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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


Thread title poll  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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That crap is getting MORE media attention...? Good Lord.

Nice rant, Clay! LOL. Too bad it'll go over their heads.

Ahhhhh, I finished a HUGE work project just now... what.a.relief! Now I can truly catch up! After coffee and a bank run, of course --- and aren't ya'll glad I shared that?!

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I did that rant (media crap) and no one said they loved me, heck in some places I got an arguement about how it was Roger's fault!

Well, Roger does have that long hair thing going on... Are we sure it wasn't him whacking Clay on the plane? :rolleyes:

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I did that rant (media crap) and no one said they loved me, heck in some places I got an argument about how it was Roger's fault!

hee play I wuv you too. I think people want to focus on Roger and TC so that the have something to blame that can actually be fixed. I get the sense that some people think that all Clay has to do is hire a publicist and he will have the media in his pocket.

Nope the problem is much larger...this is the era of tabloid journalism where the emphasis is to highlight celebrities faux pas. Unfortunately ...there is no way of fixing this problem...maybe just not caring about gossip would do the trick.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAY for angela for getting second row tix for the vegas show!!!!

and there she was all panicky this morning... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I hope everyone else trying to get tickets were as lucky

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I did that rant (media crap) and no one said they loved me, heck in some places I got an arguement about how it was Roger's fault!

Well, Roger does have that long hair thing going on... Are we sure it wasn't him whacking Clay on the plane? :rolleyes:

BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter:

You know, it never ceases to amaze me that some think over a non-story like this TC should issue any kind of response. It is a NON-STORY! Its a blurb in a gossip section of the newspaper or in the entertainment section on a website. No one outside of the Clay Nation probably cares.

My mother just told me it was in the Philadelphia Inquirer - just a little couple line blurb in their "People" section. The only reason she noticed it was because of my interest in Clay. She read me what it said. Its the standard blurb we have read everywhere. She thought it was stupid. It is not an international incident. No one is going to jail. I doubt Clay will suddenly be placed on a no fly list. It will all fade away as soon as the next celebrity does something stupid - and that should be in about 5 minutes!

BUT - if TC issued a response, it WOULD draw attention to the matter. Why would anyone bother to comment on something as insignificant as this? What would it accomplish? Would it help? No. Would it hurt? Possibly because it would drag it out further. Would a statement from TC prevent sites like PH from picking it up and giving it their own spin? Of course not. They would just spin whatever TC said to suit their own agenda.

The reports are so vague as to what actualy happened even we, his fans, aren't 100% sure. And how much do you think the average person who has no interest in Clay cares? And that's the majority of the world, folks! If you read this same story about some celebrity you didn't care about, how much thought would you give it?

IMO, I think TC ignoring it is the right move. I thought it was the right move during all the crap last year and that was a far bigger deal than this! I think Clay's blog was directed to the fans who have becme obsessed with this story. I think he was telling them to check their priorities, that this incident was nothing and if they want to be outraged by something, be outraged by what's happening in Afghanistan and Uganda and other things that really matter.

Smart boy, that little hot shit!

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Crap crap crappity crap. How did I not meet laughn and jamar this weekend? Crap crap crappity crap. I really wanted to meet ALL the FCA buddies here. Crap crap crappity crap.

So did I ldyjocelyn, so did I...It would have even been kick ass to see Clay, but as luck would have it, at the time of the concert I was standing with tickets in hand two hours away from the venue. Cut off by high water earlier, by the time the roads in my area cleared enough to get out, it was way too late to get to the concert.


Thank you all for your recaps and Clack. It's making me feel better actually. I didn't know at first if I could even handle seeing it It was a pretty grim week.

As for the blog...good for Clay. Good for pissed, has his priorities in the right place, Clay

Edited by laughn
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I never though we HAD to bold – it’s not like consistency is our middle, first or last name…

You will also notice that Claygasm does not deny knowing nothing about the hotel except for the fact that it was in Frisco…

And Clay, Clay just totally rocks…

Starting to Get Into the Middle But Still Mostly Close to the Beginning of the Totally Terrific Texas Twofer and Tulsa!

The Baby Duck that was Frisco...

