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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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Well, I'm finally getting this ready to send after having a 2+ hour fight with my son. If anyone knows what oppositional defiant disorder is- that is what I deal with on a daily basis with my son. It is difficult- and stressful, and I end up crying pretty much every day. Maybe that's why I view so much of what is going on within the fandom with a roll of the eyes sometimes..... because it's hard for me to get worked up over whether Clay's hair is the right cut, or color, or style, or whether he is wearing the correct clothes and looks like GQ every time he steps foot out the door, or whether the songs on his new CD will all be ballads, or covers, or up-tempo, yada, yada, yada. Clay makes me happy. I will go to see him every chance I get, and I will go to M&G's every chance I get. I know I said up there somewhere earlier that I don't NEED to see Clay........ but maybe I do!

Sorry for the novella.

re ODD

Yes, I just recently learned of this as for a short while they thought my grandson had this, but then decided not... he does have ADHD tho.

I understand where you are coming from and I call it a healthy escape. We all need this as one cannot dwell on problems 24/7. It also does put things into perspective.

I have said for a long time that Clay is my escape...... he engages my endorphins.:lol: He makes me smile and for a short while, I forget my problems.

I would say that right now.... you just might need Clay. Go for it!! If he helps you forget for a little while, puts a smile on your face..... how can that be bad.

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Oh, thank you for mentioing ODD - never heard of it before, so I googled.

Symptoms of ODD may include:

frequent temper tantrums

excessive arguing with adults

active defiance and refusal to comply with adult requests and rules

deliberate attempts to annoy or upset people

blaming others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior

often being touchy or easily annoyed by others

frequent anger and resentment

mean and hateful talking when upset

seeking revenge

This would describe the relationship I have with my ADHD grandson. Every day. It is exhausting. He is almost 13; every day is like a battle. I am the main caregiver.

Lots of other major major things gone wrong for me lately - but this gives a name to this one problem, offers some things to try, and lets me know I am not just imagining things!

Why must everything be evil vs Clay?

Hey, the good news is, if the concensus - or what people are informed is their concensus - is that Clive is unpredictable or not able to have behavioral norms applied to him, or whatever, then all the conjecture is just hot air!

My money is on Clive not thinking Clay is anyone but one of a hundred artists signed to the label, one who has many things on his plate instead of just popstar stuff, and that Clive would think all the talk about him is kind of funny.

Maybe this all is just getting ready for the CD, in case it doesn't please some people. Heeee....after the ATDW bashing on the boards, maybe we will be the LAST to know what is on the CD!

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The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round....'round and 'round....'round and 'round.... :EmoticonRingAround:

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...all 'round the town!

Eh-vryeeee-body-now! :family1:

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Dang....that Clay Aiken guy is so freakin' cute. :DoClay:

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Well I sat down to watch an evening of entertainment as we pulled out the last DVD of Season one of Heroes...fooled us..there's just ONE episode on it..the final one and wow was it great. Finally I'm ready for season 2. hee

Message boards aren't easy JJ. I think the conversation naturally evolved into all sorts of directions and not all in direct relation to anything you said. I'm not going to get into a convo about CG; she felt it necessary to clarify what she said and she did it and that's all any of us can do. It's hard for me to relate because like Play I've been at this for a long and on all sorts of boards, some where you don't wake up until you had your first good kick for the day. It takes a lot to insult or upset me and if I am I'll just say so on the board and clear the air fast if it's somewhere I really want to be. Sorry about the non match. I'll continue to hope for success and soon.

Now, NYC. I'm ready to plan but have no idea where to start. Is anyone going to be there during the week that final week before the last show? I need some roomies!! Clay, Spamalot, Carmines (YUM). Can not wait.

oh I wanted to say Ialreadyam..every time I see your screen name I think of Clay holding that mic out to us in concert while we sing wait, I already am ..and that look that always corssed his face. Ah good times.

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Hee, poor innocent AI fans have been gifted with my opinions on the season so far. Poor them. At least, my vents are soemwhat welcome there.

How about that rewind, huh? Why doesthe show always put me to sleep? The Clay is a cutie, but I have seen the rest more than enough times.

Things I noted this time - I thought Josh waited a few more weeks before declaring he was country, Surprised me that it was in top 11. I missed the Kimberme grab. Wasn't taht the rumored start of the problems between Clay and Kimberme? Boy, Clay gave out a yelp when Kim L was safe. I didn't remember that! Everyone seemed to like Charles, but apparently it did not stop Clay for kidding about the curse, por Charles.

