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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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Finally got caught up. Loved your recaps ldyj and KAndre. Wish I could have spent time with all of you but half the time we were busy trying to find some place to eat. I did get to talk to ldyj, jmh, and Fear, which was great but very short.

I don't have much to add to the recaps other than I talked briefly to Faye after the show. She was standing at the doors and I asked if she was prepared for CApp because of what Clay joked about, and she joked that it sounded like she was going to have to get out the soap and wash someone's mouth out. I also briefly spoke with Diane Bubel at the end of the kid's carnival and I can see why Clay likes her so much. So very down to earth.

Loved all the recipients this year but was very impressed with the guy, Kevin I think, who was born with no legs. He was very funny, and the upper body strength was impressive. Thought Linda did a great job. Clay sure has surrounded himself with some incredible people, which he completely deserves.

I'm trying to think of things that haven't been mentioned yet. One was when Diane and Clay came out, Clay was doing all the talking at first and then he made some comment about he was doing a Ripa and Diane took a moment but then brought her hand up to Clay's mouth, and he said that she got the punchline.

I loved all Clay's references to how he was going to be different this year, and once he said "You will see" after he said it. It made me so excited to see the show, even though I still can't stand Trump. When he started to sing the new song, there was some shouts from the audience and some people shh'ng them so Clay very loudly goes "Shh" before he started to sing.

At the Cyndi Lauper show, Cyndi kept having to look at the prompters while she was onstage, which was pretty funny, so when they got ready to sing Hallelujah, Clay asked Quiana if she was ready. She said we'll see and he said about the monitors and then he walks over to them and did an impression of Cyndi. Someone must have said that was mean because he said that was a little mean, and then added "that aint nuthing". And after he started to sing, and people recognized it and started cheering, he said something about if you don't be quiet you aren't gonna hear it, and then he cracked himself up. He laughed quite a few times before the song, and all evening you could just tell that he was so happy and excited, which made the evening that much more perfect.

He was on fire all night and I loved all of it. There were some baubles in his voice, and my music friend said that it had to do with the air and his allergies because he was able to hit those high notes but the problems seemed to be more in the transistions or something. It didn't matter though because he just sucked us right in. I'm in agreement with KAndre on the songs Quiana sang. I think she has a really nice voice but Clay adds that something that can't be adequately explained. He reaches into your heart and just grabs you.

Loved the new song and I loved him singing Hallelujah, and pretty much everything else. Would have loved if we'd been able to get clack because I love watching him sing and talk and laugh and all that other stuff, so feel sad that I won't get my close-ups but I am so glad that I was able to go. And I'm already working on saving for the next one. Hope they do the gala similar to this from now on. I didn't want it to end.

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53 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

61 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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:hello:justclay, it was fun chatting with you. I had a blast from the time I got there Thursday night until I left Sunday morning. The enthusiasm that Clay showed on Friday night and Saturday evening must have rubbed off on to the other folks involved with the National Inclusion Project as they all had big smiles all weekend. I'm still excited for the Project and Clay and us. Good times ahead. :04:
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My DH mentioned this morning that he will watch CApp in the new year with me! I don't know if that is good or bad! He likes Lisa Lampanelli and hoped she did well but he did say he thought Clay would go far as he seemed pretty intelligent.

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My DH mentioned this morning that he will watch CApp in the new year with me! I don't know if that is good or bad! He likes Lisa Lampanelli and hoped she did well but he did say he thought Clay would go far as he seemed pretty intelligent.

My husband heard the cast list a few weeks ago, and he seems interested in watching as well. (He thinks Dee Snider could be a real hoot!) So, then...I'll be drooling over my gay boyfriend with my husband sitting next to me. Heh.

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52 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

60 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I'm here I'm here. I've been reading but have just been tired or working when I got home from work. Plus my cousin Jamie had a baby so I've been visiting. Little Jazzlyn (hated the name until I saw the baby) is so precious. And I really really miss my cousin Clayton. He is so missing out on being with his grandchildren and I just feel the hole in our lives on holidays and big events like this. He died so young. He would have been 51 this year.

I got a Xmas bonus. That was nice. And I'm off on Monday so that's good.

I bought the single but haven't had time to listen yet. although I have heard it a bunch of times online.

I would have loved to hear Clay's Hallelujah. My favorite is from K.D. Lang. I'm really pissed that I can't see the Olympics version online but apparently they pull it down as fast as it goes up. The voice is still fabulous but the visual made it a truly stunning moment and I'd like to relieve it. Did anybody ever get a copy of that? Is it available in Canada somewhere ..on some type of Olympics disc?

Looking forward to Celebrity Apprentice.I was always happy he got the gig but wasn't looking forward to watching until the reports started coming in. Plus knowing he's in it to win it helps as well. So now I'm really looking forward to it. I'll put it on season pass on the DVR as soon as I can.

Christmas will be low key. Honestly I haven't really bought any presents so far. I got 3 great presents from work and I am re-gifting them all. They are just things that I don't need or use. One is a Starbucks gift basket which my mom will love. I'm somebody that goes into Starbucks, when I'm dragged there, and I order a hot chocolate without the whipped cream ha ha.

One thing I'm enjoying about being a buyer is I get all the keep giving us your business gifts at Xmas time. I've gotten some great bottles of wine and champagne. Those I will keep heee Most of the stuff I get is food and I just share it with the office.

Just going to my sister's for Xmas. It's always fun to watch the kids open up their millions of presents. We aren't even having the traditional Xmas dinner. We are having bbq ribs and chicken. I'm really more looking forward to new years. We're planning a big seafood shindig with gumbo, crab and bbq shrimp. I'm saving all my good booze for that day.

Jealous of your long vacation LadyJ. Good for you.

I wish everyone here a happy holiday season. I'd love to hear what you have planned!

