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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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So broadway cares wrote about the bear auction here

The auction’s 40 “naked” dark green bears were donated by the North American Bear Company and then bedecked by a large group of talented designers who spent countless hours creating detailed costumes. The evening’s top bids went to:

* Sir Robin from Spamalot ($17,000), signed by Clay Aiken and David Hyde Pierce,

* Pumba from The Lion King ($9,000),signed by Tom Alan Robbins,

* The long-nosed hero from Cyrano de Bergerac ($8,000), signed by Jennifer Garner, Kevin Kline, and Daniel Sunjata,

* Sea Witch Ursula from The Little Mermaid ($5,000), signed by Sherie Rene Scott,

* Elphaba from Wicked ($5,000), signed by Idina Menzel,

* Nala from The Lion King ($4,200), signed by Heather Headley, and

* The monster from Young Frankenstein ($4,000), signed by Shuler Hensley and Mel Brooks.

Many of the bears came with bonus gifts, including Kline’s prop nose from Cyrano and Shuler Hensley’s prosthetic forehead from Young Frankenstein.

Charles Busch’s Die Mommie Die! bear came with a prop basket packed with pills (sorry, just props), an autographed photo of Angela Arden, autographed poster, Die Mommie Die DVD, lip-stick pens and more, while the Maria bear from West Side Story, was signed by Carol Lawrence and came with a framed copy of the original 1957 Broadway poster signed by more than two dozen original cast members; DVD of Broadway Cares’ 2007 Gypsy of the Year’s West Side Story tribute and ceremony.

Now people just wanted an extra with the Sir Robin Bear - they wanted his underwear! hee, no such extras with this bear.


there is a list of the top selling bears here

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Yep, that's the one! That's my desktop on the home computer....problem is that when I log on and the picture appears, so does your tag line and once Alex was sitting with me and said,

CLAYGASM!?!?!??! Good LORD, mother!

I of course quickly absolved myself of any impropriety by explaining that THAT was the name YOU used on the message boards.


Ooops! How will I ever face your daughter again!! :ninja:

I PMed you something to save future embarrassment!

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I am still laughing at this one. Priceless!


BWAH...Been there, done that.

What? I use prosthetics now.


just wondering if anyone ever reads my posts or cares. this may tell me. hee

treenuts... I not only read your post, but laughed at it!

Did someone saY ...... S N O W F L A K E ? ?









merrieeee, the devil made me do it. Oops, wait a minute, my mistake, it was my guardian angel! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

keeping... some of these I had not seen before. Me likey!!! And, I LOVE the ones with him and the little girl. Clay and little kids just make my heart melt into puddles of goo!

Those new emoticons are cracking me up! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

FCA... I have a confession to make... my dad cussed A LOT! Consequently, I grew up hating cussing with a deep passion! I especially hated both of the "f" words and yelled at my kids if they said them in my presence.

DANG that CUTE Clay Aiken... because of this little play he's in, I am now using the gaseous "f" word and laughing when I do! I hope my kids never hear me or I'll never live it down! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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FCA... I have a confession to make... my dad cussed A LOT! Consequently, I grew up hating cussing with a deep passion! I especially hated both of the "f" words and yelled at my kids if they said them in my presence.

I also hate swearing! I have a really hard time repeating a joke if it has a four letter word in it. On Clay's opening night when I was doing the cellcert I told them that Clay swore and I used the word, it really bothered me! I felt I was heading down a slope where I did not want to go!

My dad always said it showed a lack of intelligence using swear words and I could surely come up with something more creative!

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My dad always said it showed a lack of intelligence using swear words and I could surely come up with something more creative!

Fuckin' A, babe! :imgtongue:

I've sworn more the older I get! :lipstick: If we accept your father's assessment about using swear words as the first part of a syllogism....


never mind.

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heee... I've tried to stop over the past years but seem to have back slided a bit. I sat here for a minute and tried to think of a more creative word but all I could thnk of was chowderhead and it doesn't quite have the same ring to it hee.

