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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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I saw this drawing by Linda Huber when we were in Vegas at the preparty. It caused quite a stir, and those who were with me commented on how gorgeous it is, too:


I haven't bought any of Linda's drawings before, although I like a few of them. I never really thought that a drawing would be better than a picture. However, this one is to die for. :perfect10:

It looks good on the computer screen, but it looks FANTASTIC on paper in person. OMG! It looks like he could walk right out of the painting, and his eyes are utterly amazing. It looks like he's looking right through you, he knows what you are thinking, and he so knows that he owns you. :thsign27: But at the same time, he is compassionate, and a force for good in the world. How can a drawing convey all of that? I have no idea.

The fact that the hair, stubble and lips all look delicious, too, made my decision for me - I ordered the print when I got home from Vegas.

It came today!!! :ura: It's GORGEOUS. I'm going to get it framed, with a white matting and a black frame. :yahoo:

I bid on that picture already framed and matted at the Tulsa pre-party. I won it and I love it. It feels like he's looking right at you. I'd be curious to know how much it costs you to get it framed. I think I got it for a pretty good price. It's in a black frame and it's yummy.

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I saw this drawing by Linda Huber when we were in Vegas at the preparty. It caused quite a stir, and those who were with me commented on how gorgeous it is, too:


There's just something about that photoshoot - Clay looks so utterly knowing and totally serene at the same time...

I also love the one that was used on the DCAT posters.


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muski, I can see taking to heart what happened today, but to look at the positive, by critiquing you, your boss is showing that he still wants to work with you; it is when someone stops berating you and becomes truly indifferent that you have to worry. Could it also be possible that he is feeling heat from someone above him and you were a convenient target today? That may or may not be accurate, but it is something worth mulling over, in other words, don't self-absorb everything.

I think Clay will find some method of long-term success in the music industry just because he is so darn obstinate. His mule-headed stubbornness behind this "let's have my fans send me Christmas stories and put on a show" proves that to me. Actually, it reminds me of those old Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland movies of unbridled youthful enthusiasm and "let's put on a show!"

The Linda Huber drawing did capture Clay's sparkle. He does have a twinkle in his eye!

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You're welcome, jj.

Hey, I want to burn a CD of live Clay Christmas music. I have a few favorites, but wondered if other people have particular favorites. I really like MDYK from The View on 12/09/04, Good News from KC JNT 05, and AIW from Vegas. I haven't decided yet on which Emmanuel performance to include. Any other suggestions?

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(((muski))) I'm sorry you had to hear it from your boss, but I know you'll come back strong. You're too smart not to succeed.

Like CG, I think Clay was and continues to be a bit of a marketing challenge. I think his vocal talent is unquestioned. However, I've often felt that it might take a little more creativity and intelligence to truly capitalize on his potential. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that some, like Simon or perhaps those at RCA, haven't always had enough of that.

Clay once said something like, "All my life, people haven't known what to make of me." That may still true. He has a powerful voice, but the areas that normally reward that -- opera, classical, etc. -- don't seem to appeal to him. There is a place in Broadway for his kind of voice, which is why, I think, Simon referenced it. However, until recently, that didn't seem to be an option he wanted to pursue.

I sometimes wonder whether RCA originally saw him as a potential pop artist in the Jesse McCartney type of mold. His TITN video tended to support that image, and "Invisible" was the kind of catchy pop tune that did get radioplay. However, Clay rejected that video, and the other songs on MOAM tended to have more of a ballad feel to them. I think Clay could have had a successful career singing bubble-gum pop, but that wouldn't have taken advantage of his vocal range, and perhaps, that sound doesn't really satisfy him artistically. After all, he claimed not to really like "Back for More" that much, either. And if this type of pop isn't him, what other marketable sound is there for him? There are standards, ala Michael Buble. I would not be surprised if that helped prompt the decision to do a covers album, and I can see why the label went in that direction. But that ultimately didn't prove as profitable as hoped.

I don't think it will be easy, but I believe that Clay can find a sound that resonates with him and has broader commercial potential. I also get the sense that Clay may be approaching this next album a bit more strategically than before, because I think he's more ambitious than he likes to admit. He has creativity and intelligence, and if anyone "knows what to make of him," it should be him.

He is unique. He's gifted, but quirky. It makes him memorable, but it also makes him difficult to pigeonhole. I think a lot of label execs (like Simon) may prefer pigeonholes, because they're easier to manage. Clay's talent may take a little more imagination to market, but I believe that when someone finally figures it out (and that person could be him), the rewards could be tremendous.

I bow down to you, Jenna! Word, word and word some more!

