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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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Hi FCA.... haven't been able to keep up the last couple days...will go back and read. Muski, give your husband a big hug from me. This one is for you :F_05BL17blowkiss: and mama muski. I've gotten a taste of the shoe being on the foot with my mom and it's a tough tough thing.

Pins are ordered. Little bubble envelopes are ordered. I love ebay. Now just have them all ready to throw the pins in so I can turn them around in a day or two. Work has been a real bitch this week. No other way to say it. I'll post about that in the job thread.

I have to say the one thing that is keeping me going is knowing I'm going back to NYC in January. I'm so happy that so many of you will be there too. And Ansa and I will even stay 4 days after Clay is wrapped up to explore the city. Anybody want to join up with us let us know. Ahem..I hope we aren't snowed in or something. I don't remember seeing too many snowy ball drops from Times Square so I think we're safe.

From Claygary...Carmines is my favorite restaurant in NYC and I was totally bummed that I didn't get to eat there when I was there this spring. So happy that we get the chance again and yes I think we should settle on a date and make our reservation as soon as we have a halfway decent count. I remember that one time we did step in the door of Carmines there was a waiting list to be put on the damn waiting list. You have got to be kidding me. I had never been to the one in the theater district before, just the one on the upper west side.

Tonight I'm listening to Good News and my clannah duet. Good News is what I listen to when I need a pick up. hee Seriously. It's sooths me. Anyway...off to catch up so I can know what ya'll are talking about.

oh has anyone ever eaten a sharlyn? I think that's what it called. We bought one at the farmer's market and it's like a cross between cantaloupe and honeydew melon. OMG it's my new favorite thing.

I was thinking about Clay today. I hope he isn't hurting too bad preparing for Spam. heee. Looking forward to the clackapalooza to come over the next few months.

night night FCA...and I think to some...GOOD MORNING! or they will be up shortly.

ETA: I just sent my sister the link to the Carmines gift certificate page... told her to keep a special someone in mind when she's buying xmas presents. hee.. now.. I think I'll send my brother the link to telecharge :cryingwlaughter: He bought me a laptop last xmas..this will be a bargain!

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Hey Chacha doesn't "the Front Fell Off" sound like its a bit too close to real life? I spose thats the secret to good comedy!

Its like this show we have here called "Kath & Kim", an American version is in the works apparently. I saw an interview with the two women who write & star in it where they were saying they thought it was succesful because everyone thinks "Oh she's just like my neighbour/friend /sister" but nobody ever thinks its about them.

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couchie said

oh has anyone ever eaten a sharlyn? I think that's what it called. We bought one at the farmer's market and it's like a cross between cantaloupe and honeydew melon. OMG it's my new favorite thing.

Never heard of it but this might have to be the "Honeycrisp"apple of the fall. :cryingwlaughter:

The hunt for it sure went on for a while and if I remember some of us really liked them and others were unimpressed. I can't wait for hem to come out again. :soon:

There must be a reason I chime in when food is mentioned. :8: Off to the gym so I can continue the quest for the perfect food.

Clay content:

Did you all see the nice photo in US magazine from janwhatever at CH?

US magazine

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Good Morning Everyone,

14 Days (2 weeks!) until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" :woohoo:

22 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


43 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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I hope our friends in Australia will comment on this one!!

(Grrr, I am on dial-up for another week... in the process of changing ISP. You Tube takes over an hour to download!!! Boy, cannot believe how much I took broadband for granted!)

Chacha, that is John Clarke ("interviewee"), he is a well-known political satirist (amongst other things in the humor field, writing, performing etc) on a week-night current events show on ABC TV here in Oz. He is very, very clever. I actually knew him briefly and slightly many years ago, and what I remember best is that his real-life personality was quiet/shy, quite the opposite of the characters he created. His skits with Brian Dawe (the "interviewer") are now "legendary", bringing light-hearted relief to a serious current events show that addresses the harsh realities of life. They take a piece of reality (.e.g politician evading a sticky question) and present it in their exaggerated humor style. I just LOVE their work!!

Its like this show we have here called "Kath & Kim", an American version is in the works apparently. I saw an interview with the two women who write & star in it where they were saying they thought it was succesful because everyone thinks "Oh she's just like my neighbour/friend /sister" but nobody ever thinks its about them.

