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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Gee, I can't tell...do ya'll like the song? I mean, really -- get off the fence, one way or the other!


The last time I listened to the song last night, it hit me in the freakin' gut. And the tears came. I totally see how the songs fits into Clay's life, and how it is simply HIM. At the same time, I can see how the chorus fits to MY life too. I've never been good at taking chances in my life, especially now in my life. So, now -- oh God, now I'm crying AGAIN.

This is soooooo good.

*waves to our newest non-lurker, Cori Clayverted*

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Good Morning All,

Listened to the song once and then have been playing catch-up on the boards and the song is a definate earworm, cannot get it out of my head! It is beautiful; not a ballad and just so Clay! I can definately hear this being played on radio...if they can play James Blunt, they can play Clay!

27 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

29 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here!

Everyone have a good day!


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I'm going to spend the whole day muttering "Faith has conquered fear", aren't I?

Probably, because I know I am!

I am dead tired. I someone have to manage to get myself to wirk and function without being able to listen. So I listened again just now to make sure I still liked it.

I still like it! :D

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Thanks Clayanne for the lyrics!

No problem...seemed like a fitting way to delurk...

One of my friends had found Ryan's lyrics last weekend and we have been wondering ever since what....if anything would be changed. I think I was just too much in a Clayfog last night to notice the changes...sigh

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I had several friends move last year, including my neighbor who'd been in her house for almost 35 years. It wasn't pretty. So that is my new mantra..."If I were moving today....would I take this with me?" If the answer is no, out it goes. Chances are I'm still lying to myself half the time but it does help.

Ooh, I like this motto. That might actually work for me, as many times as I've moved. Now that we have been in this house for six years and have no plans to move until the kids graduate, I don't have a move to force me to weed out my junk. It's so annoying, because over a year ago, my husband decided to move the kids playroom across the hall to the guest room (which meant dismantling the guest room), move his office to the playroom, leaving a whole bunch of his office stuff downstairs in the old office. So, yeah, he got all moved in, except not. It's like, once his office was functional, he didn't bother to clear out the rest of the junk he had in there...and that's why he moved, right? His office was "too small" because of all the extra junk? So, he leaves that junk in the downstairs room and has now filled his new, much larger office with NEW extra junk. Enough junk that he really CAN'T fit all the junk he left behind in there. He's not really any better off and now there's an unusable room next to the master bedroom. *sigh* Yeah. That's going to be MY office as soon as I...read that I...get all his left-behind junk (and all the other junk that junk has attracted) out of there. Just means having time and motivation and a strong back all at the same time. :)

First listen? So happy y'all are enjoying it. It's delightful to read so many happy comments! If the small snippet we heard during that interview was an earworm, I can imagine that the "real" song would be memorable, too. Is it May 6 yet? :)

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I have a Mac, and I had to try quite a few things to make it play. Finally I went to the AOL home page (using the Safari browser) and did a search. I clicked OMWH under "songs" listing and it loaded the AOL player and Clay started singing!

http://us.video.aol.com/audio.full.adp?pmmsid=2101402 is the the direct link to the AOL player for OMWH if you're having problems with Popeater.

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I like this a LOT.

Though it still sounds like the mid tempo ballads Clay tends to do (but then again, I like what Clay tends to do - what can I say, I like old Clay - new Clay - in between Clay.).

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Ok, why didn't I think to get on the computer this morning when I got up early???? :cry4:

Oh yeah. Because I would have been stuck listening to that beautiful man sing beautiful music and never made it to work. Then I'd get fired and wouldn't have enough $$ to pay for Spam in 10 days and OMWH in 29 days!!! Only 7 hours and 11 minutes until the work day is over..... :fca:

It's so nice to see everyone so happy & enjoying themselves!

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A couple of questions:

CG, which of Clay's previous songs would you characterize as "sloooooooooow drippy ballads" (I have to admit, I hate the adjective "drippy" because it strikes as excessive dismissive)? Honestly, I guess the closest I would consider "drippy" would be MOAM or LAA; for slow, the only one I can think of is ICMYLM - everything else I can think of either recorded or live has been basically mid-tempo stuff.

As for the glory-noting, there has only been one or two on his CDs (which I admit he tends to highlight in concert - but I love that stuff) - most of his cuts don't really have it.

I'm not quite sure what people are talking about a more modern sound - somebody clarify.

