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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Anyone had any experience with herbals like glucosamine and chondroitin? I would like to give it a try but they are SO expensive if they don't work.


FromClaygary... I take Zyflamend. It's herbal and a combination of rosemary, turmeric, ginger, holy basil, green tea and some other things. I also try to eat an anti-inflammatory diet and I totally notice my back/shoulder pain flares up when I don't. Foods to avoid: sugar, processed foods, nightshade veggies (i.e., tomatoes, white potatoes, corn, hot peppers, potato chips), cashews (because of mold), pistachio, peanuts, cayenne and paprika. Seriously. It has helped me immensely in the last three months. Rice Chips are a good substitute chips if you're into munching on that sort of thing. I'm having some right now. Heh. BBQ. :) I also removed all corn filler products from my dog's food and I kid you not, my lab's arthritis in her legs is so much better and my dal's liver enzyme count dropped significantly, which pretty much saved her life.

If you want more info about what kinds of foods TO eat, I can help you, but I won't bore everyone here.


Glad your daughter is safe, KF!

Chach... your Spamalot page is amazing!!

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I've been wondering where you were! I miss you being around these parts! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Will those tips help someone whose knees crack every time she goes up the stairs and who sometimes groans like an old woman when she gets up from sitting and is too young for either to be happening????

ETA: couchie - sorry about that! Maybe they'll extend it??

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jamar, someone at CV said they went to the help button and had to upload a newer version of Adobe Flashplayer

As for the email from marketing...I am just impressed that the people who work with Spamalot seem to really understand what kind of business/money Clay Aiken, (and therefore his fans) are generating for them.

shit...I don't ever remember being appreciated before *sniff*

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Heh, Clay is not even in the ending piece. How funny is that.

Thanks for the link to the clip!!!

And, yeah, Play, weird - I played it twice to be sure I hadn't missed the real ending! Odd, that!

But - great clip!

(I still wish they'd showed a little more dialogue so I could hear the accent.)

Oh, Lori! I'm so sorry!

I have had trouble with sciatica in the past. The only thing that worked for me was PT. Then later one doc gave me nerve block injections. I don't think I would have survived my trip to Kimmel (ATDW) if he hadn't.

But - knock wood - it's not bothering me currently!

Droopy and I just walked out second mile today. It's WINDY out there!

Like - windy on the beach windy! And it's loud through the pine trees!

But I love it! I was in a sweat suit with no jacket, hat, gloves, nothing!

It's about 55º ! And starry.

Have we had no show or stage door reports tonight?

What's up with that??!!




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Whew! I worked today, and then went directly to a loooong Titanic rehearsal. This is the first day I played with the orchestra in the pit. Tomorrow I'm going to get a headset so that I can hear the actors and singers better, since there are several places that I play by myself and need to coordinate with their cues. It's fun!

Now I'm catching up with what's been going on here:

YAY, I just talked to my daughter -- and it was all the reasons mentioned above with the power outage and phone battery down. All is well.

Thanks so much for virtually holding my hand today!!!

Now I can EAT!!!

Yay!!! I'm glad she's okay. What a relief!

Hey, muski, here's the link to book :)

Thanks! I downloaded it with no trouble, thanks to the good link! It's long, but it looks good.

Quick post - so glad to hear kf's daughter is ok. I came home this evening to find that the screen on my old, trusty laptop has died. The hard drive is still running - I can access my shared folders from my son's computer through My Network Places - but when I try to hook his monitor up to it, it won't keep the signal past the initial reboot screen. *sigh* I think I'll take it to work with me tomorrow and have one of the techie guys look at it, but I'm pretty sure it's finally bitten the dust. Not surprising, since it's 6 years old, I guess, but not great timing, since I don't have any $$ for a new one right now.

Oh well, I'll try to check in when I can from work, and of course I can always steal a minute or two on my kids' computers.

Oh, no! I hope you're able to get it fixed.

Sciatica... chiro, special seat padding did it for me. I cannot sit on hard surfaces or it comes in with a vengence.

I think sitting on a hard surface is my problem, too. What kind of special seat padding do you use?

YSRN - I've seen zyflamend before! Does it really work? I prefer herbals to medications if they work.

Well I never did get a link to work. But found a download. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Where's the download? I was able to view it, but I'd love to download it, anyway!

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From brensmemaw at CV:

We're back from our second night with our Sir Robin! We were in the second row so we got to see him really close up! He is having a ball up on that stage. Tonight was another night for Kids on Broadway. Last night King Arthur spoke at the end of the evening about what Broadway has meant to him, but tonight he asked Clay to talk and he told them about going to see that play when he was in 7th grade and was so taken with Maritn Moran (is that the guys name?) and then to come to perform in his first Broadway show and replace the same man. He is just so natural up there and just having such fun! You can see it in his face.

