My husband and I were at my concert buddies home for her birthday and she made a wish when she blew out the candles. I look at her and said I knew what it was. Then we laughed and said to both our husbands that you know they just started direct flights to NYC from Flint. We could leave early am, see a matinee, and be back in the pm. That both gave us are you crazy look. It is one of those subjects that you know not to push. I will just have to enjoy all of your details.

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Happy 2008! to the bestest bunch of babes on the internet! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hubby and I did some steppin' out on the dance floor last night and it was so much fun! Haven't done that in WAYYYYYY too long. We both cleaned up real good and joined friends from our kids' softball league at a table. A couple of them were like...totally shocked because they'd never really seen us in anything but shorts and tee shirts, sweats and jackets! :cryingwlaughter:

Drank too much wine, but whatever. Shook my considerable boo-teh and when the band counted down to zero, hubby and I shared a big ole' fat kiss in front of God and everybody! :hubbahubba: Then we had to pick up older daughter from a friend's New Year's Eve traditional poker game get together and when I went up to the house, she saw me in my sparkly clothes and New Year's tiarra they were giving out at the dance and asked a friend to take a picture of us together!

I about fell over! She wanted a picture with her MOTHER?!!>?!?!?!?!? :wub:

2007 was a rough year in many ways for our family--rougher for hubby than me, actually, as his father died and then his mother basically had a breakdown; yet I'm lucky that my hubby is not one to dwell on sadness, anger and negativity in general. He keeps me real. The kids are healthy and happy, dog hasn't had his 'spells' lately. Downstairs still isn't fixed from the water heater disaster, but whatever. We're very deeply in debt and wonder how to pay for my mom's assisted living each month, yet I got a raise and Kenny's due a bonus. After two failed attempts, Alex finally got her driving permit and is, even as I type, driving about 25 miles to pick up a friend and bring her back for a sleepover (with Kenny riding shotgun, of course). Carrie seems to have learned some things from her extended time being grounded and I finally got her to let me trim that yucky hair yesterday! :clap:

We love each other and make each other laugh and so I'm counting myself pretty danged lucky!

As for Clay Aiken? Well, he's the ultimate lemonade maker in my book, so I don't really worry about the man. I'm just gonna ride with him as long as I can!

And as for you women here at FCA? Well, you're another reason I consider myself pretty danged lucky! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Ah, gb, don't give up yet! You've got 4 months to try to work out some travel plans to see Spamalot that your husband will agree to. Can't you send him off for a long week-end with his buddies to go to a ball game or golf or fish or whatever he enjoys doing while you and your friend hit Manhattan?

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FYI: I just got this e-mail from Playbill and they are now selling, through a pre-sale, the Playbill with Clay's credits. It also looks like they might have other merchandise available at some point.

I'm writing to let you know that the Spamalot Playbill with Clay Aiken in the production

credits is now on pre-sale at www.playbillstore.com. We launched a day

earlier than announced. The link to the item is below, please spread the

word to Clay's fans!


As for other Clay/Spamalot merchandise that might become available, nothing

yet. I do know that the company that handles merchandising for Spamalot has

proposed creating several products, but they are awaiting approval from the

show's producers and Clay's management.

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I wish at times that my hubby had another interest(other than me). We do a lot together. Right now we have a week in Vermont skiing in Feb. and another week in March in Salt Lake City. Then bike season starts and we will be riding every weekend. Do not get me wrong I love my hubby dearly, but I do tease him that when he retires he better be prepared that I will not cater to him. I already made up four rules. 1. Do not ask me in the morning what I am doing that day. 2. Do not say anything when I tell him I am going to lunch with the girls. 3. Do not ask me what is in the bag when I come home from shopping, and 4. Do not ask me what is for lunch everyday. Seriously he does have another interest and that is Nascar. He watches every race and has even been to the driving school(it was giving to him for fathers day.) But I can not talk him in to going to the track, refusess to pay the money. I think that is were the sticking point is for me to go to NYC. I made the comments many moons ago that I was never interested in visiting there, and he brings that up along with the money issue.

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FYI: I just got this e-mail from Playbill and they are now selling, through a pre-sale, the Playbill with Clay's credits. It also looks like they might have other merchandise available at some point.

As for other Clay/Spamalot merchandise that might become available, nothing

yet. I do know that the company that handles merchandising for Spamalot has

proposed creating several products, but they are awaiting approval from the

show's producers and Clay's management.

Thanks, skybar! Can't wait to see the other possible merchandise.

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I still have a feeling that 2008 for me will be worst than last year for me. I have been so unlucky.

