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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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You guys and all your emoticons are all so funnee!

My morning started off with getting husband off to his workplace for a student openhouse. Then I did something for keepingfaith, she knows what it is. (Watch the mail, sweetie!) Then, I came home, called atinal, and we plotted and planned for ticket buying for the St. Louis show. She, her friend, and I all ended up in the mezzanine. Everything in the orchestra section was coming up either way off to the side, or way off to the back. (Just like the presales earlier in the week....) Damn it, I'm spoiled, because as much as I think these will be great seats to hear Clay, and actually see all the action on the stage....well darn, it's not the front row, OK? I'm spoiled as hell.

At this point, I'm waiting for hubby to come home, we'll :image008: and then some food and then some shopping for kitty cat food and some good coffee and some groceries! (We don't have any shopping emoticons!!! WAH!!!!)

What cute animals! All of them. play, I'm glad Holly is doing OK.

couchie, ansa and I are looking at dates for another chat session. I'll put up a poll for dates soon, but I think it will be either November 8-9 or November 15-16.

BTW, the CH banner today is great!

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:cryingwlaughter: Wait, so let me get this straight, Gibby and ldyj When you say you and your hubby are gonna :image008: , are you talkin' 'bout :friends: or maybe this? rockbed.gif


I'm not sure I belong in this group of women if so many of you are :chores012: , :chores009: and especially :chores007: ! Hubby got up earlier and already started the :chores003: I'll be :chores002: soon after I :chatting: and have a bagel with Mr. Muski.

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MiniMuski #1 is taking the PSATs this morning; hopefully she's :yess: and :think: instead of :scream: and :huh: , the way she tends to do for standardized tests. MiniMuski #2 is, of course, still :nightienight: but she has a double header softball game tonight AND early in the morning, so she'll need the extra zzzzzz's.

Ah...Mr. Muski is fixing me a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter..all that's missing is my grande nonfat extra foamy latte with one Equal and cinnamon. :lilredani:

Oh my...Mr. Muski just brought my bagel to me, along with a little bowl of sliced bananas and strawberries! :flirtysmile3: and asked if there's anything else he can do for me... B)

Well....duh. :whistling-1:

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New avie...but it loses something when it gets so small (heh)....here's a size one can better get their lips around....


Never mind the funky hair...it's all about that lipbite, the clenched fist in the air and that smug "Yeah, I'm so fuckin' smart and you know it" smirk that has me all...

I know I'm behind, but OMG that's sooo hott! :hubbahubba: That smirk is to die for!

JaMar Phoebe is such a pretty doggie. I had to LMAO at your posting pictures though. How long have I been pestering you to see pictures of the new siding?

It won't take too many emoticons for me to say what my plans for the day are:

:ready6:, :chatting: , :hubbahubba: look at clack, :twinklewhore: shop, :couch1: , :ready6: , :hubbahubba: more clack, :image008: ahem, :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt:

I plan on repeating the process tomorrow. Such a tough life.

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Ah...Mr. Muski is fixing me a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter..all that's missing is my grande nonfat extra foamy latte with one Equal and cinnamon. :lilredani:

Oh my...Mr. Muski just brought my bagel to me, along with a little bowl of sliced bananas and strawberries! :flirtysmile3: and asked if there's anything else he can do for me... B)

Well....duh. :whistling-1:

I think I know what Mr. Muski is after. Mr. Bookwhore made me pancakes and capuccino this morning. They're sooo transparent, aren't they?

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I forgot to OMG! about your Phoebe photo, jamar! At first I just went :blink: because she looks just like Shadow! But then I read and saw in the next pic her Border Collie lineage. My Shadow is a lab mix of some sort so his face is very much like Phoebe's. And he has white paws and white under his neck AND has white privates! But he doesn't have that white collar like Phoebe...

He DOES, however, have white/grey whiskers and muzzle these days..'cuz he's not a young pup any more.

So looks like I won't be watching Carrie tonight...Alex is going to the homecoming dance...and well, she was sorta disappointed when Mr. Muski told her nobody would be home because of the game. I'll stay home and help her get ready... :lilredani:

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(((((((((playbiller and Holly))))))))) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm a little short on time for smileys this morning........ have to go out soon and pick up a rental car. They offered a minivan which I am tempted to take, cause I loved my claymobile so much!!


