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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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The New Deal: Band as Brand: A long article in the NY Times. This is just part of it.

But record executives argue that such deals could free them from the tyranny of megahits because there would be less pressure to make back the label’s money immediately. In the 1990s the arrival of computerized data from SoundScan, which tracks retail sales, meant the industry had an instant scorecard that tempted companies to push for Hollywood blockbuster-style opening weeks. The demand for quick payoffs persisted, even though a review of the last 15 years of Billboard data shows the albums that immediately seized spots on the upper half of the Billboard Top 200 chart would go on to sell fewer copies, on average, than the releases that slowly worked their way up.

“If we weren’t so mono-focused on the selling of recorded music, we could actually take a really holistic approach to the development of an artist brand,” said Craig Kallman, chairman of Atlantic Records, which signed Paramore, along with Fueled By Ramen Records. “What’s the healthiest decision to be made, not just to sell the CD but to build the artist’s fan base?”

The industry’s hunger for 360 deals might also subtly shift the ways labels view the scouting and cultivation of talent, a process known as A&R, or artist and repertory, development.

Particulars of a 360 deal might differ from label to label, but a recent Atlantic offer to another act provides an example of how one might be structured.

Atlantic’s document offers a conventional cash advance to sign the artist, who would receive a royalty for sales after expenses were recouped. With the release of the artist’s first album, however, the label has an option to pay an additional $200,000 in exchange for 30 percent of the net income from all touring, merchandise, endorsements and fan-club fees.

Atlantic would also have the right to approve the act’s tour schedule, and the salaries of certain tour and merchandise sales employees hired by the artist. But the label also offers the artist a 30 percent cut of the label’s album profits — if any — which represents an improvement from the typical industry royalty of 15 percent.

Mr. Kallman said that if Atlantic engages more artists in such agreements, it will have to devote more resources to a smaller roster and raise the stakes for each album. “Your batting average has to go up,” he said. If new artists don’t become successful, “I’ve doubled and tripled down on everything and I’m still playing to empty houses and not selling records.”

As for Paramore, the band’s chance to develop away from the spotlight of the mainstream marketplace has now ended. With its gathering fame, the band has already confronted a handful of tough decisions about how to maintain its identity. Ms. Williams said she rejected an overture from a shoe company that wanted to feature her — alone — in an ad campaign.

Still, to grow, the band will have to expand its reach. Josh Farro, Paramore’s guitarist, sounded wary. Until now “we didn’t want to get lumped into that whole machine, MTV and all that stuff,” he said. “We felt like it was just too soon. And we’d rather build a solid fan base.”

He added, “We have such crazy fans, and those are the ones that are going to stick with us forever.”

When I read something like this, I think the record companies haven't learned anything about how out of touch they are with people's tastes. Deals like this would give them even more creative control. I do think that the labels engage in artist development more often that some people realize, and are better at it than some realize as well, but I don't think Madonna would've have benefited from this kind of deal earlier in her career, and the labels couldn't have created the Grateful Dead phenomena--no way. What the labels have to offer is still valuable to a lot of folks, and they get away with demanding these contracts to some extent. I don't think this will work across the board as a business model any better than things are working for the majors right now as it is. I don't think Clay would benefit from one of these deals. The article states that the most desirable thing for an artist to have is a strong fan base. Clay doesn't need any help with that. Whether he'd sell albums as well as an independent, however, is doubtful, and he has said he needs the albums to fuel the tour sales. I can certainly see why the record companies would want to get their hands on more of the artists' touring and merchandising earnings since album sales have gone down so much.

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Well, jeez, I finally get around to checking in and there are only 2 of us still up.

I belatedly downloaded the AIR clips. OMFG, could he be any CUTER???? And the pitchpipe. I don't know, but that just sent me into gales of laughter. He's just so damn sweetly nerdy--and that wonderful smile. He looks so damn young compared to now.

(Maybe because he WAS young!) The only reason I can see for not showing these clips originally is that they didn't think he'd be such a hot property.

