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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I just checked the TV Guide Online page, and they have Clay down for January 22!!!!! play, I'd get those tickets changed if I were you! And something new for aikim to add to her calendar!

OTOH, darn it -- I'll be at work! And being the second week of school, it's a busy one. Shoot!

From Micky7941 at CDB board:

Well, Luvn did an amazing job in her recap. I won't even try to top it! It was an incredible day from beginnning to end so I'll relay what I can remember that's maybe not a repeat of Luvn's recap.

I decided to do GFI because the BAF has steadily grown to be near and dear to my heart, I am a golfer (though not so much the last few years because some other distraction with the initials CHA kind of took over that pasttime ) and I could vist with Ginny cause it's much too long between concert tours to see good friends. So Tiger , yep I'm a golfer and Philly, I am fortunate to live close enough to the Hobart summer camp to volunteer with some other great ladies the past two summers. I feel I must say that one of the biggest blessings my Clay life has brought me was to see a BAF program in action. Clay described his breakthrough with "Boo" in his book as "breathtaking". There really is no other word I can use for what I observed--and this is key--not only special needs children participating in an inclusionary activity but also the exposure and understanding I witnessed on the part of the non-special needs children. I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with Diane Bubel at one of the early golf holes yesterday about just that. When we talked about my summer camp experience, she said with a knowing smile, "that's when it came full circle for you, didn't it?" She literally took the words I was just about to say right out of my mouth. This outing for me was as much about Clay's other passion, the "why" in him (tm CHA) as it was about an opportunity to see his beautiful face and listen to his one-of-a-kind voice again. It has been exciting to see the BAF's growth especially over the last year or so. May its success and positive impact on so many lives continue to grow.

Now on to that amazing man! Would you believe my day started out by opening the door for Clay, Jerome and Mary when they arrived at the club house?!?! Yep, I had gone inside to register (and every single Foundation person there--Uncle Jerry and Aunt Dianne, Diane Bubel, Aron Hall, Kristy Barnes, etc., could not have been more welcoming or gracious) and then decided to go out to the front portico to settle my nerves and psyche up for the golf round, and who do I see approaching the door but Clay and Company! I just gave a little head nod, tried to act normal and give them their space. After I started breathing again, I decided to go back inside to the breakfast/brunch room thinking a little bit of food might help settle my nerves, sat down at the table and 5 minutes later in walk Clay and Company again! No, they weren't stalking me LOL, but it sure was surreal!

The golf clinic with Wayne Player and Clay was a riot. I'm not sure Wayne realized what he was doing to us Clay fans in the group as he was positioning Clay to demonstrate the proper way to swivel your hips through a golf swing. I'm quite proud of myself for not blurting out "The Return of Clevis!" which is what I was screaming in my head - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! When Wayne first started manuevering Clay, Clay quipped about his legs being sore. Methinks Sir Robin may be doing some leaping and bounding in the near future - double aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

After the golf clinic which lasted about half an hour, we started the golf round. By this time I knew Clay would be riding the course to take pictures with the foursomes. I had no idea on which hole he would show up and, would you believe, I didn't think about it at all once we started playing because I needed all my concentration for playing. God must have been smiling down on me yesterday because I had one of the best rounds of my life. Must have been Clay-induced adrenalin! So we were only on our 3rd hole of golf and I was in a groove I don't think I've ever been in before and was taking the last approach shot of our group to the green and hit a dream shot which landed within a foot of the hole. Almost as sweet as a Clay song (emphasis on almost). I turn around after hitting my shot and who do I see? Jerome sitting in a golf cart to the side of the green (quite the sight, I must say!) and Clay walking toward us with long strides and arm outstretched - can I aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh again??? He shook hands with my team members who were standing closest to him and then walked right at me and said "did you hit that shot?" I was in such a "great golf shot" induced high that my reaction was natural and not Clayfan like, and the first words out of my mouth along with pumping fist were, "Yes, I did!" Then I extended my hand to his and nice, "Nice to meetcha Clay!" LOL!!!!! I think this encounter will be one of my sweetest Clay memories ever and I don't know how or why it happened that way for me, but I will be forever grateful to the golf gods as well as the Man Upstairs for that memory.

I golfed with a Claymate husband who is a big Clay and BAF supporter and two non-Clayfan ladies who were associated with GFI sponsor companies. What great people! By the end of the round, the ladies were convinced I was Clay's #1 fan - LOL! Let's just say if I had a dollar for every time they asked "how do you know that about Clay?", I would have my next concert ticket covered! Thank God, they didn't follow through on their threat to bring Clay over at dinner later to introduce him to me as his #1 fan!

