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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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*high-fives duckyvee* Here's the link!

Thanks, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The charcter that I get such a kick out of is Sheldon.

As for Clay and his attractiveness..... I love the guy beyond reason, but I rarely see the sexy, except in certain still photos, and until the last year or so, didn't find him to be particularly physically attractive. I always found him to be attractive in other ways. I must admit, though, that he has grown into quite a handsome man.

JaMar, that's your cue to give me yet another geography lesson.... :whistling-1:

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The wedding photos? I've mentioned before (but perhaps not on this board) that I had a very tall, skinny boyfriend (with large ears, as it happens) for a while in high school...at the CH, I wrote about him:

I agree. Yeah, he was really cute "back then". I've enjoyed watching Clay grow into his sharp planes and angles so very much. It's a little embarrassing to admit how much he once reminded me of my most serious high school boyfriend, the one with the long, wrap-you-up arms and the large, you're-safe-with-me hands. His was an intensely focused gaze and man, his kiss should have melted my parents' driveway. Such a gentleman, but so passionate.

I think it's difficult to calculate charisma/magnetism from a photograph...but I noticed, zooming in on his eyes, that his pupils are dilated...which implies to me that the (rather short?) person taking the picture was attractive/stimulating to him in some way. The crinkling around his eyes, the quirk of his lips, and the tilt of his head all hint of imminent laughter. I can almost hear that infectious cackle in my mind. In the picture where he is singing, after I dragged my eyes away from those long, clever fingers playing with the mic cord, I had a whimsical thought about superimposing an image of what he looks like today into that shadow beside him on the wall. The suggested promise in those shoulders, in those hands, in that face, have certainly been beautifully fulfilled.

Would I have given him a second glance that day? It's hard to know...but I suspect it would have been hard to look away if you happened to catch that pair of fine eyes glancing at YOU. I mean, that expression tells me he might have had a key to a conveniently deserted workroom.


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*looks up... reads 00lsee's post again... mind wonders...*

Excuse me.... :Thud:

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Whew! Now that I've got my mind back... I just came from a great lunch meeting about continuing education, degree programs for working adults, tuition reimbursment, etc. One of the most interesting things I learned? That being on message boards the past 5 years could actually help with acclimating into an online degree program!

Who knew?! (tm King Arthur) :wordpooper:

Btw, anyone have any experience with the University of Phoenix?

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Annabear - I had acquaintances at BofA who got their B.A. degrees from Univ of Phoenix. If I'm not mistaken they got credit for work experience, too. The only challenging part is if you're the type of person who needs a "live body" standing in front of you for lectures. There is a bit of discipline involved with doing online work. But it's a great alternative if you can't attend a traditional school.

OOlsee - loved your post! Love your imagination. I had a boyfriend in high school who was a redhead with freckles everywhere - or at least where a good girl could see!.....heh! He had the white eyelashes, even had a couple freckles on his upper lip. Have always been attracted to redheads as a result. So, of course, I married a dark haired man...but he did have green eyes!

I got a call from my Bankcard Fraud Detection unit this morning. Someone has been using a card I paid off in January - and subsequently cut up. There were 6 transactions and another 11 pending. Fortunately it triggered their "look see" software - hence the call. They recommended I go into any online site that I use frequently and check to see if any of the transactions were in the history; i.e. PayPal and Ticketmaster. They weren't - but I deleted the card from my profile. I literally have not used this card since last summer during the 4-fer. Scary.

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Bwah I know this will sound funny but the first boy I ever kissed was also a red headed boy with freckles. He wasn't skinny though (although I was a stick LOL) ..very confident and worldly for this sheltered preacher's kid. When I was 15 I went to a summer program at UC Davis for a week. I can't even remember what he looks like, his name, nothing. I know we talked on the phone a few times after but that was it. He lived in the Sacramento area.

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Iseeme, I used to work at Citibank in the fraud department but working identity theft. I learned so many ways that people came up with to fraud someone and they were constantly improving their tactics. Sad thing is that since it is considered more a white collar crime, these people hardly got any jail time, if any. Personally, I think they should have to pay back every cent they scammed from people as well as jail time.

And 00lsee, is that old boyfriend still available? I'm looking and I've always had a thing for the guys who were a little nerdy, but not Bill Gates nerdy. I liked the guys who were different but still fit in, not the ones who had their own table in the cafeteria.

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Fortunately I'm not taking any kind of a loss. They'll reverse all the charges....and the pending transactions won't be approved. I have online banking and noticed a balance on my credit card a few weeks ago, called, had that checked out, and then this today. They're issuing me a new number - so that should help. I would close the account but I've had it since 1983.... don't know if I'll ever use it again but it's nice to have for emergencies!!!