Well, you can look at it that way or you can look at it as "this has to be a better year, it can't be worse". Your choice. Life sucks a lot of times, but it is our choice how to survive it. I had one year (that would surprise my sister) that was the worst year of my life, but I didn't talk about it much with family. It was the year of accidents. I had 3 car accidents, 4 different flat tires where the tires were destroyed, I was almost killed when my porch roof collapsed while I was under it clearing out snow at midnight with everyone around me asleep. My house was hit by lightening and all electrical things destroyed. My fridge died a belated death a few months later in the morning of a picnic for 40 of my closest friends which included ice cream cake, my dog was attacked and have several operations (consider this several bad things) and was in a cast for a year and these were jsut a few of the 365 bad things that happened to me that year - not a day went by without a major cri$i$. Thankfully I was suffering through a series of icky but well paying jobs and didn't have to borrow money. I look back at it and laugh, but I was always a bit nervous waiting for the next major problem and wondering if I would live through it. Oddly enough, the streak of bad luck stopped just as suddenly as it began. Weird. The funniest was probably the concussion I got when I stepped on a rake and the handle popped up and hit me in the face - so three stooges like. I passed out, I woke up, I laughed, I cried and I went to the hospital. It hurt bad and I had a big bump in my forehead, but I found it hard to take that accident seriously.

FYI: I just got this e-mail from Playbill and they are now selling, through a pre-sale, the Playbill with Clay's credits. It also looks like they might have other merchandise available at some point.


As for other Clay/Spamalot merchandise that might become available, nothing

yet. I do know that the company that handles merchandising for Spamalot has

proposed creating several products, but they are awaiting approval from the

show's producers and Clay's management.

Thanks Skybar. This makes me laugh so much. I think this was one thing that Spamalot never thought about - they thought about stunt casting and ticket sales, but not about the merchandise. Perhaps they should consider adding stuff in their own store. Really TC should have let them know.

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QUOTE(Lotus @ Jan 1 2008, 03:53 AM)

I'd like to read some treatise on who decides which accent is acceptable and which are not.

Strange to say, I just finished reading a book that talks about the development of the English language and mentions the role of various accents, especially how the London pronunciation became the "received" one in English. It's a bit out of date, but interesting. Albert C. Baugh, A History of the English Language, Appleton-Century, 1935.

Another book that explains the development of varying pronunciations is The Story of English by McCrum, Cran & MacNeil, Viking, 1986. This was published in connection with the PBS series on English.

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My black-eyed peas are cooking.

All is right with the world

I'll be in NYC for Spamalot March 10-16 (with tickets for the 11 and 13th). We may be forced to buy more tickets, but that's what we have so far.

EEEEEEE !!!! Wanda!!! I hope we'll get to meet! I'm going March 13 (flying in the 12th) and hope to get another show in, but tickets right now only for the 12th.

FYI: I just got this e-mail from Playbill and they are now selling, through a pre-sale, the Playbill with Clay's credits. It also looks like they might have other merchandise available at some point.

I'm writing to let you know that the Spamalot Playbill with Clay Aiken in the production

credits is now on pre-sale at www.playbillstore.com. We launched a day

earlier than announced. The link to the item is below, please spread the

word to Clay's fans!


As for other Clay/Spamalot merchandise that might become available, nothing yet. I do know that the company that handles merchandising for Spamalot has proposed creating several products, but they are awaiting approval from the show's producers and Clay's management.

Yes, I do like Koolaid, why do you ask?

I just ordered and got email confirmation for my Playbill!

I considered ordering the display frame, but since Clay is inside, not outside, I decided against it.

Thank you so much for posting this! I was not charged shipping! I fully expected for them to add $10 shipping charges and for me to then cancel the order!

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Hope everyone has a happy, healthy, prosperous and Clay-filled 2008.

I'm concerned that my first opportunity to go to NY for Spamalot will be in March during Spring Break. Anyone going in March? Or should I wait until April for the second wave of eHP? Decisions, decisions.

Me! Meeeeeeee!! Goldarngirl and I are headed there Easter weekend. It's my only opportunity, as I seem to have spent my (limited) vacation time chasing some young man all over the country. Our vacation year goes June - June.

No blackeyed peas up here except on the radio, the radio...I plan on spending most of my day working on the various art projects spread all over the table in my studio room.

EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I don't consider Clay 'stunt casting' for Spamalot. Maybe it's just the connotation the words conjure. *shrug* Is it automatically considered a stunt simply because it's his first role broadway? To me 'stunt casting' is the appearance on Ed. This is a five month engagement in a play that people are paying hundreds of dollars for tickets for. Ehh, I just don't care for the term.

As for TC giving advice about merchandise? :cryingwlaughter: That's a good one!!!

Okay theatre goers - advice please. Is this playbill something that we won't be able to get at the show? I've had offers from some American friends to get me one since they don't ship outside the US. I don't want to put them to the trouble if I can get the same thing there.

ETA: thanks FromClaygary!! I think I'm gonna wait and get one at the show. I can buy my own protection, lolol.

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EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: Crap, I sure hope you are! You're responsible for making sure I get home and not deciding to camp out in the Schubert for the rest of the run! :cryingwlaughter:

Just ordered my Playbill, thanks to a kind friend in IL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (They don't ship to Canada)


ETA: Cindy, it is the same one you will get at the show, but a pristine copy with a protective condom. :whistling-1:

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I don't consider Clay 'stunt casting' for Spamalot. Maybe it's just the connotation the words conjure. *shrug* Is it automatically considered a stunt simply because it's his first role broadway? To me 'stunt casting' is the appearance on Ed. This is a five month engagement in a play that people are paying hundreds of dollars for tickets for. Ehh, I just don't care for the term.

