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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Now if only the fandom could do the same. It seems ever since this kid was born sensitivities have been running awfully high. None of you gave birth. That kid is no more yours than mine. Why so defensive of him? And especially, why so defensive of what some of you want Clay's relationship with Jaymes to be??

Other people are defensive?? Bwahahahahahaha…yer killin’ me here.

Sometimes this place is funnier than Spamalot. Well, okay, maybe that's overstating it a bit.....<g>

:stfu: I always wanted an opportunity to use that emotion.

I hate when they quote an "insider" without giving a name. Makes me think they just made that part up - or just guessed.

I agree. I also hate that they talk about plans for a possible baby next year. If true, shut the fuck up!

"Insider" info should always be taken with a grain of salt. Fact is, it would be highly unlikely even if they wanted to that they could have another kid next year. Under normal circumstances, it takes awhile for a woman's body to get back to normal after giving birth - and Jaymes is older than average. Then if she is breast feeding, that would delay things. Then the fact that she is menopausal probably means it would most likely take more than one try at IVF, which alone puts tremendous strain on a woman's body even when they are young. By the time she is ready to try again - IF she even wants to, her doctor may advise against it.

Or maybe if the kid does nothing but cry for 6 months she may not WANT another!

Now, one last time for the record - I made it quite clear I was not saying EVERYONE was trying to convert the heathens who believe Clay when he says they're friends. I said SOME and I stand by that. Funny thing about evangelists. They are usually so convinced they are right they aren't even aware of how they are trying to shove their beliefs down the throats of others.

By the way, I totally agree Clay and Jaymes have made a commitment to raise this child together. But that is not the same thing as making a commitment to each other in a romantic relationship way. They could be, and I believe are, committed friends who are committed to the raising of this child. That also doesn't mean they will live together, or even in the same town, state or country. They will always be a part of each other's life because of their son. None of that means they are IN love and/or married.

Muski - thanks for bringing the smut back! It has been missing for a long time! And I love your avie. I remember when I had a similar one on our first board and when we would post back to back, it was an interesting show...

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Does anyone know HOW to call the box office. I can't find a direct number. I just get Telecharge.

Shubert Ticketing

Phone: (212) 944-4100

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Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

And personally, there is no way I can see Clay not living with his son.


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Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice...

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Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice...

I hear ya!


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I just read that In Touch article from the clickable, and that's a fabulous article about Daddy Clay. As far as the freezing of sperm and eggs for another child, if you only have to do it once at the clinic and they can freeze everything, why go back? If they required an in vitro procedure for this baby, they'd require it for another one too. They planned ahead.

I certainly don't mind anonymous insiders giving statements to magazines when they are this positive. They quoted Linda Loveland and she's probably an insider. She got the house tour, the video of OMWH in the NY studio, the call from Faye last Friday, yeah she's got to be close. I see it in the best interest of Clay, and any other celebrity for that matter, to allow comments, even uncredited ones, to these celebrity magazines. Michelle and Barack Obama were on the cover of Us recently. They did quote someone saying soulmates, which is much nicer than some of the snidely worded stuff I read a month ago.

I feel really good about the way things are going for Clay right now. I couldn't write a thesis on it, not yet anyway, but it just feels good to me.

Regarding the Spamalot/Gala conflict, wandacleo, I don't think Clay would miss three performances. In October there would be matinee and evening performances on Sundays so I would be surprised if he missed three shows -- and especially if Jaymes and the baby are in NY and stay there while Clay does a fast turnaround trip to Raleigh. It's nothing to bank on though. I feel your pain.

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Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice...

I'm 48 and my period has not let up at all. I'm sure my eggs are all shriveled up, but my uterus is working just fine. Based on her age, I would not be surprised if they tried again next year. If she does get pregnant, I hope they can keep it quiet until she's as far along as she was this year. I hate that a confidence has been broken in Clay's circle of friends.

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Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

And personally, there is no way I can see Clay not living with his son.


I'm 47 and am more regular than my daughter who is 21, however I stay much warmer these days. And I agree that Clay would not be without his son, nor could I see Jaymes going through all she had to go through and then leave him.