As for the lower register - when Clay does it, he does it well - but I honestly think his natural range falls between a countertenor and tenor, whenever he does impromptu singing that's where his voice is, and that's where I hear the purity of his tones most. I think he will probably generally use his lower register just as highlights or punctuation - when I hear him do it, it's like he has to work at it more - like when he and Quiana did 'Listen' and he was working the lower stuff until he suddenly just became tired of it and his "natural" voice rang out. I dunno, that's what it seems like to me.

Ya know, I think I'm gonna love this CD - and I think this will be excessively pretty in concert!

Oh yeah - screw headphones - y'all need to listen to this on a good 5.1 surround sound system with that voice coming from the center speaker. It's fucking incredible!

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"on my way here"

It is so pretty.

I love it. :wub:

It is a new sound for Clay, definately not a ballad more like an independent sound. You know.

I am all chocked up listening, how I love his voice and the emotion he brings.

Bravo Clay !!!! :clap::clap:

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AT LAST! I have just listened to OMWH several times and I just love it!! my oh my... I realize there are other good singers around but I can only listen to one song at a time and I know whose song I want on repeat on my MP3 and blaring out of my speakers! :00000441:

Thank you so much to everyone who PM'd me and emailed me when I whined about my (temporary) dial-up dilema, with MP3 files and download links. You guys are just THE BEST!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I don't think Clay will ever escape glory noting rep because he used that to capture attention on Idol and he does use it in concert for effect but I haven't found his recordings to have an overabundance of glory notes starting with MoaM.

When Kipper said the "That's Clay Aiken" wasn't he referring to one song or was it the entire album because I actually like the Clay Aiken I've always gotten and Clay has also said he wasn't going to do stuff that was too different. I find this song to be SO very Clay Aiken and I don't think that's a bad thing. I think Clay loves the strings too - he has been doing symphony or having orchestral treatments in his concerts since the first JNT. I'm really glad that people like it (well hopefully this board is representative) and I do believe this album will have a variety of stuff on it. But I loved the snippets of this one I heard on WRAL so am really pleased I like the full version and it still pleasantly reminds me of ISY in places. I loved that song too.

Happy Monday everyone.

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I think Clay accomplished exactly what he was going for with this song. The first listen, I cried while listening to the intensely personal lyrics. My second listen, I realized how I could relate them to my own life. I am beyond thrilled with this song!

Ah, life is good. New Clay music and a beautiful, sunny spring day that is supposed to go up into the mid sixties. :)

When Kipper said the "That's Clay Aiken" wasn't he referring to one song or was it the entire album because I actually like the Clay Aiken I've always gotten and Clay has also said he wasn't going to do stuff that was too different. I find this song to be SO very Clay Aiken and I don't think that's a bad thing. I think Clay loves the strings too - he has been doing symphony or having orchestral treatments in his concerts since the first JNT. I'm really glad that people like it (well hopefully this board is representative) and I do believe this album will have a variety of stuff on it. But I loved the snippets of this one I heard on WRAL so am really pleased I like the full version and it still pleasantly reminds me of ISY in places. I loved that song too.

Happy Monday everyone.

WORD. Happy Monday to you too!

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I am glad that I am not the only one that is reminded of ISY by this song. The melody sounds very similar to ISY, also the emotion throughout the song is reminiscent of ISY. I love this song, strings and all. It is definitely Clay. The lyrics should resonate with a lot of people. I hope that it gets radio play.

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Because it's Monday, and I don't feel like working, I suggested one of my coworkers click on the popeater site - not a Clay fan though he thinks he can sing, likes his stuff casually.

She likes the blond hair (people can't be perfect) and easily recognized him as Clay, thought the song was VERY pretty, liked it a lot, LOVES the lyrics (she is clearly one of those lyrics persons - the first thing out of her mouth was "wow - I can totally relate to that". I swear lyrics people have a phrase book they pass around!). She really likes Daughtry and Seal. I have no idea if that means anything. She's looking forward to his CD coming out.

Hmm. I'm not hearing ISY (But dear Lord that's one of my FAVORITE Clay songs of all time, especially live, angsty, angry Clay).

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Yes, I'm working....what of it? Heh.

I had thought this morning that reminded me of something from a couple of years ago in this fandom. IMO, the first 9 months of 2006 was one big bunch of angst with a portion of the fandom, including my (then) home board. My thought during that time was that I personally had to have FAITH in Clay Aiken -- that my faith in him would allow me to enjoy whatever he had in store for us, and would prevent me from worrying about him. I even took it so far to have my personal designation changed to "you gotta have faith," because that song from George Michael kept running through my head whenever I would think of that faith that I had for Clay at the time.

