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#38: The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next thread title???

    • I love him. I want him to have a life.
    • Parker Foster Aiken, The little man is ... as loud as his daddy
    • Well, Yes, that is my baby, extended version
    • Clay creates family everywhere he goes.
    • "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"
    • Maybe Clay is holding that little guy on his chest, kissing his head. I don't care about anything else.
    • Yes, That Is My Baby or would Jack Black be coming after us for copyright infringement, LOL!
    • He's a Daddy! And that's just Joy on a Stick!

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FWIW, I'm thrilled for him. He's clearly happy about the child, and everything I've seen of him suggests that he will be a very good father. True, he has not followed the traditional path to parenthood, but he's always been one to forge his own way.

I realize this situation has lead to all sorts of speculation, and with many different assumptions. There are concerns about what this means for his personal life, for his career. I understand why some worry. Personally, I'd rather just share his joy. It seems a whole lot easier.

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Heidi, I hope you didn't hurt yourself dissecting my posts. I will not get into it with you on the board (or again in a PM so don't bother) but as I did say to you in a PM before, your criticisms often come off as the pot calling the kettle black.

Merryclay, I made a point of qualifying the use of the word "we" in my post. To quote myself.....

and from this point on when I use the term "we" please know I am talking in generalities about the fandom and am fully aware this does not apply to everyone in the fandom

Hope that clears that up.

Thankful, I appreciate what you said - and how you said it. And thank you for accepting my explanation of my use of the words "the kid".

Now, perhaps we can all move on?? Poor, poor horsey! :Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius:

ETA: I really do need to become JennaZ when I grow up (although there is a good chance at this rate I wil never grow up!)! Good to see you here! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Maybe, right this minute, Clay is holding that little tiny guy on his chest, over his heart, and kissing his little head.

I don't care about anything else.

I love this image and I'm pretty damn sure it will happen. I would let my children sleep on me for hours in this position. It's the most wonderful feeling.

Heh, my dog has taken to climbing in my lap to lie like this, only she is a very long dog, and I have to put my feet up or she will fall off and she weigs 45 pounds.

Hwat is it about lying on a heartbeat that soothes them so.

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FWIW, I'm thrilled for him. He's clearly happy about the child, and everything I've seen of him suggests that he will be a very good father. True, he has not followed the traditional path to parenthood, but he's always been one to forge his own way.

I realize this situation has lead to all sorts of speculation, and with many different assumptions. There are concerns about what this means for his personal life, for his career. I understand why some worry. Personally, I'd rather just share his joy. It seems a whole lot easier.

Hey Jenna...how's it going...

yup...I totally agree...I think he will be a great father.

sigh you are right...better concentrate on the joy this birth brings to him and to his family. If some fans cannot accept his decision and cannot share in the joy that only hurts them really. If some people cannot be fans anymore...that is their choice.

I really can't wait for his first live interview. I hope his first visit will be on Jimmy Kimmel...I bet they will have lots to talk about....I do believe Jimmy has kids.

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Dang - we should've had Mo Rocca's statement in the thread title noms.

Someone take the measure of that man!

Oh put it in the thread title suggestion...we can still use it for the next thread.

So will we get baby inspired banners??? hint hint :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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sigh you are right...better concentrate on the joy this birth brings to him and to his family. If some fans cannot accept his decision and cannot share in the joy that only hurts them really.

Yes, and I feel rather sad for them. Of all the things to be upset or disappointed about! Clay seems to be ecstatic. How anyone can be disappointed in that I will never understand. Their problem, though. If they want to wallow in that it's their choice.

If some people cannot be fans anymore...that is their choice.

I really can't wait for his first live interview. I hope his first visit will be on Jimmy Kimmel...I bet they will have lots to talk about....I do believe Jimmy has kids.

Oooo....I can't wait either. I think we will hear baby stories, in concert if nothing else. <g>

Amazing. Clay becomes a father about 36 hrs ago, and the focus of the board is on one person. And that person ain't Clay.

You'd think he was born wearing glasses or something. :imgtongue:

It took me a shockingly long time to get that last comment. <g> Heh.

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So y'all think the baby will travel with them on the tour bus?

Oh so do we need to add babysitter on the members designation???

I think the baby goes on the bus. Hell, Jaymes has been on the bus quite a bit in the last few years, I doubt that would change now.

I confess to really wanting to see Clay holding his child. :::sniff:::

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Member Number 888 Checking in:

FWIW, I'm thrilled for him. He's clearly happy about the child, and everything I've seen of him suggests that he will be a very good father. True, he has not followed the traditional path to parenthood, but he's always been one to forge his own way.

I realize this situation has lead to all sorts of speculation, and with many different assumptions. There are concerns about what this means for his personal life, for his career. I understand why some worry. Personally, I'd rather just share his joy. It seems a whole lot easier.

I'm totally cheating and stealing JennaZ's post. I don't think I've posted since.....I forget when....come to think of it. But it's good news to me that this birth went well and everyone is healthy and happy.

Last night I finished up all the work in my two summer courses. YAY!! You have no idea how loud that YAY is. It's loud! I have a whole week of fun here in Halifax until I have to back home.....though I'm not sure I'm all that crazy about becoming the bologna is the Russia/Georgia/Iran sandwich. I think my mother has called me 50 times with situation updates since Friday morning.

But I have a Gala ticket, I have a plane ticket to Raleigh, and a room at the hotel. Sadly, no suitable garment that fits. I will get something when I get to Houston at the beginning of October.....note to eHP* When I make my flight reservation I will email each and everyone of you the itinerary with the date. Someone, please send me a note a few dates in advance to remind me that I have to be at the airport on said date and not the next day! John thought the whole thing was funny last time, but I think if I pull that one again.....he'll be a tad upset.*

Ya know, I think I should offer to baby sit.....that way Jaymes could get some quiet time alone with her son. All that lullaby singing must get on your nerves after awhile. :D

Gosh, it sure would be nice if there was a Christmas tour. A few months ago I would have taken the totally opposite stance but I'm getting antsy to see him sing to me again. I will do Christmas. I will do a Feast of the Epiphany Tour if he wants to do something on a smaller scale. Anything!

