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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Oh yeah I totally agree. It is much easier to get gigs when you are perceived as successful already. Clay is a hit on Broadway and getting lots of press out of that and it's perfect to ease into album promo. Much better than coming out of a black hole of nothingness.

All my plans are falling into place. This is so exciting.

Anybody stalking Jimmy Kimmell and Tyra websites...although I have no plans to do that stand in line all day thing again.

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I'm loving that Gupta site. It just keeps playing OMWH over and over.

Yup I still love this song and if you are alone in the house it is a pretty good song to dance to. Has quite a beat to it. Very catchy.

I cannot wait to see what shows up tomorrow. Every day has been something new.

I am relying on you guys to keep me up to date as to what, when and where I am supposed to buy the CD. I've pre-ordered from Amazon and Walmart. Anywhere else?

ldyjocelyn that's only four pre-orders and you know we have to have 7!!!

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Ok......two bwahs to serve up:

First for ldyjocelyn

if he had his glasses on in that picture, it would kill me. (Or else, CG would kill me...*g*)

And then for merrieeee

if you are alone in the house it is a pretty good song to dance to. Has quite a beat to it. Very catchy.

See, I just finished listening to OMWH about six times in a row with headphones. And I have a serious question for those of you who know singing and music and all that stuff---Is it my imagination or does Clay Aiken have one of the most amazing voices ever? I mean, I really really listened to the nuances in the delivery of every freakin' word, every note. I'm slack jawed at what seems to be a ridiculously easy flow from chest to head voice and back again. And then I'm in awe of how subtly yet effectively he uses these different sounds to tell his story---In the first verse, the high notes are sweet and soft and almost whispered, as if he just is sighing them. Then those same notes say different things about him in the second verse. He still doesn't go all out with them; they're still controlled but there's a stronger determination in them.

Same notes. Same beauty. Different sound. Hues of meaning and feeling.

Truly. The man knows how to use his instrument.

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I too think that ATDW was put out there partially to deal with the "crap" -- but I still love it dearly. I've also been thinking about a comparison of the publicity between ATDW and this....and I honestly don't think that the publicity was THAT different. In many ways, the timing is the same -- the release of the single; the press release; heck, even about 3 weeks before ATDW we discovered ringtones from the album. IMO, it's just a different feeling about this release that is FAN driven. More excitement because it's an album of originals. Don't get me wrong, I love the promo for OMWH dearly, and I'm sure there will be differences. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a marketing expert, but the promo seems somewhat similar to me at this point.

I gotta agree with ldyj - except I wouldn't call ATDW a "throwaway" - there's not a record label in the world right who would toss a couple of million (and yeah, I think RCA spent at least that much on it in production and PR) just to deal with Clay's "issues" - of course it helps that ATDW made between 6-8 million. A throwaway would be a hundred grand and it disappears.

Clay's hair is going much redder - I like the PH hair better than the RCA - chestnut can't be that far away!

Three quarters of the difference of the PR to me is simply the reaction of the fandom - there doesn't seem to be the wholesale pissing on everything and hating on everyone from Jaymes to old PR dude to Clive to ATDW. I still will resist to make ATDW something less than it is - because, damn that's some pretty stuff. I like the pretty.

Guess what? I kicked Clay's word scrambler's butt!

muski, I'll be darned if you don't have a point! Now that I've listened to, who was it? Clay Aiken? That new song everyone's listening too anyway - and he does have an amazing voice! Maybe we oughta tell somebody.

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Three quarters of the difference of the PR to me is simply the reaction of the fandom - there doesn't seem to be the wholesale pissing on everything and hating on everyone from Jaymes to old PR dude to Clive to ATDW. I still will resist to make ATDW something less than it is - because, damn that's some pretty stuff. I like the pretty.

And fan enthusiasm fuels enthusiasm beyond the hard core fandom. Hooray!!

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Just dropping in to say that I LOVE everything over the last few days. Those pictures are a killer and I am in love with the song. His voiced is incredible. There is no one out there right now who can compare. He does use his instruement well.

