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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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Indiana State Fair...JBT

"Some people would just be happy I spit on 'em"


*waves to aikim*

I was there too! Too bad none of us knew each other at the time!

I can remember lots of good concert moments, but my memory is terrible at where and when some things take place, not to mention who took the clack. But then, with other things, I can pull things out of my memory in a heartbeat -- like that Clay as Cher clip that Clayzy asked about the other night.

Hmmmm, wonder why that clip made such an impression on me? *g*

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Good Morning Everyone,

waves back to Jamar

That was such a fun concert; hotter than heck though and I don't mean just because of Clay...all these clack memories...I think I may have to go watch a few!

9 Days until The First Day of Spring!


20 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken! is available!:yahoo:

28 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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I love hearing about funny moments and 'must have' downloads. I was on dialup for years and just got high speed this winter so I'm going back and d/l'ing funny stuff, memorable moments and what not. Any suggestions are very much appreciated!!

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I love hearing about funny moments and 'must have' downloads. I was on dialup for years and just got high speed this winter so I'm going back and d/l'ing funny stuff, memorable moments and what not. Any suggestions are very much appreciated!!

I remember when I went from dial-up to high speed internet...I was a downloading fool! I remember early on in the fandom waiting two hours or more for something to download and totally amazed when it only took a couple of minutes with high speed! Enjoy!

And don't miss any of the Stump The Band clack from the JBT...best Clay moments and really shows how good he is...especially When a Man Loves a Woman.


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ETA: FromClaygary, how did the dyeing class go? Did you use acid dyes or Procion or both? Hope you had a great time!

We did have a good time! It was the rug-hooking guild, so we used acid dyes to dye wool. My right arm may never be the same again :lol: as we were dip-dyeing but I got some really cool "swatches" to use for my rug class.

I kind of had to laugh~I know you've probably done both~the teacher was firmly in the car that cotton is SO much harder to dye....but from what I saw last night, it's really just that the chemicals are different, any maybe more accessible, for wool. She used Jet Dry (as a wetting agent) and citric acid, but of course you could also use vinegar as the acid.

I'll have to get back to it. I haven't tried dyeing anything since I've been here, and the water is so different I'm sure my colors will be completely different!

Nice people at the guild! They were very welcoming.

Crap, I'll have to get a picture of the rug they are raffling; some of you may be interested. It is the COOLEST "cattitude" rug I've ever seen. 100% wool of course, hand-hooked, about 3 ft x 4 ft, in lots of different colors, so it would go with any decor.

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how did the dyeing class go? Did you use acid dyes or Procion or both? Hope you had a great time!
We did have a good time! It was the rug-hooking guild, so we used acid dyes to dye wool. My right arm may never be the same again
as we were dip-dyeing but I got some really cool "swatches" to use for my rug class.

I kind of had to laugh~I know you've probably done both~the teacher was firmly in the car that cotton is SO much harder to dye....but from what I saw last night, it's really just that the chemicals are different, any maybe more accessible, for wool. She used Jet Dry (as a wetting agent) and citric acid, but of course you could also use vinegar as the acid.

I'll have to get back to it. I haven't tried dyeing anything since I've been here, and the water is so different I'm sure my colors will be completely different!

Nice people at the guild! They were very welcoming.

Crap, I'll have to get a picture of the rug they are raffling; some of you may be interested. It is the COOLEST "cattitude" rug I've ever seen. 100% wool of course, hand-hooked, about 3 ft x 4 ft, in lots of different colors, so it would go with any decor.

So, this means you're The Happy Hooker? :hahaha:

(Sorry, couldn't resist .... I read that book way back in the day when it was a naughty book and I didn't want to be the only one who didn't know what it was about. I don't remember anything about it.)

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I also remember a clip of Clay sitting at a piano saying something about the lady in 4th row (?) didn't sit down when she was taping him. She said "We want to see you when we get home" and Clay said "the people behind you can't see me now!"

Oh yeah, the famous "God forbid the Clack skips around" clack. How wonderful was that? He was never cuter.

And, as for the "cute" appellation for males -- some guys may not like being called "cute" -- but cute guys will always be called cute guys by females, and there's nothing they can do about it. Some guys are hunky and hot and NOT cute. But IMO Hot and Cute are IT!

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So, this means you're The Happy Hooker? :hahaha:

(Sorry, couldn't resist .... I read that book way back in the day when it was a naughty book and I didn't want to be the only one who didn't know what it was about. I don't remember anything about it.)

Nope~I'm the Virgin Hooker :hysterical: until my class starts on Apr 19th! But I definitely think I'm going to be happy hooking when I learn how! :)

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I love hearing about funny moments and 'must have' downloads. I was on dialup for years and just got high speed this winter so I'm going back and d/l'ing funny stuff, memorable moments and what not. Any suggestions are very much appreciated!!

