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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Posted by Notacanuck at the CH:


From the Star-Telegram (I think that's Dallas?)


QVC prepares for ratings spike

Clay Aiken will make his QVC debut Monday night on the home-shopping channel. No, he's not for sale ...

And the calendar is all updated, I have been adding the dates as fast as I can...don't think I missed any, but If I did, someone let me know.


YES thank you!!!!

and don't forget the FCA website that has the calendars and all the CD promo updates plus all the links for videos, webisodes and other important CD promo links.

Oh 00lsee...thanks for your graciousness cos I really love the picture on cha cha's new banner. We will have this banner back up on another week...

So unexpected banner change...thanks to Cha cha trusty and the great photographer that captured this gorgeoug image...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for all the news...its a bit overwhelming. And I remember a very good friend of mine worrying about this time being all quiet in Clayland...hee

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Posting from my PDA w/wireless access.

Did ya'll get boyfriend's latest text? He wants you to call him, and then he asks if you've seen him in Spamalot. I love getting messaged by Clay. *g*

Nice banner cha cha!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: WOW - that new banner is a surprise!!! THANKS! :thankyou: I didn't expect a change till next Tuesday!

it made me catch my breath!!

I am with y'all about the grin on my face!!!

Did anyone mention a new text this afternoon?? I was asked if I wanted to join a chat so I said yes, and then I sent a couple comments.

Later, I got another text aboutgetting a special ringtone, and getting a wallpaper. Nothing has happened on those, since I don't know how to actually get the ringtone, it just seems to play and no way to save it.

Then I got a message about calling the phone number for a message, and I called, and Clay asked if I had gotten to see Spamalot yet. I texted back my answer.

Anybody else get texting action from BF today?

eta: KAndre - you got some weird shit goin thru your head!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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this page needs some more serious pretty.......


oh yeah, and about that shirt. This might be a new one, but didn't he first have one like that on AI2 during one of his bios, when they showed the wardrobe selections during the movie night?

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He looks so grown up in that picture! I love Clay's smile but there's just something deadly about the look on his face when he's being serious. :Thud: I think I"m caught up. It's really difficult to be away for a couple of days at this time.......

The Craig Ferguson appearance should be interesting.....I've never even watched Craig Ferguson.

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OOOH! Did it work? Did it work? :lilredani:

:yess: (see new avie :hubbahubba: )

this page needs some more serious pretty.......


oh yeah, and about that shirt. This might be a new one, but didn't he first have one like that on AI2 during one of his bios, when they showed the wardrobe selections during the movie night?

I don't know, but that button SERIOUSLY needs to be undone...


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The Clay promo on AI tonight was impressive. He looked fantastic. Showed a bus with the Clay promo, and the outside of the Shubert "featuring Clay Aiken" and some of the backstage video. Showed him as Robin and the guard. And, most importantly, showed the CD and had Clay say it was out on May 6.

YESSSSS! Obviously, they are good with Clay.

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That banner has done me in. Stick a fork in me.

I really have been trying to catch up. I saw mention of a K-Mart deal with a poster? Can someone tell me about that please! Is it online or in the store or....or...... We have a podunk K-Mart here that always has a 90% off sign on their wall. But I did find ATDWs there when they came out.

Are there any New Yorkers on that know where that banner picture was taken? I'm thinking that's the Statue of Liberty off to the high left (kind of blurry) so it would be Battery Park?

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WHen he's UP there on the stage,

He's the IDOL of his age!

Yeah, baybeeeeee! :clap: So one report said his hair was parted in the middle and down on the sides, but that it looked good...you mean like one of the pics on the MySpace? Surely not like The View hair or latest Tyra pics?

Anyhoo? YEAY! :clap:

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Yay Guess I'll be watching idol tonight....

You know I really am not a fashionista...cuz I can't differentiate Clay's hair styles. hee. I'm with KAndre on it..but K you'll have to change your description up a bit since it's not long white boy brown.l

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Are there any New Yorkers on that know where that banner picture was taken? I'm thinking that's the Statue of Liberty off to the high left (kind of blurry) so it would be Battery Park?

from Sylvie at getclayaiken...

Those new pictures are just to die for. Love all of them. The first one, Kav says is just where we went once, when we went to the River Cafe, it's just along from that. We took pictures from that exact spot. Hee. We have a con.nection.

You can get an idea of the area when you look at the little picture on their website...


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I've been trying to read all the posts from the last 6 days, but I have a long way to go. There is soooooo much going on with Clay that I definitely need a calendar with all the Clay dates (hee) coming up, plus dang it, now I need to figure out how many copies I need of the new cd. Gotta have all the extras!

First I wanted to let you guys know that I saw Spamalot for the first time this past weekend and I was blown away by how freaking fantastic Clay was. I know that I sat there with a huge grin on my face the whole time, well, except for when I was laughing which was a lot. It's just unbelievable how much he has accomplished in the last 5 years. Can't wait to see what happens next!

I'm not going to do a recap because there have already been so many beautifully worded ones that I have thoroughly enjoyed along with all of you and can not do justice to what I felt and saw. As some of you may remember this trip was a Christmas present from my son and he got us great seats in the center mezzanine (sp?). My son is not a Clay fan, but he certainly enjoyed the whole show. I know that he was laughing and applauding as loud as anyone else around us. After the show he couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was and how impressed he was with Clay's performance. That made me smile! We hung around upstairs after the show watching people have their picture made with Clay and my wonderful son offered to pay the $300 so I could have my picture taken with him. I declined since I know how much he had already spent, but I did buy the autographed playbill which I'm going to frame. The whole weekend was one I'll remember forever. It was verra verra nice! :lilredani:

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Well, crap! Of course I chose not to watch AI tonight.

Verra verra verra verra nice banner! :hubbahubba:

Are there any New Yorkers on that know where that banner picture was taken? I'm thinking that's the Statue of Liberty off to the high left (kind of blurry) so it would be Battery Park?

I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, I didn't see that particular sight while I was at Battery Park!

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There has been a lot of construction since the 6 years ago when I sailed the Hudson river, but it vaguely looks like Clay has the verazzano support on his right side and the Statue of liberty if off afar and is looking north.

However knowing Clay;'s lack of interest in being on a ferry or something, I would have to think it is a building to the right. and Clay is looking south not north. But the sunset implies he is looking west, so that large sturcture would have to be a building in Jersey and he would have to be standing on a roof of batter park. Weird, I don't think the water should look that way.

I vote photshop.

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