Clay content - time for a pretty picture?


I'd say this was about Step 3 in the metamorphosis......have always loved that downward look with the slight smile......

ETA: OMG - it's getting worse. I just got a recorded phone call thanking me for registering for eBayAuction and asking they send the startup kit - and, of course, they were charging my credit card for it. I called and found out it was "the" card. Got it cancelled. I wonder what's going to happen next. This is really pissing me off. I know I won't lose any money but just the idea that someone can do this.

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Scarlett when I go to the Big bang Theory site there are no complete shows available...maybe because I'm in Canada, altho a site will usually state that.

annabear In my area The Big Bang Theory reruns are on CBS Monday nights at 800pm

When I look at those pre AI photos of Clay, I know that as a young woman I would not have been immediately attracted to him but if I had had the chance to get to know him, say been in the same class at university and then to see any of his Hometown performances, I would have been so attracted, his kindness and voice and humour and yes, the confidence. And I always preferred the tall skinny guys.

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When I was a tall, shinny, somewhat dorky HS girl, I would have been attracted to tall, skinny, somewhat dorky Clayton. Especially if he made me laugh! I had a total of 3 dates in HS, but the guy I married made me laugh all the time.

It is his heart that makes him so attractive! Ok, and the eyes... and the lips... and the shoulders... and :013085001176249046: :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Luckiest... great BB story! Too bad no video camera. Even I would have liked to have seen it.

laljeter... tell your son he doesn't have to smile. One of my favorite pictures of my DGS, age "be 17 next month," is him looking at the camera seriously without a smile anywhere around. He looks so handsome. He's another tall, skinny guy and he really needs to grow into his face... all cheekbones and teeth right at the moment. Gorgeous eyes, too. Can't sing tho. LOL

Justclay... any tips on identity theft that most people wouldn't think of. I shred my stuff, don't put the whole cc number on my checks, don't pay bills online. I even tear my junk mail right thru my address and put the halves in different bags and throw them away at different times. I had my debit card used 100s of miles away to buy 3 tv sets at WalMart, but the fraud people called me and I said wasn't me. I still had my card, but someone had swiped the number. Scary!!!

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Pre-AI Clay is exactly the type of guy that I would have gone for in high school and actually my hubby I guess would be considered a tad nerdy. Really good looking guys always intimated me; maybe because I never thought of myself as the type they would go for.

I have never seen any "group think" here, just varying opinions; some I agree with and some I don't. I have also been called a "positive polly" in my time for always looking on the bright side of life and not pointing out Clay's flaws ad infinitum, and yet the one time I did post something that was not complimentary (it was about the QVC performance), I was the recipient of some really nasty responses elsewhere.

I also have found out that criticizing a particular fan bugaboo like casting Clay as a perpetual victim, which does happen, is not always well received. Interesting how some fans can dish it out where Clay is concerned, but are not too happy when their own faults are pointed out.

Car update: It is the alternator which is covered under warranty; but the brake work being done is not, so I am looking at a car bill of over $600...good news is that this didn't happen while we are on vacation in a couple of weeks.


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Did I kill the thread? It seems like I got here and everyone left; I swear I showered today and used deodorant! :allgood:


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Nah, I just took a shower myself, and now have to leave to walk the dog, then go shopping before the weekend people start coming tonight. I just think people are having lives in the summer when more stuff is going on. If it was winter, we might have to set up thread murder charges for you and that wouldn't be very nice.

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Bwah I know this will sound funny but the first boy I ever kissed was also a red headed boy with freckles.

Hee - me, too. Red headed boy with freckles. Mine was tall and skinny. And had big ears that stuck out. He was adorable, but he wasn't the boy I wanted to kiss at the time :cry: . That's how 7th grade is, I guess.

I still see him once every few years. Makes me smile. :D

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Hmmmm.....you know, I honestly can't remember the first boy I kissed. Either I'm getting really old or it wasn't that memorable! :cryingwlaughter:

Just watching Cristina Aguilera on Ellen. It's a rerun but boy howdy did she have large tracts of land. Ellen asked her if she was nursing! Hee. I think it was her first time out of the house after her little boy was born!

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JaMar, that's your cue to give me yet another geography lesson.... :whistling-1:



need I say more?


Seriously...pre AI Clay is exactly the kind of guy I went out with in HS. All my friends could pick my type out of a crowd a mile away. And they always saved what they called the "dorkycute" ones for me. *g*

eta...I see it's a good thing aikim and I didn't go to the same school. We mighta had a few "misunderstandings." :hysterical:

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Did anyone know that they were trying too bring White Christmas to Broadway for a short run this winter?

