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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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17,000 dollars for the Sir Robin bear? 17 THOUSAND dollars?!?!

Now, see, everyone has their stopping point. I can totally see going to multiple shows and getting to the stage door as many times as possible. Even if you have to max out several credit cards!!

But SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for a bear!???????????????

Last time I spent that much money, it was on something I could stick a key into, and rev up to 70 mph. (and drive to NYC if I wanted to!)

I am totally happy for the charity receiving that much money, but for me, it's just out of the question!!!

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Frpom Striped shirts at CV

Overnight, the winner of the Sir Robin Bear responded to me smile.gif This person requested to remain anonymous, but was willing to share the experience of the bid, and I have permission to do so. It's a wonderful recap.

Read & enjoy:

I have never taken part in anything so exciting! I had talked to the young man that was handling my bid there a couple of times during the day and it was all I could think about all day long. I was the top pre-bidding leader, but knew that amount was not going to be enough to put Sir Robin to the top where he deserved to be. During one of my conversations earlier in the day, I had agreed on a top of $6,000, but had said if it got near that amount, I would want to be notified. I had been given a time that they projected Sir Robin's bidding would start and I understood it would be near the end.

As the evening wore on, I was getting nervous as it was a few minutes past the time I had expected Sir Robin's auction to begin --- and then the phone rang! I am not sure the exact amount the bidding was at when I received the call --- I think $5,000, but all I know I was quickly saying yes, to $6,500 and just kept saying okay to each figure quoted to me. At $15,000 I almost stopped, and told my phone contact, "wait" and then said go for it. I must admit I was relieved when I was told they were giving the final warnings and it looked like I might have it at $17,000. Then yes!!! I cannot describe the joy I felt to know our Sir Robin Bear made it to $17,000. I do not know who the other bidders were, but I hope we made Clay proud. My phone contact was very excited and so was I.

All I could think about was Clay Aiken deserved to have his Sir Robin bear go for the highest amount. Clay has given us so much these five years and this is just a small way to add to the awareness of how important Clay Aiken is to all of us. I am asking stripedshirts to post this for me and when I have received Sir Robin (the bear), pictures will be taken and posted.

Our Sir Robin Broadway Bea will then be donated to BAF for their next gala.

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The most amazing thing is - she is donating The Bear to TBAF for the next Gala!

Too bad I don't roll in that kind of money!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

OHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh - I get it now - it's all about a tax break!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

If I had that kind of money - I'd have a condo in NYC and could see Spamalot every day!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Our Sir Robin Broadway Bea will then be donated to BAF for their next gala.

Now that makes me proud. Obviously that fan can afford it. Bravo!!

Olsee, yes I like living in my niave little world where fans only say nice things to each other and Clay. Who am I kidding? Ha.

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Well shoot. Tax break didn't even enter my mind. My first thought was that the bidder wanted to raise awareness of Clay and his BAF. Am I really that naieve?

Why couldn't I be born independently wealthy, instead of independently poor? Would it have made that much difference in the universe? **shuffles off whistling "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof**

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At the New York TImes, there's a list of the most highly rated shows. Spamalot is currenlty #14, so those who have seen it might want to go and rate it. Here's the link for the first 10--you have to scroll down and hit the "next" button at the bottom to get to #14 (unless it moves up).

Rate Spamalot for the NY TImes

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Well shoot. Tax break didn't even enter my mind. My first thought was that the bidder wanted to raise awareness of Clay and his BAF. Am I really that naieve?

Why couldn't I be born independently wealthy, instead of independently poor? Would it have made that much difference in the universe? **shuffles off whistling "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof**

I am sure that supporting Clay is her number one motivation...but its great that it can be used as a tax break as well.

I do believe there are some very well off fans and that this is not that big a deal specially when they can help a great charity.

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Just back from a lovely lunch with Jazzgirl; always nice to get together with Clay friends and gab about BF!

That is really cool that the winner is going to donate the bear to BAF...Clay has some very generous fans.


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Well shoot. Tax break didn't even enter my mind. My first thought was that the bidder wanted to raise awareness of Clay and his BAF. Am I really that naieve?

Why couldn't I be born independently wealthy, instead of independently poor? Would it have made that much difference in the universe? **shuffles off whistling "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof**

I am sure that supporting Clay is her number one motivation...but its great that it can be used as a tax break as well.

I do believe there are some very well off fans and that this is not that big a deal specially when they can help a great charity.

You guys knew I was kinding - right???

I totally appreciate that fan's devotion and her (or his?) resources to do so!! I wish I could be so generous!! All I can afford is a few $$ here and there!