{{{{muski}}}} You are smart. You are good at your job. Maybe this last conference wasn't your best and maybe you didn't do your best. But I suspect both you and your boss know what you're capable of. I have no doubt you will restore his faith in you - and faith in yourself.

I just had dinner with my brother, He got an iPhone.

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!! :cry4: IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!

Did we see this? I found it at the CH:


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Muski...goodluck with the job woes...I'm sure you will get back on your boss good graces.

You're welcome, jj.

Hey, I want to burn a CD of live Clay Christmas music. I have a few favorites, but wondered if other people have particular favorites. I really like MDYK from The View on 12/09/04, Good News from KC JNT 05, and AIW from Vegas. I haven't decided yet on which Emmanuel performance to include. Any other suggestions?

I was just doing my xmas play list I am trying to trim the Clay songs cos some of the songs have 5 to 7 versions. SO I am keeping one recorded version andchoosing my favorite like version. I found some gems. and of course having a hard time getting rid of others.

right now I have rediscovers AIW from LI and DSIAFCD is also fantastic.

"Celebrate Me Home", Portland is my favorite. Someone did a blended one without the interruption.

Portland or LA ...my very favorite...I was in heaven listening to it.

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Gibby, I just ordered that Linda Huber pic. I was one who RAVED about it in Vegas... it is unbelievable how it affected me. Thanks for reminding me... my Christmas present to myself.

Gibby, listen to JNT05, San Diego Good News. I think it better than anything else. I would recommend KC Emmanuel cause wasn't that Clay's first time singing it? I could be remembering wrong, but which ever it was, it would be very touching to remember that while listening. I used to know which JNT05 DSIAFCD I liked best... I'll have to try to remember or find out. It was one where he really jazzed up the ending... toward the end of the tour I think. I LOVED his Jingle Bells, too. Boy, now you've got me wanting a new live cd, too. Hehe!

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{{{{muski}}}} You are smart. You are good at your job. Maybe this last conference wasn't your best and maybe you didn't do your best. But I suspect both you and your boss know what you're capable of. I have no doubt you will restore his faith in you - and faith in yourself.

I just had dinner with my brother, He got an iPhone.

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!! :cry4: IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!

Don't make me want one too. :cryingwlaughter:

Well said. Muski, you are good at your job. You're done a number of conferences since we've been posting together and everything has always gone very smoothly. You lose stuff, like cell phones and laptops, :cryingwlaughter: but the conferences go great. I remember you posting this time about problems with a budget that was too small, and I believe you mentioned awhile back about increased responsibilities for which you eventually asked to be paid accordingly, but that was only after things were pretty much planned, right? There are always things that can be changed or done better, and it's always good to analyze what went wrong and try to fix it, plus it's usually best not to try to shift blame in a situation like that, but don't take the entire responsibility for these problems onto yourself either. Think of it as the two of you together analyzing the process, finding the missteps, and making changes accordingly.

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Council Bluffs, IA was the first time he sang Emmanuel. I know because I was there. It was weird when I realized that Jacob was missing. You could hear the intake of people's breath whenever Clay started singing it and people were grabbing each others's hands. It was really a magical moment.

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Muski, been there done that. While I never wanted to come out swinging in those kinds of meetings, it doesn't hurt to remind them of the shared responsibility. I liked to remind them that as much as they didn't like what I was doing, they kept increasing my staff and work load - and how was that supposed to make things better? You can sit down and make alist of issues so that at a future date, when the time is right, you can bring up the issues you have with the limitations of your job, i.e. budgets and changes, etc.

Saw Kim Locke on Chelsea Lately, she was not a guest so much as part of her raound table where basically nothing was said that was interesting, not that it ever is.

I don't know why, but I find Good News such a snoozer, I can never understand all the GN love. I accept others have it, but not me.

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Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions for the Christmas CD. I'm downloading now! I'm pretty picky about audio quality, 'cuz I don't like it when bad sound distracts me from enjoying my boyfriend's amazing voice. So, I'll probably download a few different versions to find the one I like the best. I'd love any more suggestions or ideas!

I just went and visited FCA Media, to find some suggestions there, as well. What a gold mine! It's a good thing I have a download manager - my computer will be downloading well after I go to bed!

Another good resource is Canooky's audio compilation from JNT '05. Heee, this will be fun!

Liney, I'm glad you ordered the Huber drawing. I remember you raving about it at the preparty. It's really amazing!

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Gibby, listen to JNT05, San Diego Good News. I think it better than anything else.

this made me laugh... I think our convo in vegas went like this..

you ahhh Good news/ San diego I was 5th row center

me - oh god I was sixth row center -- 2 rows beihnd scarlett it's the best ever

you/me agreement noises

then we realize you're talking about JNT05 and I'm talking about JNT04

It's all good heee

ETA: eeeeeeeeeeeeee I haven't watched ER all season... but I tuned in tonight for some reason and LUKA! eeeeeeeeeeeee I got my couchtomato name from him! Of course I was renamed couch tomato by my new boyfriend lol.