Tuesday, July 3 (evening): See, back in Houston, we purchases tarps and toe rings and cheap shoes to keep us dry at the concert as we had anticipated dancing to Clay on a sea of mud. My fellow eHPers, knowing I was among the walking wounded, promises to go and find a nice spot on the field for US and I would perambulate down later at my own pace. The guards open the gate, the other eHPers going down on the field leap the people in front of them and never look back. As I was passed by a “young” gray-haired lady and her walker hoofing down the field going at least 20 mph, I knew I needed to pick up the pace a tad or get run over. I get to my spot, spread my tarp to mark my territory in a family friendly way, and sat my ass down because running down the field was not the brightest thing I’ve done in a long time.

I am surround by a nice variety of people to whom I point out my clearly bandaged foot in order to engender pity in case I need character witnesses if I have to coldcock someone for stepping on my foot.

Absolutely gorgeous 4th – perfect weather – and the excitement on the field where I was was palpable…people were playing around a lot but hell, that’s what we do on the fourth…

Quiana came striding out to cheers, waving madly at the audience…Angela came out next to more cheers (I could hear people asking who were they and others answering). Then a rumble of screams began, and Clay didn’t stride, he strolled out to Here You Come Again, just as casual…smirking to himself in that delightful way he has – he didn’t seem particularly stressed, but no matter what the show is like, Clay will be put on a performance for you on all levels. (More on that later). People screamed for that. Then he talked. And he talked. And he talked some more. He was pushing it a little at the beginning, which makes me think he was really as excited as we were. He and Quiana sounded great on I Want to Know What Love Is; then he started talking again. And he talked. And he talked some more. Then he did When I See You Smile. Then the orchestra did something orchestral that I didn’t recognize. He said it was the theme to “West Wing” though it could have been Pavel’s Concerto in F flat for all I know. But I’m a good fan, I believe Clay. I just was totally indifferent to it. Then he talked. And he talked. And he talked some more. This time about TV. Man, the dude likes him some TV. And talking. Then they did a whole bunch of theme songs, of which I recognized about half (even though I’ve seen about 90% of the shows), I just have never cared about theme songs. He does sing them excessively well. Though he should know trying to make me identify Matlock is just a losing proposition. Then he talked. And he talked. And he talked some more. And sang These Open Arms freakishly well, as I loved it and I didn’t love it before. Then he intro’d Quiana and said no intermission and she did great on Lights Go Down. Then he talked. And he talked. And he talked some more. And then there was the glory that was Without You – I have always found that to be a gorgeous vehicle for his voice. Then he talked. And he talked. And he talked some more. At this point I begin to realize it’s a real possibility that he is being paid by the word. He talks about uptempo, and classics and swings into Baby Got Back. Interesting choice. I feel that he was expressing the latent sensuality inherent in a segment of the population of the nineties that showed a distinct preference for the voluptuous over the media’s portrayal of willowy body type as superior. I admit, I admire Clay’s philosophical choices in these matters. No, really. His other choices were equally interesting (OK, y’all are gonna have to give me a couple of days to come up some sort of rational for Achy Breaky Heart – that’s a toughie). He stole my heart with his version of OPP and Yeah, if only because of the number and types of explanations rapidly promulgating across the boards. Heh. And Opposites Attract was just frickin’ HOT.

The wretch took Lover All Alone to another level for me. It’s still not about the lyrics – honestly, anyone else singing this would not have made any impression on me at all – and Clay’s voice on the CD is just enough to keep me from skipping it – but he threw his back into this performance. And it was a performance in my opinion. I know others have commented on the “trembling”, “shy offering”; hell, he wrote it at least what 18 months ago, I don’t think he’s really planning on torturing himself to project the appropriate attitude any more than he was really pissed off during I Survived You. I will be listening to the live version repeatedly however. Because You Loved Me was totally sweet…and he really does a great job with God Bless the USA.

I wander back into the stands for the most incredibly fireworks display I can remember seeing. They must have had explosive lined up for a mile!

to be continued with...

The Joys of Invading Other People’s Houses!

Ha hA! I’ve put in random white (blue?) space this time!

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OMG, I feel terrible for you...and can totally identify as well after last year Waukegan. Was that your only concert?

Two other things before I head out the door for some errands this afternoon. First of all, :F_05BL17blowkiss: to atinal and huge apologies to her as well. I had arrived at the hotel in Tulsa, and she saw me and said "Hi", gave me a big hug. Now, since I was on about 5 hours sleep for two days, plus a 7 1/2 hour car ride, my mind totally blanked. And I've had lunch with this woman, just the two of us! I'm soo soo sorry I didn't recognize you. I'm glad we got to spend a little bit of time to talk outside the OK fans party, and thank you for the really cool keychain.