Feeling better today - have not had a screeeming pain in my back since Thursday. TG it went mostly away!!

Anyway - I had time while on limited visits to the computer to gather some realy good elements for the SPAMALOT PAGE!!

Hope you enjoy it!! :lilredani:

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Nice dogs,Jamar. My saide was a bordercollie lab - she had the brains of a bordercollie and the personality of a lab - best combination ever! She used to like to lie on the couch and watch the Discovery channelor animal channel, a particular favorite was the cats special on Nova - I finally taped it so she could watch it over and over. She watched lassie reruns at first, until there was a rabid dog attack on an episode and she got very agitated, then she would leave the room if she heard the theme to Lassie. I don't think she ever forgot anything. She was a serious herder, or at least the best she could be where there were not too many animals. Funniest story wat when I went swimming in my neighbors 40 foot pool, Sadie decided it was easier to keep track of all of us if she kept us ion the pool, so she rant rouind and round barking at anyone who tried to leave the pool. Some people were actually afraid of her, hee. Luckily a lot of people here did not have to go through Sadie's "last ride to the vet" on the board like most of the Clackhouse did> makes me feel bad about sharing those bad experiences.

I would do an emoticon thing for my day, but you have to find me some that include someone carrying around new windows, 8 foot cove moulding, moving Kitchen cabinets from car to garage, etc.

Clay content...hmmmm.. so, is anyone else trying the balcony? 6 days to 5th grader - wheeeeeee, OMG I have to pack for Vegas!!!

Cha cha, Keep monitoring your body, a lot of injuries don't show up right away. I didn't even realize I smashed my knee caps into the dashboard until I saw the totalled car years ago, but it was followed with pain and surgery, some of which could have been avoided if it had been properly and timely diagnosed. You do good work for a person suffering from such a bad accident!

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ldyj, did you notice how the eyes smile long before the mouth smiles? So damned cute that boy!

Jamar, the dog whisperer (Ceasar ?) said dogs live in the moment and don't always remember what they are or aren't supposed to do.

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OMG, Holly... you scared us!! Don't do that!

I lurve the furry ones!

That said...I do believe dogs have some long term memories...especially of people and places.

Oh, I do believe that too. My dal, Sierra, still remembers her first boyfriend, Rocko. I used to take her to a park behind my old house... it was a small, fenced-off community park where I could take her off-leash to play frisbee. She was a master -- she'd run like a rocket and then if she overshot, she'd put her "shoulder" down and do a roll -- a full-body somersault -- to slow down, then pop up and catch the thing. She probably missed .05% of the throws. She met Rocko there when she was about a year and a half. He was a handsome yellow lab puppy. All floppy and goofy and couldn't catch a frisbee to save himself. She started missing the throws more often as they both ran together to catch it. I swear to God she was trying to teach him and let him have it. :lol: Anywho, they haven't seen each other since she was 2ish -- she's 12 now and we moved 60 miles away over seven years ago. I can still wake her out of a dead sleep by whispering, "where's Rocko?". She'll perk up and run to the gate to look for him. Not that I taunt her with it often. Hee. She still adores him. :wub:

The pup:


The frisbee fanatic (she slept with that thing -- carried it everywhere):


Buster, the neighbors Golden who thinks he lives at my house, watches TV for HOURS. My dogs can't even see what he's looking at. :lol: He'll sit right at the edge of the TV and lick any animals that come on. Sometimes when they leave the screen, he'll hit his nose on the TV trying to follow them. He particularly loves elephants. It's hilarious. I don't get why some dogs see the TV and some don't.


Heh, last night I :wein: and today... I pay the price.

Hey Chach... I'm glad you're feeling ok... phew! Sorry about the Claymobile tho! And I always love your site.

Now it's sun.gif so I'm off to fridgesmiley.gif and then vacuumsm.gif and gardensmiley.gif and photosmile.gif and

watch some baseball.gif and then do some computer.gif!

