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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Welcome Karma and ausdon! Don't feel shy about posting.

Terrific article! I love hearing our boyfriend sound so smart, using words like "behoove." Anyone reading that has to be impressed with his intelligence, thoughtfulness, and perspective.

I've always loved British humor. Benny Hill wasn't a favorite, but I adore Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean), and even old sitcoms like "Are You Being Served?" Ricky Gervais is brilliant. One of these days, you have to hear his podcast, which at one point, was the most downloaded podcast in the world. As you may know, he created the original British version of "The Office," and most recently won an Emmy for the "Extras." Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are also fantastic comedians. If you've only seen Hugh on "House," you've only seen a fraction of his talent.

Not all British humor is the same. Some of it is somewhat intellectual, some of it is silly. They can show more on British television than they can in the US, so some of it goes much further than we may be comfortable with. (You should see what they do on shows like "Little Britain.") However, it doesn't surprise me at all the Clay would find it funny. British humor often has a snarkiness to it that seems perfectly aligned with Clay's own sensibilities.

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However, it doesn't surprise me at all the Clay would find it funny. British humor often has a snarkiness to it that seems perfectly aligned with Clay's own sensibilities.

*snort* yeah...well, JennaZ, I've always thought that Mr. Aiken was QUITE bawdy anyway, so to me his doing Spamalot was meant to be. I bet he'll have a freakin' BLAST! :party038:

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That ABC article is muy excelente! I learned a bunch of new stuff regarding the UNICEF ventures, and what Clay's role in them were. I thought he mentioned a hotel when he stayed in Afghanistan, though. Am I remembering wrong?

If I were everyone -- I'd be checking ABC Nightly News (or whatever they call it), 20/20 and Nightline this evening. I just found an article on ABC News' website yesterday about Larry Wilmore, the "senior black correspondent" on "The Daily Show." Read the article, and then watched the accompanying video -- the article was really just a transcript of the piece they did on him for "Nightline." So there might be media clack tonight....*crosses fingers*

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That ABC article is muy excelente! I learned a bunch of new stuff regarding the UNICEF ventures, and what Clay's role in them were. I thought he mentioned a hotel when he stayed in Afghanistan, though. Am I remembering wrong?

If I were everyone -- I'd be checking ABC Nightly News (or whatever they call it), 20/20 and Nightline this evening. I just found an article on ABC News' website yesterday about Larry Wilmore, the "senior black correspondent" on "The Daily Show." Read the article, and then watched the accompanying video -- the article was really just a transcript of the piece they did on him for "Nightline." So there might be media clack tonight....*crosses fingers*

I think he did mention a hotel in Afghanistan - said he couldn't leave to meet Diane for dinner or something. But I doubt he stayed there for the duration of his visit to the country, since he seems to have covered quite a bit of ground there. Not much point in sleeping in a tent in the middle of a city, lol. It was the Unicef person who mentioned general accomodations in this one. 'And the places they're asked to go certainly don't come with luxe accommodations. "It's usually a tent somewhere.That's our standard accommodation," said Szarkowski. Aiken and others pay their own way when they travel on behalf of Unicef. However, once they reach their destination, they don't have the need for many expenses. Most nights they're sleeping in tents on the ground.'

In any case...

He is so well spoken in this article - he's really learning how to handle these things, and I am SO proud of him. And the fact that it IS him they chose to speak with just blows my mind!!

Mmmmm, I like to be on top when it comes to talking about Ambassador Aiken.