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I want to sleep for Christmas!! Felt like I've been doing so much and there's still so much to come ... Actually I'm going to my grandma's, so I'll get to see all that side of my family with one cousin's new baby and another cousin all preggo. :) New Year's is a whole different thing... I'll be away from home and spending it with friends for 2 days! It'll be like a mini vacation less than 50 miles from home. lol!

We did WFI again today and we are not doing well... another 8 hours to only end up with $51. We're way off from the totals we got last year but our goal by the end of tomorrow (our last day) will be to raise enough money to send 1 kid to camp. Hopefully next year we can do this at Best Buy, or a mall. Would anyone know how to get WFI set up at a mall??

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I have the inlaws coming here for Christmas lunch. There will be about 12 of us so not too crazy.

I always do a cold buffet - it is usually about 500 degrees!! - but this year it is quite mild and expected to continue for Christmas day.

So today I planned to clean, except a piece of my tooth broke off at lunchtime. So, (after about 20 calls), I finally find a dentist with one spare appointment time. Of course, when I am hurrying to leave it is pouring with rain and I am obviously not paying enough attention when I back into a car parked directly across from my driveway. I found the owner - one of the builders who is working on the house opposite. It was I guess only a matter of time before I ran into one of their vehicles - often times it is a crane or a big truck. It is a legal park but not very sensible or considerate when they have a choice.

Funnily enough, despite the big bills heading my way (tooth has a temp patch but needs a crown), I still feel quite upbeat.

All my trying to take a calm and "zen like" approach must be working!

Tomorrow is cooking. Turkey rolls,ham,nice potato salad, and ummmm....some other salads and pavlova for dessert. Yum!

Hey, has anyone here tried a ham glaze that has Coke and brown sugar and some other things in it?

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couchie, I have that Olympics KD Lang Hallelujah performance somewhere because cindilu2 ripped it for me. I will try to find it an get it to you or send you a link or something. I also wish I could have heard Clay sing it.

I am having 9 or 10 for Christmas dinner - my Mom, my 3 kids, their partners, and a few friends. I plan turkey, stuffing, lots of veggies, pumpkin pie for dessert. I've been trying to make things in advance, so that Sunday isn't so busy. So far I've made gravy and cranberry sauce. Both recipes are from the Jamie Oliver Christmas page. Check it out! Next up, I might try the seasoned Christmas butter, since I bought a cheap utility frozen turkey instead of a Butterball. I also plan to get a brocolli casserole and the pies made prior to the big day.

{{{ausdon}}} that was a spot of bad luck you had, but I love your attitude!

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Have to say my timing sucks..absolute worst time to get a cold..have so much to do for Christmas and the last thing I want to give my grandson for Christmas is a cold. Sitting here with hot tea trying to clear my head. Need to go grocery shopping when I really want to do is go back to bed..did not sleep well last night...hate this.

51 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

59 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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shortyjill, you need a lot of volunteers to wrap at a mall. Pm georgiesmybaby, she has done the planning for a mall for six or more years. We are wrapping at Best Buy and Barnes and Noble this year. Finish up at Best Buy tonight and tomorrow we do B&N for 9 hours. At BB you have to supply your own paper and other supplies.

Sorry about your tooth ausdon and the car. I hope you have a better day today or is it tommorrow?

My son, came over last night around midnight and we talked until 2:30 in the morning. Of course the cats still want me up at 6:30 AM.

I hope you all enjoy your days off. :dancetom:

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ausdon, sorry to hear about the tooth and the accident! But...you have the right spirit!

aikim, sorry to hear about the cold. I think we all get sick around the holidays because of all the stress.

Jazzlyn for a name? Interesting. The weirdest one I've heard lately is from my office mate at work, who has a friend who named their new baby boy...get this...Juke. ????

Hubby and I are providing special music at Christmas Eve services tomorrow night, including a piano duet. I'm sure we'll do fine, but we need to practice a lot today! And then on Christmas day we're going to my brother's. His wife hosts a great brunch!

Via the CH:

Rough Cut of "Crying" with Clay and Quiana.

This is Jesse Vargas' website.

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Thanks for the info, Fear. :) That's one of our biggest problems too is finding volunteers...the metro Detroit area is easily split between "east side" and "west side" and when we try to coordinate on the east side, there is almost no one that volunteers, but on the west side we can get a whole day booked up fast! Bad thing about the west side though, our coordinator lives on the east side! It's a mess! lol We always do better on the west side too cause that's where the money is...

{{{ausdon}}} glad you have a good attitude. Must be the holiday spirit!

Odd names? We have Hayden and Brayden in our family. lol We also have Mason, Donovan and Easton. :huh:

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I love that rough cut of Crying. :wub:

Last night, since my mom had arrived for Christmas, I decided to do a pizza night. My kids are used to it by now, because we do it a couple of times a month, but it was totally new for mom. As far as she was concerned, pizza came out of a box. So it was interesting to have her create her own (after I rolled out the dough for her). She kept asking if she was doing it right? :cryingwlaughter: I kept saying it's a personal pizza, there is no wrong way. Just put whatever you like on it!

Speaking of weird names, we also watched Jamie's Family Christmas last night, and my daughter had to google his kids' names to get the full effect. They are Poppy Honey Rosy, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Rainbow, and Buddy Bear Maurice. :o

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Merry Christmas everyone..hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Cold is better, sitting here with tea before I start my day of cooking and baking. At least the sun is shining..going to be in the 40's..no White Christmas here this year (but I may put the movie on later!)

50 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

58 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Hi everyone, I know that I don't post much but I do come here and read! Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

Trying a couple of WW recipes, mashed sweet potatoes with greek yogourt and apple-pear crumb pie that I heard was delicious and easy to make. :RedGuy:

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