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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Even if it does look like he's wearing every single article of clothing he brought in his suitcase...

I know! I was thinking ... could those pants BE any baggier????

:cry4: OMFG!!! Why, oh why did I have to go back and look at the clothes? Why couldn't I just be happy with the fact that he has the voice and face of an angel and left it alone? That UM outfit is without a doubt the fugliest thing I've ever seen him wear. It's even worse than the fugly jackets of the IT. Or was that the NaT? And JaMar knows how I felt about them. **shudders and gags at the memory**

All I can say is that whoever he's paying to buy his clothes now is worth their weight in gold. I think I'd better go look at some more Skating Clack and feast my eyes on his Royal Hawtness.

Are we sure they're the same man?

ETA: I just realized how critical my post sounded. Can I ammend it to say that he looked 'endearlingly dreadful'?

Nah, you can say that outfit was fugly...because heaven knows it was. But that's part of how he TOTALLY worked that going from faintly nebbishly looking dude whose voice could drop yer pants to that fine lookin' dude who's look drop the pants and voice would take care of the panties!

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And if he's packin', well that just so much the better.

I've forgotten whether it was Bookwhore or bottlecap who said this, but it made me almost spit my Sam Adams out on my keyboard! BWAH! and ain't it the truth! :hubbahubba:

Friends, the main conference is over. I am still alive. Our budget looks like hell but it's not my fault. The expense side is QUITE healthy; they just didn't get the attendance we hoped for. I only have a smaller meeting to get rolling tomorrow morning; then I'll go over all the banquet checks with my hotel guy and pack up some stuff and then....

I'm hoping to play hostess to Gibby and Reiki and maybe ValerieWarriorPrincess if we can get her away from her new hubby long enough!

And then I get to go home. I'm planning on spending at LEAST most of Monday sleeping...before I tackle what I'm sure is a helluva lot of home/family/household stuff to to do....

I can't stop watching those two AIR clips....I remember Carmen said once after AI2 was over that she always thought Clay was sexy. Smart girl, even if she does sing like a cute little blonde goat. heh.

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I think Superstar Clay looked hawt, and so does UM Clay except for those baggy pants.

There are some nice photos here in a Flickr set, including lots of photos of people skating in addition to pictures of a cute singer guy: Skating show pics. Also the beautimous skating photos that jjung posted at the OFC are back, for those who are members.

WOW--I'm an Executive Producer!! When did that happen?

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6:00 was my last hope. Instead of the "Whoa ah whoa" of American Idol, I got the "Chunk Chung" of Law & Order. :cry4:

Thank the good Lord & Taylor for the eventual downloads.

What does it say about me that I can hear both the "whoa ah whoa" and the "Chunk chung" in my head right now?

I think that proves some CUTE guy was absolutely right when he said tv theme songs get stuck in your head!


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Geesh...here I come...interrupting good times again....so sorry.

I have been missing in action all day today...minor family emergency....which is going to take up a big part of tomorrow as well.

I was unable to get an address established for those who want to mail gift card...and yes, KCIS is thrilled with the gift card idea and they are checking into the Amazon Wish List that was suggested here as well.

And help.....I was told Bookwhore started a book list thread somewhere....I can't seem to stumble upon it...... Thank you for doing that by the way....didn't realize I'd be gone all day!

OH...and my, my, my this sure is a pretty place tonight! Loved the AI videos! He has the most amazing eyes and eyelashes.....

:clap: Thanks for those with the skills to grab the stuff!! :whistling-1:

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This board is going down that well intentioned paved road to hell!!!

Hee, I thought we heard that Clay had a small band of groupies in high school.

Yup ...I thought Clay;s school problems was in Middle School and he found his comfort zone in High school.

I just watched the show...and another telecast is going on now...EEEEEEEEEEE

I am so happy that they got so much new clips not just of Clay. But I love the little clips of Clay in the background...the coming in from the airport...the sitting in my butt now looking for a spot to nap...and I loved it Ruben told this pretty girl he will be the next AI.

I am so excited about next weeks episode...I hope we get to see his final solo performance. and also the deliberation about Clay! They were saying he was weird...hee...This will be so goood. yeah I think they almost didn't take Clay.

I think Ryan just really got a kick out of Ruben thats why he always talked to him....and I really loved Ruben's original melody, I think he had the best song in that portion.

I really think, even without Clay, this was the best AI season ever.

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Wow, that whole AI Rewind episode is amazing! So many little glimpses of Clay....I hope someone can make an animated gif of the part where he kisses the camera!

You know, I never realized that that one clip that we already had was the part where Clay had to make up a melody. I had no idea! I just always assumed it was a well known song that I didn't know. :cryingwlaughter: And his voice over CMSU too.

