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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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I've been reading some over at OFC tonight and the post of Jaymes' that stood out for me most was the one in which she said "There is no other shoe to drop. Clay is 'naked' now."


..and I thought, "Where's muski?" We can still smut, can't we?

Can't we????

BWAH! BOokwhore! When I saw that I immediately copied the "Clay is naked now" part and posted it with



But since the thread was going at breakneck speed, where my post ended up was PAGES after Jaymes made the comment! So where my semi-smut (a 'semi'? heh) showed up was totally out of context of the current posts!

I don't even think anybody noticed it! But if anybody is thinking the smut has stopped, they're trippin'! :sleezy:


like Dahstrom having the key to the house,
huh? What the heck is THIS all about? (and why/how would we even know something like this? )
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You know the only thing we know about Clay is what he told us today. We have no idea what that means about his relationships these last 4 years. I don't want to go back and look at my experience of being his fan and relable or redefine it all based on his new "status." MY experiences remain the same and I now just go forward with this new understanding. I hope that makes sense.

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I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.

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{{{{Scarlett}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Good luck with your driver's test tomorrow, ansa! :00000442:

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I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.

Nothing's an accident. Maybe that song was sent from Kevin Michael through Clay for you.

I believe that.

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laljeterfan Glad to hear that you are feeling some better and are going to Spamalot.

I am feeling a bit better myself. I went to work today, so that is out of the way. A lot of people mentioned it but they really weren't bad. They are all nice people and they like me so they went easy. One fellow that is gay had planned on giving me a hard time on Wed but I wasn't in. Pretty much glad that I wasn't there.

I read Jaymes post and I liked and agreed with it very much. It really helped me for some reason.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to all

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You know the only thing we know about Clay is what he told us today. We have no idea what that means about his relationships these last 4 years. I don't want to go back and look at my experience of being his fan and relable or redefine it all based on his new "status." MY experiences remain the same and I now just go forward with this new understanding. I hope that makes sense.

Makes total sense. Me, too. Personally, I don't feel I need to try and re-evaluate his history, either. This is a new beginning for him. I prefer to look forward, not back.


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Schmoopie post ahead -

I just got back from my hour-long workout at the gym. Took my headphones and my phone/multimedia device as I always do, and got on the elliptical machine. Scrolled to the videos, and and decided to watch Clay videos in random order. Videos starting from AI up to the release of OMWH, from concerts to TV appearances.

And guess what? A feeling of inexplicable joy overtook me as I watched and listened. It was like a curtain had been lifted, and I felt the exuberant and unrestrained joy that I felt when I first fell in love with Clay. It was like meeting an old friend, and reliving all of the wonderful and happy times together. It was spontaneous and surprising, and wonderful!!!

And then I strapped the phone on my arm, went to work out on the weight machines, and listened to random selections from all of Clay's albums. Again, it was like meeting old best friend and having a heart-to-heart talk, laughing and remembering why we loved each other in the first place.

I don't know exactly how or why my feelings about Clay have changed since his revelation, but they have. For the better. It's like everything fits, and everything is right. He is still a very private man, and I respect that, but I feel that I know him better now. It feels like part of the wall keeping me from understanding him is down, and he's more authentic. For me, it makes the emotions in his music more intense. The sadness, the anger, the happiness and joy in the music are fuller and more colorful. And I'm thrilled.

Thank you, Clay. :237:

I've been reading some over at OFC tonight and the post of Jaymes' that stood out for me most was the one in which she said "There is no other shoe to drop. Clay is 'naked' now."


..and I thought, "Where's muski?" We can still smut, can't we?

Can't we????

YES! At least I'm still planning to smut! I STILL find him enormously attractive and charismatic.

And I liked the 'naked' post, too! :lilredani:

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like Dahstrom having the key to the house,
huh? What the heck is THIS all about? (and why/how would we even know something like this? )

Oh, Clay or Kim said it once in an interview in 2004. I just remember thinking how oddly it was stated, that is all.

I am not reevaluating things, I just wanted to say that when something I thought was odd came up I was explained to. There were lots of good reasons too, I can't remember them, but I remember saying, Oh, OK.

I am a little obsessive about people having the key to my house and have had the locks changed a few times. I gave one to a neighbor once in case of emergency when I went on vacation. Aparently the emergency was she ran out of liquor because my house was cleaned out of anything alcoholic when I got back home. I took it back from her and gave it to the elderly people on the other side because they thought my house had scarey steps, heh.