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The frozen thing was reported in a tabloid previously. I'm afraid I don't remember where.

I'm going to continue to take everything I read with a grain of salt, especially from magazines like OK or In Touch, but even from People. The media gets things wrong sometimes and is slack about sourcing things these days. I am happy that they're putting a positive spin on things, though. I'm not complaining.

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Sad to say that my biggest worry for my daughter's wedding is that I will have my period that day...praying that won't happen.


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What do you know... COLORS... Adminey type note

Everybody has an opinion. There are no evangelists here. Nobody is trying to convert anyone. Everybody is allowed to believe what they want to believe. Everyone has a right to post and even postho on this subject all day long as long as they are responding to something else posted. And if they are responding to someone in a natural flow of conversation and not just repeating the same thing over and over and over and over..what's the problem? I see no anger, no insistance that they have the truth, no body telling anyone else to shut up. We will be discussing this topic until the cows come home and I hope everyone here will feel comfortable enough to say whatever it is they want to say. If we concentrate on the what people are saying, rather than their motives, we will all be better off. PM me with questions, concerns yadda yadda yadda.

eta: omg we're talking about periods? :cryingwlaughter: I love this place.

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I hate that a confidence has been broken in Clay's circle of friends.

But since this person was "unnamed" -- do we even know how close in the circle of Clay's friend this insider is? It's probably the teacher of the son of the third cousin twice removed, or some such distant person. It's actually surprising to me that it's taken this long for Clay to have an "insider" (I've admired that almost everyone close to him has been fairly tight-lipped), but unfortunately, I suspected something like this would happen at some time.

I'm going to continue to take everything I read with a grain of salt, especially from magazines like OK or In Touch, but even from People. The media gets things wrong sometimes and is slack about sourcing things these days. I am happy that they're putting a positive spin on things, though. I'm not complaining.

I'm really not either. I do know that salt is still a vital part of my diet, but when it's positive -- to me, I'm a bit happier and like less salt.

Sorry to hear about your ticket problems wandacleo...

ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

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It could have been anyone in the hospital or an employee as well..or somebody there to see the person in the room next to Jaymes..or it could have been all made up. Although Clay pacing.. eh.. if that's the most info they can get... cool.

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It is also possible that Clay gave permission for the "insider" to talk to the magazine...seems to be a lot more positive mentions and I have to believe that Clay's PR is behind it.

Couchie I much prefer lilac ink over green ink!


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Sad to say that my biggest worry for my daughter's wedding is that I will have my period that day...praying that won't happen.


hee... I know what you mean - not about having it for a daughter's wedding but it seems like every time I go on vacation the darn thing makes an appearance... it's a drag... it can go away any time... I'm over it... it served a purpose but I'm over it... really, I am.

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Sad to say that my biggest worry for my daughter's wedding is that I will have my period that day...praying that won't happen.


hee... I know what you mean - not about having it for a daughter's wedding but it seems like every time I go on vacation the darn thing makes an appearance... it's a drag... it can go away any time... I'm over it... it served a purpose but I'm over it... really, I am.

I had some really heavy periods for a while and I needed to go on the pill. That was great. By taking the pills a few days longer or stopping them a few days early, you can control when it starts. I haven't needed them for a long time and it seems I do get my period when on vacation. It sucks!

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I agree Couchie....Clay's family and friends don't live in a bubble. They probably have a lot of friends and family and any one of them could have let it slip....not intentionally betraying a confidence. Or it could have been medical personnel. It's also possible that neither Clay nor Jaymes exactly said, "Don't tell anyone." We just don't know. I think what we know about Clay, his personal life and daily activities is just a teeny tiny sliver of the reality.

Clay could have a whole harem of baby mommas living in that mansion in NC and we wouldn't know a thing about it.

Wouldn't that be cool??

ETA: another gold for Phelps!!!

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Sad to say that my biggest worry for my daughter's wedding is that I will have my period that day...praying that won't happen.Kim

There is a way to avoid this for VERY special occasions! Your daughter might know about it? Otherwise ask your doctor or PM me!

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