Now, I DO take offense at calling those clothes fugly (with the exception of the truly hideous necklace!) LOL

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Hey wandacleo, I noticed only two of us also . Of course I keep forgetting to log out :wub:

so it might look like I am living here......

ETA: These clips are all new to me and all I can say is the voice was always there....even if the clothes weren't.

ETA: You know what I meant!!!!

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Good Morning Everyone,

15 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

41 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

44 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

57 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

68 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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That is a nice article from UNCC. The man has been busy. It's like he hit the ground running and hasn't really stopped yet...might of slowed down a little here and there, but always it seems like he's been moving forward.

I usually don't comment on Clay's clothing...gilding the lily and all that...but sometimes I forget, eons ago, I was more a part of the counter culture than the mainstream. Bohemian art type I guess. I loved the clothes he wore on the AI2 clips. Freakin' loved them. LOL.

I think I tolerate the suits and such he wears for performances because I know that is part of the business world, but I glory every time we get shots of Clay in his raggy cut offs, mismatched striped shirts and socks...oh...and the man-sandals are nice too. I think that is who he really is...provided the bangs are combed back and he's wearing sunglasses.

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Thanks jmh, very interesting! They are certainly threatened by the upstart artists and feeling the pain. Didn't Justin T start his own label? Lordy I'll bet that caused a few sleepless nights along with the Starbucks entry into the foray. I can't thing that RCA has spent much developing Clay because the music they allow him to record isn't aimed at gaining any new fans and the fans he's already generated will buy just about anything he records. JMO of course and all from observation not knowledge.

Hey kids, you two early birds made so much noise you woke me up! :naughtywag:

I love AI Rewind and I love young, sweet & serious Clay, clothes, sideburns and all because that's who he really was and probably still is underneath all the window dressing. Since he doesn't kiss and tell we really don't know what kind of experiences he had in high school or college and since he's not a womanizer he wouldn't have been out there trying to snag all the girls on the block.

Related to absolutely nothing, I just love the way he takes a girls hand and holds it, example when he greets Shae Lynn on the stage. It's almost royal and thuds me every time! :Thud: Such a southern gentleman, that boy. :hubbahubba:

ETA laughn, while I was futzing with my post you came in and said almost the same thing about young Clay.

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That UM outfit is without a doubt the fugliest thing I've ever seen him wear. It's even worse than the fugly jackets of the IT.

I liked it, actually. Better than the loose button down shirts with shirt tails out and jeans look, IMO, which isn't fugly, just a bit boring. But then I liked the fugly jackets.... The puka beads have to go, though. Maybe Clay and Jordan were trying to coordinate for their "concert."

Those clips are golden, aren't they? What a treat to hear Clay sing Superstar and to hear that Miss America speech with a hope that came to fruition. What a guy.

For Clay :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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There's more of Clay in the actual episode, although they are just brief glimpses. Part one of the episode is now available for download in all of the usual sites. Gerwhisp made a lovely gif of the brief glimpse at the end:


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I'm sorry to jump in OT, but I'm so far behind - way back on page 33.

I didn't get online much yesterday. Trying to avoid this pinch nerve - well - pinching! :)

OMG, did any of you see Alicia Keyes on Sunday Morning??

So many of her comments sound so much like Clay - about being true to yourself.

I just don't understand why Clive can 'get' AK and not 'get' Clay.


At least that's my perception. But I don't know shit.


KarenEh? When/If you get a minute - could you please tell me why you're going to live in Baku?

I missed the beginning of this chapter in your life.

I don't know when I'll catch up.

I haven't written a recap and want to, but Holidays are approaching and I still am not unpacked from our May move. I have to get busy with this mess! :wacko:


Great children's book I was just reminded of by the end of Sunday Morning -

Gotta Go! Gotta Go! (Sunburst Book) by Sam Swope and Sue Riddle

It's the story of Monarch Butterflies and their migration to Mexico. Repetitive phrases kids love. Great info written so children understand.

However, I just looked at Amazon and see only the paperback???