Anyway, thank you KeepingFaith for the photos... I know you face the wrath of merrieee and I don't let that melodius accent lull me into thinking payback won't be quick and severe!

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Heh...occasionally creativity must make way for clarity...when I swear, everyone knows perfectly well what I mean!

Dang, dark-haired Clay is just frickin' pretty!

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FCA... I have a confession to make... my dad cussed A LOT! Consequently, I grew up hating cussing with a deep passion! I especially hated both of the "f" words and yelled at my kids if they said them in my presence.

My dad always said it showed a lack of intelligence using swear words and I could surely come up with something more creative!

merrieeee... That's what I always told my kids... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: In my defense, I'm only repeating dialogue... is that a mitigating circumstance??? :whistling-1:

eta... I swoon over dark-haired Clay, but S.W.O.O.N over the movie star blonde god pictures and the blonde pop star in his WRAL interviews! GUH!!!

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I decided to clean up my language when my then three-year old daughter would say, "SHIP!!!!" really loudly when she dropped something. My hubby and I had to supress our laughter about her mispronunciation because we didn't want to give her 'swearing' any attention. If we had, she surely would have repeated her performance in front of other people, and that would have been extreeeemly embarassing!

I think CG is trying to kill me with those gorgeous pictures!

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I decided to clean up my language when my then three-year old daughter would say, "SHIP!!!!" really loudly when she dropped something. My hubby and I had to supress our laughter about her mispronunciation because we didn't want to give her 'swearing' any attention. If we had, she surely would have repeated her performance in front of other people, and that would have been extreeeemly embarassing!

I think CG is trying to kill me with those gorgeous pictures!

she's killing me too.

but BWAH..too funny.

Under the cover of darkness i just dragged my xmas tree from the patio to the garbage area.

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merrieeee... That's what I always told my kids... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: In my defense, I'm only repeating dialogue... is that a mitigating circumstance??? :whistling-1:

(Well, watch out if you are a monster.....)

WOW CG those pics are magnificent... ALL of them!

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When I think of Clay and the "f" word for some reason fluglehorn jumps to mind!

CG, those pics are ymmy. But what is it about that first one in your post. The top one, I think from this Saturday night? It almost looks like a painting rather than a photo. Did you do something to it or am I just in need of sleep?

He really is one helluva pretty man! And I mean that in the most masculine, sensual, "I sooo wanna do him" way. Honest :lilredani:

Oh and thanks, liney, for reading & laughing too.

All in all it's been a very good day. 3 people read my post; Clay signed someone's crotch; and waterbaby at CH today actually said something I have thought several times since planning my trip to NY at the end of this month. How did she know?

but after seeing a show, stage door will likely be the most interesting place to be, so I'll probably be there to check it out and hope something inappropriate doesn't pop out of my mouth like, "So odd to just meet someone who's penis I've seen so much of!"

Yup.....good day.

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.


How did you read my thoughts before I'd even thunk em?

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Seriously, people, if you are going to reference something, bring it over! :naughtywag: Some of us rarely leave these hallowed walls (and for good reason, especially over the last few days!)

treenuts said (because I read her posts)

All in all it's been a very good day. 3 people read my post; Clay signed someone's crotch; and waterbaby at CH today actually said something I have thought several times since planning my trip to NY at the end of this month.

And I thought WTF I mean WTH have I missed this time?????? Sidenote: I never say fuck. Heh. Right.

Then I went to another board and found this, from zippy at CB:

Just got back from this evening's show:

So much laughter and energy in this show. Lots of NJUs and quite a few Clay fans. Clay and company really fed off the energy from the audience tonight. During "YWSIB", he did the cossack dance with a little smirk on his face. I was seated in D107 and he was coming right at me again! After Clay's "YWSIB", he gave the most brilliant smile! The drunken soldier scene drew so much laughter from the audience and there were 2 women that just cracked up during the scene and one in particular, lost it.