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All my good friends have keys to my house.

Although, in truth, they can always find a door or window open somewhere.

I don't think giving out keys is a big deal

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Just one more thing on my mind before I try to get at least an hour of work done tonight. Out of all of Clay's associates the only ones I really took notice of are Jerome and Quiana and Angela and maybe Faye (especially during LTS period) and to a lesser degree some of the other muscians that have been around him. His college friends - well I couldn't tell you their names if they were all standing in front of me. I think there are some Christys and some Amys. Oh yeah there's a Nick. I could pick him out. Jaymes fit into the latter category for me. Even when I found out she was pregnant and I wished her well through her pregnancy it really was still all about Clay and Parker and she was an after thought. I don't even think I've read any of her posts at the OFC so don't even have an opinion on or know what she did there before today.

I know what Clay has said about her so all I knew was that she was special to him. And I had a pretty good idea that she cared for him a bit. How could she not, having his baby and all.

But today, Jaymes became a real person to me. I suspect to a lot of people. I mean that woman impressed the hell out of me. She's sharp and funny and sarcastic and I have no doubt she can take anything thrown her way. I felt she has a real bead on this fandom and how yes, we have loved Clay and supported him, but we have on occassion beat him over the head when he didn't do things exactly right. And when our backs were up we could really be nasty about how we felt. The whole KLo thing comes to mind. She zoomed in on the entitlement and it was a bingo as far as I'm concerned. I've said the same things over the years. You know I'm glad someone is there to say to clay..PUT YOURSELF FIRST. He needs to hear that some of the time. Anyway, finally I have a sense of her. She's no longer just this person who has a say in how often Clay gets to see his son - and I doubt she will ever be an afterthought to me again. I'm so glad Clay has her in his life, FOREVER.

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Alrighty then...

I still haven't caught up to all of the posts at the OFC, but I've spent quite a bit of time reading there off and on today.

In the past I've often felt a little defensive when reporters, DJs and comedians have used the term "Crazy Claymates".

If some of the people posting their grievances there today are the same ones who have been writing, emailing, calling and texting anyone who has said anything bad about Clay for the past 5 years, then that term is well earned.

Honestly, I understand that some are having a harder time than others accepting and processing this "news" and most are expressing that respectfully, but some of those posts are downright mean. Why?, Because "he lied?". If someone was sticking a freakin' mic in my face and asking me if I was gay, I'd probably tell them it wasn't any of their f-ing business, but like many people I'd probably be so shocked they were asking the question to begin with, that I wouldn't think of that and I'd freaking lie too. Seems pretty human to me.

I probably should just go to bed, got that stupid garage sale tomorrow.

I agree, Couchie

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Well, I am a bit surprised. I just caught up to Jaymes' long post and I am really surprised, but I do believe i found my burnt puppy. I didn't expect it, I thought it would be something impossible like Clay asking us to support PH with his arms around him, but I do believe it was Jaymes indicating that anyone who has any problem with this article is a homophobe or feel incredibly entitled. I realize that anyone not having issues would not read it that way, but it seemed pretty damn clear to me, but why not join in on the bashing on people who had any doubts. Let's not give us time to get used to a 90 degree change in "official boards" direction, nope, lets just outright insult anyone who has any problem. Enjoy your marriages to Jaymes, I am not thrilled with her off the cuff. i don't think I will read anymore.

"they are upset to mask their discomfort.................<snip> .there is NO OTHER LOGICAL explanation for such a justification of anger or hurt." I guess anyone can get bitchy at the fan club.

All righty-then. Granted I am neither hurt nor angry, but I am out of sorts, hard to explain, but I feel out of step with the fandom. Maybe it was addessing the nasties, but it comes out accusing all. It was like with the baby thing, it took a few days to adjust reality. I guess I move to slowly to keep up. It really would have been very simple for me if the order of the announcements were reversed. I wasted way too much time thinking about this stuff.

I am tired and really don't need to read anymore of this stuff. I fell tired and beaten and in a funny way, abused. I honestly don't know how anyone read all of this since I only got to 4 p.m. Oddly enough, now I have been brought to tears for the first time. Maybe they will ban me from the fan club for quoting. whatever. I have to get up in 5 hours anyway.