I really can't do any better than Luvn's description of the after golf festivities and the so very special experience we had in that intimate setting and not-to-be-believed song selection we got from Clay last night. Ultimately, what meant most to me personally was how amazing he looked. I truly, with every ounce of my being, feel he has never looked more relaxed, healthy and happy. He radiated, ladies. He truly did. And NO ONE could do more justice to those dark fitted jeans, deep salmon-colored shirt (I think the same shirt we wore for his surprise Steven Curtis Chapman appearance last February), rich chocolate brown/fitted velour jacket with thin subtle stripes and, might I say, dark brown kick a** boots. He was a walking dream. And the long blond locks and sideburns and light eyelashes and tan and stubble and green eyes...thud thud, thud thud, thud thud!!!

It was a night of abundance for us last night of all the right kind of stuff, topped off by a picture with Clay and Luvn that I will treasure for all my years. And the accidental video we got of Clay pulling us in close to him for the pic, well, I think I've finally run out of words. Sometimes there just are no words other than "thank you Lord" and I'll never forget these blessings.

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Ok, I just saved that picture 2 3 more times. I now have 11 12 copies of the same picture, all with different names. No wonder my gigabytes are um, whirring...

In the original, look how his one hair is touching hers. Why am I mesmerized by that one hair?

OT: Anyone wanna see how the storm tried to kill me the other day? http://thistlehut.com

This happened long after the 60 mph gusts... Scared the beejesus out of me. I'm considering removing many more trees from my property now before they fall on my house and all you see are my wicked shoes poking out. Yikes!!

wow YSRN...I remember that tree!! its lucky it fell that way! too bad that was beautiful....

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I have been totally addicted to everything Clay since June of 06 much to the detriment of my garden and housekeeping but oh what joy he has brought into my life. Still grieving for my DH of over 30 years, a sweet loving man and waiting for the results of the investigation of a medical situation which, in it worst case scenario, would leave me totally disabled, both mentally and physically, I was spending my evenings surfing the net. I would fall into bed exhausted but then able to sleep, my brain too tired to go thru all the what if's.

So one night I happened to come across a video of Clay singing...one of the AI2 videos..and I wish I could remember which one it was and that was it. Who is this beautiful young man with the wonderful voice? There followed hours of video watching, blog reading (some of which made me heart sick) and I staggered off to bed at 4:00am, dazed and amazed.

Lotus, welcome to a fellow Claynadian once again....I always find it fascinating and almost surreal how many people were drawn to Clay at an especially stressful moment in their lives. I would venture to say that it's almost half of us. One of the many things that makes me believe he truly has a purpose in this world.

Lotus, I hope you've been able to touch base as well with Anne and some of the other BC Clayfans. Real life Clayfriends are awesome too!

Having a schmoopie start to the day today, as I read through the recaps from the (lots!) of fans at the GFI; who all describe him as radiant, joyful, sparkly, effervescent, healthy, glowing. Being busy and engaged and inspired suits him so well, and I'm so thrilled he's there.

Thanks again to all the providers of clack and recaps and photographs for those of us who couldn't be there; we appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

Cindilu2 I know I've already said how much I love this banner....but would you mind if I mentioned it just one more time? I LOVE!!!! this banner!!

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OMG! YSRN, that was one heck of a thudding tree. I can so relate....so often knocked to the ground these days, and my roots are showing. All kidding aside, though, you're one lucky homeowner!

I'm flying home today!! I'm almost all packed and it wasn't easy since I came up here in a car and had to fit all that stuff into 2 suitcases. Thank God for experience in this regard. Anyway, you guys have fun today while I'm en route with my iPod and my new fangled little DVD player. I'm flying back to summer! :00000442:**Does happy dance.**

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*checks schedule for January 22nd* Hmmmmm, I think I have an appt that morning.....

Love that recap from Micky7941! All the recaps have been stellar. What a great day it was. Thanks to everyone who brings them over.

Safe travels, Karen Eh! And YSRN, what a close call. Thank goodness it didn't do more damage. We had a storm here last night, too. High winds. rain, thunder, etc. Lots of roads flooded on the way into work, lots of garbage strewn all over the roads, etc. Weird for January, that's for sure!

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DAMN!!! I'm traveling home the morning of the 22nd. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! [/selfish moment]. I am very glad he's going to be doing some publicity though!!! [/fangirl moment] EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Hee - thanks FromClaygary. Muah!

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Party on, Wane!!

Most excellent, KarenEh!"