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Too non-verbal to expand, but word to these two out of many good posts on a lot of different topics today:

WORD couchie...I really don't have any problems with Randy and Simon's reaction to Clay's picture. So many of us have admitted that we thought he looked funny then. Even now...people would make fun of his clothing choices, his hair, his weight etc...and we are his fans. So its just understandable that these people that were hired to be critical..specially Simon that is known to be mean...would react this way. What is important to me is that despite the funny look...and these judges initial prejudice and reluctance...he won them over. They responded to him...NOT just the image or the fact that he is marketable to the right demographic. TO ME...that makes Clay;s success ...all the more sweeter.

I also enjoy the idea that Simon was so wrong about two of the most successful idols...Clay and Kelly...

I think a lot of fans forget that AI is not the Clay Aiken show...so its not designed to just prop him up. These judges are not fans. They are not part of his management team. They were there to be critical...to create drama and controversy.

More Idol talk -- I think however and whatever happened on Clay's Idol journey regarding Simon, Randy, Paula, Nigel, it was pure serendipity. The coincidences and compound instances that make magic. Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity -- a powerful force. Your regulation pop stars usually have a short shelf life -- so many one hit wonders, the marketing delights with turnkey faux hipness that nevertheless thins quickly and gets tossed aside for the next ready-made gimmick. Clay was tossed into that world, but he kept his head and hired a savvy lawyer who worked only for his interests. I remember what Clay said in Houston when telling the story about waiting to audition in Atlanta: "I wasn't gonna give it up. I didn't want to show all my cards." Now that's something I can extrapolate. I don't think that was a one time thing ... I think he likes to play his cards close all the time, and we can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. Maybe Simon's comment that Clay was unique and that his path would be unique, translates into the definition of a legend. I don't know what cards he's holding, but I think he's been playing them rather adroitly. I do know what I'm holding .... a ticket to ride.


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I'm kind of a crusader for ethics in marketing -- and it's lonely out here. For all the talk about marketing Clay, how to, and how much, I don't see that as the issue at all. For something real and lasting, it's all about putting out a unique product that people want because it's really, really good. I can't buy into a scenario where Clay would record throwaway pop just to get on the radio and sell units. That's the old "sucker born every minute" school of marketing, which has gained control without a soul, and there's really nothing there. It's hollow and vapid ~~ just slap on that "Cool" label and push the hell out of it. It's nothing more than a vehicle to coax money out of people's pockets with the usual cynical attitude, and falls far short of anything that can be defined in the ballpark of ethics. I don't think that is what Clay is in this for. I thnk he wants to make great music and record fantastic songs and have people buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand. Good for him not recording Back For More because he didn't like it -- it's one of those songs that a lot of people wanted because it was deemed "radio-friendly" or because it was fun in concert or whatever -- but it was not a great song by any stretch. If it bored Clay, it wasn't the song for him. His quote that nobody ever knew what to make of him ... I don't know the context of that remark, but I would guess that observation applied to more than just his singing style. I think the whole person that Clay is has confounded people all his life. He's silly and unpredictable and he has principles. He loves to play the fool, and he knows who wrote the Federalist Papers. He takes risks and he laughs a lot. The list goes on and on.

Before I go to bed, I just have to tell this story. I went to a big classy dinner tonight and happened to be standing right behind Sandra Day O'Connor when a woman I know asked her about a mutual acquaintance and Justice O'Connor said, "You know, he got married again and they're pregnant," and my friend said, "Noooooo. Justice O'Connor, you're shitting me," and Justice O'Connor quickly replied, "No, I am not shitting you." It was terribly funny. And I can't believe I'm at this computer at 2:30 just rambling on! Too much wine.

Muski ... What??? I didn't realize you were responsible for the attendance, too! It sucks that when an enterprise loses money, the shit starts rolling -- in one direction. Sometimes the ass kicking parade can look pretty much like Monty Python Meets The Rockettes. Suck it up, Babe. Remember, don't let 'em get you down and don't ever let 'em see you sweat. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hey, I want to burn a CD of live Clay Christmas music. I have a few favorites, but wondered if other people have particular favorites. I really like MDYK from The View on 12/09/04, Good News from KC JNT 05, and AIW from Vegas. I haven't decided yet on which Emmanuel performance to include. Any other suggestions?