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Gibby, I really like "academic" Clay too -- and think that if he had his glasses on in that picture, it would kill me. (Or else, CG would kill me...*g*)

PERISH THE THOUGHT!!!!! And I would never kill you. But of course, there are other forms of torture. I could take away all your clack!

See, I just finished listening to OMWH about six times in a row with headphones. And I have a serious question for those of you who know singing and music and all that stuff---Is it my imagination or does Clay Aiken have one of the most amazing voices ever? I mean, I really really listened to the nuances in the delivery of every freakin' word, every note. I'm slack jawed at what seems to be a ridiculously easy flow from chest to head voice and back again. And then I'm in awe of how subtly yet effectively he uses these different sounds to tell his story---In the first verse, the high notes are sweet and soft and almost whispered, as if he just is sighing them. Then those same notes say different things about him in the second verse. He still doesn't go all out with them; they're still controlled but there's a stronger determination in them.

Same notes. Same beauty. Different sound. Hues of meaning and feeling.

Truly. The man knows how to use his instrument.

Um, muski - you of all people has always known how well he must use his instrument! :whistling-1:

Oh wait, you're talking about his singing????

Well, then, on that note (no pun intended).... His voice on OMWH is amazing. Unbelievably so. I don't really know anything about singing, but I know his voice is amazing on this song. I am actually loving this song more each time I hear it. It is a many layered song and yet it all fits together so beautifully, so seamlessly.

And even the strings aren't bothering me as much. You know, when you listen to it on his MySpace it sounds better than it does on Popeater. Richer somehow. The strings take their rightful place in the background. His voice shines.

And, I think this song is contemporary enough to make it on the radio (although perhaps too long). And I think if enough heard it it could be a big hit.

Not its not "edgy", but not everyone needs edgy. No Clay will likely never be thought of as "cool" and yes that will make it harder for this song to be a radio hit. But I do think given a chance it could be. Not on Top 40 (have you listened to Top 40 lately?), but Hot AC and AC - why not.

We'll see what happens. It LOOKS as if RCA has put a good PR man with Clay this time and is putting some money behind him. So maybe there is hope.

With all the exciting things that have been having lately its easy to think this is definitely going to be a HUGE album. Being the sceptic that I am, I am in the wait and see car.

All I know is I love OWMH. Its amazing. Not everyone's cup of tea. But I love it. Every time I listen to it I hear something else that amazes me.

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Some cute posts from CB:

robyn428 DVR Alert for NYC Area...Clay to be on MSG Network ..... Lead [-]

Posts: 283

(04/09/08 10:27 PM)

I am watching the NY Rangers Hockey post game. They started the show with a "Holy Grail" comment......then said something else about "Spamming....alot". Well....the sports talk continued, and then they just said they will be showing a feature of Clay in Spamalot, during "Showtime"...coming up! Well, I just looked in the TV listings, and the Knicks have a program scheduled for 11 PM, so I think this will happen between now and 11 PM. MSG Network in NYC.

Linluvsclay #8 [-]

Posts: 10798

(04/09/08 10:51 PM) There were just a few brief glimpses of Clay--it was all Hannah, but she said some great things. Said she could have been standing on the stage with no clothes on and a pot on her head her first night (same as Clay's) and no one would have noticed. She said that it was like Elvis was in the building!!

robyn428 #12 [-]

Posts: 285

(04/09/08 10:53 PM)

Hannah gave a tour, and raved about Clay. She said she didn't know about him before coming here, but compared him to Elvis! She toured the wig room...showed the Brother Maynard wig and said poor Clay was losing his hair. They showed a nice close-up of his Guard scene, his entrance in the tux, "Running Away".......the Knights of Ni scene, and various other show shots, plus the crowd outside. The footage was from while Chris was still here. They showed pictures of Clay and Ruben at the AI finale.

robyn428 #14 [-]

Posts: 285

(04/09/08 10:59 PM) The show will be repeated at 12:30 am, if someone can cap it. The feature is about 45 minutes into the one hour show.


One of the things I've always said to my cousin is that when Clay is on stage, I have eyes only for him- someone else's hair could be on fire, and I wouldn't even notice! :cryingwlaughter: I guess this proves I'm not alone!