(but it would make a really good tax break as well!!) :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Well shoot. Tax break didn't even enter my mind. My first thought was that the bidder wanted to raise awareness of Clay and his BAF. Am I really that naieve?

Why couldn't I be born independently wealthy, instead of independently poor? Would it have made that much difference in the universe? **shuffles off whistling "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof**

I am sure that supporting Clay is her number one motivation...but its great that it can be used as a tax break as well.

I do believe there are some very well off fans and that this is not that big a deal specially when they can help a great charity.

You guys knew I was kinding - right???

I totally appreciate that fan's devotion and her (or his?) resources to do so!! I wish I could be so generous!! All I can afford is a few $$ here and there!

(but it would make a really good tax break as well!!) :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Oh I was pretty sure you and BW were..just making sure other people know it too...

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Wonderful news on the Sir Robin Bear bringing in so much money for Broadway Cares!! When I saw what the highest bid was for last year's event, there was no doubt in my mind that Clay's bear would easily beat that bid. And how generous of the winner to then give the bear to the BAF to auction off again!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: That is one instance of "regifting" that I don't believe the recipient would mind in the least.

annabear- I am a teddy-bear fiend- can't wait to see your finished product!

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:clap: I'm always impressed by the generosity of Clay's fans, and I expect that the people who really matter are too.

As to the rest of it, Clay himself said: "There's always going to be some 13-year-old sitting at his computer in Topeka who's bitter." So true.


Quiana and her beautiful smile at the stagedoor last night.


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Review of Spamalot via dksfriend at CV:

I went to both shows yesterday (Sunday 2/17, matinee and evening) and had such a wonderful time! I saw the show on the Saturday night of opening week - Clay has grown tremendously in his role since then. The biggest difference is that he is SO much more comfortable with the dancing now. He looks totally at ease up there now, which I think makes it easier for him to do more ad libbing/reacting throughout the show (which is hard to do when you're still so focused on what you have to do next!).

For the matinee I was sitting in the back of the orchestra, surrounded by NJU. I saw no empty seats in the orchestra, and all the SRO slots were full. I did get one good laugh as two older couples were walking down the aisle to their seats - one woman turned to her husband and asked "is this a comedy?". How the HECK do you pay hundreds of dollars for theater tickets to see Monty Python's Spamalot and yet have no idea whether it is a "comedy" or not?!?!? (Reminds me of a time several years ago when I saw Baz Luhrmann's "La Boheme" on B'way and the guy sitting next to me was surprised to discover that it was an opera....)

The audiences for both shows were great, but Sunday night felt especially enthusiastic. It's so fun to be in a theater surrounded by people who are laughing and enjoying themselves - the actors on stage must really thrive on this kind of energy from an audience. I was in the front row for the evening show, surrounded by Clay fans. I actually don't think these are the best seats to see the show from, but you certainly do notice certain things up there that you can't see from farther back!

So, a bunch of random observations from both shows.

When Clay enters the guard tower for his first scene, he spent a minute or two looking out of a little slot (which is below the window where he does his scene) at the audience. I wondered if he was looking to see where Quiana was sitting! As others have mentioned, when he's in the window doing his lines he is playing with the strap of his helmet. At the part where they're talking about the sparrow using a "line of creeper" to carry the coconut, he holds the strap like he is demonstrating how the sparrows could do it.

The Bring Out Your Dead scene is just outstanding. Clay is so cute with his dirt smudges and his excitement about enlisting at Camelot so he can "dress up and dance". Something I didn't notice before: when Not Dead Fred jumps up off the cart and starts his "I'm not Dead Yet" number, Clay gives Lancelot his money back again! Also during this number, Clay is playing a triangle, hitting it with a metal stick with a hole at the end. When he sings the line about "keeping an eye on Lance", he looks through that hole in the end of the metal stick. Very cute.

During the All for One number, when Clay starts singing his little bit, he hands his chicken to Patsy. What I never noticed before is that Patsy (who has started a little fake campfire that they're all gathered around) puts the chicken on a stick over the campfire, as if he's cooking it.

The Camelot/Knights of the Round Table is great - Clay is so much looser in this scene. He's dancing up a storm, and really reacting to what is going on around him. Others have mentioned him mimicking the girls when they are waving those fake mace things around; he was also mimicking the nun and monk when they're doing their big dance number. I thought this was very in character for Sir Robin who is really into the whole "singing and dancing" part of being a knight!

I have to say that the men sitting around me found the French taunter scene to be one of the funniest parts of the show - they seem to love that potty humor!