Lotus, your whole post was wonderful. It would be AMAZING (tmCHA) to get a collection of our 'stories' of how Clay entered (thud) our lives---what was going on with us, how that shifted, where our 'connection' with him led us....sigh. He's truly a blessing and we're some lucky beyotches. :DoClay:

YSRN---the pictures of your tree near-disaster made me 1. happy and thankful that it wasn't more of a disaster and 2. despondent that the landscape around your house has permanently changed. I LOVE your homestead and want it for a writer's garret! (If you ever need a house and animal sitter, let me know! ;) ) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I find that I'm ridiculously grinning at random moments because I'm thinking of this from FromClaygary --- that he seems

radiant, joyful, sparkly, effervescent, healthy, glowing.
And I agree that
Being busy and engaged and inspired suits him so well
I'm SO excited for him and proud of him and this newest chapter in his fascinating life story.... :wub:
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Clack Unlimited now has the dinner auction up....

...and I've got the biggest grin on my face right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wildly, passionately in love with hearing him sing Get Here, but seeing the dinner auction makes me so incredibly happy as well. Why? Because IMO you can see his MIND at work. He's constantly negotiating, thinking, trying to get the best deals for the foundation. He throws in extras; he changes the terms of the auction so that it doesn't have to be on a Monday anymore; and then finally makes the deal to do this twice for two different fans. It's just so fun for me to see him work that crowd.

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Good morning, sort of - I have some more wildly off topic remarks this morning.

I think it is too late to get one of the 40 or so available tickets to the view. I will holdon to what I got and try and hope I get some borad way tickets or something as a gift.

I always google in the morning to see what the latest Clay news is and many times find wierd slams of Clay as well as some interesting mentions - this day is no different, except this time the MTV article used Clay's Name with Britney's and seemed blatently trying to get hits on a boring article - who better to use than the two most searched people?, hence I will not click on it. I do google because it lets me fine tune my search better and gives me the preview that tells me enough about the articles that I can discern better to hit or not hit. lycos seems like a much inferior search engine or I am using a faulty version of it.

Did anyone see that the Chicken soup for the American Idol Soul is doing a book tour with various always available idols in the NY area? Just in time for Spamalont! Sometimes I wonder if Kevin Couvais is paying for his college by accepting weird AI connection jobs, I don't ever hear about him singing, just appearing with other idols. It is just as well.

Remember that whole Clay on Ellen thing - I am starting to think maybe it is even something more than we think - why? Kimberley Locke is appearing on Ellen, but not performing. it ia another weight show. A lot of idols still appear on that show. I hope there is a time when Clay is saying no to a lot of people (like he has already to Conan)

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YSRN, Wow I'm glad your house was spared from that tree, but I'm sorry that you had to loose that beautiful old tree. The weather all over the country has been really strange this past week, here in the midwest with 60-70 degree temps and tornado warnings in January.

Lotus, I am so sorry about the loss of your husband and hope all is going well on the medical front for you

I remember for quite a while I kept wondering why Clay was having such an effect on me, I had always loved music, but had kind of lost interest in it. I couldn't and still can't understand this force, for lack of a better word that seemed to draw me to him, but it's there and it's strong. I would try to analyze it, I had been a fan of other artists before, but never to the point of spending so much of my time on them. I'd buy a cd and try to catch them on tv, most of them I never even cared if I got to see them live.

I guess in the end it's the combination of the internet and being able to enjoy something/someone you love with others who feel the same as you and the magnetism of a charming, talented, funny and genuine human being, who wanted to make a difference and has.

Every now and then I still find myself questioning and trying to analyze it, and then I think, why try to figure it out, just sit back and enjoy it and take it all in and be thankful.

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Lotus, I do believe I recognize you. wink.gif When are you coming back to Houston? I'll be in and out for a while, but I know a few shy retiring women there who like to do lunch....and then, I know the eHP. They have to eat sometime. Welcome to FCA, if I've not said it to you before.

Thanks for the welcome, KarenEh and yes it's me. We had lunch together last March and I do hope to be back in Houston sometime this year tho' it probably won't be until the fall. I would love to meet and have a meal with those "shy retiring women" while I'm there.

Have a good and safe trip home.


And I have four 256 GB hard drives. I didn't get them all at once!

Sheesh! and my daughter-in- law just told me last night that she thought a 250 GB external HD was obscenely large! HAH!

The medical condition turned out to be allright after much testing and waiting and waiting.


Lotus, I hope you've been able to touch base as well with Anne and some of the other BC Clayfans. Real life Clayfriends are awesome too!

I get into Vancouver about twice a month.