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Talking doggies and their smarts -

When we lived in Greensboro, NC, we 'inherited Sis's scraggly Shi Ztu, Bonnie. My Dad had another Shi Ztu, Penny. Daddy invariably picked Penny's 'heat' to decide to go off on a trip and leave Penny with Sis' other 2 Shi Ztu's - one, a male. Duh!

So - we brought Penny to our house (another Daddy 'vacation'! The man had some timing!) to whelp. Ended up keeping two of the puppies, Nu Nu and Lao (their names are forever long!).

One day DH and I were at the bottom of the steps and the puppies were trying to come down but just couldn't get it.

Bonnie - mounted each pup, taking turns TEACHING them how to come down the stairs! One of the funniest, sweetest things I ever saw!

Don't tell Droopy I told you a doggie story that wasn't about him, K? :)


YSRN, Sierra, is beautiful! ( And Buster is a cutie. We had a Golden, too. Cried like babies when she died. *snif* )


I have been watching Food Network and Biography Channel today and have seen an ad for JG's Christmas album on both networks! *sigh*

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YSRN...your day sounds wonderful! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

cha cha...love the Spamalot site and that photoshopped pic of Clay...although I really do wish she'd made the shoulders broader. I understand that the body is Eric Idle's...and he doesn't quite have the...breadth, thickness, girth of our boyfriend, does he? B)

It does CMSU that Sir Robin's crest is a freakin' chicken! And when I think of that photoshopped pic showing Clay holding a chicken, I could only think of one of the chapters in "Good Buddies" where I had Clay talking to us all about the various names for...

you know, that thing that won't make him go blind...

Anyway, his new Broadway gig gives whole new meaning to "chokin' the chicken", doesn't it? :cryingwlaughter:


Doesn't it, totally? :lmaosmiley-1:

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How long have I been pestering you to see pictures of the new siding?

I was thinking the same thing....

Well if E. would just get over here and take some, I could post them. You don't think I could actually take pictures that good do you?


She used to like to lie on the couch and watch the Discovery channelor animal channel, a particular favorite was the cats special on Nova - I finally taped it so she could watch it over and over.

Oh good. I'm glad I'm not the only one that ever did that. I have a "doggy tape" that has the Westminster Dog Show and the movie Cats & Dogs. Phoebe is the only dog I've ever had that watched TV. She also likes to watch figure skating and downhill skiing. :noidea: She'll also briefly follow a basketball game if it's on. The squeaky tennis shoe sound gets her attention but I think it's too busy for her to follow for any length of time.


I see there are no lawn moving emoticons which is what I'm headed out to do.


Clay content. I can't wait to hear him tomorrow on AIR. :wub:


noooo Nice!

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Take it easy, Cha Cha. Sit back and enjoy feeling better. It's been an absolutely gorgeous day here.

And playbiller, take of that scamp Holly! We have a Golden that always comes when called, but our rescued pound doggie, the one we named "Happy" because he's so glad to be here with us, does the same thing when he gets out. The only thing that works is to take the box of doggie treats outside, shake the box and yell "Bis-kits" -- then the cute little bastard will come running every time.

Here are the boys, Oliver and Happy Jack just hanging out.




These are exciting times in the Clay Nation!!!!!

He's hot.

CG! Yeah, I so know. I've been preaching it since May 24, 2006. And I'm beginning to feel vindication from some of the things written by the doomsday scenario pundits. Sometimes I think I should go back to the OFC and post the same things I said over a year ago and see if it would get a different reaction. But, then I think about it, and, naaaahhh.

Aikim, I have to write about your out of body experience this week -- Clay wasn't the only one made misty by your post. The sentiments you expressed were so heartfelt and beautiful that I was hugely touched, and I can only imagine how it must have felt for Clay to read it. It definitely affected me on a couple of levels. I love that your comments moved Clay to respond and reciprocate with something personal to his fans. It must have been total bliss for you. It made me breathless reading it. In fact, the impact of it has superseded my thoughts about Spamalot and everything else in particular, because Spamalot is another step along the road, and his road continues to stretch way far out into the distance. Beyond the see.

gosh I love it when something on aikim's list get below the week mark

Especially since beginning in a few days we'll have something weekly, or better, through Christmas, and then Spamalot, and then the album, and then another tour, or whatever, whenever, but it's all out there. Yippee!

