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#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature

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    • Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!
    • Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif
    • Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.
    • And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.
    • Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.
    • The Eyes Have It!
    • he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?
    • Just can't keep a good man down.
    • "Clay wants to see your bushes".
    • Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.
    • veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

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I have not been able to see Clay in concert for two years now. If he does tour with Ruben and K. Locke and they come near enough for me go I will be most unhappy. Nothing against the other two. I just want to see Clay in a concert that is not a Christmas concert, I have no wish to see the other two. If others love the idea of another AI2 tour fine, they have a rights to their opinion, I am just stating mine.

Edited by dewdrop
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My dream scenario...

venues similar to the DCAT venues.

the band will consist of the usual but may have string quartet and some woodwind and some brass instruments. (still hoping we get some BW)

the format is rather informal...the three of them start the show with one song or even a medley. Then they take turns in doing solos duets and trios...interspersed with just chatting among friends. I think this will be the best way to make sure the fans stay in their seats for every performance.

I am hoping we get a segment where the three of them simply sit on stage and jam on some songs and chat with the audience.

I can't quite imagine the 3 of them informally chatting or bantering. I think it would be pretty one-sided (which is ok by me, LOL). I mean, I love KLo, but having just seen her in concert a few months ago I can tell you that her stage banter consists of laughing, talking off mic to her manager to bring her purse because the cd was skipping, going throught the contents of said purse to find another backing cd, saying "woo hoo Dayton, I love you!" about 25 times, and throwing the odd swear word out for good measure. All of which the crowd in the club ate up, I might add. Ruben? He might grunt once in a while. But man, can he sing. :)

I envision it to be a bit more of a scripted show. But heck, we are all just talking out of our asses at this point, right? We don't know shit yet. Wakey, wakey, Clay. I'm not usually one to whine about your lack of blogging, but today it might be a good idea. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I take it, Clay hasn't blogged yet?

I take it this has wiped all other conversations out of people's mind?

I take it nobody has pretty pictures to look at?

I guess I'll go back to work :cryingwlaughter:

Let's look at this one again! :DoClay:


You know, I might have had a tid bit of conversation to add to the discussion but my brilliant commentary has been overridden by Clay's ass.

If only it wasn't just my commentary......

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Did you know that this means that the new CD has obviously been shelved? That he is being forced to do more covers?

Oh really? I'm so glad there are people kind enough to pass along this information to those of us so pitifully uninformed and unconnected.


Anyway...count me among the not-too-thrilled-at-the-possibility, but as angst makes me tire easily, I'm hopping in the wait-and-see boat and praying that if it does indeed happen, I don't inflict the rage that will overtake me upon hearing "Superstar" for the gazillionth time on the person unfortunate enough to be seated next to me.

YSRN - based on clothes alone (his and Angela's and Quiana's), I think that first one is from Pala.

My only other contribution: he has such a nice tushie.

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Oh well. y'all talked me into it. I'll sign up to that particular tour like my life depends on it as Clay's Tours normally does to me. Must be there and gotta have a whiff of the Clay Aiken rarified air. :hubbahubba:

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Ohh, I want more Kool aid. That was my favorite drink.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I just received my tickets to Kalamazoo. This is the only CACH Tour I can manage to get days off.

I am so happy. This is Clay's gift to me today. It is my wedding anniversary BWAHAHHA 40 yrs, people. Where did all the years go? I know where the last 5 years went , to Clay but the 35 years? I am still puzzled. I feel as young as I did that many years ago except of course for the few aches and pain here and there but nothing to worry about.

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muski, thank you for my new avatar. I do need to know also where it came from, though, if anyone can answer that burning question.

KAndre, you have been making me :lmaosmiley-1: all morning!

One thing I never really understood in this fandom was the need for Clay to be the biggest star ever. Not only that but he had to be a rock star too. How mqny employees of a company get ot be the CEO? And of those how many have traded having a family life for this to occur?

How many of the fans who are upset at Clay "Taking a step Backwards" would sacrifice some of their time to be top cat or dog (whatever your preference). I think Clay loves performing in front of an audience and the challange of keeping people interested in his banter is an intellectual one. Undoubtedly why he would like a talk show about current events and probably one of the most difficult type of tv shows in which to participate. Maybe he really does start thinking about Krispie Kremes after more than three songs in a row.

Being famous now a days appears to be more about scandal, gossip and shock value. Yet some of Clay's fans want him to be a star and virtuous. I'm not sure that is at all possible. Some were shocked at his language on this tour. Did I miss something?