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That GIF, indeed. It is a sight to behold. He looks --------. I can't even think of a word. His eyelashes are so long, they weigh his eyelids down. The nose and mouth and cheekbones. I adore the freckles. Actually he didn't need all that bronzer and pancake make-up that they put on him, but Clay didn't clay have a clue, I bet, about what was the right look for him, so he just did whatever they told him.

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Ding dang it. I can't stop wanting to watch Superstar..no WONDER they didn't show that clip as part of the original AI2 Hollywood program! Simon's face says it all...that 'dorky' guy will win...he's the best. No contest...no need to go through the motions of the 'competition'....ain't none.

Hello - someone who never posts anymore is driven to post by the hotness that was Hollywood Clay. <g> Yeah, I think part of Simon knew way back when that Clay could win. But the greater, shallower part told himself that the kid was just tooooo dorky looking and that women would never go for him. Heh. Right. <g>

No WONDER they championed Ruben! He was definitely the next best voice, along with Kim...Hell, if AI had actually SHOWN Clay in those early clips, singing and smiling and being himself....even the "Not Us" audience would've willingly or helplessly become surrounded by the Aiken Fog.

Oh. My. I would've fallen totally and completely in love with him then...he was adorable---dorky hair, long sideburns and all angles and edges of him...

While I didn’t see the Hollywood shows when the originally aired, I did start watching at about the top 10 and he hooked me almost immediately. I have to agree with you here – I would have been totally in love with the dude who sang Superstar and was all gangly. <g>

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OOOOH! Gibby and Reiki are coming to see me today! I'm going to see if I can't wrangle a screen and a connector for my laptop to an LCD projector so we can show the DVD Gibby's burning of his royal hawtness....if I can't get the screen, we'll use the freakin' WALL!

Definitely in the home stretch now....last meeting going on now but there are plenty of staff involved that I don't need to be there all the time---going to get some things together and wrap hotel details up with my contact here, have fun with friends and then GO HOME!

If I don't get fired first...heh. I was just hanging around the registration area this mroning and kept surreptiously checking out the Superstar clip....

Thank goodness for mute and minimize buttons on my computer.... :ph34r::unsure:

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OOOOH! Gibby and Reiki are coming to see me today! I'm going to see if I can't wrangle a screen and a connector for my laptop to an LCD projector so we can show the DVD Gibby's burning of his royal hawtness....if I can't get the screen, we'll use the freakin' WALL!

Definitely in the home stretch now....last meeting going on now but there are plenty of staff involved that I don't need to be there all the time---going to get some things together and wrap hotel details up with my contact here, have fun with friends and then GO HOME!

If I don't get fired first...heh. I was just hanging around the registration area this mroning and kept surreptiously checking out the Superstar clip....

Thank goodness for mute and minimize buttons on my computer.... :ph34r::unsure:

Don't need to tell you ladies to have a good time BUT HAVE A GOOD TIME! :cryingwlaughter:

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I don't post much anymore but just wanted to check in and tell wandacleo what a pleasure it was meeting her in Las Vegas.

I, too, am loving the AI Rewind clips. I had always wished to see the Hollywood Auditions and am so glad to finally have the chance to do so.

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ETA: I just realized how critical my post sounded. Can I ammend it to say that he looked 'endearlingly dreadful'?

heee well I ain't gonna lie... he's cuter to me now cuz I love him now..back then I thought he was a truely funny looking guy with a bad wardrobe but the voice of an angel.

This is me. I mean, it has to be me because I am oddly attracted to the man in these clips, and I never was attracted to how he looked on AI.

*raises hand frantically* Oh, me three me three!!! (or four, after gibby's DD). And Solo & I both agree that we would so buy multiples of a CD where Clay sings nothing but lines of songs that have "Baby" in them. Still swooning at today's "Baby" and digging up all my other favorite "Baby" songs! :Thud:

Can I join the"Songs that have Baby in them" fan club?? I LOVE the ways he sings "baby" **swoons**

Although the way he sings "I need you so..." on BW slays me.

I usually don't comment on Clay's clothing...gilding the lily and all that...but sometimes I forget, eons ago, I was more a part of the counter culture than the mainstream. Bohemian art type I guess. I loved the clothes he wore on the AI2 clips. Freakin' loved them. LOL.

