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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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I love Parenthood. I had seen a few episodes before but it was up against The Good Wife which I loved first LOL. How many seasons are there. Only 2 are on netflix. What season are they on? I did 6 episodes in 2 days. And will probably watch one more before bed tonight.

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I am downloading some of the episodes of Switched At Birth (series starring Marlee Matlin). I had no idea it even existed. Did anyone ever watch it? I saw her on Rosie the other day and they showed a scene.

Well, I am off to Quebec today for the Grand Prix Final skating event. Have to drive first to Toronto to pick up my Mom and then we fly out this evening from there. I spoke to my Mom last night and she said her back was very bad. I asked what she had been doing and she said that she had taken a bus, a subway and a streetcar yesterday to get to a doctor's appointment. I asked why she didn't drive and she said she was sick of driving. WTF? That just doesn't sound like my Mom, so I am a bit concerned. I suspect that maybe she has refilled her Tylenol 3 prescription and is back to taking them again for the pain. She knows she can't drive with them. We've had a bunch of tests done and apparently all this pain is a pinched nerve caused by degenerating discs caused by osteoporosis. So I figure I'll be finding a wheelchair or getting her a ride on one of those golf cart thingies in the airports today. I hope that the seats in the arena do not bother her back or this could be a very long week.

Everyone going to the gala, enjoy! Please send lots of reports. I have wireless at the hotel so I am going to take a laptop with me so that I can check in. twinklewhore.gif

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Thanks luckiest! There is no doubt that we will have a great time at the Gala. I hope you and your mom have a great time too and that she is comfortable at the arena.

I'm leaving for the Gala tomorrow. I'd better get some Christmas shopping done today for my son and his GF on the other coast. Hopefully I can do some online today.

I hope everyone has a great day! See all you Gala attendees soon. :twinklewhore:

ETA: Don't really watch any dramas or comedies on tv.

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Hi all,

Just checking in quickly..have been down with a stomach virus since Monday night..have not been far from the bathroom if you know what I mean. Feeling a bit better so hope to be back posting tomorrow.


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Hey y'all (aikim, feel better!)

I've finally settled down for a bit (I've been doing Asia and I don't think Bangkok is anything at all like Hangover 2) and since I had surgery yesterday (elective, but keeping my fingers crossed that it really works) and oddly enough my doctors seem to think I need to stay home for a while (and no, I didn't mention me going to Raleigh this weekend because that's like, days away). I'm all excited but can't actually bounce around.

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I love Parenthood. I had seen a few episodes before but it was up against The Good Wife which I loved first LOL. How many seasons are there. Only 2 are on netflix. What season are they on? I did 6 episodes in 2 days. And will probably watch one more before bed tonight.

3 seasons, the one currently airing is the 3rd. :) I need this show and Modern Family on DVD to watch when I want!


We've had a bunch of tests done and apparently all this pain is a pinched nerve caused by degenerating discs caused by osteoporosis. So I figure I'll be finding a wheelchair or getting her a ride on one of those golf cart thingies in the airports today.

I hope your mom feels better and that both of you have a good trip!

My grandma had a pinched nerve once right up where the neck and shoulders meet at the spine, it's possible for the same reason, and her nurse prescribed an occupational therapist to come in and do laser light therapy on her. It's a newer type of treatment but it really worked! Before that she was on something like Tylenol 3 (possibly Percocet) and it wasn't doing anything for her.

Aikim and KAndre hope you both feel better soon! :hug:

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Hope everyone feels better soon!

Via F'Dawg at the CH:

Posted at CV by JanWhatever:

Wallpapers from the pics:

Scarlett's Home

Scarlett's Home WS


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Bazinga! Bwah ..that was just a jeopardy question. Wouldn't have known the answer a week ago.

KAndre. You better follow doctor's orders and take care of yourself. You always seem to be running off to a Clay event while recovering.

Feel better Aikim.