IMO, Fear is a wise, wise woman. I personally believe that Clay Aiken is one of the biggest stars on the planet -- but I know that only works for ME. There are others who won't/can't see it, and that's fine. And it IS Clay's career...he can run it as he sees fit.

And I totally agree that much of this could simply be him saying "I like touring. Hey kids, let's put on a show!!!"

But I'll wait until we know details and such before dyeing my hair black and wearing black clothes and getting my tongue pierced in protest. Oh wait, that only affects me. Sorry -- I'll have to stop buying everything Clay Aiken related in order to teach him a lesson. [/jk]

Maybe it's time to revive the "it's hard to get your panties off when they're in a bunch" thread title?

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I've always found it bizarre that fans claimed to be more knowledgeable about the state of Clay's friendships than Clay, himself. Just because he hasn't mentioned Kim lately, doesn't mean they never speak. We all get busy. We all have friends we're closer to compared to others. I can totally believe that he still loves Kim and Ruben, and that he enjoys spending time with them.

I suspect Kim is discussing it because a tour because it's something she wants to happen. However, my guess is that we haven't heard about this from Clay because nothing is final, firm, or committed. It's always possible that upcoming developments may prevent a full-fledged tour, that management teams may balk, or that the logistics, scheduling or finances don't work out. For all we know, this has not gone beyond mere discussion. At least, I hope so.

No, I don't think it would ruin Clay's career. I'm still not thrilled about it, but I'd probably go if it were nearby.

And yeah, I agree it is ridiculous to assume this says anything about his next album.

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Do you ever get the idea that people who declared to love Clay unconditionally, have conditions?

*high fives play* :clap::RedGuy::clap:

I take it nobody has pretty pictures to look at?

Pictures, you say? I'd much rather look at hawt pictures than angst over something that may or may not happen, and won't be career-ending if it does. I'm in the mood for blends today. Hopefully they aren't too large (heh!):











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You know, ldyjocelyn....I thought about you when I changed my avie (RIGHT after I posted the gifs, by the way... :whistling-1: ) and I thought you'd probably grab it, too....that's okay...it's just too cute. I usually go for the more sultry looks (ahem crotch shots) but this one just grabbed me...I'll change it after a while, no doubt...

Actually, the more I look at that gif of him shedding his jacket and dancing around, the more I like the movement in the front jeans area..... :hubbahubba:

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I went to all the trouble to write a long and thoughtful post on the reunited thread at the OFC and post it after an hour and the thread was closed. Pfft, off for a shelling expedition on the beach and then home again.

they must have had it down for editing. Open again, but I lost my post, By

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Anyhoo! All hell has broken loose and personally, I find it freaking funny!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I wouldn't miss the three of them for the world!!!

It sure wouldn't have been my choice of what he does but since he doesn't check with me, IF it comes to pass, I'll have to figure it's something HE wants to do and more power to him!

As soon as I read the article, my first thought was "Holy CRAP!!! The shit is going to hit the proverbial fun" - well, it took all of a few seconds!!! Hee!

:cryingwlaughter:Canuck, I'm sooooo with you on this! My first response was to LMAO and think, "That will be soooo fun!". The three of them had a great rapport on AI. They're obviously friends, Clay has said many times that he and Ruben are friends and if he shared a house with Kim, then obviously they like each other.

Bottom line is.....Clay loves to sing for a live audience, touring with friends will be fun for him, I think he will have fun. And if he has fun, that's good enough for me.

So, canooky...wanna sit together? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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This is the only sane board out there today.

We should start a running tally of the times someone can truthfully say this.

Every day, as far as I'm concerned. ;)

Completely off the current topic....last night I popped in a DVD, made for me by a friend. It has all of Clay's Kimmel appearances, in order. I don't remember the last time I watched that first one, but man, did he look young! And not quite too sure of Jimmy and what might come out of his mouth. LOL. I got up to the ATDW appearance and then it ended, but I feel as though tonight I want to go home and watch the Valentine's show and the one where he rode in on a horse, just to complete the set. :)

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Interesting day in Clayland..... At Pala, Clay said something about how some fans would buy tickets to the bathroom. To read the boards today, you might think that was preferable to the possibility of a Reunitd tour. It's an interesting idea, and if it happens, I'll be there. I think it could be a lot of fun.

A duet with Kelly? I love it in concept, but I don't think their voices or style are well suited to singing together. Truthfully, I don't care for duets, especially the dueling voices variety. I'm OK with the type that are more of an exhange. The only Clay duet I've ever liked was Jesus is Love with Ruben.

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