I will give you my "best of" lists:


The Music Of Christmas - Costa Mesa Scarlett

Sleigh Ride - Costa Mesa Scarlett

HYAMLC - Baltimore deborah760

The Christmas Song - Costa Mesa Scarlett

Winter Wonderland - CT jojoct

Silver Bells - CT jojoct

The Christmas Waltz - San Jose Spotlightlover

WAYDNYE - NY deborah760

MCWL - Costa Mesa Scarlett

O Holy Night - CT jojoct

Silent Night - CT jojoct

HTHAS-OCAYF - San Jose Spotlightlover

The First Noel - CT jojoct

MDYK - San Jose Scarlett

IBHFC - Providence jojoct

DSIAFCD - San Jose Scarlett

Good News - CT jojoct


Christmas Serenade - LA Spotlightlover

Celebrate Me Home - LA Spotlightlover

Christmastime - San Diego Spotlightlover

Christmas Waltz - San Diego Spotlightlover

Good News - San Diego Spotlightlover

HTHAS-OCAYF - San Diego Spotlightlover

HYAMLC - San Diego Spotlightlover

Jingle Bells - San Diego Spotlightlover

MCWL - San Diego Spotlightlover

MDYK - San Diego Spotlightlover

MGUCL - San Diego Spotlightlover

Silver Bells - San Diego Spotlightlover

Sleigh Ride - San Diego Spotlightlover

The Christmas Song - San Diego Spotlightlover

IMYMACT - Chicago Filomena123

Emmanuel - NY Scarlett

The First Noel - Atlanta Scarlett

Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - Raleigh Aflack

DSIAFCD - Raleigh deborah760

O Holy Night - Minneapolis Lightnin

I'll be back with my JNAT06. I am not sure I have them quite as wheedled down as these other two, which have been on my iPod forever! :)

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Good Morning Everyone,

10 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

36 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

39 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

52 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

63 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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What I am doing is getting my favorite across the tours too. So I already have my best of from each tour and I am comparing them. What I noticed...aside from the fact that the later tours have better audio....thanks clack gatherers and technology....but Clay's delivery became more nuanced...relaxed. I noticed this most in DSIAFCD. But the strength of the voice was always consistent.

But I did keep one GN from 2004 and 2005. His delivery is really similar but the back up arrangement is different, with a whole choir for 2004 and just the back ups for 2005.

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Ah, good luck with that, ansa. Everyone has their own preferences. I can't do it, I prefer to have a 'best of' from each tour. There are differences in the way he sang certain songs, for sure, but I don't necessarily like one tour's version over another. For instance, I love the JNT04 O Holy Night with the different ending. Freaking love it. But then I also love some of the cool things he did with it in the JNT05, like the Minneapolis version I have in my 'best of' list where he goes up at the end, which he only did that once. I really hope he adds it back into the set list again this year.

OK now I feel the need to sit and listen to all my Christmas tours audio this morning! Will be a nice backtrack to the mundane, boring work I have to do. Hope everyone is having a good day so far! We had snow forecast here last night, so I went out and bought a new snow shovel and some winter boots to be prepared. This morning, there is maybe an inch on the ground, but the possibility of maybe 8 more inches by the end of the day. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas - so bring it on, Clay! :xmas07a:

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OHMYGAWD, just watched AYSTFG with Kellie Pickler. That poor girl just can't shut her mouth to listen or think. She made me so nervous I had to turn the TV off. Have no idea how much she won but even the little smart fifth graders were embarrassed for her. couchie, you were right on about her segment and while I have no idea how much they edited out, the whole thing was just so sad. I felt sorry for her but why did she allow herself to be so vulnerable? I watched the show last week when Tony Hawk was on and he's pretty smart. Kind of reminds me of Clay :wub: the way he reasoned thru answers but Tony's not as smart. I think he won the same amount as Regis.

muski, how are you feeling this morning? Go to work and make those lemons into lemonade. and just chalk 2007 up as a not so great year. :cry4:

wandacleo :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope the sun is shining a little brighter for you today. :thbighug-1:

Lucky, it was 73 deg here yesterday!

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Ah, good luck with that, ansa. Everyone has their own preferences. I can't do it, I prefer to have a 'best of' from each tour. There are differences in the way he sang certain songs, for sure, but I don't necessarily like one tour's version over another. For instance, I love the JNT04 O Holy Night with the different ending. Freaking love it. But then I also love some of the cool things he did with it in the JNT05, like the Minneapolis version I have in my 'best of' list where he goes up at the end, which he only did that once. I really hope he adds it back into the set list again this year.

Oh I still maintiain best of playlists for each tour. This playlist I am doing now is simply my faves of Clay Christmas. I started off with about 100 songs and now I am down to 69...MDYK was tough and just choosing between target and mcwl version was tough too but in the end I chose the fuller orchestration of MCWL version.

Now I pare down my MCWL list. This is such a chore specially during this rainy morning...hee

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