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Thanks, shortyjill, my mom is supposed to go to physiotherapy but she hasn't started yet. I am really hopeful that it will help her. Our flight yesterday was ok (lots of turbulence) and I managed to get her assistance in Toronto but no one was waiting for us on the other end in Quebec. So she walked to the baggage claim and from there to the taxi stand and it was pretty slow going. What concerns me is how she is accomodating the pain by walking hunched forward and kind of sideways. It's hard to watch. Anyways, when we arrived here at the Marriot in QC, they gave us a wheelchair that we can use if needed, even outside the hotel. So I am very thankful for that! Today, we will head to the arena and hope that they have an elevator, as apparently there are a lot of stairs to climb. Have a great day everyone!

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From the True Colors program -- via the Curtis Brown photo shoot. Hair -- silly. The rest of him -- gah!

I'm staying home from work today. Of all times to get a cold! Lots of hot liquids, lots of rest, lots of drugs...I'll be fine this weekend...

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That picture reminds me of those dorky Xmas photos from one of the Xmas concerts.

Sorry about your mom Lucky. The airports will definitely wheel her around - from check in to the gate and then from the gate to luggage pick up or the curb. Hope you have a good weekend.

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Just checking in..feeling lots better...at least I can stray away from the bathroom for a bit...still home from work..decided to take one more day to be safe. Plus I am just so exhausted..this flu really wears you out. Hopefully the rest of the family will be on the mend soon.

Looking forward to all the Gala fun!


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OMG! Snippet of Clay's new song..you can vote for it..I love it! Oh and this station, per Moonhead at CV, is an independent AC station out of LaSalle, Illinois!


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So if it wins we can hear the whole song?

I'm way out of the loop on radio but that didn't sound radio friendly to me. But I'm no expert and it was only a snippet. Hope heads aren't exploding.

Excited about the gala. Wish I had money to bid on something. One of these years I'll win the lotto and get one of the cool prizes.

Take care, all who are traveling.

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It's a clackapalooza before the Gala! The interview -- awesome! The song -- throwback to the 50's, and I love it!

I thought the same thing!!! I just got home from a night hanging out with friends and decided to check in before bed..SO HAPPY I did! :)

That said........ I'm not CRAZY about the song, YET. I think it'll have to grow on me, or I'll have to hear the full thing before fully judging. Right now, I'm really tired and I think it could put me to sleep *blush* but I'll keep an open mind come January.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe! What a great morning to wake up to clack! I was devastated the first time I listened to the song and voted for it, because the play button went away! cryingwlaughter.gif I discovered refreshing the screen brought it back....phew! I am a sucker for Clay's voice and that song showcases it wonderfully. I know what you mean about radio friendly couchie....but my fingers are crossed that maybe people are ready for it this time. That snippet of the Adam Corolla interview was wonderful....it's so great that Clay is in a place to feel comfortable talking about that stuff so openly now. My hat is off to him because I know I probably am not as comfortable with my own story as he is with his. I hope we get to see more of that interview. :wub:

Sorry to hear so many are feeling under the weather. I hope everyone feels better soon! We spent 10 hours yesterday in the arena, after having a wonderful crepe and maple syrup breakfast. I also discovered that Quebec like it's chai tea, so I am happy. It is sold everywhere. The arena is probably the worst set up arena that I have ever been in, and I've been in quite a few. One bathroom on either side, except on one side you actually have to go outside to get to it. It's -10 C here. Can you imagine? There will be 3800 people in there by tonight. :o

Ok time to get ready for 12 hours at the arena today. We are going to buy Subway sandwiches and smuggle them in. There is nothing except poutine and hot dogs in the arena to eat. Oh and yesterday they had a crock pot of pea soup. Which didn't appeal to anyone but me! LOL Have fun, everyone heading for Raleigh!!!!

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It's on Amazon and new picture..available Dec. 20th:


Audio only of the Adam/Clay interview; it is an hour long:


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It's on Amazon and new picture..available Dec. 20th:


Audio only of the Adam/Clay interview; it is an hour long:


Now that's what I'm talking about. An hour long? Was this Adam Corolla on Celeb Apprentice?

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