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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Ok, kids, I responded...I didn't take her on directly and it wasn't out of the blue, others are discussing it as we speak.


Well shoot, I went to read and can't find your post. Do you use another name over there?

I'm at CV, not CH.

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Ya know, sometimes you can just over analyze something

Yep, and suck all the fun right out of it.

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Ok I'll explain. It feels like you're plotting something right here on main and it's not what we do.

My BIL was not impressed with halftime..said this is the superbowl not a 70s reunion. heee I don't mind even thought it's not my thang..I like that they spread the wealth around to different types of music.

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We're watching the Superbowl here, but in Canada, even when we watch on American channels we seem to miss the fun commercials. We get a few new 'Canadian' commercials but not nearly entertaining as the American ones.

Here is a link to the site where you can watch all the superbowl commercials after the game and vote on which you think is the best, courtesy of Kim Kimando's Cool Site of the Day.

Super Bowl Ads

For some strange reason, this year we seem to be getting the American ads! I know we didn't last year. I'm not watching (have headphones on and am watching clack) but my kids are keeping me informed. LOL.

Lotus - thanks so much for that website. There's only one problem....I'm on dialup :cry4: Those sites just don't work well for me. Thank you so much though :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Luckiest- I'll have to get my butt of this computer chair and move to the couch!! Thanks!!

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My BIL was not impressed with halftime..said this is the superbowl not a 70s reunion. heee I don't mind even thought it's not my thang..I like that they spread the wealth around to different types of music.

For a change, I would like to see a group featured at halftime that I haven't been listening to since high school, or in the case of the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney, since I was a wee tot. It's time for the NFL peeps to get over the whole Janet Jackson thing, ya know? :imgtongue:

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I'm not plotting anything. I don't waste my time on crap like that. I do, however, have some experience in theater and that's all I discussed at CV...I didn't call her out, I didn't use her name, I didn't even mention anything about her post.

I deleted my other post, what else do I need to do?

My fault....I started it. I've edited all reference to amusement in my posts.

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Ok, here's something that caught my attention. I read a description of Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin as 'fey' and 'spineless'. Of course that description is being challenged, I think in part because fey sounds too much like gay. I was thinking just yesterday about Clay's interpretation of the role and was reminded a little bit of Johnny Depp's portrayal of Cap'n Jack Sparrow, which in my opinion is best described as 'fey'. Whimsical, otherworldly, enchanted.

I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

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Ok, here's something that caught my attention. I read a description of Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin as 'fey' and 'spineless'. Of course that description is being challenged, I think in part because fey sounds too much like gay. I was thinking just yesterday about Clay's interpretation of the role and was reminded a little bit of Johnny Depp's portrayal of Cap'n Jack Sparrow, which in my opinion is best described as 'fey'. Whimsical, otherworldly, enchanted.

I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

First, that picture of Clay in the orange sweater is absolutely gorgeous.

I think there is a certain amount of feyness to both characters...personally, I thought Cap'n Jack was the fey-er of the two.

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I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

Well as you know, I have LOTS of thoughts about Jack Sparrow. Lots. I'll try to stick to the topic at hand however *g*

IMO the feyness was Jack's best weapon. It was all an act. Depp was playing Jack "playing" everyone else.

For the record.... The definition's of fey

1. Having or displaying an otherworldly, magical, or fairylike aspect or quality

2. Having visionary power; clairvoyant.

3. Appearing touched or crazy, as if under a spell. <----Jack Sparrow IMO.

I don't see the character of Sir Robin as fey by any of those definitions. Heck the whole musical seems otherworldly and a bit touched. But that's just me.

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Ok, here's something that caught my attention. I read a description of Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin as 'fey' and 'spineless'. Of course that description is being challenged, I think in part because fey sounds too much like gay. I was thinking just yesterday about Clay's interpretation of the role and was reminded a little bit of Johnny Depp's portrayal of Cap'n Jack Sparrow, which in my opinion is best described as 'fey'. Whimsical, otherworldly, enchanted.