One way you can work through this is to go to the main Finding Clay Aiken page, and click on "On The Road" in the menu on the left side of the screen. Then, you click on the tour you are interested in, again on the left side (i.e. "Summer Tour 2007"). Then, on the right side of the screen, you will see a menu of venues. Click on a venue and it will open a page containing a collection of things for that venue. Sometimes recaps, transcripts of banter, highlights of the show, pictures, even the odd video (if it still works). There are venues that probably aren't up to date, but a while back a few of us worked on getting this updated.

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I just had a quick look at those pages luckiest!! There's so much info there and i had no idea it was here. Thanks so much for those that did all the updated on those pages....that's alot of work. Thanks a bunch Luckiest!

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Oh yeah, the famous "God forbid the Clack skips around" clack. How wonderful was that? He was never cuter.

And, as for the "cute" appellation for males -- some guys may not like being called "cute" -- but cute guys will always be called cute guys by females, and there's nothing they can do about it. Some guys are hunky and hot and NOT cute. But IMO Hot and Cute are IT!

I figured it was an accepted adjective in the US to describe a good looking guy. I just rarely hear it used here in relation to guys but I am sure it happens because if it's heard on American TV programs that are shown here it will be copied by someone. I don't watch enough TV to have heard it being used, at least not in recent memory. I just remember the reaction I got but that was long ago, and I've just never used it again unless I am talking about animal or human babies! Every time I see it used here, which is quite often... I always remember back to that day. It's no big deal, I just can't shake the memory of it though. When I see a hot pic of Clay, my reaction is "what a spunk!"



Ya ain't that tactful at
, lol. Kolobok_Laie_haha.gif


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Indiana State Fair...JBT

"Some people would just be happy I spit on 'em"


*waves to aikim*

I was there too! Too bad none of us knew each other at the time!

I was there three!

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Ooooo, reminiscing! Well, the Vermont JBT audience was sort of weird compared to other Clay audiences - it was almost a cariacture of New England reticence...I honestly couldn't tell if it was mostly NJU or simply the most reserved Clay fans in the world...me 'n PerusingOne couldn't give away good seats to the people way in the back...apparently we looked too...umm...."street". Yes. Very street. They acted like we were gonna pop a cap in their asses at any second. And I swear to God that the clones from the couple in "American Gothic" simply surrounded us ... or maybe it was the grown-up children of the corn...they simply had the most muted reaction to anything Clay did...until the Felix gaffe...then they let loose.

The CH has a thread dedicated to recaps...it is especially complete for the early concerts...they are full of those little details and explanations of insider jokes...I'm afraid (well, not really afraid, just pretending to be polite) my recaps have always mostly been about me...but there is some Clay stuff in 'em!

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Good Morning, FCA! :BlowKiss:

We all seem to be on the same wave length. Being hard up for something to blog about, I decided to create a virtual tour of favorite concert moments. The first entry at Carolina On My Mind features the famous "Listen" duet with the excellent montage by Luckiest1 and Goldarngirl. :clap:

There are many more stops in the que for this Cyber tour of memorable moments. Stop by and offer your suggestions. Hope you enjoy! :whistling-1:

March Madness is officially here, so I am teaching music, cheering for the Tar Heels, and writing a couple of blogs a week. :lol:

{{{Hugs}}}} for all who need one.

Have a great week, all! :imgtongue:

Caro listen.gif

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Thanks for that, Quiana has a fabulous voice but OMG, I was so worried his pants were gonna fall off :cryingwlaughter:

Having seen that performance live and in person, I'll admit that was a question in my mind at the time. Those jeans were ridin' mighty looooooowwwwwwwww by that point in the show.


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From CV:

to go along with the JFK pictures! Clay was in some good company!!!!!

Alan Cockrell


How does the new header look? It's great to have a graphic designer extraordinaire like Brad Cockrell n the family.

Last Sunday I flew the "PS" route from LAX to JFK. I don't do that very often―our New York crews usually do it. PS stands for Premium Service and if you want to ride it you will pay a handsome premium. We have a few 757s dedicated to this service and they are extravagantly configured for discriminating passengers who want it and can afford it. We only run PS service between New Yorks's JFK airport and Los Angeles or San Francisco. Consequently you can usually expect at least one celebrity on the PS run, and that day we had four. Truth be known, the flight attendants had to tell me who three of them were. Those were Clay Aiken, Josh Hartnett, and Judith Light. They didn't have to tell me who the fourth one was.

Oh and the 4th passenger was Robert Redford!

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Thanks for that, Quiana has a fabulous voice but OMG, I was so worried his pants were gonna fall off :cryingwlaughter:

Having seen that performance live and in person, I'll admit that was a question in my mind at the time. Those jeans were ridin' mighty looooooowwwwwwwww by that point in the show.


Heh, I think cindilu2 and I have decided there must have been some velcro involved. Those pants defied the laws of gravity that day! But it was sure fun watching and wondering when they'd finally go down. Heh.

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