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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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A couple of weeks??!?! Hell, I'm gonna have to do the AA thing - tolerant I can do one day at a time! Kind, I'll send over to Scarlett...

Oooo, don't forget we still have the dirty minds game! Ha!

And Jaymes is trying the nice thing with a troll...still in love with Jaymes...She's a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

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Oooo, don't forget we still have the dirty minds game! Ha!

Oh Yesss!!! [tm: that cuteRobin guy] Let's play that online this weekend!!!

*off to my friend Missy's birthday celebration at the Melting Pot -- I'll be thinking of the eHP's Melting Pot dinner at Knoxville.... actually the 2 weeks will go by quickly if we spend most of it over at merrieeee's pigging out and talking*

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Unless we're Jaymes, who has every right to fight back for her family, maybe we can let things go and have fun for a while. I'm not talking about the 2% trolls -- them we should drown in the river, cut into pieces, boil them and then stomp on the little bits that are left.

ah ha and that's how we can begin the fun. Except, trolls ARE best ignored. It's hard sometimes. I feel for boards that have people who stir up things intentionally. We've been lucky. We had that one chick that time - I htink she came over to defend clay's heteroness and call us names now that I think about it LOL -- it was fun banning her in 10.5 seconds.

Scarlett, he did change the world a little this week. I've been amazed at what I've seen out there on the net this week. A lot of what I read made my heart happy. And I think Clay speaking out for himself did the trick. And I think the way he did it was impressive.

And just for the record, we ARE superior. :cryingwlaughter:


Yay for Jaymes. hee. God I love her. I think I am even ready to take on KAndre.

what is dirty minds game - somebody explain. Sounds fun.

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Scarlett Years ago, I took my Mom back to Washington DC so that we could visit the Vietnam Memorial. It was so big and crowded and we didn't know where my brother's name was, but we were walking along and trying to read the names and as we moved past one section, the alarm on my watch went off, and I looked up and right there in front of us was my brother's name. I just had to reach out my hand.

I didn't even know my watch HAD an alarm. I never set it.

It's a lovely thought that Kevin is Parker's guardian.

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Well, the last time a portion of the eHP was in San Francisco or Catalina or some island we got to by ferry, one of my compadres spotted a game and asked these clues:

1) I get laid in the alley

2) I often end up in the middle of your split

3) When your fingers slip inside me, I'm ready to go!

Me 'n Scarlett almost fell on the floor laughing, trying to answer while keeping an eye out for minors - PerusingOne wasn't any better.

So, what do Y'ALL think the answer is?

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FearofH20 - I saw that Hershey's Kisses now has a candy corn version, and I bought a bag in your honor the other day. If I hadn't already been talked into buying a bumblebee Halloween costume for my great-niece, I would have gotten her the candy corn one I came across later.

candycorn20ani.gifcandycorn20ani.gifcandycorn20ani.gif <= It's candy corn, y'all. Don't start with me about the dancing penises.


Thanks bottlecap. That should do me for tonight. I will definitely look for the candy corn kisses.

chacha I saved all your caps. Beautiful!

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Well, the last time a portion of the eHP was in San Francisco or Catalina or some island we got to by ferry, one of my compadres spotted a game and asked these clues:

1) I get laid in the alley

2) I often end up in the middle of your split

3) When your fingers slip inside me, I'm ready to go!

Me 'n Scarlett almost fell on the floor laughing, trying to answer while keeping an eye out for minors - PerusingOne wasn't any better.

So, what do Y'ALL think the answer is?

bwah I'm in!!

Cha Chat thanks for the pictures. I like the one of Jaymes in the swing holding Parker. It's a moment I somehow missed on the show. And the one ofher smiling as she looks at Clay holding Parker. I was glad to get the inside peak. That's probably in for while..and that's good I think.

heee Bottle..I bet she's cured him of that little obsession by now. I can see Parker's bottles mixed in with his glassware now or better yet HIS milk bottles.

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Did you guys read this- I didn't see it.

From desertflower

Bringing this over from Desertflower over at the CH. It might actually belong in the vent thread but I don't want to ruffle any feathers over there. I like what is says.