`Rent' Producer Seeks Break to Give Broadway `White Christmas'

Now this is the kind of show I can deal with if Clay were is - a short run production, just a month or two. Plus it is a great romantic comedy that starred the first unicef ambassador.

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Did anyone know that they were trying too bring White Christmas to Broadway for a short run this winter?

`Rent' Producer Seeks Break to Give Broadway `White Christmas'

Now this is the kind of show I can deal with if Clay were is - a short run production, just a month or two. Plus it is a great romantic comedy that starred the first unicef ambassador.

And Clay would be perfect in the Danny Kaye Role!!!!!!

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White Christmas...my favorite Christmas movie of all time...I would love to see (well, I wouldn't be able to actually see it) but I love for Clay to be in a production of this show and yes, he would be perfect for the Danny Kaye role.

:thbighug-1: Jamar; I think you could use today after the Home Run Derby discussion (btw, I was on your side)


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Ok, and first of all... the scrollbar is your friend. This next little story of mine doesn't really have all that much to do with Clay.. except for me it does. And since not too many of you know me, perhaps it can also be a way of introducing myself.

Anyway, here it is, short and quick (I hope…). Back in May of '03 I remember surfing the World Wide Web trying to find something... anything else about Clay. And seriously I really had no idea as to the extent of what was already out there or what I'd find, including the skads of old demos, which I immediately burned to CD's and then burned a couple more just because it was something to do (yea, you know what I’m talking about). I hadn't even begun to put a name whatever it was I was doing yet. But so, since I had a couple of “extras” of course gave a set to each of my daughters, who almost in unison said so eloquently if I remember correctly, "Thanks mom"...

Well that very night (and I can remember it as if it were last night) lying in bed with my headphones on and listening to "I Will Be Here" for the first time and thinking "OMG! (Although I didn't really express it that way as an acronym back then…) He has just GOT to sing that at [daughter's] wedding! (Even though she didn't have even a glimmer of a boyfriend at the time...)

But it didn't take me long to realize that "he" would probably never be able to fit “that” into his schedule… and that was ok because I still had a major backup plan. My ex-husband and [daughter's] dad, has an incredibly exquisite voice and in fact the similarity in the vocal tone is almost uncanny. "Right" you're saying. Ok yes, I understand that it’s only my opinion, but at the very least he HAS still managed to make a living out of doing nothing else but sing for the past 30 years. Well that, and dressing up and dancing... And in truth?.. it would really be a lot more special to have [daughter's] own daddy sing it anyway.

Fast forward… [daughter] got married two years ago and I had already long before forgotten about my entertainment agenda for the someday wedding. (Even though she DID get “Everything I Have” as the background music for the wedding montage!) And besides, she’d asked her sister to sing at her wedding and of course ex-hubby accompanied her on the piano... and it was perfect all around.

Very fast forward… [daughter] called a few days ago and she’s helping [daughter2] with wedding plans (which will culminate this weekend!) and she wanted to know if I would be at all upset if she and her dad sang a certain song at the wedding. Seems they’ve been going round and round on which one he’d do and they finally found a perfect one from an “old” CD that I’d given her…

I guess the first thing I said was… “Why in the world would you think it would bother me?” And the second thing I said was… “Eeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Maybe she thinks I own the rights???

Ok, so that post was way longer than I had intended it to be.

ANd yet ... there's even much more irony to this story than meets the eye... and maybe someday I will be bold enough to tell it. :whistling-1:

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Bwah ha ha! I just realised that the first boy I kissed had red hair, freckles and was really skinny with big ears! Do I sense a pattern here. I left to go to Istanbul for 3 years and when I saw him again he had a red beard which I hated.

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Ok, where are all these tall, dorky, funny guys you all are talking about. All the men around here seem to be poorly aged ex-linebackers or something. Plus there are a lot of hunters, which I was never a fan of, and then my ex was a hunter, so now I have an even stronger aversion to them.

As for fraud tips, shredding is a good idea. Anything with your preprinted info on it, including applications, bills, etc. Also be careful when you go to certain places that runs your card out of your sight because some places have machines that will copy all the info off of your card and then they make cards with all your info on it. And if you have bills that come regularly and then you miss a statement, make sure you check to make sure your address has not been changed. And if you are no longer using a card, it's probably a good idea to cancel it because sometimes the credit card company sends offers and frauds love to check your mail for that kind of stuff and then they take over those old accounts that you have forgotten about. Never give out any info to someone who is calling you. Ask them who they work for and what department, then find a number to call the company back and verify they had called. If its legitimate, most the times it will be noted on the account or the application, if you've recently applied. The frauds really sound legitimate sometimes, a lot of times because they are not working independently, so don't trust anyone who calls you.

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My husband has red hair (well, he did when I met him; it is pretty much all gray now) and freckles.


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