I did meet some fans at the ATDW CD party in September but have not touched base with any since, tho' I would love to. That was way before I realized that this fandom is also a wonderful, generous, supportive sisterhood.


Remember that whole Clay on Ellen thing - I am starting to think maybe it is even something more than we think

Could you enlighten me about this, please? I haven't a clue what you are referring to tho' I have seen the interview of the time he was on her show.

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Clack Unlimited now has the dinner auction up....

...and I've got the biggest grin on my face right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wildly, passionately in love with hearing him sing Get Here, but seeing the dinner auction makes me so incredibly happy as well. Why? Because IMO you can see his MIND at work. He's constantly negotiating, thinking, trying to get the best deals for the foundation. He throws in extras; he changes the terms of the auction so that it doesn't have to be on a Monday anymore; and then finally makes the deal to do this twice for two different fans. It's just so fun for me to see him work that crowd.

Oh, I can't wait to watch this. The Raleigh BAF auction ranks up there with my favourite Clay experiences ever. So happy there is clack of both of them!

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OMG. I just watched Katy's WAMLAW video clip. You know, something floods through me at the sound of that first note coming out of his mouth. Seems unexpected and he's so EASY in the delivery...yet the SOUND is so...



rich and full


....that it just....floods, fills...it makes me need to....

crap....it just DOES something to me....

and then the clip is so maddeningly, cruelly short that I'm left breathless and wanting....

gah....that VOICE! :Thud:

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WAMLAW is like this amazing little chunk of gold or something. You have some great audience comments, like when he says he's not sure if he knows all the words and someone shouts back, 'we don't care!', :cryingwlaughter: then the guy feeding him the lyrics and Clay coming out with that voice. (OMG.,OMG,..OMG!) However, we also get 'funny as hell' Clay here, when he gets to the part where he sings about spending your last dime to please your woman and he gestures to the man who is apparently there, paying for the evening and the golf and probably bidding on the auction, as if to say, 'See? these lyrics are right!'

The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.

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Remember that whole Clay on Ellen thing - I am starting to think maybe it is even something more than we think

Could you enlighten me about this, please? I haven't a clue what you are referring to tho' I have seen the interview of the time he was on her show.

Fans were told that Clay was scheduled for her show when the last album was released and then was told that he would not be on because she decided to go "more urban". Now since she has had Manilow on, I can't really believe the urban thing that much. My theory was that she was offended how Clay fans were trashing Timberlake at that time and making it a competition, he is her good buddy. I kind of lost interest in her show after that, seeing that she gave a wonderful interview to Timberlake where he got to talk about how wonderful drugs are - good afternoon show when the kiddies are home - he is such a role model. It is not jealousy or bitterness, I just find a lot of hypocrisy around show business (and message boards and life) where being cool is bullying people and pushing drug culture and then they do anti-drug PSAs - please!

Damn! I have some donwloading to do!

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Wow, YSRN! So glad that tree missed your house. What a close call!

Clack Unlimited now has the dinner auction up....

...and I've got the biggest grin on my face right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wildly, passionately in love with hearing him sing Get Here, but seeing the dinner auction makes me so incredibly happy as well. Why? Because IMO you can see his MIND at work. He's constantly negotiating, thinking, trying to get the best deals for the foundation. He throws in extras; he changes the terms of the auction so that it doesn't have to be on a Monday anymore; and then finally makes the deal to do this twice for two different fans. It's just so fun for me to see him work that crowd.

I can't wait to get home & download this! I love his mind, too! :wub:

I remember for quite a while I kept wondering why Clay was having such an effect on me, I had always loved music, but had kind of lost interest in it. I couldn't and still can't understand this force, for lack of a better word that seemed to draw me to him, but it's there and it's strong. I would try to analyze it, I had been a fan of other artists before, but never to the point of spending so much of my time on them. I'd buy a cd and try to catch them on tv, most of them I never even cared if I got to see them live.

I guess in the end it's the combination of the internet and being able to enjoy something/someone you love with others who feel the same as you and the magnetism of a charming, talented, funny and genuine human being, who wanted to make a difference and has.

Every now and then I still find myself questioning and trying to analyze it, and then I think, why try to figure it out, just sit back and enjoy it and take it all in and be thankful.

I do this, too. Every now & then I just seem to have to try reasoning it out one.more.time. Your last statement there sums it up quite nicely.