And now...

"Faith has conquered fear....on my way here."

And I just get all schmoopie.

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I'm in love.

Amazing performance, amazing vocals, cool instrumentation, and yes, I got the lyrics -- fantastic!

"Faith has conquered fear -- on my way here."


What she said. And what is this salty stuff running down my face? Someone make it stop. This is the perfect song for Clay, and he sings it wonderfully. Thanks, everyone, for the links and the advice on how to make it work. Now I just need to hope it works from work! Because I`ll probably feel the need to leave at lunch if it doesn`t. LOL. Except I`m deadly serious.

Definitely an earworm song...and I find myself not even giving a flying fuck whether or not it gets radio play. I agree with liney---Clay loves good music and thinks this cd will appeal to others who do. He's celebrating---everything---and using his beautiful voice to share it all with us--the pain and the triumph.

I'm so proud of him.

Absolutely. So proud. And while I would love for this song to get radio play (and in my opinion, it would fit in PERFECTLY on AC or even Hot AC) I don't expect it to, just for the fact that it is him. I'm not going to stress about it, but it will definitely be THEIR loss.

luckiest... bolding mine. I totally agree, but because of the Tedder and Kipper connections, I believe this song will be given more of a chance than Clay's music usually is. This song is just sooo rich and smooth and it just makes my emotions soar.

Cori Clayverted... Welcome!!! Great time to come out of hiding!

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I loved MOAM, I know I've told you all how that was the only CD in my car CD player for well over a year

I loved ATDW, but I didn't play it nearly as much as MOAM (but there is almost always Clay Aiken in my car CD player)

Upon listening to this, I realized how much I craved "new" music from Clay. This is so him. He paints such lovely pictures with that voice, ones that evoke emotion. I will never have enough of that voice. I think I will play this CD even more than MOAM.

Just a feelin' :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Someone put a lesser version on youtube here

It has also beenposted for download, which doesn't exactly make me happy, that is the first step before it is on Kazzaa. I know people wnt it, but I also think that it is sort of defeating to put it out publically.

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I don't know, I think if they didn't want it out publically they would have made sure it had lots of "AOL FIRST LISTEN" voice overs. It's fairly simple to rip an mp3 (she says, not having a clue how to, LOL) so I expect it'll be everywhere. I don't have a problem with that at all. I can't wait until we get so see him sing this on TV!!!!!!

BTW....1:29 or so, when he sings "on my way here" and then breathes, and then the drums & guitars come in....omg, kill me now.

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I'd hate to see the "Is that Clay Aiken" quote become a phrase to judge Kipper, Clay, or this song/album by. Basing expectations on an offhand comment in an interview seems like a set-up for possible disappointment. Everyone will have a unique idea of what sound might generate listener surprise. What some find surprising, others will deem typical.

Just to refresh, in the context of the interview, the quote went like this:

Lynda voiceover: "Kipper is coming up with a new sound for Clay. He even wrote a song for him that's got a bit of an R&B sound to it."

Kipper: "We've captured some really great moments and Clay sang fantastically last week live with the band. So, I'm very optimistic that we're going to have a record where people will go, 'Is that Clay? Is that Clay Aiken?'"

So, Kipper might have been referring to the R&B song, some other specific song, or to the album overall. Only he knows for sure. Clay has said he wants songs that represent him, that will become "signature" songs for him. So, if the single OMWH sounds like Clay Aiken, maybe that's the point. I've only listened to the snippet from the WRAL interview, but what I heard sounded lovely. And I'm seeing a lot of great thread titles sprinkled in with the EEEs! :)

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Anyone know anything about this? From CV/mindy

It may be nothing.

I'm trying to get caught up and don't know if anyone has posted this yet. Forgive me if they have. I just got an e-mail from a friend entitled Clay Alert. She says "You probably know this, but in case: Clay will appear on QVC on Mon. 4/28, 7 p.m., on a program called “Gadgets and Gizmos” ???? What’s up with that???."

I'll have to see if I can find anything on QVC's website


From Carol/CV

I just searched QVC program for that week and they have him listed for that time ... Yes!!!!

Here is the QVC listing. This is great for Mother's Day.

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