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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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I think the Rewind editing cuts both ways. I noticed last week that Simon's critique for Somewhere Out There was edited. Originally he had some snark about loving songs about mice, but on Rewind his only comment for Clay was "After this performance you're the one to beat." I'll take that.

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I think the truth is that I am hopelessly defensive and hostile where AI is concerned. So, when someone says the show has been "changed" and mentions Clay being advertised as "bombing", I get hot. It's like a reflex. But yeah, I haven't SEEN every "rewind" episode for myself, so should probably hush up. lol

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Well I know I'm biased, and I know I dislike everything that AI stands for - but I still fail to see how the promo tag 'Clay Bombs!!!' (while Ruben Rules the Stage) can be a good thing? Guess I'm just too sensitive???? Heh.

I really doubt that there are people watching this show who haven't seen the originals anyway. And all those people have a firmly entrenched opinion one way or the other, so no - doesn't change much of anything. Except to once more emphasize the AI machine's lack of respect for Clay. I'm sorry - I can't be convinced otherwise. So they hired him to narrate. Big deal. Nobody ever said they were stupid. Just manipulative. And it's been years since I heard one of those judges say a good, kind word about Clay. While he's done nothing but show respect for them. I don't expect or need them to sanctify him - just quit with the insults would be good enough for me. Any small measure of respect I may have had for them went south the day that Simon and Randy appeared on Good Day Live after Clay's 'Fantasy' appearance. And Paula? After he defended her during Corey-gate? Still chose to be a beyotch about him? Again - no quid pro quo.

Anyway.... I've read a few different accounts of Clay's performance yesterday - from 'couldn't tell a thing was wrong' and 'high energy, as usual', to this latest one that thought he was a touch off. I'm sure there's more than a little projection going on on both ends of the spectrum. I hope he's feeling better soon, either way. (And that's the first time I've seen a 'very' before Jerome's comment that he was sick.)

ETA: Intermission update from today's show via the Clayboard:

MISSED THE CALL....Dang! LsDollyluvsClay and MarialuvsClay called and left a message. Full house...Whooo Hooo

NJU people, all laughing and enjoying the show. Clay is fine, no sign of being sick, being SILLY so its all good. Some

Claymates, but mostly couples, teens, and loads of men laughing their heads off. Our guy seems to be in rare form.

They will call when the show is over. WHEW!!!!!! NOT SICK!!!!!

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I suppose I should put this in the AI Rewind thread...but I'm lazy...and I'm not sure anyone even goes there. *g*

I just watched this weeks epi.

I have always liked Ruben....but this is still a song I can NOT reconcile him singing. I understand he was singing about his Sweet Home Alabama but still. I can't get beyond him smiling and singing "In Birmingham, they love the governor." Not when I know the original context of the lyrics, yeah...there's been some back-peddling and revisionist history there. I'm not surprised he didn't speak to the incongruity of it...but I still wish he had. Just me, I'm sure.

Other than that, a typical week of AI2 for me. My top 5 really never changed. Clay, Ruben, Trenyce, Josh, and Ricky. I thought they all did great this week. IMO Trenyce looked as classy as Caldwell looked trashy. Didn't help that Caldwell butchered shouted performed one of my favorite country songs. Seriously....what WAS she wearing? *barf* And did you notice that she actually pinched her own butt at one point? I kid you not. I laughed out loud when 2007 Ricky questioned his own wardrobe choice .... "some kinda Ghetto Cowboy." Thought he picked an awesome song for his voice tho. Honestly I didn't mind Corey this week. Thought it was a good choice for him and showed he understood his own weaknesses. The mesh shirt didn't bother me. I don't remember it bothering me at the time but I can't stand watching Carmen sing. She plants her feet and leans forward. Looks so awkward. Julia looked beautiful and I don't think this was the week she deserved to go home. Klo still leaves me cold. Josh was right at home, wasn't he? Not my favorite Garth song. I'd rather have seen him do "Callin' Baton Rouge" which is from the same CD but he did a very credible job.

