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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Has Claygasm seen the pic yet?

Yeah, where is she? And I also wonder about keepingfaith's reaction....she who loved AI5 Clay. I hope she loves this cover....because I want her to share in my joy...

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KAndre squinting mightily at Photoshop and heavily weighting the midtones of his hair in the seriously red because she doesn't actually have any brown eyeliner and black was a bit too much...



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KAndre squinting mightily at Photoshop and heavily weighting the midtones of his hair in the seriously red because she doesn't actually have any brown eyeliner and black was a bit too much...



Oooh....lemme see, too! :hubbahubba:

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Can any imagine this man appearing in the night as you sleep, his presence alone waking you. You open your eyes and see him watching you dream....



Um, yeah, I wish I would open my eyes to that in the middle of the night instead of one of the cats sitting on the pillow next to my head, staring me down. <_<

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Can any imagine this man appearing in the night as you sleep, his presence alone waking you. You open your eyes and see him watching you dream....



I like that idea....but I think my husband would think differently. He's not into threesomes.

*Did I just say that?*

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There just simply isn't one single thing I would change about that cover. Not the pose. Not the hair colour. Not the outfit. Not the background. Not one thing. It's perfection!

Perfection. :Thud:


Gahhhh, the lips people. THE LIPS!!!!!!

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I leave for a date with DH and . . .

NINE MINUTES LATER - the CD Cover is revealed??!!!

Yup. You're all very welcome!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

And the cover is extremely verra verra ni-i-i-ice!!!


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I find myself wanting to see the hair that's not in the picture at the top---bet the light is shining on it and


Damn girl, I thought the light was shining FROM it! He's surpassed himself.


I take a backseat to only a few where shallowness over Clay's hair is concerned, and I think he KILLS with this look. Every element necessary for the ultimate Clay photo is right here in this one. I am amazed at how singularly gorgeous beyond compare he is. There's something magical about his look. ** have I heard that somewhere before? **

Can any imagine this man appearing in the night as you sleep, his presence alone waking you. You open your eyes and see him watching you dream....

Muski, someone may need to throw water on you, girl! That kind of stuff will take you DOWN!

Okay LdyJ, here's what I really think about this album cover. This picture made it Good Friday and then some. Excuse me merrieeee, but I do detect a quality about it -- maybe it's the profile with the hair falling forward in the light -- that reminds me ever so slightly of a snowflake photo , but there's also this ultra-healthy vibe to the picture. It's quite an aerobic vision, or is it just that MY HEART IS POUNDING? I think I see this as GOOD GOD PLEASE HELP US!

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I had dinner with a friend tonight.

I had a message on my cell phone from muski when I could hear my cell phone again. She said something about a CD cover?????


Shall I assume that wandacleo finally saw the cd cover? B)


I wonder if she likes it or hates it?



Holy Mother of GOD!



Before I comment....TWIN!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

**Tries to think of a way to keep her captive here. Looks at the night time version of the CD cover. Hmmmm. A plan may be forming....**

Has Claygasm seen the pic yet?

Has Claygasm seen the pic yet?

Yeah, where is she? And I also wonder about keepingfaith's reaction....she who loved AI5 Clay. I hope she loves this cover....because I want her to share in my joy...

Awww. You all want MY opinion???? But you know how shy I am about expressing my thoughts on Clay.... :whistling-1:

Keep in mind, I just prefer red-heads:


And a little more chestnutty:


I really like everything about the composition of the CD cover - except the blond!

Maybe you can be his new colorist!

Yes, I finally saw the CD cover. It is a BEAUTIFUL picture! The composition. The lighting. The hair (although I too am not crazy about the blonde). The cheekbones. The sideburns.

He looks very British - from the stand up collar on his jacket to the long sideburns to the chiseled features.

He looks sooooooo pretty. Like a model.

Almost tooooooo pretty.

You know what I mean??

Maybe not.....

Its truly is a beautiful picture.

Its just that he looks toooooooo pretty.


He really is beautiful. Almost too beautiful.

I don't know.

I think I may need to study it longer. I know its a sacrifice, but one I am willing to make! ;)

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I saw the new CD cover earlier today while I was at work, but was too busy to comment.

Here's what I think of it: I want to marry it and have it's babies. Or is it that I want to marry the man in the cover and have HIS babies? Um, er, wait, maybe I just want to molest that GORGEOUS man and lick him and and kisssss him, and on and on.

Yes, I like the CD cover. A LOT. Everything about it - the cool city background, the clothes, the hair, the lighting, the contemplative look, the sideburns, the beautiful skin, the nose, the lips, the eyes, the strong jaw . . . YUMMMMMMMM!

Heeee - did I say that I want to marry the photo and have it's babies? Oh, yeah. I did. :hubbahubba:

What's amazing is to compare all of the CD covers. Wow, you can hardly recognize that it's the same person in all of the covers! It's amazing how Clay can reinvent himself!

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heee..study on girl.

I'm cracking up at everybody saying how soon after they left the album cover appeared. Tours, album covers... it sure is giving me some incentive to work. CG I feel ya girl about the lack of vacation time. But I'll make it work...might be a lot of weekend jaunts but no doubt I will be seeing Clay no matter what. It's a happy thought.

Waves to everybody... nice to see ya!!

ETA: Anybody have all the album covers so we can study, compare, and contrast, stare at? hee.

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Well this is quite lovely.......


And in all the excitement of the CD cover, did we see this?

From the CH:

Invisible926 wrote:

Clay did not come out to the stage door tonight. Tom Deckman told the crowd that Clay had hurt his hip and was already gone. You coudn't tell anything was wrong during the show. His dancing was very vigorous throughout the show and he was extremely animated.

I hope it's nothing serious.

I hope he's ok! I volunteer to massage his poor hip for him. :whistling-1:

Back to studying the CD cover.......

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Thanks for posting those, CG. Clay certainly has grown up to be a stunningly handsome man!

I noticed some gorgeous wallpapers posted earlier this evening. I prefer a simple, enlarged wallpaper, all the better to study Clay's gorgeous facial features:


It looks fantastic on my widescreen monitor.

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