We sat beside the friends of Matt Crowley (replacement for Prince Herbert- Sat's shows). I told her that I was in B101 yesterday and told her to inform Matt that we thought that his version of Herbert was fantastic.

Clay wore the green Carolina hoodie again tonight. There were about 2 rows deep of people at the barricades. Clay even signed someone's crutch! I've got video but will have to wait till I get home to put it up.

Tonight, we got the coloured Spamalot Playbill.

So sad it was our last show. Going home tomorrow. It has been the best weekend.


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As far as I'm concerned the only truly BAD words are those transferring emotions of hate and ignorance, and definitely including epithets hurled at individuals in an attempt to diminish their humanity, whether based on sexism, racism, or intellectual snobbery.

Do I cuss? Fucking A, when appropriate for me. Because sometimes nothing else will do and no other words in the English language will suffice. I have a big vocabulary, and a few salty words are definitely among them.

Words are only as weak or as powerful as the spirit behind them. Someone can say "fuck" in a way that CMSU, and someone else can use it in a different context and make me cringe, it's all in the usage and the tone. I refuse to live my life in black and white -- a little relativity never hurt anyone. Hell no.

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I've had a great couple of Clay days. Didn't bring home any work. Did some cooking (my scratch chicken and dumplings today, rolled out the dough in strips and everything and it was worth it.), did a lot of clack watching, narrowed down my OHN CITH picks to the top three (I think for sure), watched the WRAL videos multiple times, rewatched the Rewind show I watched and DVRed yesterday (Clay was outstanding), checked this board on and off all day and managed to pick up the vibe that there is some general running amok on other boards. I don't mean to sound flippant or for anyone to take this the wrong way, but I've been so converted to FCA that I don't even understand the need to know about that stuff first hand. I'll take your word(s) for it when the stories filter over here. At least when I read about the blood-letting and haranging and demands over here I can do so dispassionately. Whatever it is. I think because I haven't "gone there" that I am not pissed off, nor disappointed, worn out, frazzled or disgusted.

I vow only to read other boards when everybody's happy and the conversation is interesting and informational ... and back out like a bandit when things get yucky.

You are a much wiser person than I! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I agree with your post above as well!

Three more days of work this week, then off to see Clay!!!! ! :hubbahubba: I was terribly annoyed at work last week- they switched me from a local computer to a state computer, and when they did so, they blocked me from virtually every internet site I could possibly want to go to! My unit-mates still have internet access- HELLO!? It's not like I can go to them and ask them to adjust my access so I can surf the Clay websites while I'm supposed to be working! It makes for an even LONGER work day than usual.

I've already started my "going to see Clay" ritual of getting sick just before a trip. Don't know why- whether I just tend to get too anxious or excited- but my stomach goes off every time! Tums is my friend!

Have a great day, everyone- hope there will be some new, fun Clay tidbits out there somewhere!

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Good Morning Everyone,

6 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

19 Days until Spring!

62 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

64 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Mornin'! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I've spent a bit of time last night trying to catch up with my stage door videos...I have about a zillion of them I've DL'ed but not yet watched.

He is SO CUTE! but I'm appalled sometimes at what the camera sees, that I'm sure people don't realize they're doing or just fall into the fog or whatever as he approaches.

People SCREAM into his face, poke Playbills into his face, film or take stills literally inches from his nose...and my absolute favorite so far....chomp gum, open-mouthed, right in his face. HOW attractive!

YUCK!!! EWWWWwwww!!!

But....he is really, really, CUTE!...and such a pet to put up with all this crap!

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but BWAH..too funny.

Under the cover of darkness i just dragged my xmas tree from the patio to the garbage area.

couchie... :cryingwlaughter: I just took my xmas wrapping stuff down to the garage last Sunday night. :cryingwlaughter:

FromClaygary... I have watched many stagedoor videos, but somehow all I notice is Clay... I'll have to watch them again, poor me! :whistling-1:

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but BWAH..too funny.