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And help.....I was told Bookwhore started a book list thread somewhere....I can't seem to stumble upon it...... Thank you for doing that by the way....didn't realize I'd be gone all day!

It's in The Watercooler, Books and Mags. And what a list it is!!! I really liked the addition of the Michigan specific list. I do think that's the one I'll use... Thanks for doing this and thanks to Bookwhore for the list!

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I actually love his outfit the first day. I guess I am so used to this type of layered style with my girls and their friends...the baggy pants ....these are all part of the usual outfits for kids his age. He was age appropriate IMO.

and so interesting that they didn't take the same part of superstar for Ruben and Clay, no real direct comparison...if I remember correctly Clays group was actually later in the day cos by then I think the girls were there already. I am glad at least, that they showed that Clay wasn't part of the groups that flubbed this part. Puts Clay and Ruben in even

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Wow, that whole AI Rewind episode is amazing! So many little glimpses of Clay....I hope someone can make an animated gif of the part where he kisses the camera!

:crapsign: Stoopid Fox affiliate for depriving me of timely Clack. :cry4:

ETA: So this post isn't completely whiny... Just checked out the Recommended Childrens' Book thread. Can't wait to hit the bookstore with laughn later this week so I can start checking some of these selections out. I may still have to slip in a couple of my faves from the classics, though. Every kid needs to read "The Cat in the Hat" and "Where the Wild Things Are", don't they?


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Just to clarify, I know that Clay had a lot of friends in high school; I was actually referring to the fact that a lot of the girls he knew did not want to date him, just be his friend and I find, giving his charisma, that to be rather interesting.


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Wow, that whole AI Rewind episode is amazing! So many little glimpses of Clay....I hope someone can make an animated gif of the part where he kisses the camera!

:crapsign: Stoopid Fox affiliate for depriving me of timely Clack. :cry4:

Well Crap bottle, just Crap! :cry4:

I just wrote a post and lost the damn thing :Thud: Speaking of the road paved to hell, can you imagine how truly disgusting we'll be when they get into the later episodes and he's changed the hair and clothing. I can't wait! :lipstick:

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I used to think that my Cuisinart and my microwave were my favourite inventions ever! Well along came Clay and I quit cooking...I'm sure it was coincidental :whistling-1:

So now my all time faves are the DVD recorder and my video iPod. I recorded the most recent episode and can now watch my cutie whenever I want...love, love, love it!!! Next week almost everyone will be gone from the office and I can plug in my iPod and watch Clay at work! Hee life is good.

There appear to be some folks out there who are going through some "stuff" so this is for you :hugs-1:

Now I really have an important decision to make.....watch AI Rewind or the skating vids!!

Oh is it just me or do you think Clay is cute?

DeepSouthGurrl at the CH made these screen caps and I think they need seeing again!






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WOW Zena what a great review!

Kind of off topic but I was wondering if any of you gave the Orleans your name and phone number in hopes of winning one of the Clay posters. I was told they would draw a name on Friday. Unfortunately I did not get a phone call. :cry4: Did anyone else?

I didn't even hear anything about that. I don't have room for it anyway, with the kitchen remodel at the halfway point I'm living in plastic box hell.

Those two snippets of video today were absolute gems. He sounded great then but today, whoa Nellie! I've said it before but the clack from the skating show does not do his voice justice. One of my favorite Clay songs WAYDNYE was so amazing. So as good as the videos were for historical purposes I really prefer current day Clay.

I meant to thank you guys for being so nice to me in Las Vegas. Luckiest 1 and daughter for letting me tag along to Hoover Dam. It was fun and you both are so sweet. To gibby for arranging the really nice breakfast and letting me accompany her on the coaster. It was so nice meeting you. Couch tomato, liney, wandacleo and AAIT and all of those whose screen names I forgot it was a real pleasure speaking with you.

I can't believe we have another tour coming up already. What a great year it's been. :laola0:

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I was actually referring to the fact that a lot of the girls he knew did not want to date him, just be his friend


Fact? How do we know this is a fact? Sure he had some close friends that he didn't date (as far as we know) but that doesn't mean that there weren't girls that he did date or girls that he didn't date that wanted to date him. Just because he has chosen not to tell tales doesn't mean there aren't tales to tell. And really there are some parts of Clay's life that we have heard nothing about.

FWIW, Clay (then) is exactly the kind of guy that I went after in HS.

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I was actually referring to the fact that a lot of the girls he knew did not want to date him, just be his friend


Fact? How do we know this is a fact? Sure he had some close friends that he didn't date (as far as we know) but that doesn't mean that there weren't girls that he did date or girls that he didn't date that wanted to date him. Just because he has chosen not to tell tales doesn't mean there aren't tales to tell. And really there are some parts of Clay's life that we have heard nothing about.

FWIW, Clay (then) is exactly the kind of guy that I went after in HS.

