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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Political correctness run amok!


SYDNEY (AFP) - Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.

Sydney's Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say "ha ha ha" instead, the Daily Telegraph reported.

I think they should say "hey, hey, hey" :cryingwlaughter:

Welcome Christel!!! Computer problems are a bitch, eh?? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh yeah, Play, I can totally understand not liking her. I couldn't stand her when she was with Cochrane and Grace..she's so singularly focused and sometimes she just doesn't listen. I don't always agree with her but she entertains me, a lot.

I, too, can see where Nancy can be grating and, at times, just downright wrong, but I rather admire her and enjoy her dissertations. Giving birth to twins at 48 takes extreme fortitude! She just recently found love after mourning her fiancé who was murdered in a random act of violence years ago, and which explains her rather strident pro-victim views.

Welcome Christel!

Nancy Grace is so pro-victim that she's anti-innocent until proven guilty. And she herself has created victims by her own hand (or mouth I should say). I'll never forget when she convicted Richard Ricci in the court of her own personal opinion for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart. When he died she said he should rot in hell. She accused his girlfriend of being in on it with him. Except, Richard Ricci and his girlfriend turned out to be 100% innocent of involvement in the kipnapping of Elizabeth Smart. I remember when Nancy Grace was asked about this and she smirked something like 'I'm not going to be guilt-tripped about this" -- and she never apologized. I cut her loose right then.

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Nancy Grace is a lawyer that started out on Court TV but has her own show on Headline News. My mom was watching GMA this morning when I was leaving the house and they mentioned she was in the hospital/blood clots and that she's very lucky to be alive.

It's November 15th. Almost Clay time!!

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Just had to move this over...he is just so frickin CUTE! Have a question though. Did they put makeup on him this early? His eyelashes are so dark. I am mesmerized watching him blink, which in turn draws my eyes down to that perfect nose, and those "shell pink" lips.... :Thud:

He looks like he is about to fall asleep from Simon's lecture, since he knows it doesn't apply to him, so he looks off to the side to keep himself awake... :cryingwlaughter:

Those lips.... that nose.... those eyelashes.... :Thud:

Welcome, Christel!!!

This last season, didn't they bring 2 people into the room and tell them that one of them was going home before critquing them both. I liked the rooms better cause you had company in your rejection. Like Quianna comforting people. That's better, I think.

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Welcome christel!

Thank you YSRN for posting the link to dreamlarge’s latest. Good guh, that was great.

I started composing a post with quotes, and then figured out that there was just so much ding-danged stuff I wanted to quote, I decided it would just be too much. I mostly agree with CG in the marketing dilemma that Simon saw in Clay (sadly, I think she’s really right about the shallowness of the popular music scene in 2003, and I think it’s still like that today), and ITA with almost everyone else here regarding this latest clip from AI Rewind. It’s not like complaining about Simon and Randy making fun of Clay’s picture is going to change the final outcome of the show -- unless by complaining it makes me a new castmember of “Heroes,” able to change outcomes of reality shows. And in this instance….I probably wouldn’t use that anyway. (I would on a few episodes of Amazing Race though…heh.) Clay seems to be fine without the title.

I did want to repost one thing though, simply because it cracked me up….

But eventually one has to stop being pseudo teenage drama queens (because lord knows they get tiresome), and just enjoy the ride.

Thank you KAndre.

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I started composing a post with quotes, and then figured out that there was just so much ding-danged stuff I wanted to quote, I decided it would just be too much. I mostly agree with CG in the marketing dilemma that Simon saw in Clay (sadly, I think she’s really right about the shallowness of the popular music scene in 2003, and I think it’s still like that today), and ITA with almost everyone else here regarding this latest clip from AI Rewind. It’s not like complaining about Simon and Randy making fun of Clay’s picture is going to change the final outcome of the show -- unless by complaining it makes me a new castmember of “Heroes,” able to change outcomes of reality shows. And in this instance….I probably wouldn’t use that anyway. (I would on a few episodes of Amazing Race though…heh.) Clay seems to be fine without the title.

How cool would that be - to have ClayNation represented on Heroes! "Save the Clack, Save the world!" I can see it now - WIth a single glance, you could disable papparazzi. You could reach through your computer and strangle trolls! You could reprogram satellites to transmit only Clay friendly shows.