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Good times, indeed. I swear I think those DVDs of Clay's first tours are going to be quite the therapy in my later years when all the maladies of advanced age begin to do more than hover.

If I have a chance to watch an old AI2 or NAT or JBT or whatever other lettered concert Clay's given us, I can't help but plaster a silly grin on my face and enjoy the hell out of it. The man is a freakin' cure for whatever ails you, you know?

What a blessing he is.

Now...going to bed, hopefully to sleep and not to cough. :imgtongue:

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I just finished watching Rewind, top 11 and got very nostalgic. I loved Ruben's comment about loving Disney. There is this big, burly guy talking about Disney love. What a sweetie he is. The show seemed so innocent and different from what it is today. I think the kids all living together made a difference too. I really liked the bunch of them except for 1 or 2. The talent in that group was also excellent. Still loved Clay the best and always have. Magic, pure magic per Gladys Knight!

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly!

Yes, she certainly was. I saw her up close that night and she was totally adorable.

(bolding mine)

So duckyvee, was this Tyra you refer to as 'seeing her up close' that evening? I would love to hear more details of that, if so. I was there and remember KC being there but not Tyra which I think would be great to know. Pretty please share more if you can. :dancemexicannana:

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Hee, bottlecap, thanks for starting my day off with a smile. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks to ansa for the Vista info, I will try that. ETA: It worked! I managed to get everything reinstalled so that I can work on the goldarngirl site today. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Off to find some brekky and watch yesterday's AI Rewind episode. Sounds like Clay was interviewed more than once. :)

ETA: Hee, did I just miss this, or did no one bring it over yesterday? From CH, about yesterday's matinee:

There was a coconut malfunction! Right before the scene where Clay gives the sultry look and clicks the coconuts behind his back....he lost one of his coconuts!!! It slipped off the string and fell down into the orchestra pit! How funny is that? She said he never missed a beat and just clapped the other coconut with his hand. After the show he was laughing and pointing down into the pit.
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Good Morning Everyone,

77 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

79-86 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly!

Yes, she certainly was. I saw her up close that night and she was totally adorable.

(bolding mine)

So duckyvee, was this Tyra you refer to as 'seeing her up close' that evening? I would love to hear more details of that, if so. I was there and remember KC being there but not Tyra which I think would be great to know. Pretty please share more if you can. :dancemexicannana:

No, sorry for the confusion. It was Kelly. We were sitting relatively close her and her group. She seemed to be a regular girl just having fun at a concert. She was much tinier than I expected and so CUTE.

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*waves to ducky* who already cleared it up while I was struggling w/my quote tags.



This epi reminded me why I thought Josh could win. I didn't remember him "coming out" quite this soon either. I also loved Trenyce. I still like her so much more than Tamayra (yes I watched the whole first season) or any of the season 3 divas. I never figured out why the judges didn't seem to care to much for her. Poor Charles. Sounds like he's still kicking himself. I wanted to hug him then and I want to hug him now. {{{Charlie}}} Not showing Corey's song was weird. Wonder what is up with that?

Also...that Clay guy was sure cute. :flirtysmile3:


I see the new CD/RCA angst is in full bloom. It sure will be interesting to see what happens this go 'round.

Is it May yet? :medium-smiley-075:

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Happy Birthday, luckiest1!!!


Happy Birthday Luckiest!!

I love Annabear's pic so had to repeat it!

p.s. I watched this on YouTube, it is the announcement of the Wildcard winners. Kimberly C is about to be named at the first one, but it seems as if Clay is already kissing her before her name is announced. Can someone explain it? At first I thought that the audio was out of synch but from the look of Kim's face, it isn't .

(I never watched series#2, that is why I am asking. Just curious about Clay kissing her as if he knows she is about to be picked)

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Heeee....after the ATDW bashing on the boards, maybe we will be the LAST to know what is on the CD!

djs... I think you hit the nail on the head! :cryingwlaughter:

We will never know the story of what happened with ATDW, so I'm just going to wait and see what happens with this cd. Clay is in a totally different place this go-round and for some reason, I'm not worried at all.

Ohhh... luckiest... Happy Birthday!!! :04: :Pogo0::fest06: :fest33:

Have the bestest day eveh!!!!

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