I'm going to paraphrase a couple of Clayandr's post that are being lost in the shuffle of he lied/mislead banter.

She says that Clay would continue to say that the 2006 tabloid stories are preposperous and despite media reports, Clay did not recieve a dime for the story in People.

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posthoing one more time to say..how much Gibby's post touched me the other day. I hope it was Gibby heee I also find that I love him even more. Last night I was giddy forking over my money for Spam tickets and happy to know I'll be there to see him ride off into the sunset one more time.

Aw, thanks, girlfriend! Yup, that was me.

I'm just getting ready to leave work, and am off to a rehearsal. Why, oh why, do all of these Clay things happen on days when I'm busy morning to night? I still haven't watched this morning's GMA. But I rilly appreciate all of the reports and screencaps! They helped me get through the day. And I also appreciated the link to Clay's post.

FCA rocks!

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Thank you Hurricane Ike for coming when you did! I would not have wanted to miss this circus for all the tea in China! Oh wait I don't drink tea....I know, I know I'll probably lose my British citizenship over that.

I think Clay would have to be a saint to be able to read some of those people's posts on the OFC and not want to throw up.

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I almost never go to OFC because of a few really obnoxious bitches--some of whom I believe are really trolls as they NEVER do anything but cause trouble. However, I decided yesterday that I was going to donate some hours of my time to posting at OFC to try to keep the attention off of those raving bitches. The tone at OFC today has been quite light and often very humorous. I think that's a good thing. I know the bitches will be back, but good people could bury them by posting.

I hope some others will join me.

I totally understand if you don't.

I have quit going over to OFC, too, unless someone "sends" me over because he's blogged, etc.

I did go today and posted a time or two.

I still haven't made it all the way through her posts (thanks for the email, annabear!) :F_05BL17blowkiss: but I have read plenty.

Ack - Clay and Jaymes both are nicer than I!!!

I just got two of the People magazines at the grocery store on my way home from work. (The standard "One to lick read" and "One to archive" procedure is still in force, right?) I must say, it was a bit daunting to see the rows of magazines with Clay's face on the cover at every cash register. It's one thing to see the scans online, and another thing to see the real thing, ya know? It just kind of threw me for a loop for some reason. I wonder what Clay feels like when he sees that at every news stand he passes in NYC.

It is a little surreal to see - at the airport there was a whole wall of them. I'll make a little confession - when I read the article and I got the to part where he asked him if he was seeing anyone, and he started with 'there's only one man in my life and he's...' I actually did a little gasp! I have no real idea why. I just wasn't prepared for a name somehow. Hee - I would've given him a smack had he been right beside him then, the tease. Think it was intentional that the rest of that sentence was on the next column??? LOLOL!!!! *waggles finger at People people*

And yes - he's still as lickable as ever. Maybe even moreso.

I don't have mine yet. But - yeah - that giant headline just online was very disconcerting to me.


I do hope that the tide is turning for Clay.

Lord knows he deserves it!

Now - I have to get off this computer and get some kinda supper.

Wish there were some good escapist tv on tonight instead of debates.

I'm debating whether to watch. I don't trust anybody any more!

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I don't even think the word "lie" is even the correct word to use for the answer to a question that is nobody's business.

So I can't even begin to sympathize with the "he lied" stuff - why does anyone feel they were entitled to that info just because they want to know it?

Do people really honestly think that just because a reporter asks a rudely invasive question, a person is obligated to tell? I sure don't.

I never felt entitled to an answer to the question, and personally find it incredibly intrusive. But the point is, he answered the question- and the answer he gave was widely accepted by many (most?) in the fandom, and in the long run it turned out not to be the truth. So, even though we may understand the reasons for him giving the answer he did, unless he came to his conclusions about his orientation after those first few interviews, ( and the timeline isn't really set in stone, so who knows?) his words were, in fact, a lie.

In hindsight, it would have been better if he had not answered the question at all- but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of going back in time for a do-over.

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She says that Clay would continue to say that the 2006 tabloid stories are preposperous and despite media reports, Clay did not recieve a dime for the story in People.