He did come out for the stage door, but as he came out he said he'd only be able to stay a few minutes as he has something he had to do. I got my meet & greet picture signed! He was gone in a flash and I'm afraid I didn't get any pictures worth doing anything with. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow night. We were so thrilled that he was able to come out even if it was only for maybe 3 minutes! I'm sure he knew that people were waiting and since they hadn't done the stage door in the past two nights, he didn't want to disappoint everyone again.

Tomorrow is our last night and I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend Valentines Day with than Mr. Clay Aiken.

Talk to you tomorrow

I LOVE this! :wub: Wish there was CLACK, don't you? :cry4:

Gibby, somebody posted a link to a downloadable version of that interview on CH...

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YSRN - I've seen zyflamend before! Does it really work? I prefer herbals to medications if they work.

I really do think it does. I have had lots of shoulder pain in the last year -- which, when inflamed, was pinching a nerve and giving me migraine-like headaches. I cut sugar and started on the zyflamend (my chiro gave it to me a year ago and I just never took it until recently). I haven't had any pain in my shoulder for a couple of months and with the good weather we've been having I've been working out in the yard and I'm still good. I'm like you, never take medications unless it's a last resort (laughn can vouch for that... lol!). Thankfully, I haven't so much as needed an Advil since I started these. I did cut white sugars at the same time though, so I'm sure that helped too.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: twin!

Here's a sendspace of the Fox thing: http://www.sendspace.com/file/npbj4t

I hope Clay taped something for Kimmel tomorrow or something. :)

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YSRN wrote:

I hope Clay taped something for Kimmel tomorrow or something.

ah, man...I was wishing the same thing!

He did come out for the stage door, but as he came out he said he'd only be able to stay a few minutes as he has something he had to do. I got my meet & greet picture signed! He was gone in a flash and I'm afraid I didn't get any pictures worth doing anything with. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow night. We were so thrilled that he was able to come out even if it was only for maybe 3 minutes! I'm sure he knew that people were waiting and since they hadn't done the stage door in the past two nights, he didn't want to disappoint everyone again.

That would be too much to hope for wouldn't it?

Yeah, it would.

Okay, has anyone seen my avi by any chance? I climbed right out of its side bar and ran off. Geez Lousie, now I have to go shrink some other picture to fit in the same frame....work work work.....does it ever end?

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Anyone had any experience with herbals like glucosamine and chondroitin? I would like to give it a try but they are SO expensive if they don't work.


FromClaygary... I take Zyflamend. It's herbal and a combination of rosemary, turmeric, ginger, holy basil, green tea and some other things. I also try to eat an anti-inflammatory diet and I totally notice my back/shoulder pain flares up when I don't. Foods to avoid: sugar, processed foods, nightshade veggies (i.e., tomatoes, white potatoes, corn, hot peppers, potato chips), cashews (because of mold), pistachio, peanuts, cayenne and paprika. Seriously. It has helped me immensely in the last three months. Rice Chips are a good substitute chips if you're into munching on that sort of thing. I'm having some right now. Heh. BBQ. :) I also removed all corn filler products from my dog's food and I kid you not, my lab's arthritis in her legs is so much better and my dal's liver enzyme count dropped significantly, which pretty much saved her life.

If you want more info about what kinds of foods TO eat, I can help you, but I won't bore everyone here.


Glad your daughter is safe, KF!

Chach... your Spamalot page is amazing!!

YSRN... I would like to know what foods to eat. I need anti-inflammatories, too.

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YSRN... I would like to know what foods to eat. I need anti-inflammatories, too.

Okay... I think we have a thread around here for diets and health and stuff. I'll type up a little list and put it in there tomorrow. :)


eta... from stripedshirts at CV:

Back from Spamalot tonight.

I am so glad I changed my mind & went - & I want to thank someone for making me do so, & it happened in the most funniest, coincidental way: by bumping into one of the cast members right out in Times Square. .

I was heading towards the subway after work tonight around 6:30 to go home; I was tired & cranky. Then who do I see coming out of The Gap at 42nd Street?? No....not Clay. I wish. It was The Lady of the Lake - Hannah Waddingham herself! She was dressed in civilan clothes of course, but was wrapped to the chin virtually - it's cold out. I did a double take when she stepped out of the door - & yelled her name out. She stopped & turned around, then came over to me. She is a GIANT - I knew she was a tall woman, but my god, she is an Amazon in front of me - I had to look way up at her to talk.

