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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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YAY for Sedaka tribute week....to commemorate this occasion we are going back in time and having solitaire themed banners.

We will have two banners this week from cha cha trusty and Merieee...

First Up...Merriee's banner. Her first for FCA and I'm sure not her last. She is becoming quite good with Photoshop....

Great job Merieee!!!

Thank you Merriee, I love that picture. He is such a gorgeous piece of manhood. I just want to pet him all over, pleeeze!

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I did good, I think- it's just stressful thinking you've thrown back the best tickets that are going to come up for you. Finally, seats came up in a row above my imaginary line, and I jumped on 'em like Jerome on a Stalker.



thanks bottle :F_05BL17blowkiss: I guess I better get ready for some winter driving.

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Two things:

1. ldyj---I mistakenly gave my good wishes to Ansa, instead of to you, for the recovery of your mother in law. Well, I mean....not that I DON'T want to give good wishes to Ansa, of course...heh...but, oh, hell! You know what I mean...

2. ldyj---just what are you trying to say here, huh?

And for muski and all the smutters here
Are you suggesting that I enjoy smutting? <_<

Thank you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm flabbergasted reading and hearing about the So. Cal. fires...then I heard a reporter saying on the news this morning how Bush has declared the area a disaster area and what good news that is for those who've lost everything there--that it meant they'd get a quick check to start trying to replace and rebuild.

And I thought of the thousands of people in Louisianna still without running water and electricity and anything more than a tent or shack for shelter---YEARS after Mother Nature took her turn on THEM. And I tried not to make generalizations and assumptions that the destruction and loss of mansions of Malibu and grand estates of a richer area might make our government come to the rescue with more speed and efficiency that it did for the Fifth Ward of New Orleans.

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I got the job!! Whoo Hooo. Wow, can't wait to stalk see Clay now.

For those that met my sister in law at Pala... my mom talked to her this morning and the whole family is still at home. She said the winds have shifted for now but they are ready to go to Carlsbad to the shelter if they have to.

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I did good, I think- it's just stressful thinking you've thrown back the best tickets that are going to come up for you. Finally, seats came up in a row above my imaginary line, and I jumped on 'em like Jerome on a Stalker.


bwah...and yay I hope to resemble that remark soon. heh

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I got the job!! Whoo Hooo. Wow, can't wait to stalk see Clay now.

For those that met my sister in law at Pala... my mom talked to her this morning and the whole family is still at home. She said the winds have shifted for now but they are ready to go to Carlsbad to the shelter if they have to.

YAY for the job and wind shifting!!!!

the stalking thing???? wah???

hee I think you are lacking a few concerts to be classified a stalker....crazy enthusiastic maybe...

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Congratulations, couchie on getting the job! Glad to read that your Clay stalking *g* has been enabled. :clap:

jazzgirl, ROTFL for your funky ideas / irreverence -- after I make it big in the porn industry I'll be sure to remember to thank you at all the award shows!

I'll take a forward in your upcoming bestseller "Confessions of the Claymate Madam". Maybe I can get a credit for narrating the inevitable Lifetime movie just as Clay is getting a credit for narrating Rewind? The opening line could be "she left technology to find her true calling".

Thanks for appreciating my quirky! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ah, so you are familiar with Linda. Clay could do worse than have the type of career Linda has had with a loyal cadre of fans who flock to her concerts. Does KAndre have a cadre or is that the eHP? KAndre's Cadre does have a ring to it.

I just spent the last few hours making air, hotel, and theater reservations for NYC!!!!! I got tickets (mid-March) in rows B and C for Tuesday and Thursday. I'm WAY to cheap to spend twice that to go on the weekend! Jeesh! I can't wait!!! My friend and I are running away from our families! I love NYC!!

Good for you and your friend for getting away!

Continued prayers for those dealing with the fires.

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I got the job!! Whoo Hooo. Wow, can't wait to stalk see Clay now.

For those that met my sister in law at Pala... my mom talked to her this morning and the whole family is still at home. She said the winds have shifted for now but they are ready to go to Carlsbad to the shelter if they have to.