Under the cover of darkness i just dragged my xmas tree from the patio to the garbage area.

couchie... :cryingwlaughter: I just took my xmas wrapping stuff down to the garage last Sunday night. :cryingwlaughter:

FromClaygary... I have watched many stagedoor videos, but somehow all I notice is Clay... I'll have to watch them again, poor me! :whistling-1:

In one corner of our living room sit boxes of our Christmas decorations waiting to be put in the garage. However...that is impossible because we got Alex a new bed and her old mattress, box springs and frame are piled on top of a multitude of other crap and there's no way to get to the shelves in the back corner where our seasonal stuff goes. And any time on weekends that there is actually time to sort through the garage, we choose to do other things. And besides, if we were to go through the junk there, we'd have to rent a truck and take multiple loads of it to the dump and that would take even more time than we're willing to give to such a stupid exercise in futility.

Soccer tournaments? You betcha! Softball games? In a New York minute! AI2 Rewind? Yep, twice if possible! Message board surfing? In my sleep!

Clean out the garage?

You fuckin' kidding me?


ETA: Oh, and MsMarmalade posted this on CH and it also CMSU! I bet it cracked Clay's shit up, too, if he read it!



Thanks for clearing this up, Captain Obvious

"I'm not trying to be cool; I'm not trying to be hip."

Former Idol Clay Aiken ruminating on his new album's concept to People magazine

My daughters and I always call my hubby "Captain Obvious" when we watch movies together. He often has such....er....thought provoking comments about what's going on in the plot. :whistling-1: :lmaosmiley-1:

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What to do with garage junk?

I haul it down to the road and put a big sign on it that says "FREE"

It's amazing what people will pick up - garden hoses that tangled with a lawn mower, old vacuum cleaners, pitchers without handles, ends of bureaus that somehow were separated from the rest. Almost anything.

Recycling at its finest.

Don't ask why I had all that junk in the first place.

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My husband claims I curse more lately than I did before, and he thinks it's because of me hanging out with all you guys. I don't know where he got that idea. :whistling-1: I still don't curse all that much, but it's mostly when I'm mad as hell. Also, stupidity in traffic makes me curse. But I will say that I think my cursing on this board may be seeping out into my RL talk. *shrug*

I hope Clay has a good day off today. OK, so he's probably working on his album today, I but I do hope he has fun this evening!

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What to do with garage junk?

I haul it down to the road and put a big sign on it that says "FREE"

It's amazing what people will pick up - garden hoses that tangled with a lawn mower, old vacuum cleaners, pitchers without handles, ends of bureaus that somehow were separated from the rest. Almost anything.

Recycling at its finest.

Don't ask why I had all that junk in the first place.


What's even better is Freecycle! It is a world-wide organization using Yahoo Groups; there is a Freecycle group near you.... all you do is subscribe to your local Freecycle group and you will see email posts with subject headings telling you what is on offer, and the location. If you want the item, you contact that person and if it is still available, you go to pick it up.

The rule is that it has to be free, you not allowed to pay for anything so cannot offer to in the hope to 'win' the item. It's NOT ebay!!

The aim of this group is to reduce land-fill. As a long-time environmentalist, I consider this a wonderful way to recycle and slow down landfill. You can even advertise a "WANTED" item if there is something you need but have limited funds. Some people use Freecycle as a convenience, i.e. they just want someone to save them the trouble of getting rid of stuff that is cluttering up their home.

I've not personally used Freecycle yet but I will be shortly advertising my old CRT monitor which is in perfect working order and someone may need it. Freecycle is a great way to pass on computer gear you don't need anymore. Computer desks, in particular, seem to be offered rather frequently. But so are that kids' clothes, shoes, toys.

If you want more information about Freecycle, please don't hesitate to PM me as I want to promote this wonderful community service that helps preserve the environment.

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