WOW! What a great concept! My Hero!!!

Could you also find the lost Clack from England and from Toyota? And then go back in time to film the first St Paul concert invisible to Jerome?

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He looks like he's about to pass out -- and poor baby was just getting started. Sleepy Clay is adorable.

I love the dark eyelashes. Love Love Love! I think anyone as translucent as Clay would need TV makeup to show up on the screen. I never minded the bronzer either. Sure, it was obvious enough when there was a face/hands contrast, but he always looked good to me -- better week after week. I think Clay trusted the professionals to fix him up -- and it worked.

Simon was not all that predictable where Clay was concerned. He was "really, really, impressed" with DLTSGDOM and thought it was absolutely brilliant because it WAS; and, of course, after SOT he said Clay was the one to beat, which he WAS. Actually I think that's when Simon got nervous that Clay was going to walk away with the thing. So he went negative, or conflicted, as much as possible, except when Randy and Paula were less than ecstatic with "At This Moment," which Simon thought was perfection, because it WAS. I don't hear much about that song, and I don't think I'd ever heard it before that night, but Clay sang it with such maturity and emotion I literally swooned. Of course we know that Simon said TLS was the best performance of all three Idol shows he had done. What about Solitaire? Simon was hugely impressed and joined in the Clay love that night. Simon thought Mack The Knife was brilliant, which it WAS, and that BOTW "may have just won the competition." All in all, if I remember correctly, Simon told Clay his Wild Card performance was the best he had heard yet that season, and he said TLS was the best he'd heard in three seasons. Paula said that UM was the best performance of the season. And Randy Jackson said, "Dude, where's that voice coming from?" about 10 times. For me, the only song that was forgettable was Someone Else's Star. I'd never heard it before, and it isn't my style. SOT? That vibrating bottom note kicked my ass. I didn't know that range was there until that note, that night. That's when I knew that Clay Aiken was here to stay.

I love reminiscing about AI because it was so exciting to watch a real life "a star is born." I now realize that many of you were on various boards then and had inside info about what song Clay would sing from week to week, and that even back then there was angsting going on. That was so far from my consciousness back then. I was just happy to see his smiling face walk out on that stage every week and sing just about anything.

There was some point on that show, toward the end, when the term "claymates" came up, because I do remember hearing Ryan mention it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, or did I dream it?

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If you notice Simon never criticized Clay's singing ability...facial tics, song choice...I don't think he could criticize the singing so he had to pick other things; physical things about the performance. He did say Vincent was dreary...but I actually think Clay did a pretty good considering their manipulation.

ETA I always thought that Simons's comment that Clay was the one to beat was really to give notice to the other contestants and their fanbases that they better step it up and I do think he knew that to be true.


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Well, I just got the shit scared out of me.

The executive director called me into his office for a "Come to Jesus" meeting. Appears he was just as disappointed in my handling of this year's event as I was. He had some things to say. Although the attendees raved about the conference and on the surface it went well; the planning before the meeting--the delegating, the project management sucked. And that was MY responsiblity.

I could feel it the whole time---a sense that I wasn't doing my best, that I was letting too many details slip through cracks or be put on a 'back burner' because of other things or other things or....

Bottom line is that I made him doubt his decision to give me the raise that he did and he had been feeling that by NOT doing the kind of job he believes I can do, I betrayed his trust in me.


So, my friends, it's time to get serious here. I like this job. But I've been taking it for granted lately.

What a fucking wake up call.

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I think the problem was that they saw Clay as "not a pop-star" but didn't realize that what they were seeing was a fantastic entertainer, which is so much more than a pop-star and why he will be a legand one day. He did not fit what they were looking for and he has had to make his own unique path, as there are not too many living "entertainers" of his caliber out there for him to model himself after. He's doing great in my book!

I read this in a book and wanted to share it cause I wonder if this is how Clay feels...

"He'd forgotten the electric intensity of a live performance, the excitement of being fueled by the emotions of the people who watched so raptly. What performers and audience created would never be repeated in quite the same way. This night was unique and intimate, immediate in a way that film/tv could never match."

We have all felt (I think I can use we here) that Clay is better live. I do believe he feeds off the energy of the crowd. It is an awesome circle of energy. And, one of the reasons we can never do too many shows.