Clay sure was cute ... :wub: I love that song. I loved his performance of it and I love his 2007 comments about it.

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Good morning everyone. Thanks for all your hugs. Life goes on, my husband went to do ski patrol today. It is not my day so I opted to stay home and catch up on laundry and cleaning, and if my son and dil call for support today I will go over to them. I want to give them space to grieve and to also pull together to get their life on. The love is there so I know that they will survive and hopefully when ready allow themselves to have another child.

I am loving any reports from the shows, I will not get there, so every little bit is fun. Keep them coming.

Just two days ago my husband and I were planning our March ski trip and deciding where we want to go. I think right now we are going to Big Mountain in Montana. We both love skiing and I think we both need this trip. We usually get done with skiing in March and then jump right into biking. We have already signed up for two five day trips. Just have to get in shape to ride 60-70 miles a day. The option is always 100 miles on most rides but I am done with that many miles, to long in the saddle. The last time I rode that was when I did 400 miles in 4 days, and I decided that was way to much work.

First, *hugs* to you and your family for your tragic loss. It's never easy losing a child.


Taping Rewind, but haven't really watched any of it. Clay's cute and he sings good... that's all I know. :)

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Just happened upon AI rewind and watched Carmen bleating out some song or other...then clicked away for commercials...clicked back just in time to watch Clay Aiken singing about someone else's star...ah...My Clayfan kid was in my bedroom (showing me a youtube of a ridiculous song from the movie, "Juno" - which of course got muted in favor of Clay!) and she said, "Aw, he's changed so much."

I said, "Yes, he has, but didn't he have the most beautiful voice?"

We watched til the end of the song and then...and then...Clay smiled.


Melting heart.

"There's that smile," Clayfan kid said.

"Yeah," I said, trying not to whimper, "There's the smile we love so much."

And then I quickly muted the judges comment, blurting. "Simon's such a dick."

Clayfan kid laughed.

I apologized for my potty mouth.

And changed the channel. I'll watch it later.

Gaaaahhh....How could he get more devastatingly charming than THAT?! But he did. He has. He is. And that smile still gets me.

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Country week was really meh for me because I really don;t like country. But I thought Trenyce really struggled with her song. I really feel that Julia could've been a contender if she was a bit more motivated to win. I really like the timbre and tone of her voice. I remember when I first watched this...that I was truly impressed with Klo. But now...after Clay;s ICMYLM...I kept thinking, why are you rushing this song? Why are you smiling? Where is the emotion? HEE...another song spoiled by Clay for me. I know lots of people didn;t enjoy Clay;s performance but I thought it was a really good country song that I can enjoy.

One thing I noticed about the judges...Randy was really a lot more pleasant that season. He really tried to find something goos to say to most of them. He truly is harsher now. Paula...was so much more coherent and lucid. I think this season she is more alert too.

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From CH:

Recap from the CB, after the matinee:


WHOO HOOO, LSDOLLY SAID CLAY WAS WONDERFUL. Tons of families, all seats taken. The peasant was a non-fan, cute girl, was

shocked that she got picked. NJU's all over the place. They were in Row B on the right hand side. Some lucky Claymates were in Row A,

and they decided to see the show again tonight. Weather in NYC, clear and VERY COLD!!! Merchandise table busy, busy, busy. They are

going to try and buy something if they can push their way up there...lol No Stage Door......There were a lot of ppl waiting, but were told

that there would be no Clay. I'll report from the evening show.....Over and out~~~~~~

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I have always liked Ruben....but this is still a song I can NOT reconcile him singing. I understand he was singing about his Sweet Home Alabama but still. I can't get beyond him smiling and singing "In Birmingham, they love the governor." Not when I know the original context of the lyrics, yeah...there's been some back-peddling and revisionist history there. I'm not surprised he didn't speak to the incongruity of it...but I still wish he had. Just me, I'm sure.

Not just you. In the general sense, it bugs me when lyrics are ignored. Superstar was irritataing. Sweet Home Alabama left me shaking my head. And I like Ruben, too, but really.....