Well.........You don't know how lucky you young'uns have it! Boy back in my day, I can remember a time when we had to wait over 6 months for any news about Clay Aiken! It were like it were a drought or sumthin' Yep you sure are spoiled! :F_05BL17blowkiss: to keepingfaith

And in this regard, I'm happy to be a young'un. Might as well, I can't change it and turn back time -- so I'll reach out for tomorrow. I loved Clay on American Idol and voted for him and believed his voice guaranteed a career. I bought his albums and no doubt would have bought every Clay Aiken musical product ever offered, and would have bought a concert ticket for every tour that came through Houston (that I actually knew about ... with apologies to September 2004). But with my Clayversion I saw Clay Aiken in a completely new, expanded way -- a person reappearing after an absence from the scene who was on a completely different level from the one he was on when I had last checked in on him. In fact, he had obviously moved through a few levels that I had missed seeing, but that night I saw it happening for this man not because of staging, or training, or anything quantitative, but because I saw him dazzle and shine from inside out and just take over (my heart). I can't compare it with anything I've ever experienced. Period. It happened for me when it hit me. Each in our own time. And now, six months without Clay Aiken news? I don't think it could happen now. When I joined the online fandom it wasn't long before the Stanley Cup pictures were out there, and then the Kelly concert, and the photoshoot, and contests about the album title, and Insider pictures, the Foster Gala, ATDW's release and ... it hasn't stopped.

Then I did something for keepingfaith, she knows what it is. (Watch the mail, sweetie!) Then, I came home, called atinal, and we plotted and planned for ticket buying for the St. Louis show. She, her friend, and I all ended up in the mezzanine.
I wish I could be there with you guys! That's gonna be one lovely mezzanine at the Fox Theatre with ldyjocelyn and atinal -- two certified sweeties I am honored to know. I think if I could pick just one show to go to this Christmas, it would be St. Louis.

I'm not sure I belong in this group of women if so many of you are :chores012: , :chores009: and especially :chores007:

It won't take too many emoticons for me to say what my plans for the day are:

:ready6:, :chatting: , :hubbahubba: look at clack, :twinklewhore: shop, :couch1: , :hubbahubba: more clack

Women after my own heart.

And now for something completely delicious ... Clay in Tulsa. The scene of my first Clay touch!







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Hairy is my little rescue pup. Little is the key word. Vet says he's mostly long haired mini-dachshund. I got him when he was about three. He's nine now. My son brought him home to me because he said I had been without a dog too long. My little Dusty dog had died a couple earlier. Hairy had been scheduled to be put down that day. He was so terribly thin. Every little bone on his back stuck out. His teeth had been kicked in, had broken ribs and was terrified of belts and broom handles. He was terrified to be locked up in anything, even a room. I asked my son what made him chose Hairy...why him? My son said all the other dogs were barking at him when he walked through the shelter. Hairy just walked up to the kennel door and sat down and watched him, then he licked my son's hand.

Clay content? I hope he's enjoying this weekend somewhere with Raleigh sleeping on a pile of his clothes and Durham chewing some striped socks or something. lol

Here's Hairy on top his chair last spring watching out the window.


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Hmmmmmm....is this a doggie only board? I'm hurt, I tell ya, hurt... :cry4:

ahhhh what you got jumping jacks, a turtle? heee

I'm pet free but am enjoying the stories and pictures. I'm not afraid of dogs but can be wary aroudn them only becaue I got attacked when I was a kid...and I was wearing my faux blue fur coat with the white fur collar :cryingwlaughter: But small dogs and friendly dogs don't bother me at all.

Nice to see you keepingfaith. And I know what you mean. I saw part of what Ansa was spouting most of last year - much of which she was castigated for writing, now being openly endorsed as some new brilliant idea. Cracked me up. But oh well, it's a new day and I'm happy Clay will be visible and keep Clay Nation happy. I think that's very important. Of course it's not possible for this to happen at all times unless he turns into a fameho of Brittany proportions --but for now, it's a great thing. I never doubted either.