OMG. I just watched Katy's WAMLAW video clip. You know, something floods through me at the sound of that first note coming out of his mouth. Seems unexpected and he's so EASY in the delivery...yet the SOUND is so...



rich and full


....that it just....floods, fills...it makes me need to....

crap....it just DOES something to me....

and then the clip is so maddeningly, cruelly short that I'm left breathless and wanting....

gah....that VOICE! :Thud:

I think it's that green-eyed soul. I would LOVE an opportunity for an entire concert done sort of like the GFI performance - sort of a jam session with just Clay, his voice and a piano.... :Thud:

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I love the auction video. Clay Aiken is so handsome.

And smart.

Yes, definitely smart.

The videographer mutters, "God, look at that face."

I'm lookin'! I'm lookin'!


I should say both auction vids are stunning, but I'm specifically talking about the carriage ride auction.

And yes, the WAMLAW clack is ecstasyous-interruptus. Too beatiful. Over too soon. *sigh*

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WAMLAW is like this amazing little chunk of gold or something. You have some great audience comments, like when he says he's not sure if he knows all the words and someone shouts back, 'we don't care!', :cryingwlaughter: then the guy feeding him the lyrics and Clay coming out with that voice. (OMG.,OMG,..OMG!) However, we also get 'funny as hell' Clay here, when he gets to the part where he sings about spending your last dime to please your woman and he gestures to the man who is apparently there, paying for the evening and the golf and probably bidding on the auction, as if to say, 'See? these lyrics are right!'

The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.

I hadn't downloaded that clip *coughworkinghahacough* but have now because of your recommendation. I'm now kicking myself for not watching this clip sooner. Amazing stuff, but way too short. And you're totally right, it's like the Reader's Digest version of Clay Aiken -- smart, funny, amazing vocals, all in one 45 second clip.

Last sentence is definitely thread title material.

Didn't know if ldyj saw this at CV, but it cracked me up...from 2old4Clay

Wow, that Auction Clack is wonderful....it was so funny....

when you hear "Nicholas, keep your hand down" that is Wayne Player talking to his young son

LOL! Now that whole exchange makes some sense to me! That's so funny, especially Clay with his "that's your college education son!"

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According to CV, there is a longer video of WAMLAW coming some.

Yay!! Cuz that 10 seconds is effing gorgeous, and would have been enough to loop for the rest of my life, but more... is better. And yeah, that was pretty cute using the "spend his very last dime" line on that man who just spent a ton o' loot for his wife. Hee. Hmm, *need a sugar daddy*

Crazy about the tree! And yes, I'm glad it did hardly any damage... just nuisance stuff but I will definitely miss it's beauty and grandness around my deck... and the birdies will miss their play tree, and in the summer... the shade... wah! But I have a really expansive view now. Heh! Thanks for commiserating with me. :)

Lotus, I'm glad your medical stuff worked out! Cool! I admit that a couple of my HDs are for back up. So I have double Clay. Coudn't bear to lose any of it, even though I could just redownload... lol. It's not the same.

Anywho... off to see a man about a fence.

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RE: Ellen. I think it's arguable that Kimberly Locke is more "urban" than Clay, regardless of her Idol background. As for Manilow, he may not be "urban," but he is, quite frankly, a much bigger name than Clay. JMO, but I tend to doubt that Ellen is keeping Clay off her show out of some loyalty to Justin Timberlake. I suspect her talent booker just didn't believe that Clay brought in the particular demographic they wanted at the time. That could easily change, and if Clay becomes a big enough star, they'll book him anytime they can get him. I've never seen any evidence that Ellen personally has any negative feelings toward Clay.

Anyway, it looks like Clay will be on The View, which is still a great booking. And there are plenty of opportunities in New York City for more.

Haven't seen the auction video yet, but it sounds great!

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Meh... frankly I can't worry about where he's not appearing or who might not care for him when there is SO much good stuff going on (GLACK!!! (golf clack)) and so much to come (SPAM!!!!, The View) and who knows what else.

'Ellen' speculation? Sooooo 2006. *g* BRING ON 2008 BAYBEE!!!

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I am so THANKFUL for the Spamalot complete show--I've been watching it and about dying laughing. I can't WAIT to see Clay do that ball-bruising Russian dance with those long legs of his. OMG.


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I can't believe Clay's Broadway Debut is getting so close!! I am still finalizing details of my trip.

All the Golfing vids are amazing - I can't believe he raised $40,000 by just accepting both fans and doing the carriage ride thing twice!! Isn't that fantastic!!!

(Of course if I had $20,000 I'd probably have to buy a car of something!)

I promised a regular-sized format wallpaper today - so here it is!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(only one version so far...)


N-JOY!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

YSRN - I am really sorry you lost that wonderful big tree, but very thankful it didn't fall on your house and crush the roof!!

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