AIR hasn't aired here yet. I'm looking forward to watching it tonight! I have really been enjoying the trip down memory lane, editing and all.


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I set my tape up for tonight episode but now I am wondering when it will really show. The nascar race has not started yet and I do not know if they will run it (it is raining in Calif.) thus affecting the time of rewind. This has happened before and it is hard to judge when the tv time will be corrected. Our episode usually runs at 1100 right after the news. Who knows if they will run the whole Sunday night line up or not. I think this is one of the shows that I missed the first time.

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I don't think AI Rewind is painting Clay in a bad light. I love the fact that he getsto comment on his performances and have the last word. He sits there, five years later, as the real winner. Everyone knows his career is still going strong while Ruben has faded. I really like Ruben and I do think it must be hard for his fans to watch it all unfold. I'm not saying I like what AI has done regarding Clay but this show is not an AI production and I don't think they have much to do with how it is edited.

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I'm watching my download now, and you lucky people will get all my observations.

Number one - Olivia Newton John never crossed my mind as a "country" star. And man, they kept her whole little blurb, didn't they? And where the hell did Paula that shirt?

This was where Josh started to really annoy me with that freakin' exaggerated country twang - Garth ought to have kicked his ass for that alone. Lord, Simon just hates country. And he looked fatter than ever.

Trenyce must have been fairly desperately looking for a song to sing - but she did pick a totally pop country one. I'm not sure how she missed hearing that one before because I think it was all over every radio station in the country - hell, even I had heard it before. But she sounded hoarse and breathy at the beginning - and I'm not sure why her arms were waving confusedly around. She finished strongly though. She did need to give Paula her weave back.

KLo and You Can't Make Me Love You - she sounded good but very blah - I had completely forgotten that she sang that (but then again, I was never that fond of Bonnie Raitt's version either - Clay's is the first that I love with a sick love). Outfit was blah too. The country genre really does make Simon sound excessively stupid.

Corey and Drift Away. Man, his outfit (including the bandanna) was totally whack - and talk about a song I was so totally sick of - Uncle Kracker's version was being played to death then. Corey did sound better than Uncle Kracker, but I think a dead dog sounds better than Uncle Kracker. And frankly, it was never really a country song - it was more reggae than anything else.

Carmen - Goat Girl kicks into high gear! Outfit was good, posture totally sucked. Her interview was so very true - because she really could have picked a better song. Simon was stupid again.

Ooooooo - my baby. Now this was a time that I had never heard that song before in my life - and love the fuck out of it. Went to go download the original, and was deeply disappointed. Damn, the boy is good. Simon is continuing his idiocy.

Ruben - hell, I didn't remember that bear from before. Now, I got to give a pass on Ruben on singing Sweet Home, hell, I was 40 before I paid attention to what the thing meant - to me for the longest time (and honestly, still is) just a freakin' catchy song. I've sung along with it at too many outdoor concerts in Houston, and never thought anything about it. But I also like Dixie. And I got to admit, Ruben kicked it.

Julia - she seriously has a negative amount of rhythm - and she was clearly terrified. I think the mocking of the "animated corpse" that was Julia began at this time. She sings OK, but has negative stage presence.

I never cared for any of Ricky's performances - mainly because I hated all his song choices. And he dressed like a day laborer. Dude, I know some ghetto cowboys, and they wouldn't be caught dead in that getup.

Man, Simon just hates country.

I can tell KimberMe loved her performance and her outfit - skank country really works for her. But she was lucky that the first three genres hid her total lack of range. I'm so glad her eyebrows are now on the same side of her head.

Heh - Clay is such a mama's boy - but his mama had total faith in her boy. Rightfully so.

Ha to the Disco night blurb! Bomb, my ass - that's one of my favorite Clay performance.

Hell, Corey just said what the boards were saying about Carmen.

Buh bye Julia!

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Number one - Olivia Newton John never crossed my mind as a "country" star.

