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#1 - Ready for your constant state of celebration

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EEEE this AI2 reveiw is fantastic...

We can start a new thread and people can re-watch episode and make commetaries.

We can do a scheduled one or just watch when we can and make comments.

I love AI2, not just for Clay but those were really good singers in that group. Even littel carmen has more vocal skills than the Dufflet...I also love their interaction, the judeges were also very real. I thought that was the last season that Paula made any real sense.

So when do we start this...

if people don;t have full epis...we may be able to upload them on FCA or on You send it...

When we are through with AI2...we can even revisit some milestone appearances like the Oprah visits or the SNL....

lots of possiblities.

I like the Where We Belong Suggestion...

BTW...feel free to suggest new threads or even new features for the board. We might have a long drought this time.

I think there is a rerun on SNL tonight with Clay's appearance.

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Have we thought about a contest? I could, I suppose, spare some Clack for a prize. Maybe CD album covers - with visitors voting for the winners or maybe a lymrick contest?

Besides official Clack. I have some pin extras that no one seems to want to trade for and an extra 2004 ornament and Clackhouse lanyards - bought too many - (why?) And I make ornaments, I could make a Clay Photo ornament if I could get a picture approval from a photographer.

What do you think? Maybe a pixel challenge like the old one that was on TWOP?

Slinking back to watch Oregon dialogue - I know my place

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Great idea Playbiller..what contest can we have? We can all brainstorm this weekend.

BTW...we do have other threads for entertainment purposes...like the TV threads.

I was thinking of checking out AI5. I hear they are going to go mroe towards reality TV...more fighting and rude contestants. WIll be interesting to contrast with our AI2 review.

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Well..... If you know how many prizes you have, you can have a series of contests - I will PM you what I will part with, you can collect the donations

Then you could have a contest for photoshoppers(I can think of one Canadian that would almost be a shoo in), for writers/poets, perhaps a finding clues hunt around the website screens type contest(not where's waldo). To make it really interesting for everyone - have people vote in the winner - your choice if they have to register first. If you don't let people see the results as they go, you would probably get less spamming.

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I like your ideas Playbiller. I should have some "stuff" to throw in the mix.

As for AI2 - for about 5 months it's been on my to do list - to create a review of the entire show for FCA - so I need to start watching the episodes. So many others seem to be reviewing the show that maybe we'll make threads for AI2 to chat about. I also like that season for more than just Clay -- so many good singers. Everybody seemed to get better as time went on. There was a real competition. I haven't seen it since. IMO (cuz I know it's not universally held) Fantasia was so much better than everybody else in her season. And last year while there were no horrible people I didn't see much excellence either, other than Bo. So I'll get some AI2 threads started soon and maybe we can watch and chat about a couple episodes a week from season 2. Does everybody have the episodes?

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I saw a JNT05 mug listed on E-Bay the other day, and I thought I'd go back and check out the price, 'cause I really, really wanted one. HOLY CRAP! That's a nice mug, but is it a $152 mug?

AI2 - the last season where the group sings, while cheeztastic, actually sounded good. I miss the pointy poses...

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I would enjoy doing an AI2 review. That was the last season of AI that I saw, not including the time I went to Greensboro when Clay was an emcee for AI3.

I am a really stubborn person and refuse to watch anything on FOX. And not because of AI. Didn't watch any of the Clay appearances on AI3 or AI4, than goodnedd for Clack. I even gave up the Simpsons (not Jessica and Ashley). So I am sorry but I won't be watching AI5.

I also have at least one unique prize that I would be willing to donate to any games you may design.

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I too would LOVE to contribute to a review of the AI2 season. I truly enjoyed at least one performance by almost every person on that show...and the medleys were so much fun. I also loved those cheesy Ford commercials -- I mean, c'mon. The "Ride Wit Me" commercial was classic.

Count me in...just let me know where and when.

I love Clay Aiken -- so very much.

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A new blog entry that kind makes you go "hummm"... Does this mean the end of the hilarious Clayboard broken blogger thread?

Updated news from Clay - I'm wandering if we won't get any new official stuff until the AI5 hype dies down a little. There is so much coverage about the premiere of the new season I think substantive Clay news about his new projects could get lost or diluted. As it is, his name is showing up in a pretty positive way in lots of articles as an example of an AI success story, so that's not all bad.

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A new blog entry that kind makes you go "hummm"...  Does this mean the end of the hilarious Clayboard broken blogger thread?

Updated news from Clay - I'm wandering if we won't get any new official stuff until the AI5 hype dies down a little.  There is so much coverage about the premiere of the new season I think substantive Clay news about his new projects could get lost or diluted.  As it is, his name is showing up in a pretty positive way in lots of articles as an example of an AI success story, so that's not all bad.

