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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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ETA: cindilu2, there's lots more and I'm off to work on them. Wasn't ldyjocelyn's work just amazing? It was her very first time with the camera and that's not easy since it's somewhat unwieldy and unless your hands are as big as Clay's that thing is not very easy to manage.

Thanks for bringing us the clack. I ws sitting right next to LadyJ trying not to make a sound..very hard to do when Clay is on stage.

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I'm watching The Big Bang Theory...the premise of this episode is that the guys are trying to track down the house of America's Next Top Model...they have it narrowed down to a three-mile area in the Hollywood Hills or Durham, N.C.! :lmaosmiley-1:


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I'm watching The Big Bang Theory...the premise of this episode is that the guys are trying to track down the house of America's Next Top Model...they have it narrowed down to a three-mile area in the Hollywood Hills or Durham, N.C.! :lmaosmiley-1:


Is there any way you can cap it, please?!!! *why didn't I buy a TV this weekend?!!! ... better yet, why didn't I win that TV instead of PerusingOne!*

Hee - I'm just as impressed and grateful, Scarlett - but I'm pretty sure you meant luckiest1.


Ooops, yes I did. :) Thank you luckiest1 both for your kind words and for the soup instructions!!!

Bella, I'm planning on it! (The Creativ(?) Festival in Toronto) *crosses fingers that my work doesn't take me out of the country before then* It'll be great to just wander around the display area with you and FromClaygary. Oh, and btw, are you going to teach me any new games or do you want me to bring some of the ones the eHP has? :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, couchie! Appreciate your doing your best to keep silent! *clears throat at certain others -- LOL! just kidding. laughter adds color!*

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I'm watching The Big Bang Theory...the premise of this episode is that the guys are trying to track down the house of America's Next Top Model...they have it narrowed down to a three-mile area in the Hollywood Hills or Durham, N.C.! :lmaosmiley-1:


Is there any way you can cap it, please?!!! *why didn't I buy a TV this weekend?!!! ... better yet, why didn't I win that TV instead of PerusingOne!*

Hee - I'm just as impressed and grateful, Scarlett - but I'm pretty sure you meant luckiest1.


Ooops, yes I did. :) Thank you luckiest1 both for your kind words and for the soup instructions!!!

Bella, I'm planning on it! (The Creativ(?) Festival in Toronto) *crosses fingers that my work doesn't take me out of the country before then* It'll be great to just wander around the display area with you and FromClaygary. Oh, and btw, are you going to teach me any new games or do you want me to bring some of the ones the eHP has? :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, couchie! Appreciate your doing your best to keep silent! *clears throat at certain others -- LOL! just kidding. laughter adds color!*

Unfortunately, I don't have that ability...we're in the stone age out here...just a VCR/DVD player.

Hee! They did find the house!


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Unfortunately, I don't have that ability...we're in the stone age out here...just a VCR/DVD player.

Hee! They did find the house!


Thanks for the heads-up & recap anyways. :thankyou: I'll watch for some highlight clips to show up online.

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Unfortunately, I don't have that ability...we're in the stone age out here...just a VCR/DVD player.

Hee! They did find the house!


Thanks for the heads-up & recap anyways. :thankyou: I'll watch for some highlight clips to show up online.

Hee. Send me your new address and I'll burn you copies of every episode so far. They'll work on that cranky old laptop of yours.

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Unfortunately, I don't have that ability...we're in the stone age out here...just a VCR/DVD player.

Hee! They did find the house!


Thanks for the heads-up & recap anyways. :thankyou: I'll watch for some highlight clips to show up online.

Hee. Send me your new address and I'll burn you copies of every episode so far. They'll work on that cranky old laptop of yours.

Squeeeeee!!!!! Thank you!!! :BlowKiss: (I heard from PerusingOne that your new netbook is just awesome!)

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Oh, and btw my room faces Bell St and because the only thing across us is a parking lot, I can see all the way to Clay Street every time I look out the window. *tiny squeee!*

What a job! :women23: :cryingwlaughter:

annabear, congrats on your upcoming puppy "mamahood"!

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Squeeeeee!!!!! Thank you!!! :BlowKiss: (I heard from PerusingOne that your new netbook is just awesome!)

First 24 eps of Leonard and Sheldon are burning as we speak. I'll download the latest sometime tonight and finish the second disk off with something interesting lying around my hard disk. Maybe Chuck? I heart that handsome geek, too, and I was thrilled when the background music tonight included Talking Heads. Then another TH song was featured on Heroes, with another favorite geek, Hiro. What's goin' on?

My Mini 9 is such a cool toy, and I was amazed at how nicely my TV shows play on it. I caught up on hours of Bones and House on my last plane trip. Even more fun, I get to play with Ubuntu Linux instead of bloated MS OS's for a change.

Okay, (deep breath) I think I'm done geeking out now.