ETA I have not spent any time in swamps or e-mailing or what ever, but I did do one post I wish I could take back a few weeks ago to someone who wandered into a Clay thread to trash him about the baby. Can't go back there any more.

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Damn. Why has sleep only been really good this week when it's time to get up in the morning?

Well, I am a bit surprised. I just caught up to Jaymes' long post and I am really surprised, but I do believe i found my burnt puppy. I didn't expect it, I thought it would be something impossible like Clay asking us to support PH with his arms around him, but I do believe it was Jaymes indicating that anyone who has any problem with this article is a homophobe or feel incredibly entitled. I realize that anyone not having issues would not read it that way, but it seemed pretty damn clear to me, but why not join in on the bashing on people who had any doubts. Let's not give us time to get used to a 90 degree change in "official boards" direction, nope, lets just outright insult anyone who has any problem.

Play, hold on - Jaymes did not say anyone or everyone. She practically used more disclaimers and qualifiers in that one post than we've used on this board since the baby news broke.

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My head is buzzing.

I haven't done a very good job of keeping up this week, but I've been reading everyone's posts and nodding along. Trying to read them at least. Especially Jaymes's long post that was linked here. Been skipping a few pages and scrolling a bit.

I don't think I am struggling with this, I just think I am weary. I really can't read the discussions of this for great legths of time, my eyes start to glaze over, and my fingers want to scroll.

I can't wait to see what happens next. If Clay can record an album, appear on Broadway, and produce a baby all at the same time during his last run, maybe he'll come up with a televised Christmas Special or something this time.

One can always hope.....

How about some screen shots??








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Well, I spent the better part of last night reading that thread and I, too, feel like I know Jaymes a little bit better. I like her and I think I can see some inkling of why she and Clay are such good friends. I have no problem with her posting a smack down to the foolish person who claimed that she and Clay were using their child. I don't blame her for being upset, not one little bit. I don't know the trolls at the OFC from my left foot.....but somehow I don't think her long post in that thread was the best idea. I understand that she had something to say, and has every right as a member to express it, but sometimes exercising a right isn't the best way to go. She isn't exactly just an ordinary member. (I bet she got TWO chapsticks!) I really enjoyed hearing what she had to say and her insights (many which were reflected by the great posts she commented on) but considering the way that place goes over there, maybe she should have let it go. I don't know. It's a tough call and I think her posting that was born out of frustration. I like her take on the entitlement thing....those are the people that make me the most crazy.

I think it was all too much to take in last night, after a while all everything started to run together and I think I hung in there as long as I did because there were some genuinely funny moments. Wandacleo, you cracked me up with your humorous wit and wisdom many times. I hate to mention the person who had no trouble with a gay Clay, who didn't like men, in the same paragraph....but that one had me in fits! There were some excellent heartfelt and well thought posts as well.

You know what? I am through reading that thread for now. My classes started back up last night now that Houston Community College is up and running again, and I'm beginning to freak since I'm hitting the skies again on Sunday and will be off to my more demanding life for the next month. In the meantime, I am planning to enjoy this next phase of my fandom. I see only good things for Clay and for us once everything settles down again.

My words won't convince anyone to change their mind, I'll just continue to enjoy the man, his humor, his music, and his considerable physical attributes. Clay and I were close once, but I haven't had a front row ticket in 6 months. I'm the only one who can end this "thing" I'm so deliciously afflicted with, and I have no desire to do that in the least. I hope that those who are working this through will get to this point and be able to fully enjoy Clay and his music again. Even if it isn't exactly the same as before.....sort of like Christmas once you don't believe in Santa anymore. There's still lots to love about it.

Tonight when we get dressed to go out to dinner, I expect my husband to lie to my face and tell me that I look beautiful....I don't need to know whether he sees that or not. That's just one of those little details.....kind of like the price of a broker ticket or how many ways a hotel room is split. :D

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Last night I was flipping channels and came across the Chelsea Lately show. She has never shown Clay any love and nothing changed. She was joking about the Claymates being upset. Well the woman who wrote about his unholy nights got quoted! I had to crack up thinking that the most judgemental of posters got quoted on a show like that! Good job she is no longer a fan.


I agree that post was not directed at the 98% of supportive people but at the really vocal minority. I would go off like that too at the folks that were trashing my loved ones and I did not have any problem with it. I have no doubt that after last night she sincerely loves him and only wants his happiness.