I know...the last time I was reading that they had up to 34 pages...I should check it out if there is celebration going on...

Yup a pretty interesting verse he added in the end of his blog...I think it is similar to an ink blot test...it will be read different ways...depending on what the person is most concerened about at the moment. ITs brillinat because it does apply to a lot of situations.

Good point too about the start of the "narrative". I think you may be right...they will probably wait till the end of January or start of Feb to make any major announcement. However ...I do hope Clay will give us some more clue about the CD... like hints on collaborations...or producers.

Is this really the end of the nap?

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Hey everybody, I've added the Idol 2 forum

So far I've just put up the audition and Hollywood round threads. First of all, feel free to suggest a more exciting forum name. In this forum you can add related topics if you so choose. I put in a "where are they now' and a "conspiracy theory" thread. Oh and I should add a photo thread. Feel free to post the photos right to the page.

We can go at our own pace but let's try to stay in order. I haven't seen this stuff since it aired so I'll really have to begin watching the episodes.

If you don't have the full eppys we should probably figure out how to get them to you. I can post them at the soon to be fcamedia site or we can do you send its. Whatever works best. Sounds like a lot of rules but it's not...I'm so ready to see this all again (even the grease performance heee).

So let's talk about those audtions -- the good, bad and the ugly!

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I also asked this question in the AI2 forum:

Question: I was wondering where I can download or "eye ball" the AI2 clips or even the whole shows from the beginning. I would also like to see the judges reaction to each Clay performance. This should bring back a lot of memories and a few "anger moments" at a certain prolific judge.


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I'm loving this little factoid that is being included in all the coverage of the ratings for the first episode of AI5. (This version is from USA Today)

According to preliminary Nielsen figures, the two-hour audition show averaged 35.5 million viewers, 6% more than last year's debut and second only to Idol's second-season Clay Aiken-Ruben Studdard finale, which drew 38.1 million.

This kind of mention is bringing Clay back into the national conciousness in a very positive way, I think. Now, if RCA et al would only get the ball rolling with a drop date for the CD, I would be a very happy camper indeed.

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I'm loving this little factoid that is being included in all the coverage of the ratings for the first episode of AI5. (This version is from USA Today)

According to preliminary Nielsen figures, the two-hour audition show averaged 35.5 million viewers, 6% more than last year's debut and second only to Idol's second-season Clay Aiken-Ruben Studdard finale, which drew 38.1 million.

This kind of mention is bringing Clay back into the national conciousness in a very positive way, I think. Now, if RCA et al would only get the ball rolling with a drop date for the CD, I would be a very happy camper indeed.

Exactly...and next week it is a two hour audition show from NC...I bet there will be a lot of mention of Clay and Fantasia.

I think for better or worse AI will always be a part of Clay's narrative. More so than Kelly because AI really became a National phenomena during AI2. AI1 it was just a curiosity. People tuned in to check out Simon...but with AI2, Clay and Ruben became the focus of the season.

I think AI is not going to allow these kids to really forget them or turn their backs on them. Kelly is learning that right now. So its better to have a harmonious relationship I think. Besides...with these kind of ratings...a guest appearance will draw a lot of attention.

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I glanced at this blurb from the NY Post in my LYCOS search this morning, but the problem with the sentence didn't strike me until a CV poster pointed it out:

More than 35 million people watched the two-hour premiere of the fifth edition of "American Idol" Tuesday night - the highest-rated single episode since the Season 2 finale in 2003, when Clay Aiken beat Ruben Studdard for the title.

BWAH! The NY Post once again proves itself to be a bastion of quality and accuracy (snort)! Those people need a fact checkerrr (tm CHA) B)

[No link, 'cause their website doesn't need the hits....]

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Ah, I <3 Neil Sedaka, even if the reviewer from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review doesn't quite get the song title right in his article about Neil's recent performance:

He opened the second half of the show with "Tin Pan Alley," a kind of anthem to his life's passion of melding words and music. A member of the Songwriters' Hall of Fame, he showed how he creates the "Sedaka sound" that was so popular, and has endured despite changes in style and taste over the decades. He mentioned his "Solitude," a 2004 song sung by "that marvelous young artist Clay Aiken."

"I begin with a tempo," he explained, playing a lively rhythmic figure that also defines the harmony, before improvising vocally on top of the accompaniment until he had appealing motifs assembled into an eight-bar phrase. Then he adds the lyrics.

Marvelous young artist indeed. YOU RAWK NEIL!

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Let me bring this here - I started it in the CH den and I can never catch up on Clayversity. WHy is it that all women in Clay's life are trashed ans how can he ever expect to reveal a love life with fans that will trash anyone he names.

What rights do they have to google names and discuss the job, the life the education the breast size of any woman that Clay looks at.