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I do have plans to make a similar bear, with proceeds going to TBAF or UNICEF or BC/EFA - maybe 'buyer's choice'. There will be more than one, but not too terribly many, mainly because of time, but also because I bought the last of the red wigs from my supplier and haven't been able to find anymore at a good price.

soooooooooooooooo... how long does it take you to make one of these bears :lilredani:

And how much would one aforementioned bear cost......hmmmmmm? :lipstick:

I don't have a clue on the pricing yet, unfortunately. I did go shopping after work tonight to pick up some fabrics swatches. quilting.gif

annabear, congrats on your upcoming puppy "mamahood"!
Good to see you, jazzgirl. :BlowKiss: Thanks! Still entertaining suggestions for names. 4.gif
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First 24 eps of Leonard and Sheldon are burning as we speak. I'll download the latest sometime tonight and finish the second disk off with something interesting lying around my hard disk. Maybe Chuck? I heart that handsome geek, too, and I was thrilled when the background music tonight included Talking Heads. Then another TH song was featured on Heroes, with another favorite geek, Hiro. What's goin' on?

My Mini 9 is such a cool toy, and I was amazed at how nicely my TV shows play on it. I caught up on hours of Bones and House on my last plane trip. Even more fun, I get to play with Ubuntu Linux instead of bloated MS OS's for a change.

Okay, (deep breath) I think I'm done geeking out now.

Oh, handsome geek Chuck! When I first read the name, I thought you meant Pushing Daisies Chuck. Would love either Chuck! (well would much rather see some other geek whose name begins with 'C' but beggars can't be choosers) Thanks a bundle!!! :big hug:

I get to play with Ubuntu Linux inste :big hug:ad of bloated MS OS's for a change.
That's the part that's truly making me turn green!

Clack question: Does anyone have a special request on Boston, eg. like KF & Motown? If not, I'll just go chronologically since I'm keeping myself in suspense for a mikestand move on BFM (haven't peeked at all and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's on the tape).

I can see all the way to Clay Street every time I look out the window. *tiny squeee!*

What a job! :women23: :cryingwlaughter:

It's great now but wait untill I really have to get some work done and I'll be doing Tsathy-like headspins between the window and the screen.

anna, I can't wait to see you bear/s either!!! Do you need some help with fabric-shoppi...(voice trails off)... *I just yanked self back from volunteering to go fabric-shopping. I've done too much of that lately* :)

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I just said it because I was'nt in the Clay Fandom Online back then and I wanted to know a bit about boobgate. :( Sorry.

S'Okay no need to apologize...everything about Clay is fascinating

It's another example of OTT fan reaction.

Lets see...Boobgate as I understand it apologies for any inaccuracies

picture surfaces of Clay standing behind the A1 makeup artist, big cheesy grin on his face, each of his hands cupping a breast of said makeup person

major fan freak out...it can't be true...he's a gentleman...he's so pure...yada yada...must be photoshopped...endless technical discussions on just how photoshopped.

major disappointment for some fans...he's not who I thought he was.

photo not photoshopped and thought by those involved to be a private image of a just fooling around moment

i think that covers it

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Thanks to everyone who posted information about Leonard Cohen. He was touring here during the worst of the bushfires and donated A$200K (approx US$130K) to the Red Cross Appeal. Even if one had to be here to feel the full impact (and he had actually performed at a location that was subsequently destroyed), that's a remarkable gesture from someone of his age who was forced back to work as a result of being scammed of considerable retirement funds by a trusted associate. My interest in his music was renewed with the XFactor 2008 winner's song, but my fascination for him is growing more. Someone posted this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf36v0epfmI

A young and incredibly hawt looking LC.

XF winner's version was the Christmas #1 in the UK charts, but also had Jeff Buckley's at #2 and Leonard Cohen's at #36. Interesting to have 3 versions of the same song, all on the same chart at the same time. (Jeff Buckley's fans were outraged with the XFactor version and tried to claim the #1 position. See, even dead singers have crazy, determined fans! )

According to Wikipedia, "
Buckley's first #1 came posthumously in March 2008 when "Hallelujah" topped Billboard's Hot Digital Songs following a performance of the song by Jason Castro on American Idol"

Those two Simon Cowell talent shows sure manipulate and control the charts.

Regarding the "hate" posts at the OFC and my take on it

It has come to my attention that the analogy I used wasn't understood.

I accept responsibility for that since it is primarily the writer's fault if the target audience doesn't get it.

Basically, I used an analogy about two extremes to illustrate a point: Obesity and anorexia - these conditions appear to be about food, yet they are not.

Similarly (to me), the haters who can't let go, their problem isn't about Clay, it's about something we don't know about. It is easier for them to blame Clay than to look within. It's not fair to Clay, but it's a human flaw.

Hence my conclusion ... that what appears to be a simple solution isn't (i.e. eat more/eat less/leave the fandom - as appropriate). So, to me, it is not possible to know since one is not walking in the other person's shoes.