Speaking of that...my God, that was huge! An entire hotel ballroom decorated with Clay Aiken stuff, gorgeous tables, a really fun DJ, lots of cool freebies. They had many, many items for raffle, either $1 or $5 tickets. They also had a silent auction with much more stuff. All proceeds went to BAF. luckiest1, I thought of you with one silent auction item -- a HUGE blow-up banner of the People magazine pinup. I joked with someone about getting that and putting on my ceiling, which would thrill my husband. *g* Anyway, I managed to get something, and since Clayzor posted the pictures of what she got, I'm doing the same.



Notice how two pictures "switched places" in the second picture? That's because the frame actually slides so I can change the look if I need to. I'll probably just leave it like the second picture though, because I'm in LOVE with all 4 of those pictures.

Gotta run.

Nope, I guess I don't, because I've got to tell KAndre that she rawks, especially with a bandaged foot and a high heeled shoe on the other foot. This cracked me up:

At this point I begin to realize it’s a real possibility that he is being paid by the word.
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I was without cellphone or computer for most of last week and missed my concert...in other words, I was in hell...but I'm back and loving each and every recap. I have tickets for Sterling Hts and I'll be there...I swear, as God is my witness I will not miss another concert again!!


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I was without cellphone or computer for most of last week and missed my concert...in other words, I was in hell...but I'm back and loving each and every recap. I have tickets for Sterling Hts and I'll be there...I swear, as God is my witness I will not miss another concert again!!

Freedom Hill won't know what hit 'em!! :Tour3:

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Note: KAndre left out the part where she was just infront of me on the stairs as we stood for about 1/2 and hour and tried to manipulate the gate guard with all sorts of logic and pity pleading, to no avail. Then when ours is almost the last gate opened, she out ran me onto the field and I did not see her again until the car. Do I need to mention she was blinged our for the fourth with a unique and blingy cap and is not so short? Some how she must have been thinking of Clay and became invisible.

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I was without cellphone or computer for most of last week and missed my concert...in other words, I was in hell...but I'm back and loving each and every recap. I have tickets for Sterling Hts and I'll be there...I swear, as God is my witness I will not miss another concert again!!

How frustrating!! I mean, beyond, beyond, beyond frustrating!! Thank goodness for Sterling Heights!!! :RedGuy:

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Gee I just noticed I won the thread title poll. Cool!!! I'm still in the Aiken Fog known as Tulsa. Couchie great blog on the main FCA page. Nice video of the haunted theater story too. Perhaps that camera nazi pestering me was just a ghost. She didn't come back around after I "enlightened" her a bit. Bwahaaaa. I did stop taking pictures, though, because I did not want some stupid over invested security guard to rain on my Clay parade.

First page!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait....

:cryingwlaughter: How freaking funny.

OMG OMG OMG I made first page, with my recap story, and didn't even realize it.

Ha, that's the kind of humor I'm talking about.

Evening! I'm embarrassed that you can see how long I've been a member...and as you can see by my post count, I'm a lurker here...but had to pop out and say, indeed! The humor here is priceless! I'm sorry I've missed so much of it, but the past ten days or so that I 've visited regularly have been huge hoot!

Kudos to all for some sane and seriously funny stuff!

Welcome to claylocked...Interesting screen name

I'm back!!!!!!!! Did you miss me?????????

What a FABULOUS week.

Here is my recap: OMG OMG OMG!

Yep that's it!


Oh and clayzorback I am so not a perv!!!!! I would normally not say a lot of the things I said this weekend but the sense of freedom and empowerment that you get from being around like minded souls is great! You can say what you like and no one is going to roll their eyes or make fun of you! You can act goofy or stupid and know that those you have met are probably doing exactly the same thing!

I am so tired right now but had to check in. I am going to England for a while and then I get to relive this all over again in Raleigh! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Loved your recap merrieeee. Hee My sentiments exactly.