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Clay's publicist never entered my mind when reading that article. Maybe because I'm so tired of that whole Roger conspiracy agenda. :believeitornot:

It was a great article, by the way. He was very articulate, and right about everything he said. It is an honor to be asked to be an ambassador. I didn't realize these celebrities paid their own way to these countries. I realized the accommodations were not first class. Hee

I could really feel Clay's happiness, through his OFC blogs and posts, for securing the role in Spamalot. Seriously, am I the only one who loved Benny Hill? He was great in his day. I tend to like bawdy and lewd humor as a rule. Hey what can I say? I'm also :naughty2: Give me a good fart joke and Clay in tights, any time over a Hee Haw skit. :cryingwlaughter: Yes, I do have class, why do you ask? :281: I have been saying, for awhile now, that I thought Clay and his team were working on an image change for him. I think Spamalot is the perfect vehicle for doing so. I think it will help to change preconceived notions of him being a goody two shoes, who wouldn't say shit if he had a mouth full. :imsorry-1: A lot of his male peers love this Monty Python type humor. I think Clay does too. The prized male demographic has been out supporting this musical. Which as a rule, I think, mainly women support the broadway shows. I hope this will help expand his existing fanbase. I would love to see him get more male, and female, fans in his age group, and fans that aren't so over the top, stalkerish, looney toons, over protective, over invested, into his every move. :whistling-1:

I don't remember which one of my good friends it was that I was talking to about Clay's last tour. We both felt, though, that Clay was using his last tour to "audition" for something. I was thinking more along the lines of TV. Looks like we might of been on to something. I am happy that Clay has finally found an appropriate outlet for the comedy stuff he likes to do. So do you think he will go back to having regular type concerts now, ldyjocelyn? No, I didn't think so either........... :cryingwlaughter: A girl can dream though can't she? This should spur some discussion though. HaHaha Seriously. I think this is an awesome thing Clay has got himself into. It is ripe with opportunities for networking, gaining experience, and not to mention the possibility for an award, and it looks mighty fine on a resume. Can't go wrong with this project at all. It has Clay Aiken all over it. I wish I could attend a show but like ldyjocelyn and others, I have a husband and he is more important to me than Clay. I can't remember who said they lost their husband in April but she has a grip on what is truly important. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Happy late birthday to laughn and anyone else whose birthday I missed. cha cha I'm glad you didn't get seriously hurt. How scary that must of been. I love the spam, emoticon. Welcome to the newbies. Did I say how much I love Aussie men? Blue eyes, blonde hair. Can you say Greg Norman and Keith Urban boys and girls? Here is some eye candy for ausdon.





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I just heard from playbiller, who is in the vets emergency clinic with her dog. The men working on her kitchen let the dog out and it got hit by a car. She is very upset, so a few kind thoughts for Holly, the dog, would be welcome. I believe they are performing surgery on Holly as they just asked playbiller for permission and gave her an estimate. The damage appears to be on her shoulder and her side. I told her Holly is one lucky dog to have an owner willing to pay whatever to save her dog.

I feel strongly that everything will be all right.

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Glad to see you posting clayzor...hope everything is doing well with you!!!

I agree...I do not see TC in this press release...more like Spamalot publicist...and this is just as it should be. Just as most of the Publicity for AYSTFG is handled by FOX and so on for his other projects like Neil sedaka and the skating event. If the story is about Clay's tour...then that would be under TC I believe.

I also have a feeling Clay was in that article because of UNICEF. I get the feeling that the writer went to UNICEF for their comments and they asked Clay to represent the celebrity UNICEF ambassadors. It is a great article and Clay certainly came off as being dedicated and down to earth about the whole thing.

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I just heard from playbiller, who is in the vets emergency clinic with her dog. The men working on her kitchen let the dog out and it got hit by a car. She is very upset, so a few kind thoughts for Holly, the dog, would be welcome. I believe they are performing surgery on Holly as they just asked playbiller for permission and gave her an estimate. The damage appears to be on her shoulder and her side. I told her Holly is one lucky dog to have an owner willing to pay whatever to save her dog.

I feel strongly that everything will be all right.

Awww...so sorry about that!!!

(((((Playbiller and holly)))))) all positive vibes and prayers...I feel like Holly is one of us here in FCA since Play shares so much of her antics. Hope everything turns out great.

thanks for letting us know Fear...

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Whoa....impressive mention of Clay's name associated with Broadway. Already!

