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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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And yeah, for a professional organization, WENN's pictures frequently look less than great.

I couldn't agree more, 00lsee.

Now the one's cha cha kindly posted the link to above, courtesy of invisible926..... mmmmmm.... green eyes and stubble..... :hubbahubba:


I think his hair looks more reddish blond than blond. Anyone else?

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BWAH, Wanda, you always know how to get to the important part of the discussion!

Thanks CCT. I like this one. 51717976pegswire48200843855PM.jpg See where that guy is pressing his finger in hard! The mock horror on Clay's face. Sir Robin would have done a more pained face.

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Clay is on the front page of Insider online. Nice.


verra verra nice!! Thanks! I wish The Insider aired here before 2 am!!

And yeah, for a professional organization, WENN's pictures frequently look less than great.

I couldn't agree more, 00lsee.

Now the one's cha cha kindly posted the link to above, courtesy of invisible926..... mmmmmm.... green eyes and stubble..... :hubbahubba:


I think his hair looks more reddish blond than blond. Anyone else?

DOUBLE YUM.... :hubbahubba:

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I really need to quit my job, it so interferes with my Clay time...seems like every day there is something new popping up!

Wondering if he is going back to his natural hair color...looks redder to me. But I like it, although I wish he would just go with his natural waves and not straighten it.

He looked like he was having a great time in those pictures; the shirt and tie...well, that is just so Clay...no phoniness there, what you see is what you get...probably wears that combo a lot because they match and he doesn't have to spend time matching a tie to a shirt! :cryingwlaughter:


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...Perma waves feebly from beneath the pile of rubble...er..work..pinning her to her desk...

Many thanks to liney23 who called me yesterday to make sure I was still alive and hadn't been abducted by aliens. She also took mercy on me and emailed me an MP3 of OMWH (which I love and will elaborate on why if I survive the next day or so) since I can't stream AOL at work.

I love all the Clay news and sightings and upcoming events that just keep showing up. LOVE!!

I have a picture next to my desk that I took at the San Diego IT in the very shirt & tie he was wearing at Planet Hollywood today. He just CMSU!!

For ATDW I think they spent a lot of the budgeted album dollars on some expensive wardrobe and a very pricey stylist. I'm thinking that just maybe he got more of a say in how dollars were to be spent and made some other choices...musicians in the studio to record WITH...a great producer....a publicist. Works for me!!

There were some nice photos today, although I still think Clay hates and is uncomfortable in the "Clay, look over here!!!" type photo ops. JMU. The fan photos are once again better to my eye, because they probably got a candid when he wasn't posing.


:F_05BL17blowkiss: the lipbite. Love.

OK...back to reducing a stem cell research protocol to terms that laymen can understand. Oy.

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Corabeth Posted at CH:


From RCA Marketing

It's the Clay Aiken album hotline

Here's a fun one - call this number with your cellphone: 919.883.5111

You'll hear Clay, you can get on his mobile network and then he gives the first update which is about the album coming out on May 6th.

I called it already, they text you back. If you join, it gives you a website to hear another message from Clay.

RMD didn't say but I wonder if they will use this on the viral marketing campaign.

Now every one can get text messages from Clay! :cryingwlaughter:


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...Perma waves feebly from beneath the pile of rubble...er..work..pinning her to her desk...


:F_05BL17blowkiss: the lipbite. Love.

OK...back to reducing a stem cell research protocol to terms that laymen can understand. Oy.

Perma.... liney waves madly! I absolutely LOVE that picture. Many thanks to whoever blew it up and cropped it, please! THUD!!!

Corabeth Posted at CH:


From RCA Marketing

It's the Clay Aiken album hotline

Here's a fun one - call this number with your cellphone: 919.883.5111

You'll hear Clay, you can get on his mobile network and then he gives the first update which is about the album coming out on May 6th.

I called it already, they text you back. If you join, it gives you a website to hear another message from Clay.

RMD didn't say but I wonder if they will use this on the viral marketing campaign.

Now every one can get text messages from Clay! :cryingwlaughter:


aikim... Not everybody... I don't have texting on my cellphone, so if you hear me claiming to get text messages from Clay, call me out and throw a net over me, k? :cryingwlaughter:

They sure are doing some neat, different stuff this time. I'm liking the new pr guy and his ideas!

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I can get the texting, but one of the messages that they send you is a website that gives you an mp3 ringtone (which I CANNOT do with my cellphone). But I loaded it on my web browser.

"Hey, I know ya'll recognize this voice. Yep, that's right, it's Clay Aiken, and I'm telling you, you MUST pick up your phone right now. It's really important, you don't want to miss this call."

Heh. Clay's voice as a ringtone. Heh.

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Okay, I don't have a cellphone, but I called on my regular phone and Clay talked to meeeeeeeee! (so is this a toll call or do I need to start hiding the phone bill...LOL!)


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I've followed clay almost everywhere but My Space and he can forget texting too although I know that his preferred mode of communication :cryingwlaughter: But I have to say for the first time ever I'm in love with my phone.. my BIL gave me a chocalate phone yesterday and I have been playing with it at every break. I love hand me downs heh.

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I think his hair looks better in the video than the still photos. He's so CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

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Too much good news today

We just received this from Goodsearch…great news!

“Dear Aron,

We are thrilled to announce that your organization was featured in the winning video of the GoodSeach video contest! As a result, this video and your organization will be featured on the GoodSearch homepage on 4/11/08 and your organization will receive an additional $100 donation from GoodSearch which will be reflected in the amount raised page.

You can view the winning “I GoodSearch for Bubel Aiken Foundation” video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r655YKxtS3A

We are excited to help to continue to get the word out about the good work your organization is doing and hope this exposure will energize your supporters to continue to use GoodSearch and GoodShop on your behalf!


Kari McMinn”

Pass the word! Thank you for all you do to make inclusion a reality nationwide.

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The video is so..........cute!!!!!

I am loving all the surprises that keep cropping up every day. No-one can say he's not getting a lot of promo this time around.

This has been such a win win for both Clay and Spamalot! What a fortutious pairing.

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