Not pervy huh? Okay........Neither am I. :cryingwlaughter: Seriously, I'm not in my real life. I do however enjoy acting like I am, and when it comes to Clay that isn't hard to do. :DoClay: It's like you said, and what I told my sister. It is so liberating & fun being around people that understand and relate to your love of Clay. Without them rolling their eyes & making fun of you for acting totally inappropriate. Like you had gone over the edge of sanity, to being completely insane. You don't need to try and explain or make sense of why a grown woman, such as ourselves, would act or feel like she does for such a young man. Those people already know, and words are not needed. I so hope we meet again. I understand all the eHP fan parties were a huge success. I wish I could of gone. I was so happy to hear that the eHP got to collect a lot of money for our man's charity? Thanks to all of you for that.

Kandre, I agree that the FCA members should have a get together. Everyone that I met this weekend sure are some kick ass people. I laughed so hard at the first part of your recap. Hurry up with the concert recap. You are too funny.

Lookie what I found at CNN.com!

At least they use a current picture - VERY current, as in Frisco!

Wave to merrieeee!! I so enjoyed meeting you in Texas! Hope to see you again sometime soon!

ETA: Saw this at the CH. Its an advisory for the Columbus concert and Clay is apparently the only artist they are doing this for!

Looks like the word is out!

Isn't it great how Clay is always making the news? It gives him importance and keeps his name out there, along with other celebs. Means he is still considered worthy of mention. No mentions of Clay, good or bad, is a problem, not stuff like this. I feel it is giving him some cred, in a weird sort of way, that many may not understand. I sure hope his OTT fans will take Clay's advice and ignore it. There is a clue to be taken, that the reason TC or his publicist doesn't respond to it, is because it is nothing on the grand scheme of things. YSRN explains this extrememly well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Crap crap crappity crap. How did I not meet laughn and jamar this weekend? Crap crap crappity crap. I really wanted to meet ALL the FCA buddies here. Crap crap crappity crap.

I've got to drink a lot of coffee to get me through the day today (BTW, MWAH to Clayzor for giving ME that first cup of coffee yesterday morning), but I've got to post a few disjointed thoughts about this whole weekend.

I can be smutty at times, but for the most part, that's not me. However, I've laughed my ass off so many times this weekend, thanks to the smut queens that I was hanging with this weekend -- muski, CG, Heidi, keepingfaith and Clayzor. You women all rock my world.

keepingfaith, I think I met my soul-sister in you, and your sister is the sweetest person in the world.

Noise? We were making noise in the Tulsa hotel room? Who us? Heh. I wouldn't have known except for the phone call.

A couple of comments about the Tulsa concert. The ending of ETYGA was so freakin' funny -- that may end up being this year's version of the note holding contest from the NAT. The other thing I'd like to mention is the crowd around me. I had a single seat in Tulsa, 9th row right on the aisle. KAndre was about 5 rows directly in front of me, and it was great because we both had room to dance in the aisles! Anyway, next to me were two ladies who had seen Clay twice before -- the IT with Kelly and the JNT2005. That's it. During intermission they were asking me all sorts of questions about Clay and the fandom in general. carmenl from the CH was directly in front of me, and she complimented my ambassador skills in talking to these women later. They seemed to really enjoy the whole show. (BTW, I kept mentioning findingclayaiken.com *g*)

The other thing was the group behind me -- a little old woman, probably about 75. I apologized to her beforehand because she was short and I'm Ms. Amazon. She said it was OK, that's why she was sitting on the aisle. Next to her was her son-in-law and her daughter, and I think then grandchildren. Two things I noticed about this group: 1) During the TV medley, I could hear them identifying each and every TV show as the themes were being sung. That was cool. 2) I was curious to see what the SIL's reaction would be to the classics medley. He was looking like the show was pretty much just a'right by that point in time...but after the classics, he had a HUGE grin on his face. I really think the medley impressed him. This guy also cheered heartily during Clay's spiel about supporting the arts -- the entire row did actually.

It's so weird -- you can sit with Clay Aiken shows, thinking that you will remember every single moment of the show. As soon as you leave the auditorium though....gone in a flash. Well, not entirely true...there's that afterglow. It's impossible to come down from that.

OK, more coffee.

ldyjocelyn it was my pleasure to serve you coffee. After all, you had to leave for a flight. You're lucky you got a cup, though, because I literally had to attack the package with a coat hanger, to get it open. I could not believe how strong that wrapping paper was. It would of made a great 10,000 video watching me try to open it. HaHaHa What you didn't see, was me uttering the exact same cuss words Clay used in his meet and greet, under my breath. You go Clay. Make me proud.........*g* CMSU to hear that and I could see heads rolling and the tight arses getting their panties in a wad over that. Hee

I had several good comments on my DCAT2007 T-Shirt. They loved it and knew exactly where the play on words came from. Some wanted to know where they could order one, and I sent them to our board with the thread titles to where they could read about it. I loved spreading the word about this place to others.