{{Perma}} I never thought five years ago, I'd be living with two next door neighbors who seem to be at war with each other in a country where the only way out, by land, is through Iran. I honestly don't get the point of blasting the crap out of each other. I just hope those Georgians know the difference between a mig and an Airbus 320 at 10,000 feet. It's pretty dark, at midnight, out in the countryside up there. Anyway, as soon as I get home I'm turning my desk so I can see out the window. I'll look down into the courtyard of the Georgian Embassy......might have some heightened security on the laundry that dries on the front porch. And while I'm keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood, I'll work on the rest of my pictures from the last two tours.

At least my mother can't call me over there.....

OMG! I loved that Mo Rocca piece. AND I forgot to mention I went to New York last weekend with the family. At least I think I did...if I posted about this tell me to shut up.....saw Spamalot again since it is a fave of John's, and Drew Lachey's face on Clay's buses. It felt good see Schubert alley and remember iit wasn't all just a dream. (TM Hebert).....

I think we will get baby stories in concert, too, and maybe some acknowledgment of becoming a father in an interview. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to how much he will talk about the baby other than that. Sometimes it's hard not to, no matter how much you don't want to.....kind like me when I'm buying tickets for my 9th show on the Feast of the Epiphany Tour.


I bet fatherhood hasn't affected its appearance in anyway.

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Last night I finished up all the work in my two summer courses. YAY!! You have no idea how loud that YAY is. It's loud!

YAY!! From a fellow student, just starting summer courses! :bier:

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I think we will get baby stories in concert, too, and maybe some acknowledgment of becoming a father in an interview. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to how much he will talk about the baby other than that. Sometimes it's hard not to, no matter how much you don't want to.....kind like me when I'm buying tickets for my 9th show on the Feast of the Epiphany Tour.


I bet fatherhood hasn't affected its appearance in anyway.

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Yeah...I guess this comes with the territory of having kids...just wanting to share stories and share the joy.

I do wonder if they will be spending some time in Vancouver too...hopefully this means more tour stops in Canada...

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Thanks everyone for the hugs; it really wasn't that bad of a day; just not what I envisioned for my first daughters wedding shower...but it really wasn't about me; it was about Emily and she had a great time. I remember my wedding and how controlling my mother was and I made a promise to myself that I would not be that way and I did not want to put Emily in the middle of an arguement between her MIL and myself; which is why I agreed to the joint shower. Some times you have to pick your battles and this was just one day.


Kim :F_05BL17blowkiss:


I have spent ages reading and hit he "quote" button on many posts today but really Anna this says it all :cryingwlaughter:

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I just got this in a Google alert - a comparison of Clay and Matthew McConaghey as fathers - I was kind of flinching when I opened it, but it was actually kinda funny, and this cracked me up:

Bedtime Rituals


Laser tooth whitening...Re-telling of the story of Goldilocks and the Big Fat Ruben Studdard...Christmas carols regardless of season...reassurances that there are no razor-toothed Claymates lurking under the bed.


1000 crunches...bongo-accompanied African tribal lullaby...Reminder to "stay strong, little man" before administration of tender kiss on forehead.

Not linking to it because anything or anybody that refers to children as spawn doesn't deserve oxygen or hits. JMO and all that.

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YEAY! :manynanas::roundel:

Carrie's softball team won the tournament! Won five games straight! Woo Hoo! The championship game was a killer---very evenly-matched teams; 0-0 until the bottom of the sixth inning (game is seven innings) when we scored a run!

So we just had to hold them for three more outs....they actually loaded the bases! But we got them out and won our first tournament championship of this summer!



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I was looking through my photobucket of CITH 2007 pictures, and I suspect Clay was already thinking ahead of ways to incorporate opportunities to teach Parker stuff during his concerts.

Telling time:





"Can you say 'Two'?"


Colors and shapes:

"Can you point at the yellow circle?"


Dance Choreography and Musical Terms:

"This is called 'Jazz Hands'."


Measuring stuff - using both inches and centimeters in deference to Parker being half-Canadian, eh?


All topped of with a fun little matching and memory game called 'She's on the The List Bingo'.


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Carrie's softball team won the tournament! Won five games straight! Woo Hoo! The championship game was a killer---very evenly-matched teams; 0-0 until the bottom of the sixth inning (game is seven innings) when we scored a run!

Yayyy!!! Congrats!

BWAH Bottle!!!

Yay! Funny and some purdy!!

And on that note - I'll say G'night!


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I have found the discussion regarding Clay & Jaymes relationship interesting, everyone's opinions etc. I thought I would relay a conversation I had last PM with a male friend who loves to tease me about my Clay love but in a respectful way. He is highly intelligent & has a razor sharp wit. I told him about the birth of the baby & he asked if they were married. I said not that we know of. He asked if they were would he tell. I said I don't know. A part of me says if he was in love with her he would shout it to the world, but I'm not sure. He then said maybe they are a couple but one or both of them have commitment issues. I then relayed the way Clay referred to her in his blog as "dear friend" so that must be what she is. He was quiet for a few minutes then said well, if they are a couple & not married what is he supposed to call her, my lover, my f--k buddy, I would call her a friend too!! Just thought I would relay how someone on the outside looks at the use of Clay's words. I just want Clay to be happy. They certainly seem to be in a loving committed relationship no matter what type of love it is.

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