I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

I may say something different after seeing Spamalot again, but my comment on his Sir Robin was that he was playing the young, innocent, naive knight. Spineless - yes, pretty much. This is a character that soils himself at every loud noise! That hardly yells courage! Fey? Not sure I would describe his Sir Robin as fey, though. At least that isn't how I saw him.

But to me his Sir Robin was much more the young, innocent knight who still saw the world through rose colored glasses. He thought being a knight would be all glamour and fun. And his joy at the thought of musical theater was definitely that of someone who still had the dreams of youth.

And he was damn CUTE!!!!!!

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Whew! I finally got a chance to sit down and catch up a bit. My dust bunnies had grown into Killer Rabbits and something had to be done to tame them before I get my company tomorrow night. It sure is funny how things appear when you look real close at them after practicing avoidance for a couple of months. Of course, I took a bunch of breaks to watch AI Rewind, and walk the dog, and go get some coffee, and work on a few more pix.....but I found the extra bed sheets and unpacked them, removed the boxes of canned goods I'm shipping from the extra bathroom, and I am beginning to get a vague recollection of where the corkscrew might be.

Shipping.....well, tomorrow I'll know for sure if it's by air or by boat. Depends on the size of the shipment and if it's close then I have some decisions to make. *SLAP* Oh.....yeah....right....um.....I never got any romantic vibes at all from Clay and Kelly. I think the Angela thing is interesting and I enjoy their chemistry on stage. I don't think there is anything beyond that, though. As for Tyra, I like that one. I'll put it in my pocket and take it out every once in a while to look at it.

eHP.....it's probably time we made a decision on which restaurant we're going to tomorrow night. I'll vote for Birras so I can have those mushrooms before I get outta Dodge, but am not overly invested in fungi, so....I'll happily go anywhere, if that's what you guys want. We just kind of need to choose something tonight, dontcha think?

Thanks for all the stage door pix and videos. I wish I was there so badly. I foolishly bought a ticket for the matinee next Saturday afternoon, thinking at the time, that I couldn't hang on until April 1st. My thinking hasn't changed but ...I HAVE to make it till April because I'm not going next weekend. Am not...unh huh...nope.....just not....I think I'll go to ticket dismissal school since I couldn't go yesterday courtesy of a dog with a bad case of.....um....flux. My $27 for driving school went for anti-motility drugs. Ya gotta love 'em.

Dogs, that is.

Ok, here's something that caught my attention. I read a description of Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin as 'fey' and 'spineless'. Of course that description is being challenged, I think in part because fey sounds too much like gay. I was thinking just yesterday about Clay's interpretation of the role and was reminded a little bit of Johnny Depp's portrayal of Cap'n Jack Sparrow, which in my opinion is best described as 'fey'. Whimsical, otherworldly, enchanted.

I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

But "fey" also means "fairy like" and so that's probably from where the sensitivity comes.....not to mention the Fey of the Day thread at OC. I like the way that Clay is playing Robin, and agree that he has a whimsical innocence about him that I really enjoy. And it most certainly worked for Captain Jack Sparrow....no one else with teeth as rotten as his would ever have been so hot. Heck, how many times does Sir Robin soil himself and he's still hot? Well.....cute. very very cute.

I can't go back to New York until April.

I can't go back to New York until April.

I can't go back to New York until April.





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I'd be interested in y'alls thoughts. Opinions?

Well as you know, I have LOTS of thoughts about Jack Sparrow. Lots. I'll try to stick to the topic at hand however *g*

IMO the feyness was Jack's best weapon. It was all an act. Depp was playing Jack "playing" everyone else.

For the record.... The definition's of fey

1. Having or displaying an otherworldly, magical, or fairylike aspect or quality

2. Having visionary power; clairvoyant.

3. Appearing touched or crazy, as if under a spell. <----Jack Sparrow IMO.

I don't see the character of Sir Robin as fey by any of those definitions. Heck the whole musical seems otherworldly and a bit touched. But that's just me.

I know those are the 'official' definitions of fey....but in common usage, the way I've heard it most often, it describes a character that is more whimsical, effeminate, playful, quaintly unconventional. DHP's portrayal of Sir Robin had a tinge of cynicism to it, where as Clay's Sir Robin has an endearing quality.

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