I also feel bad that I didn't get a chance to meet Kandre, laughn and to meet rcknrllmom and her daughter. I also didn't get to meet some of the Arkansas fans on the OFC. However I do know Amanda, and Soonerfaithful, who won a meet and greet and I just couldn't be happier for them. Thanks, to whoever, for bringing those meet and greet recaps over.

You know it just strikes me so funny. Why would the Hotel book rooms to people who, were not with the Clay fan group, next to each other? 'cause you know if we had Clay fans on both sides of our room, there would of been no complaining. They would simply knock on the door and invite themselves to the party. LOL It CMSU. Is it our faults the walls in these rooms are paper thin? Is it a law that we should turn in when our next door neighbor does? Are we supposed to be mind readers and know if the rooms next to us are occupied and therefore we should not utter a word? Not possible with a room full of 5 women.

When I made my reservation for a room, I requested a ground floor room and what did I get? 7th floor. That should of been a red flag right thar, of what was to come. :cryingwlaughter: So yeah we get a phone call, and were you still awake when they banged on the wall later? Bwahaaaaa I mean really? WTH it was only 3:30 or so in the morning..........LOL

keepingfaith, I don't remember the toe waggling comment I made about Clay, but did it involve something to do with a G-Spot? :eusa_whistle:

I guess the security guard camera nazi in Houston, who stepped on your toes, is responsible for you falling down in the room and spilling your freshly made Raspberry Martini on the perfectly solid white down comforter, huh? :cryingwlaughter: OMG that was soooo funny. That was some special Scotch Guard coat they put on the bedding. I want some of that thar super powerful stuff. I would never have guessed that Blue Raspberry color would of beaded up like that and your sister (God she is so nice and pretty) would be able to soak it right up with a towel and never leave a smidgeon of a stain. :cryingwlaughter: Oh what memories we made in Tulsa in 2007, when we came together to worship at the alter of Clay. I just had the time of my life being another person.

Oh I also wanted to thank atinal for my lovely keyring she made for us all. It is just beautiful. I loved the photos you used, too.

ETA: God I must type slow or take too long to compose my thoughts.


ldyjocelyn I was going to suggest you post a picture of your prize. Our table was really, really, lucky in the prize winning department. My sister one 2, I won 2, ldyjocelyn won 1, tigerpat won 1, sheiladownunder won one, keepingfaith won 1, it was just awesome. The DJ flirted with me, hee, he was some nice eye candy so I didn't mind. Made me feel nice........Hee

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Ha! I'm on my THIRD installment! People said I couldn't do it!

I got until midnight!

The Joys of Invading Other People’s Houses and Then Discovering That Martha Stewart Is Filled with Envy at Our Lackadaisical Attitude!

Man, I like chewing on Peking Duck!

Wednesday, July 4 (evening): Of course discussion immediately ensued after the concert and as always, we are among the last to leave the field. We get to the front and Muski – dear, dear Muski has to make a pit stop (ifyaknowwhutimean). She and Claygasm wave us on – they’ll catch up with us later – it’s just across the parking lot. Days later, I finally think to check my mostly dying cell. M & C appears to wish to reenact some sort of Chisholm Trail journey, since they had wandered around to either with South or East or North side of the stadium – hell, we didn’t even know that damn thing had other sides. Because we’re lazy like that. We described what we can see from the car, and they describe some sort of hot tundra with lots and LOTS and LOTS of angry people in cars and it’s clear they have somehow managed to get to another county. Finally, they appears sort of like the Lost Tribe of Israel, trudging over the horizon. They get in the car with me ‘n keepingfaith, we start ‘er up – and sit on our asses for what seems like hours while all those bastards who thought they were leaving early were frickin’ WRONG! However, this gives us even more of an opportunity to discuss and disagree and throw hissy fits, and challenge each other to duels, and commit seppuku…what? None of that happened? Oh, my bad. Apparently, some people don’t appreciate how an author like myself will add literary tension to stories to make things interesting. We drop off Muski and Claygasm who seem to be tired for some reason and head to sugrbugr’s. Who has a seriously nice margarita machine. And mango margarita machine. And when we finally found the Triple Sec, we were in serious hog heaven. Along with the widescreen HD tv in her bedroom upon which we played OPP over and over and over again. Because that was ART, dammit. And we sincerely appreciate art. Play decides to abandon us psychos around two in the morning...we run around some until our batteries stop twanging a bit – only to pop up bright and early in the morning to watch OPP some more. We like OPP. And fresh baked cinnamon rolls. And mango margaritas. And discussing Frisco. And every time someone new would come into the house we would make them watch OPP again. Good times, good times. Eventually we leave sugrbugr’s abode and head south to Houston. And the eHP party.