I'd say that she was pretty vehement about him not receiving ONE RED CENT for the article.

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I think I love Jaymes even more today!

Picked up my copy of People on the way home tonight. I think I love Clay even more today, too.

Off to work so I can see Sir Robin and some FCA'ers in January....

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In hindsight, it would have been better if he had not answered the question at all- but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of going back in time for a do-over.

But - any answer but NO would have been instantly construed as yes - so IMO a do-over would only entail not asking the damned question. I don't see a do-over as a luxury, but as, well, intrusive, because no one would have accepted - as we have seen - a refusal to answer as anything but yes.

I think Jaymes has just explained precisely how I feel about this, at the OFC.

Clay did ask that we not defend him. But I dunno why this matters so much, when we are talking about an extraordinary situation - like his decision to come out should have been based on fans.

It is not like he robbed a bank or something. From everything I have heard, coming out is very difficult, people are afraid to lose family and friends, and it is a personal decision as to when and if it happens.

Clay wept when deciding to tell his own mother.

Soooo.....Clay loses his right to decide because sleazy reporters keep asking him?

I can't see that as even humane.

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I think that usually the bidding that goes on is for PICTURES--not story. Clay obviously chose to make these statements about his sexuality.

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Clay did ask that we not defend him. But I dunno why this matters so much, when we are talking about an extraordinary situation - like his decision to come out should have been based on fans.

It is not like he robbed a bank or something. From everything I have heard, coming out is very difficult, people are afraid to lose family and friends, and it is a personal decision as to when and if it happens.

Clay wept when deciding to tell his own mother.

Soooo.....Clay loses his right to decide because sleazy reporters keep asking him?

I can't see that as even humane.

My situation can't possibly compare, because most of the people outside my family don't care what I believe and I'm not a celebrity where everything I do is scrutinized, but in some ways, the difficulties and fears of coming out resemble those I experienced when I left my family's religion. In some ways, being open about it was everything I feared and I wondered if I had made a terrible mistake to talk about my decision, but some people have been surprisingly supportive and respectful. Others are positive I have condemned myself to eternal damnation (*booming voice*) by leaving the "one and only true church". I have lost friends, the security of the familiar, my former identity. My relationship with my family HAS changed unalterably, but in some ways this has been for the better.

I had very mixed feelings about the whole shift for a while, but over time, I've come to realize that it was possibly the single best decision I ever made and an enormous relief. It does take time to feel comfortable in new clothes, you know? For a while, I felt as if my whole life had been shaken like a snowglobe...but as the little flakes slowly settled, I realized that most of the structures I depended on were still there. The arrangement of the terrain looks different...but not WORSE, if that makes sense. There are times, even now, when I catch myself grinning because it feels so GOOD to have left behind the thoughts and practices and pain of my 'other life'. My life now is transformed into something more authentic, joyful, and satisfying. And I notice those shiny little flakes are still shifting around.

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00lsee, I remember all the anguish you went through - and I am thrilled you are happy, as I am thrilled for Clay.

I am so sorry that some people have condemned you and made you feel so badly.

But I think the issue for me is - would you have wanted total strangers to have forced that decision for you? Or the point at which you made the decision? Didn't you think it was your decision to make, after carefully considering all the consequences?

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In hindsight, it would have been better if he had not answered the question at all- but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of going back in time for a do-over.

But - any answer but NO would have been instantly construed as yes - so IMO a do-over would only entail not asking the damned question. I don't see a do-over as a luxury, but as, well, intrusive, because no one would have accepted - as we have seen - a refusal to answer as anything but yes.

I think Jaymes has just explained precisely how I feel about this, at the OFC.

But he did refuse to answer several other questions in the RS interview- the one about whether he was a virgin, and the one about masturbation. And he could have said that he felt the line of questioning was getting entirely too personal- as it definitely was. A refusal to answer may well have led to the perception that the answer was yes, but it wouldn't have been taken as a definitive statement. And I readily admit that I, for one, took his statement in RS to be a definitive one- that he was not gay.

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