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merrieeee -- preorder from iTunes, wasn't that on the 21st? And of course QVC on the 28th. I've been keeping an eye on the Sony/BMG website too.

Coming out of lurkdom to say that I am loving all this PR. Will sales on QVC count toward Billboard ranking? I usually do not angst. but somehow, I am apprehensive about QVC. I know that Elton, Le Ann Rimes, and Neil Diamond have had success there selling CDs, but I remember Elton saying that he had to get used to writing music for other artists since his cds were not selling as well as before. Then he went on QVC, I think. Also, Neil Diamond's last CD was not selling that well either.

I just hope that Clay is getting the best of advice on how to market the cd so that he will benefit artistically as well as monetarily.. I feel that Clay is too young, too hot and too talented, and that this is his time to get the recognition as a recording artist that he deserves.

Maybe he will not be selling his cd and will be promoting his "gadget" Then I will be going in with KAndre fully prepared to purchase. I might be interested in his gizmo too.

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Hee Desertrose i'll take his gizmo or his gadget!!!!! Either might come in useful for something!

Look up gizmo in the dictionary and this is what you get:

A nonsensical placeholder name for something that one does not know the proper term for. Ha I think we have a proper name for it!!!!

Or how about gadget:

A clever device designed for a specific practical use. Oh I bet we can think of a practical use for Clay's gadget!!!!!

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Three quarters of the difference of the PR to me is simply the reaction of the fandom - there doesn't seem to be the wholesale pissing on everything and hating on everyone from Jaymes to old PR dude to Clive to ATDW. I still will resist to make ATDW something less than it is - because, damn that's some pretty stuff. I like the pretty.

Yes! And again, I think Spamalot has a lot to do with that. There hasn't been a lot of TIME for the fans to be moaning about stuff, because there's been all kinds of recaps and stage doors and such.

*pets the pretty that is ATDW*

And fan enthusiasm fuels enthusiasm beyond the hard core fandom. Hooray!!

I'll drink to that!

Gibby, I really like "academic" Clay too -- and think that if he had his glasses on in that picture, it would kill me. (Or else, CG would kill me...*g*)

PERISH THE THOUGHT!!!!! And I would never kill you. But of course, there are other forms of torture. I could take away all your clack!

Ah, but I have hidden stashes of clack. You'll never find it all! Heh.

See, I just finished listening to OMWH about six times in a row with headphones. And I have a serious question for those of you who know singing and music and all that stuff---Is it my imagination or does Clay Aiken have one of the most amazing voices ever? I mean, I really really listened to the nuances in the delivery of every freakin' word, every note. I'm slack jawed at what seems to be a ridiculously easy flow from chest to head voice and back again. And then I'm in awe of how subtly yet effectively he uses these different sounds to tell his story---In the first verse, the high notes are sweet and soft and almost whispered, as if he just is sighing them. Then those same notes say different things about him in the second verse. He still doesn't go all out with them; they're still controlled but there's a stronger determination in them.

Same notes. Same beauty. Different sound. Hues of meaning and feeling.

muski, I was talking to Ansa about this same thing the other day. The difference between the first verse and second verse is so very amazing to me -- the sweetness of talking about his childhood vs. the solid storytelling of standing up for himself. And he does it all with just changes in his voice. It's a beautiful performance.

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so do we have any QVCers here. How will they do this...will Clay just perform...and they'll offer his album. Do you have to buy it during the 1/2 hour or whatever or can you order it all week or on the website..I asumme they have one. Will you get a gizmo at half price iwth a Clay Aiken album? Any ideas?

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so do we have any QVCers here. How will they do this...will Clay just perform...and they'll offer his album. Do you have to buy it during the 1/2 hour or whatever or can you order it all week or on the website..I asumme they have one. Will you get a gizmo at half price iwth a Clay Aiken album? Any ideas?

I blush but yes, I have been known to buy a million few things from QVC. Techincally you can buy at any time. You do have open an account, which can be done at QVC.com. Once you have an account you can order any time an item is in stock from the website or on the phone. You can either talk to a representative or use automated ordering. The live person number is 1-800-345-1515 and the automated ordering number is 1-800-345-1212. All you need is the item number and your account and pin numbers. Now, with some guests they pick random callers and you get to talk on the air!