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You know the only thing we know about Clay is what he told us today. We have no idea what that means about his relationships these last 4 years. I don't want to go back and look at my experience of being his fan and relable or redefine it all based on his new "status." MY experiences remain the same and I now just go forward with this new understanding. I hope that makes sense.

Perfect sense. Wise words.

I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.


I don't know exactly how or why my feelings about Clay have changed since his revelation, but they have. For the better. It's like everything fits, and everything is right. He is still a very private man, and I respect that, but I feel that I know him better now. It feels like part of the wall keeping me from understanding him is down, and he's more authentic. For me, it makes the emotions in his music more intense. The sadness, the anger, the happiness and joy in the music are fuller and more colorful. And I'm thrilled.

Thank you, Clay. :237:

Wonderful post. WORD.

I hope that those who are working this through will get to this point and be able to fully enjoy Clay and his music again. Even if it isn't exactly the same as before.....sort of like Christmas once you don't believe in Santa anymore. There's still lots to love about it.

Hee! I too hope everyone who is struggling will be ok eventually. Lots of hugs to laljeterfan and playbiller. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.


laljeterfan Glad to hear that you are feeling some better and are going to Spamalot.

I am feeling a bit better myself. I went to work today, so that is out of the way. A lot of people mentioned it but they really weren't bad. They are all nice people and they like me so they went easy. One fellow that is gay had planned on giving me a hard time on Wed but I wasn't in. Pretty much glad that I wasn't there.

I read Jaymes post and I liked and agreed with it very much. It really helped me for some reason.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to all


Well, I am a bit surprised. I just caught up to Jaymes' long post and I am really surprised, but I do believe i found my burnt puppy. I didn't expect it, I thought it would be something impossible like Clay asking us to support PH with his arms around him, but I do believe it was Jaymes indicating that anyone who has any problem with this article is a homophobe or feel incredibly entitled. I realize that anyone not having issues would not read it that way, but it seemed pretty damn clear to me, but why not join in on the bashing on people who had any doubts. Let's not give us time to get used to a 90 degree change in "official boards" direction, nope, lets just outright insult anyone who has any problem. Enjoy your marriages to Jaymes, I am not thrilled with her off the cuff. i don't think I will read anymore.

"they are upset to mask their discomfort.................<snip> .there is NO OTHER LOGICAL explanation for such a justification of anger or hurt." I guess anyone can get bitchy at the fan club.

All righty-then. Granted I am neither hurt nor angry, but I am out of sorts, hard to explain, but I feel out of step with the fandom. Maybe it was addessing the nasties, but it comes out accusing all. It was like with the baby thing, it took a few days to adjust reality. I guess I move to slowly to keep up. It really would have been very simple for me if the order of the announcements were reversed. I wasted way too much time thinking about this stuff.

I am tired and really don't need to read anymore of this stuff. I fell tired and beaten and in a funny way, abused. I honestly don't know how anyone read all of this since I only got to 4 p.m. Oddly enough, now I have been brought to tears for the first time. Maybe they will ban me from the fan club for quoting. whatever. I have to get up in 5 hours anyway.


play, I was obviously having a hard time dealing with things as well, but I enjoyed Jaymes' post, and didn't have a problem with anything she said. I didn't feel like I was one of the people she was talking about when she made her point, so I took no offense to it. I haven't read the thread, but it sure sounds like there were some there whose postings warranted that response from her.

I don't share your objection to the order in which the announcements were made, but I'm trying to understand why it makes a difference to you. I think in a slightly superstitious way, Clay did not want to make any announcements about the baby until he was born safely and healthily. And it appears from his statements that the birth was the catalyst for his decision to come out. I don't see a problem with tying the events togather, but I do think that for Clay, the emphasis is not so much on the coming out aspect as it is on showing his family, and explaining how and why it came to be in such an unconventional way. As one of my friend's wrote to me in an e-mail yesterday, being gay is just a small part of the whole person that he is- it doesn't define him.

I hope you can douse those burnt puppies, cause you are always a reasonable and level headed presence on the board, and I would miss reading you. :thbighug-1:

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Good Morning Everyone,

1 Day until Clay is Partying With Paula! :yahoo:

22 Days until The BAF Gala!


28 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer!


Everyone have a great day!


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