After sitting for what seems like hours on 635, someone remembers we have clack to watch – the Emmy submission for AI, that happens to consist of the Atlanta auditions and the top 5 performances for AI2, which happened to have Keith’s performance on it. So we watched the whole thing. Which really was amazingly entertaining. I’m not sure if we came to a consensus if Clay was doing Keith or not – we did think there was some Madonna and Weird Al though.

We eventually make it to Houston, and I need to leave because I have stuff I have to do. That I probably shoulda done last week. Like buy a frickin’car. And have posters made up. And oddly enough I did the posters before I did the car. And BTW, Kinko’s sucks. And get some of the stuff for the raffle. And figure out where the hell we were supposed to park. So I overslept after staying up until 4 am designing crappy posters because my brain wasn’t working well enough to have merrieeee design cute ones.

And of course at that time the heavens decided to open up and deluge my butt. As well as the rest of me. Then I had to terrorize the car salesman. Then I realized there was no way in frickin’ hell I was gonna make it back to the Woodlands to help haul stuff. And then the skies, heck we were just playin’ with you, now we are REALLY gonna rain. I said many, many bad words. Got to the restaurant, and things began to get better. Even without the Vicodan. The catering manager was darling, the space was perfection, the food – superb! Of course we told people they could show up anytime after 3 pm and it was 2:55 pm and I was in crappy soaking wet shorts. So I haul ass into the men’s room (like it was gonna get any use that night), fling on some makeup, a couple of glittery things here and there, pull my understated and demure dress over my head, notice I have really lost a couple of pounds cause it was a little loose – and of course the frickin’ zipper sticks. I subtly make Karen Eh come and zip me up and it turns into a battle of wills between the zipper and us and we eventually win, though at one point I though Karen Eh was going to mention that running around half naked might be a kickin’ fashion statement. And then some evil person (and yes, I’m looking dead at you Solo put a sign on the door of the men’s room saying, “Go in for free clack!”. You know you will pay for that eventually.

The party seemed to go OK.

to be continued with...

The Houston concert – or Nirvana as it is sometimes known (you know, prior to psycho Courtney Love)

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The guards open the gate, the other eHPers going down on the field leap the people in front of them and never look back. As I was passed by a “young” gray-haired lady and her walker hoofing down the field going at least 20 mph, I knew I needed to pick up the pace a tad or get run over. I get to my spot, spread my tarp to mark my territory in a family friendly way, and sat my ass down because running down the field was not the brightest thing I’ve done in a long time.

I am surround by a nice variety of people to whom I point out my clearly bandaged foot in order to engender pity in case I need character witnesses if I have to coldcock someone for stepping on my foot.

Except for the walker and the gray hair, this could be me when Jerome announced Clay would come out and shake hands. sheiladownunder laughed at me and said there she goes. I surprised myself that I could move that fast.

I begin to realize it’s a real possibility that he is being paid by the word.

The wretch took Lover All Alone to another level for me. It’s still not about the lyrics – honestly, anyone else singing this would not have made any impression on me at all – and Clay’s voice on the CD is just enough to keep me from skipping it – but he threw his back into this performance. And it was a performance in my opinion. I know others have commented on the “trembling”, “shy offering”; hell, he wrote it at least what 18 months ago, I don’t think he’s really planning on torturing himself to project the appropriate attitude any more than he was really pissed off during I Survived You. I will be listening to the live version repeatedly however. Because You Loved Me was totally sweet…and he really does a great job with God Bless the USA.

OMG, I could just kiss you for that. I'm so glad someone finally said that.