I couldn't believe I would bump into her out in the street, & I was delighted when she was able to take time to talk to me. I told her she was missed - the substitutes were okay, both Emily & Jenny held their own - but they just didn't have the finesse Hannah had. Hannah explained that she was downed by bronchitis. She didn't have much time for a brake after coming to Spamalot, NYC - when she did her last show in London a month back, she jumped on an airplane straight to NYC, & headed straight for rehearsals, not having a moment to herself. Then the stress & shock set in, & her body virtually shut down. "My body said, 'no more - you need to rest'" so she was out for the week to recover.

She had no makeup on, but looked terrific - the rest & time off did her good.

I talked about how hysterical & dedicated the cast is. She agrees that this is a terrific cast - everyone is very good, & it was Chris Seiber, Sir Galahad who helped her get this role. She's worked w/ him before, & they are close friends.

I love "The Song that Goes Like This" no. that she performs w/ Chris; & here is one thing she did that will be burned into my brain forever - as I was saying how well they work together repeating the part that goes "Yes it is, yes it is!" Hannah suddenly turned her nose up, closed her eyes, pursed her upper lip til it as if to create a half pucker, & mocked sang 'eeYesshh it is!' prompting me to crack up. You have to imagine what I'm trying to describe to get an idea what I'm telling you, because she does the exact same thing on stage to Chris while they're singing - it's drop dead funny.

Lastly, I asked why she hasn't been out to greet the fans after the show. She explained that she has to take the time to wipe off her make up. The boys have it easy - it's just mop & go. By the time she comes out, everyone's gone from the stage entrance. I felt bad, & felt even more bad when she said "I didn't think I was making an impact on the audience since most of the crowd here is for Clay". awwwww .......after that statement from her, I'd stick around a little after Clay leaves to show Hannah some love. after all, she & Clay are the new recruits & both deserve equal accolades from all audiences, even if she has to take longer to come out. & the same goes for the rest of the cast, who all deserve appreciation if not more.

She had to meet Chris Seiber for tea & was running late, so I bid her goodbye; then I raced over to the Schubert & bought myself a standing room tkt. It was an hour before showtime, & after meeting Hannah so randomly, I had completely changed my mind about going home. I am so glad I went. Chatting w/ Hannah made for part of my night; Spamalot is laugh therapy to me after a rough couple of days due to personal & work. Tonite I allowed myself a brake & reconnected to the fun side of life again.

Hannah being back on the show tonight made everything feel right again & the show was just fabulous w/ the added Kids on Broadway Night & Clay sharing his 1st Bway experience to the audience. He was taken by surprise when Jonathon Hadary/King Arthur turned the attention about 'first Bway show' to him. Then Clay talked about how he went to a production of Huck Finn w/ his mom back when he was in the 7th grade & how seeing Martin Moran opened his eyes about earning a living as a performer/singer. Clay was SO eloquent & well spoken with this story, that I think many there who weren't fans of his were impressed w/ his demeanor. Lancelot, Bedever, King Arthur, Hannah - everyone who stood around Clay while he shared his story, stood smiling & listening & nodding.


I found out Mike Nichols was here tonight. A meeting was set for the cast after the show. Now that Hannah is back on duty, I wouldn't be surprised if there may be some changes/touch ups in tomorrow's show, especially w/ the new revised lyrics removing Britney Spears from the verse. I think it will be an especially fun show tomorrow given it being Valentines Day & I can't wait to see just what this cast may pull

2 more things to muse over...

- after hearing Hannah out, (she was absolutely lovely to talk to) I am all the more grateful Clay is healthy & has not missed a performance to date.

- I'll miss Chris when he leaves Spamalot, I think in March - he'll be starring in Shrek the Musical later on this yr.

So that's it. my long winded report from tonight's show; but it was a fun, almost cathartic report to write.

Ok, so he'll tape tomorrow. LOL!

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YSRN, thanks so much for bringing that recap over. I'm happy to hear Hannah is back with the show! And what a treat for the audience to hear Clay speak last night. Wow.

Loved, loved, loved that new Fox clip! Hee, he is so funny in the interview....the part about "be the first you" was a fantastic way to handle that question. And the raspberry - you go, Clay!

{{{FromClaygary}}}, sorry to hear you are having health troubles. I don't have any experience in that area, but I hope you are able to find something that works for you.

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Good Morning Everyone!

80 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

82-89 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great Valentine's Day!


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YSRN... I would like to know what foods to eat. I need anti-inflammatories, too.

Okay... I think we have a thread around here for diets and health and stuff. I'll type up a little list and put it in there tomorrow. :)

Thank you SO much for this, the herbal suggestion, and all the hugs! I HATE, hate! being a whiner but last night I was just at my wit's end. I'm the world's worst patient, and when you're only 12 you shouldn't be having these problems, y'know? :lol:

YSRN, as I am the only one in the house and work some seriously long hours, you've pretty much described my entire diet on your "do not go there" list. :cryingwlaughter: I had NO idea there were "inflammatory" foods. Why don't doctors tell you these things??