The tour is getting closer and closer and the excitement is rising again. Man, I can't wait to see how he pulls this whole story thing out of his hat and makes magic out of it!

{{{Muski}}} You juggle a lot in your life and work LONG-ass hours, so don't be too hard on yourself. Sounds like you have gotten his message and I have no fears that you will do better next time. Forgive yourself and go forth and organize/manage!!! HUG!

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I don't think it was just Simon that knew that Clay was running away with the competition. If I remember correctly, Nigel or Ken came forward a couple of years ago and said that Clay had been running away with the competition. It was all they could do to keep the suspense alive...so they made up the whole "this is such a close competition" thing. I actually believe the numbers between Ruben and Kim were very close. I remember Ryan saying the week Kim got kicked off that only 1% of votes separated the person leaving from the rest. The rest was Ruben but I think Clay was waaaaay ahead.

As much as I enjoyed season 2, I think if we take Clay out of that season, it would have been just as flat as season 3 with Fantasia. Think about any of the other contestants as being missing from the top 12. Would Rickey have been missed? Did Kim C. bring that much excitement? Even the "winner" Ruben. If he had been missing would the suspense of the competition been deflated? Honestly, no. But if Clay had not been a part of that competition, no one else could have brought the excitement. That's why at one point, Simon was honest enough to acknowledge that Clay Aiken was the best thing to ever happen to AI.

And because Clay is so exciting, such a dynamic personality, it makes him polarizing. Those who recognize his IT factor remain fans for life while others have visceral negative reactions because he isn't the typical star they want to admire. But they still can't help paying attention to him because something about him still commands it. That's why their hate runs so deep and why they are so irrational. It's them fighting against themselves and wishing that they could stop thinking about him...but they can't. So they blame him and try to "destroy" him. But nevertheless Clay just goes on being himself...compelling, fascinating, complex, imperfect, the sexy somewhat effeminate but nevertheless still the alpha-male that no one can ignore.

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Jeez muski, that can't feel very good! The fact that you had a sense that you weren't doing your best probably softened the criticism but still it hurts! He's not going to take back your raise is he? He had faith in you once and he will again. On the positive side, you like the job and you are obviously good at it so hang in there.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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A week from this coming Mon., the concerts start. Can you believe it's almost time?

And I'll be there! :nana:

Hey Jamar..>I saw you volunteer to organize the book discussion hee. I PMed you.

K'. I'll try to have something started up by this weekend. I'll post a link in the thread here or you may find it using the VIEW NEW POSTS feature. Hee. In the meantime those who are so inclined be thinking about what type of discussion you want to have. Free form, chapter by chapter, questions, etc.

..she's so singularly focused and sometimes she just doesn't listen. I don't always agree with her but she entertains me, a lot.

Nancy Grace? :scream: I also find her entertaining :scream: in small doses :scream:

I'm just afraid her eyeballs may actually pop out one of these times.

*oh heavens ... that was so catty of me...BW would be proud...*



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(((muski))) I'm sorry you had to hear it from your boss, but I know you'll come back strong. You're too smart not to succeed.

Like CG, I think Clay was and continues to be a bit of a marketing challenge. I think his vocal talent is unquestioned. However, I've often felt that it might take a little more creativity and intelligence to truly capitalize on his potential. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that some, like Simon or perhaps those at RCA, haven't always had enough of that.

Clay once said something like, "All my life, people haven't known what to make of me." That may still true. He has a powerful voice, but the areas that normally reward that -- opera, classical, etc. -- don't seem to appeal to him. There is a place in Broadway for his kind of voice, which is why, I think, Simon referenced it. However, until recently, that didn't seem to be an option he wanted to pursue.

I sometimes wonder whether RCA originally saw him as a potential pop artist in the Jesse McCartney type of mold. His TITN video tended to support that image, and "Invisible" was the kind of catchy pop tune that did get radioplay. However, Clay rejected that video, and the other songs on MOAM tended to have more of a ballad feel to them. I think Clay could have had a successful career singing bubble-gum pop, but that wouldn't have taken advantage of his vocal range, and perhaps, that sound doesn't really satisfy him artistically. After all, he claimed not to really like "Back for More" that much, either. And if this type of pop isn't him, what other marketable sound is there for him? There are standards, ala Michael Buble. I would not be surprised if that helped prompt the decision to do a covers album, and I can see why the label went in that direction. But that ultimately didn't prove as profitable as hoped.