Now, if Clay sells out too fast it may cut his time down, but since this will undoubtably be an advance order situation it may not matter as much. Sometimes they do take waitlist orders or have a new ship date for advance orders after the original stock sells out.

When they have had other big musical guests they haven't usually been in their studios but instead have done remotes. They do have a studio audience set up (I actually went once years ago). My fear is IF he actually sings it will be with a backing track as I am not sure they could have a full band.


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See, I just finished listening to OMWH about six times in a row with headphones. And I have a serious question for those of you who know singing and music and all that stuff---Is it my imagination or does Clay Aiken have one of the most amazing voices ever? I mean, I really really listened to the nuances in the delivery of every freakin' word, every note. I'm slack jawed at what seems to be a ridiculously easy flow from chest to head voice and back again. And then I'm in awe of how subtly yet effectively he uses these different sounds to tell his story---In the first verse, the high notes are sweet and soft and almost whispered, as if he just is sighing them. Then those same notes say different things about him in the second verse. He still doesn't go all out with them; they're still controlled but there's a stronger determination in them.

Same notes. Same beauty. Different sound. Hues of meaning and feeling.

Truly. The man knows how to use his instrument.

Muski, I couldn't have described Clay's singing on OMWH any better than you did. I just got back from working out, and I listened to it on repeat the whole time. I kept marvelling at the gorgeous and effortless nuances, phrasing, and overall vocal technique. He takes a simple melody line and turns it into beauty by adding little notes and inflections here and there. He also changes the volume, intensity and mood throughout the song so that it builds to the end. Truly a work of art!

As far as the bolded part above, you were just asking for everyone to smut, weren't you? :naughtywag: Heeeee.

Clay's hair is going much redder - I like the PH hair better than the RCA - chestnut can't be that far away!

I think it's actually more of a golden blond now instead of an ashy blond. It's a nice color, but he needs some lowlights in there! It's all one color, and I think blond looks better with a little more color variation. Course, I'd still do him!

Three quarters of the difference of the PR to me is simply the reaction of the fandom - there doesn't seem to be the wholesale pissing on everything and hating on everyone from Jaymes to old PR dude to Clive to ATDW. I still will resist to make ATDW something less than it is - because, damn that's some pretty stuff. I like the pretty.

I was just listening to ATDW in my van while I was driving around today. And I agree with you, KAndre - I like it more than ever! And thank God that fans are excited about OHMH rather than pissing like last time.

And even the strings aren't bothering me as much. You know, when you listen to it on his MySpace it sounds better than it does on Popeater. Richer somehow. The strings take their rightful place in the background. His voice shines.

And, I think this song is contemporary enough to make it on the radio (although perhaps too long). And I think if enough heard it it could be a big hit.

CG, I noticed that it sounds better on Clay's MySpace, too. Which makes me even more excited for the album, because the MySpace recording is likely what we will get on the album!

And I think they could shorten it for radio. I'd hate for them to take anything out, but it's probably not that uncommon to have special radio cuts of songs so that they are the right length.

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See, I just finished listening to OMWH about six times in a row with headphones. And I have a serious question for those of you who know singing and music and all that stuff---Is it my imagination or does Clay Aiken have one of the most amazing voices ever? I mean, I really really listened to the nuances in the delivery of every freakin' word, every note. I'm slack jawed at what seems to be a ridiculously easy flow from chest to head voice and back again. And then I'm in awe of how subtly yet effectively he uses these different sounds to tell his story---In the first verse, the high notes are sweet and soft and almost whispered, as if he just is sighing them. Then those same notes say different things about him in the second verse. He still doesn't go all out with them; they're still controlled but there's a stronger determination in them.

Same notes. Same beauty. Different sound. Hues of meaning and feeling.

Truly. The man knows how to use his instrument.

Muski, I too have just listened to OMWH several times, and I believe he does have one of the most amazing voices ever, of course I am biased. Setting biases aside, there truly is something special about his voice. The last several times I've listened to the song, I've just laid my head back and closed my eyes. By the time he hits the chorus the first time, I get a sensation that I am floating and the voice just washes over me and I feel a kind of peace. This all probably sounds pretty cliche' but that's the way I would describe how it effects me on this song. It is a thing of beauty. Think I'll go listen again.