As for TC giving advice about merchandise? :cryingwlaughter: That's a good one!!!

I think it is considered "stunt" casting when they use a well known celebrity to take over a role.

I sent the Playbill guy a short list of merchandise the fans would probably buy after he notified me that the orders were pouring in. He said not to worry about crashing their site, HEH!

Thank you so much for posting this! I was not charged shipping! I fully expected for them to add $10 shipping charges and for me to then cancel the order!

You are welcome. I love it when our guy gets this kind of attention. Shows people how very popular he is. Yeah, the $10 includes shipping and as someone at CB mentioned, the plastic drool sleeve.

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I sent the Playbill guy a short list of merchandise the fans would probably buy after he notified me that the orders were pouring in. He said not to worry about crashing their site, HEH!

And :whistling-1: again....what might you have suggested? :whistling-1:

Oh some popular items like keychains, magnets, posters, tee shirts, and mugs.

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I sent the Playbill guy a short list of merchandise the fans would probably buy after he notified me that the orders were pouring in. He said not to worry about crashing their site, HEH!

And :whistling-1: again....what might you have suggested? :whistling-1:

Oh some popular items like keychains, magnets, posters, tee shirts, and mugs.

Kewl! I'm up for it and I have a credit card. :lilredani:

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EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: Crap, I sure hope you are! You're responsible for making sure I get home and not deciding to camp out in the Schubert for the rest of the run! :cryingwlaughter:

Just ordered my Playbill, thanks to a kind friend in IL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (They don't ship to Canada)


ETA: Cindy, it is the same one you will get at the show, but a pristine copy with a protective condom. :whistling-1:

Hmmm and you are saying that I have the self control to make sure YOU don't camp out? huh???

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EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: Crap, I sure hope you are! You're responsible for making sure I get home and not deciding to camp out in the Schubert for the rest of the run! :cryingwlaughter:

Just ordered my Playbill, thanks to a kind friend in IL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (They don't ship to Canada)


ETA: Cindy, it is the same one you will get at the show, but a pristine copy with a protective condom. :whistling-1:

Hmmm and you are saying that I have the self control to make sure YOU don't camp out? huh???

:pickme: Did someone say camp-out until the end of the run?!!! REI has a sale right now and they've discounted some winter-rated tents.

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EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: Crap, I sure hope you are! You're responsible for making sure I get home and not deciding to camp out in the Schubert for the rest of the run! :cryingwlaughter:

Just ordered my Playbill, thanks to a kind friend in IL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (They don't ship to Canada)


ETA: Cindy, it is the same one you will get at the show, but a pristine copy with a protective condom. :whistling-1:

Hmmm and you are saying that I have the self control to make sure YOU don't camp out? huh???

:pickme: Did someone say camp-out until the end of the run?!!! REI has a sale right now and they've discounted some winter-rated tents.

OH OH an enabler (not that I'm surprised heee) whatever are you gonna do FromClaygary? :cryingwlaughter:

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EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm going Easter weekend. Cool. It's amazing what you find out when you read Clay fan boards. heeeeeee. TY FromClaygary :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: Crap, I sure hope you are! You're responsible for making sure I get home and not deciding to camp out in the Schubert for the rest of the run! :cryingwlaughter:

Just ordered my Playbill, thanks to a kind friend in IL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (They don't ship to Canada)


ETA: Cindy, it is the same one you will get at the show, but a pristine copy with a protective condom. :whistling-1:

Hmmm and you are saying that I have the self control to make sure YOU don't camp out? huh???

:pickme: Did someone say camp-out until the end of the run?!!! REI has a sale right now and they've discounted some winter-rated tents.

OH OH an enabler (not that I'm surprised heee) whatever are you gonna do FromClaygary? :cryingwlaughter:

Sounds like I might be camping out in a winter-rated tent!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Given all the Musicals! talk the last couple days, I thought you might like to know that That's Entertainment III is on Bravo! right now. I love these shows. I'm not sure if our Bravo is the same as the US one though.

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Happy New Year to you FCA! I hope you all have a great and glorious year. I pray for an abundance of all things Clay this year! I doubt I will make it to Spamalot as much as a want to. But I never say never....we shall see....I dont feel I am going though....

Some of you who are on CV know that I lost my mom last Thursday. I spent the last 24 hours of her life in the hospital watching her struggle and was there to see her take her last breath. Its been more difficult than I could ever imagine and feel a strange disconnect with the world right now. I was somehow in charge of the music for the funeral, so I picked All is Well for the last song......there was no question about it. It affected many people and the pastor was so impressed by the message of this song she read the words to us first. I will always always think of my mom when I hear that song!

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rcknrllmom....what a wonderful idea to have Clay sing All Is Well for your mother. I can just imagine how much the sound of his voice affected everyone there. And now, as you said, you have a beautiful song and the most beautiful voice singing it to wrap around your memories of your mom.
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