I don't think it will be easy, but I believe that Clay can find a sound that resonates with him and has broader commercial potential. I also get the sense that Clay may be approaching this next album a bit more strategically than before, because I think he's more ambitious than he likes to admit. He has creativity and intelligence, and if anyone "knows what to make of him," it should be him.

He is unique. He's gifted, but quirky. It makes him memorable, but it also makes him difficult to pigeonhole. I think a lot of label execs (like Simon) may prefer pigeonholes, because they're easier to manage. Clay's talent may take a little more imagination to market, but I believe that when someone finally figures it out (and that person could be him), the rewards could be tremendous.

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I don't think it was just Simon that knew that Clay was running away with the competition. If I remember correctly, Nigel or Ken came forward a couple of years ago and said that Clay had been running away with the competition. It was all they could do to keep the suspense alive...so they made up the whole "this is such a close competition" thing. I actually believe the numbers between Ruben and Kim were very close. I remember Ryan saying the week Kim got kicked off that only 1% of votes separated the person leaving from the rest. The rest was Ruben but I think Clay was waaaaay ahead.

As much as I enjoyed season 2, I think if we take Clay out of that season, it would have been just as flat as season 3 with Fantasia. Think about any of the other contestants as being missing from the top 12. Would Rickey have been missed? Did Kim C. bring that much excitement? Even the "winner" Ruben. If he had been missing would the suspense of the competition been deflated? Honestly, no. But if Clay had not been a part of that competition, no one else could have brought the excitement. That's why at one point, Simon was honest enough to acknowledge that Clay Aiken was the best thing to ever happen to AI.

And because Clay is so exciting, such a dynamic personality, it makes him polarizing. Those who recognize his IT factor remain fans for life while others have visceral negative reactions because he isn't the typical star they want to admire. But they still can't help paying attention to him because something about him still commands it. That's why their hate runs so deep and why they are so irrational. It's them fighting against themselves and wishing that they could stop thinking about him...but they can't. So they blame him and try to "destroy" him. But nevertheless Clay just goes on being himself...compelling, fascinating, complex, imperfect, the sexy somewhat effeminate but nevertheless still the alpha-male that no one can ignore.

My interpretation is different. I don't know what the margin was to say he was running away with the competition. I DO know he won every week. I think they wanted a close race and there certainly was an appearance of a close race. Becaue of Clay's winning every week, I'm pretty sure they knew Clay was going to the finale. If you remember that Newsweek or Newsday or whatever it was article, it was Kim that was giving Simon a scare as he wanted Ruben in the finale. The fact that 1% or whatever it was separated the three should have been a big warning sign that the phone lines were inadequate and turned the entire thing into a statistical tie. But they didn't fix anything and the next week the statistical tie went to Ruben's favor. I think they were probably as suprised as anyone. I'm not buying any they fixed the phone line theories because it doesn't matter whether Ruben or Clay won, the money is in the show not the winner. Either of those guys was a suitable winner and nobody was going to risk billions of dollar to do Clay in. It was bad luck pure and simple IMO.

Since I loved other people from season two I still think it would have been an enjoyable season. Whether it would have risen to biggest finale ever, I doubt it. But what would a Frenchie impact have been.There's a whole lot of what ifs that will never be answered.

Most people like at this show as entertainment and don't get all that caught up in the minutia of the show. Even when there were boring seasons, there were good moments and the ratings still skyrocketed. And stars continue to be created year after year.

Clay has haters but I don't think he is hated as much as people think. I think people enjoyed season 2 and they enjoyed Clay. They enjoyed the dynamic of Clay and Ruben. So opposite. Yet something to like about each. That's why it's the top rated finale and why it was a water cooler season. This whole Clay is hated thing..by who.. a few internet fanatics. Even the Djs and such don't hate Clay. I don't think it runs that deep or that they give him a thought after reading their copy. The idol folks have shown over the years that they don't hate Clay. They understand that he is one of the reasons the show grew in popularity. I think there a lot of people that contributed to idol becoming what it was...Kelly's likeability, Clay and Ruben's talent. Fantasia helped on an artistic front. Carrie, Daughtery and others are showing that is has staying power. The people out to "destroy" Clay are famehos who wish they had something as powerful as idol to support them.