She and Claygasm wave us on – they’ll catch up with us later – it’s just across the parking lot. Days later, I finally think to check my mostly dying cell. M & C appears to wish to reenact some sort of Chisholm Trail journey, since they had wandered around to either with South or East or North side of the stadium – hell, we didn’t even know that damn thing had other sides. Because we’re lazy like that.

So I haul ass into the men’s room (like it was gonna get any use that night),

Solo put a sign on the door of the men’s room saying, “Go in for free clack!”. You know you will pay for that eventually.

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Your reputation for being a hoot and so funny is well deserved............

Laughn, I just read about your problem of missing the Tulsa concert. That just sucks. I'm so sorry.

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(((laughn))) I love your attitude though...and I predict you will have a great time at sterling hts.

KAndre...how funny is that!!! hee I already put up Frisco on FCA page thanks for putting paragraphs btw.


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O/T (well kinda but not really. Clay said he begged her to sing it, right?)

I just watched Angie's 'Listen' from Tulsa. This girl can sang! (((((jojoct)))) for getting that and posting it. I FLOVE that song and that movie, and Angie kicks Beyonce's butt to the curb on this. (Although she seems to have her own version of the Aiken Random Lyric Generator going on *g*)

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Wasn't sure if anyone was still posting/reading at the Tulsa thread so I'm bringing this hear from over at the CH.




My grandaughter Emily is 6 years old..she grew up with Clay..well I had a bit to do with that..she has been asking for 2 years to go with me to a Clay concert..well she is going..to Tulsa Saturday and she is so pumped..I had to order her a shirt and she insisted I make CB, CV passes for her like mine ..

this morning she came running in .. I was in the Clayden.. and she said Grandma..I had a dream about Clay last night....her hands were plastered to both sides of her face and eyes huge.. I turned to her and asked so what was your dream.. and she replied.. I can't talk about it.. I started laughing..and asked why she

said I just can't Grandma it was aweful...and she walked out of the room..seemed really overwhelmed.. a bit later her mom came over and I asked her..she told me this..Emily woke up this morning came into the living room straight to Mom and said Mom I had a dream about Clay last night..Sarah asked what it was..she said I went to the concert with grandma and I got lost.. and I had to swim across a lake to get to Clay..I never found grandma but I found Clay...Sarah started laughing.. then Emily asked how many more days Mom....Sarah told her 3.. Emily replied Thank Goodness.. I can't have anymore of these dreams.. I want to see him now..do you think grandma could call Clay and tell him I need to see him tomorrow..


we left her early yesterday morning for Tulsa.. Emily was up and ready by 7am and at my door knockin..we went to my daughters home on the Grand Lake and spent the day.. she swam took boat rides and swam some more.. time to leave for the concert..and yes she was very excited...she sat in her seat with her little binoculars watching Clay ..after she made me buy her a shirt half way throught the concert she was exhausted and just ready for bed..but she hung in there..she layed her head down for about 5 minutes.. till she heard She thinks my Tractor's Sexy and that all it took.. wide eyed and bushy tailed again...now for the absoulute best part of the entire night.. for me anyway..we were outside the concert hall afterwards.. my daughter Izzy decided to take Emily to the car and watch a movie while we visited..little did we know that Clay was coming out...Clayshope and myself and a many others lined up with anticipation of a hand touch by Clay when suddenly a security guard on the opposite side of the lot let Izzy and Emily through the line to find us...believe me Miss Emily was wide awake now we waited as Clay came out and started at the end of the line..(we were close to the begining by the Van he was to leave in)..he was flying down the line.. suddenly he was there.. he approched us Emily was in front of me.. and to his amazement there stood this little 6 years old.. he STOPPED.. he bent down took Emily's hand in BOTH of his and looked her square in the eye..eye level.. and said "Well Hello There"..after a few seconds he moved on..Emily was estastic.. several ladies came over to Emily and asked her how it felt to be so special to Clay..

We didn't get home till 4am this morning and I have to be at work at 11:30..I am exhausted.. while Miss Emily is still in dreamland in my bed..but it was so so so worth it.

Awe...I'm all verkelmpt

God how I love that man!:F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clay gives ET and Insider an exclusive statement...

Clay's statement on ET page

Thats the way to do it...Clay in charge..and keeping his priorities straight.

Love his summary of the story... didn't try to make the woman bad...what a gentleman and done with humor too.

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