Me, too. Oooh, he would've been so my type. I had crushes on guys like him. The kind of funky, musical, artistic ones with senses of humor. That final profile shot of him in the audience has completely undone me today. Clay's nose alone is a sex object worthy of worship.

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Hmmmm, there seem to be a lot of girls that go for that type. My older daughter is a junior in HS and is currently dating a tall, red-headed guy with freckles, big ears and a heart of gold. Sound familiar? He is in three choirs and in every play or musical the school puts on, and is rather geeky. Not an athletic bone in his body. A lot of the girls have crushes on him, but my daughter is the lucky one who is dating him now!

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Gibby, that is soooo funny. Does your DD accidently call him Clay??? LOL

Zena, congrats on your son's success!!! May it be the first of many such successes!

Couchie, not only can I not addreply, but I cannot pm either... I'm gonna haveta get this computer worked on, I'm afraid. I'll pm you from work on Monday, as I would LOVE your extra pin.

I recorded today's AI2 Rewind, but there is not one on tomorrow. Isn't Sunday's last week rerun, so that's ok... I hope!

The clips are to die for! OMG, he was sooo fledgling beautiful... THUD!!!

I have three windows up... one for Sedaka, one for Vegas, and one for AIR. What a wealth of clack and swoon-worthy CUTE!!!!

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ETA: I just realized how critical my post sounded. Can I ammend it to say that he looked 'endearlingly dreadful'?

heee well I ain't gonna lie... he's cuter to me now cuz I love him now..back then I thought he was a truely funny looking guy with a bad wardrobe but the voice of an angel.

Someone asked me about the pins and when they would have them. My answer is ASAP. Really, I"ll order them on Monday. The guy is telling me it takes 7 days..well that used to be ten and the website says 14. Still, I've ordered pins 4 times and it normally takes 7-10 days. So, my hope is that they will get there by Wednesday the 21st and I will have them ready to drop in the mail by the 23rd. I'm thnking that's the best case scenario.

I just had company and we just watched a bunch of stuff I had saved on the DVR including.... Fifth Grader. Can I say how cute I find Mr. Aiken.

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I was actually referring to the fact that a lot of the girls he knew did not want to date him, just be his friend

Fact? How do we know this is a fact? Sure he had some close friends that he didn't date (as far as we know) but that doesn't mean that there weren't girls that he did date or girls that he didn't date that wanted to date him. Just because he has chosen not to tell tales doesn't mean there aren't tales to tell. And really there are some parts of Clay's life that we have heard nothing about.

FWIW, Clay (then) is exactly the kind of guy that I went after in HS.

Me, too. Oooh, he would've been so my type. I had crushes on guys like him. The kind of funky, musical, artistic ones with senses of humor. That final profile shot of him in the audience has completely undone me today. Clay's nose alone is a sex object worthy of worship.

*raises hand frantically* Oh, me three me three!!! (or four, after gibby's DD). And Solo & I both agree that we would so buy multiples of a CD where Clay sings nothing but lines of songs that have "Baby" in them. Still swooning at today's "Baby" and digging up all my other favorite "Baby" songs! :Thud:

Scarlett, where are the striped socks you are making? Do you make them out of wool? If we are ever in the same place at the same time I would absolutely love to go on an adventure with you and KAndre. I don't do roller coasters or scary shit because I'm a real wimp! Now ice wine I could do! :trink3:
They're 100% Merino wool but I don't think I'm good enough a knitter to post WIP (works in progress) on our Striped Sock Sirens blog; I think I'm a better dyer/color designer than a knitter. BTW, thanks to those who have been supporting our Fall Sale!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: -- Completely amazed at how well we're doing and we've only been up for a week; lots of non-Clay fans / long time knitters too, so it helps spread the word for TBAF!!!

Yay on adventures with Toots! Yes let's and we don't need to go on the fast rides -- the water ones are fun too! Hope you don't mind getting wet. ITA about the ice wine!

Scarlett, Couchie has your hat, I never met Karen Eh? at LV.
Thanks for bringing it all the way there! I'm glad it's with Couchie since we're meeting in Minneapolis. I won't need a bucket hat until MSP, I think. I hope. (ps. And thank you, Couchie!)

This board is going down that well intentioned paved road to hell!!!

Hee, I thought we heard that Clay had a small band of groupies in high school.

Don't kwow about that road but I'm going somewhere in a rapidly accelerating handbasket. Took another step towards groopiedom today. I went and clicked on all the M&G buttons for my JNT07 shows. No, not all the shows because "Failure to provide proof of tickets upon selection as a winner may affect your chances of participating in a future meet and greet event." Was this warning always there before? How do you establish proof of tickets-- half my tickets are with other people.

I think he's always been cute and I love the funny/quirky cuteness.

ETA: Couchie, Thanks bunches! :thankyou:

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