As for Simon warning other fanbases to encourage them to vote...well he pretty much told Ruben and Kim at various times that they were the ones to beat or everybody else watch out. So I guess people can interpret that any way they want.

Ah man Muski...you'll get it together. I know you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Go kick ass.

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I don't remember Simon telling Ruben or Kim they were the ones to beat, but then I really only watched the show for Clay...once he was done singing, I usually went and folded laundry or something.

I am not an AI fan and have not watched since Season 2; I would agree that I think Ruben winning was a fluke and TPTB really expected Clay to win but by having them both get contracts it was a win win situation for all.

I do think the show has lost its relevance because it doesn't really matter if you win the show...they are going to promote who they think is the most marketable whether it be the first place winner or fourth place winner, so I am not sure if the votes even matter anymore. Winning is not a guarantee of stardom.


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I started watching AI because I wanted to see what my daughters were watching. And then I got hooked on AI because of Clay. I didn't see Season One of AI at all, and started watching Season Two when Clay sang BMUB. I immediately thought that he had a fantastic voice, but it really was his personality that drew me in. He seemed vulnerable but strong, serious but snarky, innocent but worldly, and utterly charming. By then he had been given a little bit of a makeover, and though I didn't find him to be classically handsome, I found his appearance to be uniquely attractive. I watched faithfully every week, and was upset with the stupid busy signals I got when I tried to vote for him. Since I had an AT&T cell phone, I decided to go online to figure out how to text message - BWAH!! I not only learned how to text in my votes, I also found the boards, and have been on one board or another ever since.

I saw this drawing by Linda Huber when we were in Vegas at the preparty. It caused quite a stir, and those who were with me commented on how gorgeous it is, too:


I haven't bought any of Linda's drawings before, although I like a few of them. I never really thought that a drawing would be better than a picture. However, this one is to die for. :perfect10:

It looks good on the computer screen, but it looks FANTASTIC on paper in person. OMG! It looks like he could walk right out of the painting, and his eyes are utterly amazing. It looks like he's looking right through you, he knows what you are thinking, and he so knows that he owns you. :thsign27: But at the same time, he is compassionate, and a force for good in the world. How can a drawing convey all of that? I have no idea.

The fact that the hair, stubble and lips all look delicious, too, made my decision for me - I ordered the print when I got home from Vegas.

It came today!!! :ura: It's GORGEOUS. I'm going to get it framed, with a white matting and a black frame. :yahoo:

For Muski - :hugs-1:

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A good Clay buddy of mine sent me the Linda Huber print of the People magazine spread! It is gorgeous. My husband who is decidedly not a Clay fan told me I had to frame it and put it on my den wall. Michaels has matting and frames that are ready made and they fit it beautifully. I found a black mat with silver interior mat and a silver frame.....stunning!

It really is a work of art.

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bwah Gibby. heee You crack me up. Yeah I have a few of Linda Huber's drawings and will be buying that one cuz I really love it. There are a lot of talented artists in clay land but sometimes I look at the drawing and as good as they are I don't see Clay's essence. But yep, that one certainly does capture it all as does the Good News one. I'm one of her biggest fans.

Oh if you really only watched for Clay then I can assure you, the other contestants got ripped to shreds as well as complimented similarly.

FromClaygary..you make a great point below. Many people would be like..he's all over me for nothing.

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OMG, Gibby, that is gorgeous! I have one of Linda Huber's prints that I actually purchased from ebay, it was a BAF auction...and I love it.

But....one of these days, I am going to treat myself to that one and the UNICEF one....if I am a VERY good girl.

ETA: those eyes are mesmerizing...it's tough to look away!


Many people never recognize themselves as you do. You're one step forward already.

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muski...just remember what Clay said...'you bring it'....Hang in there.

Okay, y'all are talking about Simon and the "whys" of his behavior toward Clay.

I think bottom line in Simon's treatment of just about everyone is that he is a bigot. Merriam-webster's short definition of a bigot is: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. Simon's remarks consistently reveal his extremely rigid standards for some mythical human ideal of "beautiful" or "cool". Taking such a narrow view is short-sighted and soul-less, in my opinion. Not to mention lazy.

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