LOL ausdon, Kath and Kim are so funny, they also take real-life personalities and present them in an idiosyncratic exaggeration. But the actors really pull it off because they have such great scripts and clever co-actors. My favourite character in the show is Sharon, played by Magda Szubanski who had a major role in the movie Babe. She is very popular.

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Sorry to post on the main page with Spamalot stuff...but there doesn't seem to be a lot of action in the Spam threads right now....

There seem to be several of us in NYC for the ending shows, Jan 1 - 4th. Anyone up for dinner at Carmine's before the show some night? We wanted to get there last trip but could not get reservations three weeks in advance. We should book now if we want to do it.

Argh. If I manage to come back to NYC for these shows it'll be a very last minute thing. Right now I am concentrating on getting there in December without a blizzard stopping me (like Erie last year)!

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Good morning and almost goodbye for a few days. I'm off to Lake Tahoe to cook for a quilting retreat - 14 women for 3 days...and one is insisting on bringing her espresso machine because she's addicted to caffeine! (small kitchen, little counter space, I'm going to hide her damn machine!)

Chach - I LOVED LOVED LOVED that uTube....it was very cleverly done! I think the funniest thing I've ever seen Clay do - outside of Spamalot - was the Jefferson Dance. I still laugh outloud when I see him getting those feet going!

Cotton and anyone in the storm path or the outskirts of the storm - stay dry, and I hope all you have to deal with is rain! My friend Anne lost some vinyl siding on her house, her window screens and had alot of junk in the yard that had blown in but thankfully nothing serious. I still say living in earthquake country is alot safer! :whistling-1:

So - hope everyone has a nice weekend and....


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ETA: I just sent my sister the link to the Carmines gift certificate page... told her to keep a special someone in mind when she's buying xmas presents. hee.. now.. I think I'll send my brother the link to telecharge :cryingwlaughter: He bought me a laptop last xmas..this will be a bargain!

Um - Couchie? Could your Sis and Brother maybe - like - adopt me??!!!

I'm a good girl and I don't eat that much at family reunions.



Cotton and anyone in the storm path or the outskirts of the storm - stay dry, and I hope all you have to deal with is rain! My friend Anne lost some vinyl siding on her house, her window screens and had alot of junk in the yard that had blown in but thankfully nothing serious. I still say living in earthquake country is alot safer! :whistling-1:

DH just left for Home Depot - AGAIN! hee

This time he's on the search for a tarp in case we get a limb flying through a window! He's cleared a space in the Crap Barn (not the new barn) for my car - which is the newer car - in case things get crazy.

Right now - we're still a little more worried about Ike. But Hanna could cause us some grief in the form of power outages! Ack!

Pray we keep power - it's no fun here with no water and no AC!!!

Oh - and THANKS a lot, Iseeme! I hadn't even thought about losing our damned siding! :naughtywag:

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I think the funniest thing I've ever seen Clay do - outside of Spamalot - was the Jefferson Dance. I still laugh outloud when I see him getting those feet going!

Between this and the odd fact that someone here at work just spontaniuously burst into the Jefferson's theme song, I'm :lmaosmiley-1: ! I wish, literally...

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I think the funniest thing I've ever seen Clay do - outside of Spamalot - was the Jefferson Dance. I still laugh outloud when I see him getting those feet going!

Between this and the odd fact that someone here at work just spontaniuously burst into the Jefferson's theme song, I'm :lmaosmiley-1: ! I wish, literally...

True story: I went to see the lastest X-Files movie the weekend it came out. (I think me, my husband, and CG in Philly were the only three, but I digress...) Anyway, at one point in the movie, there's a person watching TV. Yep, "The Jeffersons." I was rolling on the floor laughing, and my husband was like "WHA?" All because I couldn't get the notion of Clay dancing out of my head...

Is today over yet?

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Okay...I've had just about enough of this whole :Iluvclaysbutt: thing! I don't particularly love his butt...

So...I checked out good ole' Babel Fish and found a Korean translation of a more appealing message to me.

나는 Clay'를 사랑한다; s 포장!