Having said that, someone has helped to explain to me why some fans are less tolerant of those haters, and so...I can see the other side somewhat clearer now. Nothing is black and white and no experience is ever identical, or irrelevant.

The reason for my suggestion to let go: reacting to their vile rantings simply gave them more power. "We" are in a happier place in the fandom than they are, and perhaps because of that, it would be easier to take the "high road" (as I saw it) in terms of letting go of our anger towards them. I cannot imagine how awful it must be, to be stuck in THEIR shoes.

My position in this matter could also have been because I was/am less subjective because I was/am less vested in Clay. I am somewhat hesitant about saying that because it may be risky if someone, who actually agrees with me in principle, feels that I have dared to suggest they could also be less vested in Clay than others who remain intolerant of the haters who are angrily stuck in limbo. Needless to say again, but I will anyway - nothing is black or white, it is always varying degrees of gray, and no offence is intended.

I have taken this opportunity to further explain myself because I hate being misunderstood. If I am still misunderstood, I may need to give up and seek out a refresher course in communication. One thing that HAS challenged me on occasion is the American style (I guess) of communication by some members. I've tried my best to use American terms and even American spelling (you know, "when in Rome" etc) but old-habits-die-hard. Communication is probably the world's most serious problem, and sometimes I am long-winded and repetitive simply because I am concerned about ambiguity or worse still, a complete misunderstanding. Here's a personal, true story:

At my office, quite a long time ago, John, a guy I worked with, slapped Tan (an Asian guy) on the back and greeted him with "hey Digger!", as he casually pulled up a chair to sit next to Tan. Tan had come from a developing country where a "digger" was someone who worked manually, with a spade, a "lowly" job. I saw Tan's face turn dark, his eyes flashing with anger; I knew he felt insulted, it may as well have been carved on his forehead. When John left the office, I almost tripped over myself in my rush to sit down next to Tan, to tell him "you know, if someone calls you a "digger", it means he likes you and considers you his friend, it is an affectionate term between Aussie men". Tan's face instantly transformed into a smile as he said "oh, oh, oh". Such a small thing, yet such a potentially damaging misunderstanding. I grew up in a house where four languages were spoken daily and, for the most part, it somehow worked in terms of getting our message across, mainly because of the advantage of visual expression and tone used, i.e. non-verbal communication is so much more reliable. However, there were some interesting misunderstandings when one sentence would sometimes consist of 2 or more languages and the phonetics would indicate one thing in one language, and something completely different in another, and even sign-language, facial expressions and tone failed. Sometimes it was funny, sometimes it was a disaster!


Old age begins at forty-six, according to the common opinion.

CICERO, De Senectute, c. 44 BC

Hey Paula by Paul and Paula was the #1 song when you were born!

luckiest1, I was about to ask you to post your broccoli recipe in the cook's corner thread but I see you have already done it. Thanks, I started growing organic broccoli a few weeks ago so it's great timing.

annabear: I like the name Sir-Robin, which you were considering...or maybe Sir-Bear, so that people will know when you are referring to the new baby rather than Spam!

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:laola0: :hb2: :fest06:Happy Birthday Luckiest!! :cake::confetti-1::ole0:

Good morning! I hope everyone has a beautiful day.

I wish I was a crafts person like so many of you. It took me most of yesterday to paint a few pieces of wood for a game I'm making. Today I'm going to try to stencil numbers on the pieces. If that doesn't work I'll be printing numbers and gluing them on the pieces.

Annabear, good luck with the bear. Quite challanging. I loved the video ldyjclyn and Scarlett. The Jukebox Tour was so much fun. I saw it in Toms River and Cary. If Clay tours this year, I hope it is indoors. Cary was 106 degrees during the day. We had handheld fans to keep cool.

I like the name Gonzo too for your puppy Annabear.

Claytonic, I get it. We are all just a little different in our perceptions. Usually I'm too lazy to think deeply. :hello:
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Good Morning Everyone,

19 Days until Daylight Savings Time!


31 Days until The First Day of Spring!


50 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on ANTM!:yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!

Have a great birthday, Luckiest1


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I wish I was a crafts person like so many of you. It took me most of yesterday to paint a few pieces of wood for a game I'm making. Today I'm going to try to stencil numbers on the pieces. If that doesn't work I'll be printing numbers and gluing them on the pieces.

I am a closet-crafter. Most of my pieces of "art" can't be revealed to anyone unless I know for sure they don't know which end of a needle needs a length of thread and are easily impressed. Very occasionally, something turns out okay, and so it gives the false impression that I can actually sew. I also once created a knitted piano keyboard scarf and you know, it was 80%+ completed but I got distracted at work and never finished it. I also wanted to make a long scarf with the two theatrical faces of comedy and tragedy, one on each end, but of course I never even started. Let's just say I am a shameless pseudo-crafter.

In Sydney, one of the most incredible pieces of art I have seen was done by a woman who used quilting principles/techniques to create wall hangings that depicted landscapes, completely made with different textured fabrics.

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