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There are some new pics up a ClayAikenPix.com. Unfortunately, no one seems to be able to save these pics in their hi-res form from the site right now - there's some kind of technical glitch. However, I was able to save them in a smaller size. Here are a few of them:







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merrieeee -- preorder from iTunes, wasn't that on the 21st? And of course QVC on the 28th. I've been keeping an eye on the Sony/BMG website too.
Coming out of lurkdom to say that I am loving all this PR. Will sales on QVC count toward Billboard ranking? I usually do not angst. but somehow, I am apprehensive about QVC. I know that Elton, Le Ann Rimes, and Neil Diamond have had success there selling CDs, but I remember Elton saying that he had to get used to writing music for other artists since his cds were not selling as well as before. Then he went on QVC, I think. Also, Neil Diamond's last CD was not selling that well either.

I just hope that Clay is getting the best of advice on how to market the cd so that he will benefit artistically as well as monetarily.. I feel that Clay is too young, too hot and too talented, and that this is his time to get the recognition as a recording artist that he deserves.

Do you mean Soundscan? Yes, a sale is a sale is a sale. It all counts. QVC is a great opportunity for exposure to a very large number of people is a short period of time. Especially for an artist like Clay who may not get much play on radio. Hopefully he will get radio play, but with his single coming out so late and targeting AC radio, where songs can take some time to catch on, radio won't be much help towards first week sales. He needs all the exposure he can get.

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I'm making a Clay Mix CD for my van. I'm putting OMWH on it a few times and wanted to add some of my favorites. I'm listing to MOAM with my headphones (really nice ones) and I'm hearing things I never heard before in the instrumentation. I think I always focused on his voice. MOAM is my favorite song off of that CD. His voice soars on it and I like the message.

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Drat the luck!! I had all the kids over on Sunday and my daughter mistakenly took my cell phone home thinking it was hers.

Tonight I got it back and I had 2 messages from ausdon!! She is in DC!

I hope we can get it together - I tried calling back, but just got the hotel switchboard. I couldn't quite make out her last name on the voicemail. Does anyone know it??

Please PM me!! THANKS!

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Hey! Y'all remember that playful, naughty boy in my avie? :hubbahubba:

Thankful4Clay....I can listen to multiple MOAM's, too. And it's my fave, too. (Remember that thread on EAYOR where we went for pages and pages getting to THE fave of the CD? I forget now just how we were 'voting' or 'eliminating' or whatnot, but didn't MOAM win? heh) I like to listen to the AOL sessions MOAM and then the recorded version and then a live version (I like DCAT's Knoxville with a burning, thousand-sun passion.)...There always seems to be something new to discern with each listen.


Anyhoo.....those candid shots are quite a contrast to the smiling man in Planet Hollywood, huh? Frowning, pissy-looking Clay. Looks like a man on a mission who wants to be left the hell alone. You know, when I was watching that clip from Planet Hollywood with all those blinding flashes, I was reminded of that LA BAF Gala back in 2004. I was completely SHOCKED by the flashes then...had never seen anything like it and wondered how the HELL he could stand it all. Knowing NOW that at the time he was also sick AND fighting panic and anxiety attacks (this was before he sought help)...He smiled then, too, for the cameras....but watching him today, I was hoping that his smile was more naturally present and that he was enduring it with much, much less stress.

The man continues to confound me with his titanium.

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There are some new pics up a ClayAikenPix.com. Unfortunately, no one seems to be able to save these pics in their hi-res form from the site right now - there's some kind of technical glitch. However, I was able to save them in a smaller size. Here are a few of them:







Gibby don't think this is a techinical glitch. According to KSChristian4Clay

We had to disable it. We got e-mails from two different agencies today that traced pics taken off the site. There is a hefty fine that basically we can't risk getting. They sent a link that went back to a board, not this one, but to CB.
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That's a shame - and here I thought all those pix on that site were legit!

This is cool - I am not sure if this has been posted - I was out tonight and mostly just skimmed when I got home and then had to go watch Top Chef.


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