Congrats couchie!! :lilredani:

...and sending wishes for your family's safety, as well as all others in the area, too.

(there you go luckiest. I took one for ya)

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I'm flabbergasted reading and hearing about the So. Cal. fires...then I heard a reporter saying on the news this morning how Bush has declared the area a disaster area and what good news that is for those who've lost everything there--that it meant they'd get a quick check to start trying to replace and rebuild.

And I thought of the thousands of people in Louisianna still without running water and electricity and anything more than a tent or shack for shelter---YEARS after Mother Nature took her turn on THEM. And I tried not to make generalizations and assumptions that the destruction and loss of mansions of Malibu and grand estates of a richer area might make our government come to the rescue with more speed and efficiency that it did for the Fifth Ward of New Orleans.

Muski... What I read is that declaring us a disaster area means the Feds pay for 75% of the firefighting effort. Which is A LOT!!! FEMA does come in to help those without insurance and in our neck of the woods that is a lot less people than New Orleans. What is not going on in NO is ridiculous IMO!

Someone asked how this could be prevented. We get fires every year, but huge ones like this... the last one was 4 years ago. We get those Santa Ana winds every year. It is just a fact... nothing to be done.

The newer housing tracts are being built with fire resistant materials, with drought resistant plants, and are required to maintain a fire break of 100 to 200 feet around their homes. I read where no homes with those requirements/firebreaks were lost.

Unfortunately, none of the older homes have those requirements. All new roofs put on have to be fire resistant, but that's about it. Unfortunately, those with beautiful old trees in their backyards/neighborhoods have no desire to cut them down just in case. They take their chances, just like people in Florida do every year with the hurricane season... we have fire season, the midwest has tornado season.

I wanna live in New Mexico... I don't think they have any "season" and it's a beautiful place... :cryingwlaughter:

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WHOO HOO Couchie, congratulations!

Working on your own is a great thing. After I took early retirement, I said good bye to bureaucratic bs and did run a business from home for a few years, just to keep busy. Enjoyed it for a while, but then I discovered CLAAAAY, and HE was a lot more FUN. My life changed forever, and the ONLY thing I missed about the home based business were the business deductions at tax time. Hope you talk to someone about those, because they can be pretty important to you. (Somebody other than me, since I had to be told what receipts, etc., to save. Someone who actually does it for a living would be good.)

Now, you can take your job "on the road" whenever you want. YAY!

Scarlett, I feel your pain. Experiences like those make some women operate with a very cold and arrogant attitude just to try to appear professional. It's a shame, but I've seen it happen more than I care to admit. And if they don't they are dumped on with all the workload none of the "men" want to do, because the men need to be on the golf course with the higherups or attending the company-paid-for newest, hottest training offered. Don't let it get to you. Many have been there, done that, and got though it. Watch some clack...it always works to soothe me! And, please don't ever change. Or stop taking clack. YOU give the rest of us something that helps us "get through it." We owe you a lot of gratitude.

The California fires are just mind boggling. I drove through so many of those roads while following Clay this summer. Praying for all those people.

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Congratulations on the new job couchie. :lilredani: Your news was a much needed bright spot.

Southern California has beautiful weather all year around but they pay for it when the Santa Ana's blow causing the fires and erosion. Then the winter comes and the rain causes flooding because of the erosion. Liney, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think SoCal gets all that much rain either in the summer or winter. We NoCal's get lots of rain in the winter but it has to be a whole lot before we flood.

I was just watching the news and it still looks bleak for the winds to calm down so the firefighters can get a handle on all the fires. NoCal has sent their reserve firefighters and air tankers down to help out.

Didn't Clay live in Santa Clarita? I remember the last fires got close to the house he just sold but I'm not sure if it was Chatsworth or Santa Clarita.

KAndre, I'm beginning to believe you really are tired because you haven't posted your wonderful stories lately. Hope :allgood:

I'm going out to my garden on this 80 deg sunny day and pull out the tomato plants for the winter and do a little :1:

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Oh, I'm here - just generally filled with self pity because this is my week for the dentist. Crown today, root canal Friday...and I'm a horrible, babyish dental patient.


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