New York Magazine mention:


Hold on to your hats, folks, because in the topsy-turvy world of entertainment labor unrest, today's news is about as exciting as it gets: On the left coast, the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers may have just averted a strike by the Writers Guild by withdrawing a proposal that would allow them to withhold residual payments (!) to writers until they recouped the cost of a movie or television show.

And in local news, Mayor Bloomberg offered to mediate labor talks between Broadway producers and stagehands, but the president of the stagehands' union Local 1 said no. A lot is at stake here, people! If the stagehands strike, Clay Aiken could have to move his own props and scenery!

NY Magazine article

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Can you visualize...

Clay... "Excuse us, everyone (in southern british accent), we've got to move some scenary here, close your eyes for a bit... and keep them closed... and don't cheat!" :cryingwlaughter:

Hope the stagehands don't strike, but if they do, I presume the show must go on. Wonder if they hire scabs or what.

{{{{{playbiller and Holly}}}}} sending healing wishes and vibes your way!!!

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Can you visualize...

Clay... "Excuse us, everyone (in southern british accent), we've got to move some scenary here, close your eyes for a bit... and keep them closed... and don't cheat!" :cryingwlaughter:

bwah.. I can picture him saying "talk amongst yourselves for a minute.!"

Ah big hug to Play and Holly. I hope everything will be ok.

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((playbiller & Holly))

Like Ansa, I don't think there's any overall publicity campaign being organized for Clay. If anything, I think he's simply been involved in projects that have good publicists of their own, whether it's Spamalot, 5th Grader, or Unicef.

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Can you visualize...

Clay... "Excuse us, everyone (in southern british accent), we've got to move some scenary here, close your eyes for a bit... and keep them closed... and don't cheat!" :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH! Specially the "southern British accent," which the whole idea of that is so funny!

{{{{{{playbiller and Holly}}}}}} Thanks for letting us know Fear!

Clayzor I think, in a way, that Clay's been auditioning for a television show for over a year now. He's shown so much personality in his regular TV appearances and in his concerts (no, I think he'll do fantastically funny "concerts" for the rest of his life!!!), and I think Spamalot will showcase his comedic side too.

I will say, though, that I think he's always going to have a bit of the "goody two shoes" going for him, and frankly, that's OK with me. Being a "goody two shoes" doesn't necessarily mean that he can't be funny and lewd once in while too!

I think the publicity machine for Clay Aiken (or any celebrity) is more complex than any of us realize, including those in the marketing field. *g* I do agree with Jenna that most of the publicity lately is due to the particular entitites he's involved himself with (Spamalot, AYSTAFG, and now UNICEF). But then, that's my opinion, I could be wrong [tm Dennis Miller before he turned into a major asshole]. Unless Clay tells me, I'll never really know.

*call me, Clay...*

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I'm so sorry. It's so hard when our furry friends are hurting. They don't understand. My oldest dog spent a weekend at the emergency vets when she started having seizures 3 years ago. They did a great job with her. I hope things go that way for you and Holly too.


What a great article on celebs/charity. My boyfriend is so smart. :flirtysmile3: :flirtysmile3:

I do agree with Jenna that most of the publicity lately is due to the particular entitites he's involved himself with (Spamalot, AYSTAFG, and now UNICEF).

I think so too. I thought that the RCA publicist only was responsible for RCA related stuff anyway.

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I just heard from playbiller, who is in the vets emergency clinic with her dog. The men working on her kitchen let the dog out and it got hit by a car. She is very upset, so a few kind thoughts for Holly, the dog, would be welcome. I believe they are performing surgery on Holly as they just asked playbiller for permission and gave her an estimate. The damage appears to be on her shoulder and her side. I told her Holly is one lucky dog to have an owner willing to pay whatever to save her dog.

I feel strongly that everything will be all right.

Oh my. I'm so sorry to hear this. I love my Droopy dog and would be exceedingly upset if workmen were so careless and it caused him to get hurt.

Hugs to Playbiller and Holly!

From Droopy . . . :puppykiss:

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