Tonight looks like being a research night...and thanks for any additional help you can provide with the "eat this instead" list!

Re the new video/interview..... :clap::hubbahubba: :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm loving all this promotion, and from what's happened so far, it looks as though they'll intersperse it in the run, so there'll be more to come. Eee-HAH!!

ETA: keepingfaith, I keep forgetting to add....TG you heard from your daughter! What a nightmare! I hate our winters, but it's not been as bad as your conditions. I should thank my lucky stars.

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Two more recaps from last night:

From clayngel at CB :

Back from another wonderful Spamalot night!

There was a really good crowd tonight, probably because of Kid's Night on Broadway, but it was a lot fuller than I've seen it on other weeknights. I definitely spotted and spoke with some Claymates, but I'd say it was mostly NJUs.

Hannah was back tonight!! Yay!!!

I was in the front row tonight and that is just heavenly! It was definitely hard for me to tear my eyes from Clay when he was on stage, especially when he was so close!

The crowd seemed enthusiastic throughout the show and laughed and clapped a lot. Clay got some applause when he appeared in the window and even more when he was introduced before the "All For One" song. His "Idol of my age" line also got a nice reaction. His tower banter at the beginning is getting funnier and funnier and he's added lots of little nuances to it. But tonight the real stand out scene was his drunken guard! Oh my goodness...I don't know if he's acting drunker, or stupider or what it is, but he is hysterical! He's really come into that character as much as he has in Sir Robin.

After the curtain call the King started to talk about it being Kid's Night and how it was a lot of kids' first time at a Broadway show and then introduced Clay Aiken to talk about his first "Broadway" experience. And then when he started speaking I nearly "Eeeeee-ed!" out loud because of hearing his "normal" voice and accent. I know it's weird, but hearing him talk was so exciting since I've mostly hear British-Clay recently. I love hearing him speak and he was so eloquent and endearing telling the Martin Moran story and reaching out to the kids in the audience to encourage them to continue supporting the arts and going to shows. He also talked about how special the experience has been for him and the rest of the cast and you could see the respect he had for them and that they had for him in return. There just looked to be so much love and comraderie on the stage and it was heartwarming to see them all interact as themselves and not just their characters. They really are a family.

When everyone was singing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" at the end Clay was so cute! He was dancing around and did that little arm-pump thing he usually does on beat with the drums in concert when the confetti cans went off and he was playing with the confetting and picking it off of the people around him. As the curtain came down he was jumping around and he looked so happy and like he was having a lot of fun.

He came out at the stage door in a maroon Boston College sweatshirt and white athletic style pants. (That looked really good!) He went around really fast but did his best to sign everything and thank the fans. When he got to the end he apologized and said, "Sorry! We've got a meeting and I'm already late!" and rushed back inside. I have two videos because my camera suddenly stopped recording midway through. Neither one is that great, but I'll try to get them up for you guys before I go to sleep.

In fact I'm going to go work on that now!

From MLK973 at the CH:

Well just back from the show tonight. It was great again. He was very animated and seemed to be having a great time. As you already heard he got to tell his story to the audience about his first broadway experience because it was kid's night on broadway. He recounted the story he has been using about being inspired by Martin Moran and then replacing him in the cast and added the some words of encouragement to kids who were at a show for the first time to come to the theater. He said that the theater was a big part of his life and also for everyone else on the stage. It was nicely done. The other cast members seemed to give him a lot of respect while he was recounting the story. When they went into the final song he was full of energy and bounced the entire time the curtain was coming down. Lots of facial expressions tonight. The holy grail was found under seat D101 tonight.

Audience was pretty full tonight - orchestra and mezzanine full and there were definitely people in the balcony as well. There were fans in the house and he got some applause when he first entered as Robin and got lots of cheers at the end but it was mostly an NJU crowd. He was well received and got lots of laughs and cheers for his big number, too.

At the stage door he said that he was in a hurry and had to go quickly because they were having a meeting tonight and he was missing it. There were about 50 people at the stage door. He went down the line and signed every thing presented to him.

Seems like in the Diva's lament Hannah is backing to singing about Brittany Spears like she was in the early shows. I thought I had read that she changed that part up a bit but it was back to the original version. Also the Knights who say Ni went into three verses about the being in rehab and falling down at the grammys - must be reference to what happened at the grammy show that I did not see. It was pretty funny.

Count me in as another one who would really love to see Clay talking about his experience. And how gracious of Jonathan Hadary and the cast to ask Clay to do this in the first place (even if it was a surprise to Clay)!

*hugs gently FromClaygary in order not hurt her any more than necessary*

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