So far people have pretty much identified all women connected with Clay as Famewhores and bitches - including his grandmother, mother , Fran, Amber, Amy, Amanda, Patricia, Brianna, JFL, Allison. Now woman is good enough, but a few guys (Nick, Roger) in his life are OK.

How is Clay ever supposed to date anyone who is not already a celebrity and used to this. SOmehow he does not seem like Hillary Duff's type.

Edited by playbiller
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Whoever the Aiken ends up with is going to have to learn to stay the hell off the internet, plain and simple. And I agree, there is entirely too much internet "investigating" done on any female that even breathes the same air that he does. I would never have been familar with myspace if I hadn't learned about it through this fandom. The speculation and extrapolation that I have seen go on based on an account that may or may not be legitimate is downright scary. (Amber, anyone?) You better believe that if I had a kid, they would be banned from that site. Oops, I guess I got a little off-topic there.

I would think at some point the moderators of the various boards might have to make discussing Clay's romantic life off-limits, like they currently do for his off-duty whereabouts.

Some of the trashing of females that is done? Plain and simple - jealousy. I read some really horrendeous stuff about JFL on the OFC in the thread that was up after her JNT posting, based on no information whatsoever. She's a hack that is ruining Clay's career, apparently. :blink: (To be clear, snark on my part.)

Problems with Faye - that I think is more complex. I must admit that, fair or not, my own opinions about her were greatly affected by what I read in LTS. Another factor. IMO, in the dislike some have for her is tied into Clay's "momma's boy" image that mentions of Faye in the press sometimes seem to perpetuate. Because, ya know, if a guy loves his mother, he is somehow less masculine. :blink: (Again, that is intended to be snark.)

Fascinating subject, playbiller. (And I hate to bring up Jessica Simpson, but I remember reading a blurb about her father (shudder) warning her that getting married would upset her fans, because it put an end to the image of her being "available".)

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People need to realize that Clay's romantic attachments will have no bearing on the chances he will walk down into the crowd and sweep them off their feet. Two ice cubes' chance in hell are not that much greater than one ice cube's chance in hell. B)

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I think a lot of people justify all the trashing and investigating of people in Clay's life...as the fans just caring about him. Many also say that the boards are for fans so Clay better not read...

But the fact is...what we write on the boards does not go out in limbo...it is read by so many people ...and it affects their perception of the writer, and the subject matter. So when fans continue to trash people that Clay cares about this will affect his behavior. I bet its what makes him so reluctant to share info with fans unless they need to know. He has beome more guarded and probably more private in his dealings with other people.

I truly hope that Clay will find someone to love and who will love him back...I hope he can keep it as private as possible and I bet we won;t hear about it until they are very serious.

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I don't think a single board has not had people go over the line at times. To bhe best of my knowledge, there are just a few boards that limit discussion of CLay's where abouts - it is not all that common.

It is my personal opinion that every single woman in Clay's life has been unfairly ripped apart. I think it started with Fran, but escalated. As far as she goes, I would have had no problem if people stuck to factual information, but when people started diagramming her office to decide if it was too large and expensive, that was way over the line for me. Personal comments on her appearance were over the line as well. You stick to the facts or you have no basis for an argument.

I am trying to remember what board I had seen a discussion of Amber's myspace and her baby registry and then people started talking about how she turned down Clay! A few leaps in conclusions, people! and some serious invasion of privacy. Yes, I feel her myspace wa probably open game because it was a public declaration, but her amazon registry was a little odd since we know athat Jemock has her wedding to Clay registered somewhere, people should not take this quite as seriously.

On the Clayboard there is a girl who is instant messaging with some guy who said he knew Clay in high school. People have been warning her to be careful - -this could very well be a mass murderer - just tell someone something interesting and they will meet you. Or it could be someone who just wants to be noticed or it could be someone who is did know Clay but is jealous or it could be anything. I wish people were not so naive/famewhorish.

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People need to realize that Clay's romantic attachments will have no bearing on the chances he will walk down into the crowd and sweep them off their feet.  Two ice cubes' chance in hell are not that much greater than one ice cube's chance in hell. 

Skatejoy, are you trying to tell me that Clay will not be so impressed by my upbeat and supportive posts on the OFC, combined with my stylish signature and blinking avatar, creative and frequent use of emoticons, along with the photoshopped pictures of us together on my blog that he will ask Clique to give me a meet and greet? And then, at that meet and greet, we won't instantly form a mutual and sincere connection? That he won't sing the rest of that concert straight to me? That Clay won't send Jerome to give me a personal invitation to join him on the bus, and we won't ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after? :( But I'm a good person and the bestest fan in the world and he should be with me!!! I refuse to believe you!

Cough - snort - choke. :P

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