(Meant to add that during the matinee I was sitting behind five 30-somethings. One of these gals was a huge Monty Python fan and seemed incredulous that Clay Aiken was in the show. Needless to say she was laughing like a maniac and cheering for him by the end of the show.)

I didn't realize that David Hibbard (Patsy) also plays the "Mayor" (lead singer during the opening "Finland" number) and the second guard with Clay during the guarding Prince Herbert scene. He has a very loose physicality about him that is most apparent during the charming "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" number which is such a homage to Singing in the Rain - he even does some of those signature Gene Kelley slide moves during the dance!

You Won't Succeed on Broadway was a show stopper both times yesterday - he got huge applause, well deserved of course. The only difference I noticed from opening weekend was that the pause between the end of the first part of the song and the time he sits down at the piano was shorter. And he didn't seem to be in so much pain during the bottle dance!

Rick Holmes, who plays Lancelot, the French Taunter, the Knight of Ni and Tim the Enchanter, is also very talented. He dances up a storm during his big "His Name is Lancelot" number (which others have referred to as a tribute to La Cage Aux Folles but I see as a spoof of Hugh Jackman in The Boy from Oz, right down to the costumes!). At the matinee, his Knight of Ni made reference to independence for Kosovo (as others mentioned, midtown was full of loud honking cars and flags, celebrating the event) which really cracked up the King, who couldn't speak for almost a minute. In the evening, he quoted Roger Clemens, saying that he never took steroids/human growth hormone. There must have been some kind of inside joke there, because one of the other Knights of Ni was laughing so hard his body was shaking, and Tom Deckman (as one of Sir Robin's minstrels at that point) had to look away and then bite his hand. It's fun to see them having so much fun with each other on stage.

I've got to give some kudos to the dressers. There are a LOT of very quick costume changes during this show. I don't know HOW they are manage to switch wigs on Clay so quickly when he goes from Sir Robin to Brother Maynard and then back to Sir Robin again, all in a matter of minutes! And they have his head mic to worry about too. (I did notice that he keeps his "mail armor" suit on under his Brother Maynard robe...)

The coconut dancing in the scene before Tim the Enchanter appears is just excellent - Clay looks like he is having so much fun!

Did someone imply that maybe one or both of yesterday's peasants were somehow "dissing" Clay by not shaking his hand? If so, I really think this is a misinterpretation! Both of yesterday's peasants seemed very surprised to be called up on stage and they were VERY discombobulated as the actors were moving them around, singing to them, handing them things, asking their names, etc. But it was very funny when Clay (who is the Knight furthest away from the peasant on stage) went to shake the guy's hand (during the evening show) and the guy didn't notice him. He (Clay) did this very funny look like "ok then" and stepped back, but it was totally in character and very cute!

The finale is another great number. When Clay comes out is his tux and green sparkly vest his eyes are so shiny and beautiful and so very very GREEN! At the end of this number, Clay and David Hibbard/Patsy are over on the left. At one point it looked like Patsy would do a funny little dance move and then Clay would imitate him.

Clay got huge applause during both of his curtain calls, but especially the Sunday night performance. I'm so proud of him!

One final thing, at the stage door after the matinee, and girl near me mentioned that she had been there on opening night and had seen Roger Ebert in the audience with his wife. She had been told that his wife is a Clay fan. I hadn't heard this before - anyone else see him that night?

All in all it was a wonderful weekend, worth the 8+ hour round trip bus trip!

I forgot to mention that Quiana looked fantastic at the stage door after the matinee. At that point she hadn't seen the show yet (she was at the evening performance). She spent time talking with several fans. The girls behind me couldn't figure out who she was (not a member of the cast) and why so many people seemed to know her!

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Well shoot. Tax break didn't even enter my mind. My first thought was that the bidder wanted to raise awareness of Clay and his BAF. Am I really that naieve?

Why couldn't I be born independently wealthy, instead of independently poor? Would it have made that much difference in the universe? **shuffles off whistling "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof**

I am sure that supporting Clay is her number one motivation...but its great that it can be used as a tax break as well.

I do believe there are some very well off fans and that this is not that big a deal specially when they can help a great charity.

You guys knew I was kinding - right???

I totally appreciate that fan's devotion and her (or his?) resources to do so!! I wish I could be so generous!! All I can afford is a few $$ here and there!

(but it would make a really good tax break as well!!) :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I knew you were kidding. Did y'all know I was kidding? :blink:

ETA: Ooooooo....I love the recap! HOw on earth are people able to concentrate enough to remember those kinds of details? Whenever I see Clay live I'm in a total fog and can't even remember my own name (or the fact that I'm a happily married woman with two children), much less details like playing with the helmet strap or length of time between scenes.

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