I chose Korean because I just got back from my niece's wedding and she's half Korean. Her mother wore a traditional Korean dress---a beautiful pale pink color. She and her family were speaking Korean throughout the day and so that particular language is on my mind.

Oh, all right. I'll end the suspense. :) The phrase reads: I love Clay's package!


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I just looked up the hurricanes updates on weather.com because apparently Hanna is headed our way too and moving fast!

There are some videos on that page, updated around 10:50 this morning.

Going out to fold up the deck chairs and umbrella now!!

Everyone stay safe! {{{cotton}}}

Thanks to the Aussies for the info on that youtube!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Okay. I'm worried about the deer and the fox(es) and the birds.

But the neighbor two doors down just saw me walking Droopy and he hollered (he first tried hand signals! :huh: ) that he just saw a blake snake! :o

Yeah. The local emergency guys have been warning us about snakes being brought inland with the surges and whatnot.

Not something I wanna hear!


At least you can SEE alligators!!!

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Did you all see the nice photo in US magazine from janwhatever at CH?

US magazine

What is interesting here is going back and forth a lot of cool people were picked on for not fitting in. Interesting stories for a change,. maybe the magazine wanted to actually cover a real story tha might be useful and not full of lies.

ok, I am off to the beach then it will be folding up and storing away stuff from the storm. The remodler was here, could not fix somehing needed a new part, but did check out and find that my electrical s self repairing for some reason Who knows? I had a car with a radiator that self healed and another tire that just stopped losing air one day and ran fine for 4 more years.and the airconditioner on the roof here is working it's little butt off. after not working for one year. Calling thi week short, sadly Iwas going to eat out a lot but not to be, this is the last weekend the restaurant will be open and the lifeguards will be on the beach - I need them today, water looks great, will rain all weekend. need to buy stove and come back, remodelling is scheduled for the end of September.

ETA - take care all in the storm. Someone said the best place for stuff that fles around isthe bottom of the pool. I don't have a pool, so I put i in the garage.

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Sending out {{{safe thoughts}}} to all of you in the possible path of these storms. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We're getting remnants of Gustav here today. We need the rain, so it's a good thing for the grass, trees, animals, etc. Not so good for the sinuses.

sneaking back in to say.......


Aww, I can't believe the little man is a month old already. I hope they've all adjusted & are doing well. :Laie_6:


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New picture of Clay and Hannah from Hannah's website...speculation that this was taken on her closing night.


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New picture of Clay and Hannah from Hannah's website...speculation that this was taken on her closing night.


Doesn't couchie need a new avatar?

ETA: there's another new picture (I've not seen anyway) on her website, this of the cast from early in the run...


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Oh wow, new pics! Love the Clannah one. :wub:

We are getting wind and rain here today, too. Luckily it held off long enough for me to walk and meet heartsocean for lunch. Looking like a good weekend to get some indoor stuff done. No shortage of that in my house!

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Hey, Jaycee!

Not really - a number of posters are fairly anti-political, so I think it's just not very active...but go ahead and post, because I know we do have a lot of pro-political posters (who tend to be easily side-tracked by pictures of Clay). The only request I would have is that that posters in the political thread keep in mind that after the elections are over, both sides still have to hang out together, neither side is evil incarnate and having me as dictator is a perfectly legitimate point of view (especially since I'm not half as violent as Scarlett (the other person running for dictator).

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Good Morning,

I just went over to the political thread and there haven't been any posts in about 6 weeks. Is there somewhere else that the coming election is being discussed?


Nope, I think it's just waiting for someone to jump back in. :)

Love the new 1st Spam pics!

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Hey, Jaycee!

Not really - a number of posters are fairly anti-political, so I think it's just not very active...but go ahead and post, because I know we do have a lot of pro-political posters (who tend to be easily side-tracked by pictures of Clay). The only request I would have is that that posters in the political thread keep in mind that after the elections are over, both sides still have to hang out together, neither side is evil incarnate and having me as dictator is a perfectly legitimate point of view (especially since I'm not half as violent as Scarlett (the other person running for dictator).

Thanks KAnadre I thought maybe that was the case. I don't have much to say myself and was mainly looking to read different thoughts. I have been looking around and where I find discussion, it is usually one sided, which I guess is natural since people like to be with people that feel the same way.

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