Whoo boy. Some of her pop songs crossed over in the late 70's. I remember she won some ACM or CMT awards one year and there was a huge backlash culminating in Charlie Rich burning an and.the.winner.is.card on stage rather than announcing it or something of that nature. Needless to say she wasn't really thought of as a country artist by actual country artists.

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I'm watching my download now, and you lucky people will get all my observations.

I can tell KimberMe loved her performance and her outfit - skank country really works for her. But she was lucky that the first three genres hid her total lack of range. I'm so glad her eyebrows are now on the same side of her head.

KAndre, I loved your entire "review' of AI Rewind, but the part above totally CMSU! :cryingwlaughter:

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E! red carpet is on. I love the Oscars, but this is the first year in recent memory that I haven't seen any of the nominated movies. Too busy Spamming I guess, lol.

Apologies in advance to any fans, but Ryan Me-crest has turned into a real putz. He manages to make everything about him.

Good Lord, he just asked Jessica Alba if she was going to breastfeed, then had the audacity to look puzzled as to why she didn't want to answer. What a putz.

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The only thing that interests me about the Oscars is the dresses, and it's more efficient to just look at them online tomorrow.

Instead, I'm reading "Wicked", as laughn and I have tickets to see the show when we hit NYC in April. Oh, and we might drop in and see that Monty Python show dealie once or twice (or thrice) while we're there. I understand the guy who's playing Sir Robin is v. v. CUTE. Anybody else heard that?

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IMO Trenyce looked as classy as Caldwell looked trashy. Didn't help that Caldwell butchered shouted performed one of my favorite country songs. Seriously....what WAS she wearing? *barf* And did you notice that she actually pinched her own butt at one point? I kid you not.

YES! BWAHHH It actually looked like she was scratchin' her butt. All I know is I suddenly remembered reading this from you while I was watching it a moment ago and busted out laughing sooo hard my DH actually got off his behind and came in to see what was so funny! That doesn't happen often ya'll!!

I have to say that I really think I hate Corey Clark now. I didn't follow any of this stuff for several years to come so I am watching it with a fresh eye. And Corey, IMO, is one smarmy & smug poser! Ack!

As for Ruben, I cannot for the life of me warm up to him. And I want to, especially knowing how close he and Clay are. But he leaves me blah and I just can't see him even being in the top 3. The song he sang in this episode was just a continuous chorus to me. So how does that translate to show of range or pitch? Again....blah!

But "Baby" was beautiful and all business and so pretty sounding that I was temporarily blinded. Until.........Simon spoke. WTF?! All I have to say to that is summed up quite nicely by KAndre:

The country genre really does make Simon sound excessively stupid.

Indeed it do do.

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Well, I see I wasn't missed here.

had a snack with Margaret and Dawn from San Francisco and they wanted to know what happened to Couchie, they missed her! Bwah, I said she was working for Clay now, well, at least working to make money to see Clay. Unfortunately this was their only weekend to see the show and Clay could not come out and play.

Clay was excellent once again, how boring my reviews are. The knights of ni did Hollar Back girl and then after a long silenece shouted "STAY IN SCHOOL!" Really cracked me up. This was the first time, since the first night that there was applause when Clay showed up on the stage as Sir Robin every time - just up and in the middle of other people's speeches. I tend to think there were fans there, but not neccessarily board fans, they didn't seem to recognize Clay at the tower or as the drunk guard. They must have thought Clay had a small part! I did SRO and it is pretty great and very cheap - you get to dance around and no one behind you complains, so I could really feel the people.

I rushed down to check my coat though and when I was coming back up as the show started, one of the ushers came in the back room by the stairs and said to the other "all these people are really horrible" looked at me and then said, "except for her" we all cracked up at that.

The place was packed, but the SRO was sold only to a few. I went to get a sitting ticket, but they wanted almost $50 to sit in the back of the balcony corner, so ... no , thanks. No standing O. Just a few people inthe middle ofthe orchestra. It seems that there were a lot of "jewish" people sitting in the back, because theri biggest laughs came at Clay's solo and at Patsy's heavily armed Christians joke.