Today has been successful... 8 loads of laundry (and not done yet) and I have found all 3 satellite remote controls. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Just butting in quickly to apologize for posting-and-running-and-disappearing a few days back. RL over the last 2 days were my absolute worst in years. :chores015:

Been reading in snatches here and there but couldn't stay long enough to post. So, I'm gong to interrupt the huggable dog pictures and stories (I grew up with lots of big dogs around the house and would love to have a collie or golden retriever someday; I'm completely envious of Kareneh's new pad and can imagine how much her v. smart friend and companion will love romping around the yard) to say a few thanks and replies to those I left hanging... :hangin:

zena, thank you very much for your kind words :bighug: and for bringing up the nice memories of the Knoxville busline :arrowed: (keepingfaith, that was my first "touch" so I know exactly what you mean)

luckiest1, I can only repeat my thanks and add -- you make us look good!!! :thankyou: Thanks for all the hours of watching and compiling the prettiness!

lilyshine, I'd love to meet you in April :deepersnow: (or any other time he tours your lovely area). Solo had to tear me away from there after the concert. I wish Clay could have a summer weekend series over there so we could enjoy the sights by day and even better sights by night.

jmh123, sadly they don't allow pictures at the Shanghai exhibit. I'll see what I can do. :photo:

Toots, yes that's where we found some excellent icewine... :wein: Come join us next time! (See, not everything I eat is icky)

You all must have been enjoying it for sometime now, but I have to say that I love the 5th grader promo and can't wait to see the other two. I really needed a bit of joy recently and that snippet was like the icewine of clack -- all the concentrated gooey goodness, like bottled sunshine! :twinklewhore:



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ETAA: Eeeeek! Lifts feet off from the floor and peers down nervously to check if bottlecap left any spiders lying around below me.

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Tired of talking dogs already? Okay. I am right at this moment eating the very best apple I've ever eaten in my entire life, no exaggeration. Went to Randall's for ketchup and $200 later I'm home with a bag of incredible honeycrisp apples. Unbelievably good. And two half-gallons of Blue Bell ice cream ---- Banana Pudding and Key Lime Pie ---- that I haven't tasted, but anticipate will be divine. And bear claws from the bakery. Oh, oh, and a six pack of Dr. Pepper in the original 6-1/2 oz. glass bottles made with Imperial Sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. I used to get these in Dublin, TX at the original Dr. Pepper plant, when I visited my aunt in West Texas. I paid over $5 for six little bottles. So????? It's the original thang!! Dammit I went hungry to the grocery again. I know better.

Clay content: Yay, I had Clay today on Rewind. He said "dazed and confused" ... a regular phrase out of my mouth to describe my Summer of Clay. My first Sexy Six. I'm in a serious state of denial that I won't be seeing a Christmas show. Maybe something will change. Maybe the ghost of Michael Anthony will visit with a check from The Estate of J. Beresford Tipton and I can quit my job and follow Clay's concerts and appearances around the country/world/universe.

Speaking of, has anyone seen Across The Universe? I'm dying to see it.

CG, just thinking .... With Eric Idle, Clay now has a George connection. George was the invisible member of Monty Python and Eric Idle one of his closest friends for thirty years. "So Sad So Bad" --- that George is gone. Has anyone ever heard the song SSSB that George wrote and played guitar on that was on a Mylon LeFebre album way back when called On The Road To Freedom? He's credited on the album as Harry Georgeson. Or, is anyone familiar with the song The Bluest Blue from the album Pure Blues? That song has two of the all-time best blues solos ever performed in one song, first by George Harrison, followed by Alvin Lee. And was I the last to know that Alvin Lee (Ten Years After) was born Graham Barnes and changed his name to Alvin Lee?

Which reminds me that I have wondered on occasion if Clayton Grissom changed his name to Clay Aiken at age 20 not just because of his relationship with his father, but because Clay Aiken is such cool name -- a perfect superstar name.

Good God, I'm free associating all over the place. Better stop, who knows where this will go!

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