Ran into Can't go a day without Clay on line outside the show going in. She just happened to look on line the other day and row A center popped up - how could she not come?

Didn't seet he the eHP representatives today, I looked.

Hmmm, Now I have to go see when BC and Laughn are coming to NYC. So far, I am planing to go three different weeks in April.

I picked up a few magnets and pins for people not going to the show, since they have not put them on line. Let me know, next scheduled show is a couple of weeks, so I can pick up more.

Off to clean my mail box.

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Play, how many times will you get to see Spamalot? I've pretty much been content to live in the midwest, the cows have a certain charm. But from January to May of this year I'm feeling the disadvantages of location and my eyes are slowly changing from blue to green. :(

I'm amused at AI Rewind discussion. I watched AI2 when it aired originally, but haven't seen it since. I didn't tape it or download it, I only downloaded Clay's parts. So if I were watching Rewind, which I'm not, I wouldn't be able to tell if it was being manipulated or changed in any way. My memory sucks, and I've no idea who sang first or last, who the guest judges were, or what they said. I barely remember who the other contestants were besides KLo and Ruben, until someone names them.

I sure hope Clay doesn't have that awful respiratory bug that's going around these parts. If he does, I'm amazed that he can stand up straight, much less sing and dance. I know some people that have been sick a solid week with a fever and cough.

I know he'll want to give 110% to the show, and will perform until he has to be carried out. I just hope it's nothoing more than a slight cold.

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Well, the last two hours just totally SUCKED.

I took off to my sister's house to update Elvira the GPS as my XP computer bit the dust awhile back -after a hour downloaded the freakin update, I plug in Elvira, turn around to talk to my sister and turn back around to see a command window saying there is a frickin' CHKDSK error and it renamed all the files! So Elivira is no more. I left it for my BIL to look at later and went to Mickey D's for some comfort food - ordered a chicken sandwich and fries - got home, opened the chicken sandwich box, and there is a giant piece of chicken with just the top half of a dry bun with a dessicated pickle remnant.


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I don't think AI Rewind is painting Clay in a bad light. I love the fact that he getsto comment on his performances and have the last word. He sits there, five years later, as the real winner. Everyone knows his career is still going strong while Ruben has faded. I really like Ruben and I do think it must be hard for his fans to watch it all unfold. I'm not saying I like what AI has done regarding Clay but this show is not an AI production and I don't think they have much to do with how it is edited.

I agree, I really like Ruben's voice as well, he ALWAYS sang so effortlessly (REMINDER: I did not watch AI#2, and saw Clay perform for the first time at #3 doing Solitaire) and from what I have been able to see on YouTube and Group Performances from Clack Unlimited, he seemed like such a nice guy.

Australian Idol #2 (2004) had an identical result.... the one who was EXPECTED to win (Anthony Callea) was runner-up but went on to create history with the biggest selling Single of all time here (The Prayer) and has had an amazing career. The winner (Casey Donovan) had a #1 single and #2 album here but her other singles from the album just didn't do as expected, and she was dropped by SonyBMG. She holds the record as the youngest Idol winner in the world but she just did not fit the pop princess image, and has battled weight issues and family problems. But her latest EP (her own work) is testament to her true talent as a musician, and she is still only 19.

I read/heard that Clay and Ruben are still close friends but they don't discuss careers. Sometimes I wish Clay would have the ex-Idols as guests on his tours, just if he has a date close to where they live.

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I have been told not to talk about going too many times because it makes others feel bad, but I do believe there is someone else at this board who has and will continue to surpass my show attendance.

and in case anyone isn't clear, it's not us telling her that. LOL.

I love to hear about your adventures. You got the miracle of location; that's life.

I also haven't seen any of the nominated movies.

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I haven't seen any of the movies either....but I gotta watch my man Jon Stewart. I love him.

Someday, Clay Aiken will appear on Jon's show, and I'll be in heaven.

BTW, for those of you get WGN channel 9 out of Chicago, Clay's Scrubs episode is being rerun tonight at 11 Eastern time.

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