I think I tolerate the suits and such he wears for performances because I know that is part of the business world, but I glory every time we get shots of Clay in his raggy cut offs, mismatched striped shirts and socks...oh...and the man-sandals are nice too. I think that is who he really is...provided the bangs are combed back and he's wearing sunglasses.

Well, no sunglasses here, but do you mean something like this?


(One of the few pictures I have ever really liked with Clay in glasses)


Ding dang it. I can't stop wanting to watch Superstar..no WONDER they didn't show that clip as part of the original AI2 Hollywood program! Simon's face says it all...that 'dorky' guy will win...he's the best. No contest...no need to go through the motions of the 'competition'....ain't none.

Hello - someone who never posts anymore is driven to post by the hotness that was Hollywood Clay. <g> Yeah, I think part of Simon knew way back when that Clay could win. But the greater, shallower part told himself that the kid was just tooooo dorky looking and that women would never go for him. Heh. Right. <g>

No WONDER they championed Ruben! He was definitely the next best voice, along with Kim...Hell, if AI had actually SHOWN Clay in those early clips, singing and smiling and being himself....even the "Not Us" audience would've willingly or helplessly become surrounded by the Aiken Fog.

Oh. My. I would've fallen totally and completely in love with him then...he was adorable---dorky hair, long sideburns and all angles and edges of him...

While I didn’t see the Hollywood shows when the originally aired, I did start watching at about the top 10 and he hooked me almost immediately. I have to agree with you here – I would have been totally in love with the dude who sang Superstar and was all gangly. <g>

First and foremost.... HEIDIHO!!!!!!! :squeeze:

I hated the puka shells and as I said before was not attracted to him - or his choice of clothing - then, but now...... Damn, there is something I am finding incredibly sexy about this man!


Ok - What am I missing. Am I just naive? Some are saying Randy's "concert" comment was an insult. I kind of thought it was a compliment!

ETA: Apparently, Clay' 5th Grader episode is available on iTunes for just $1.99!

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I'm sorry to jump in OT, but I'm so far behind - way back on page 33.

I didn't get online much yesterday. Trying to avoid this pinch nerve - well - pinching! :)

Sorry to hear about that Cotton.....hope you and your pinched nerve feel better soon!

OMG, did any of you see Alicia Keyes on Sunday Morning??

So many of her comments sound so much like Clay - about being true to yourself.

I just don't understand why Clive can 'get' AK and not 'get' Clay.


One theory: Alicia's a woman. Clay's a man. Guys frequently have a hard time seeing what women find attractive, or don't understand this "true to yourself" thing coming from a guy. Doesn't compute. Now, I don't know shit either, but I think it's a definite possibility.

Hello - someone who never posts anymore is driven to post by the hotness that was Hollywood Clay. <g> Yeah, I think part of Simon knew way back when that Clay could win. But the greater, shallower part told himself that the kid was just tooooo dorky looking and that women would never go for him. Heh. Right. <g>

First of all, heyhowareya to Heidi! Secondly, with the section I bolded....add that the word "some" before the word "women" and I think you're right. Maybe I'm playing devil's advocate here, but I still think to this day that there are women out there who would never ever find Clay Aiken attractive. They just will never see it, and definitely would not have seen it back then. I'm not "wired" to find Justin Timberlake all that attractive....but there are plenty that are. See what I'm saying? Anyway, in Simon's case, I think he thought the talent was there for a recording career, but the "cool kids" couldn't see something to like in Clay. And we all know that the media is all about the cool kids (with their disposable careers). So, I can actually see the quandry for Simon.

BTW, I don't think I would have dated Clay in high school either. I wasn't into dating that much back then, and honestly would have preferred to have Clay as a friend.

heee well I ain't gonna lie... he's cuter to me now cuz I love him now..back then I thought he was a truely funny looking guy with a bad wardrobe but the voice of an angel.

That's pretty much me, with a "and he had a fantastic quick wit" tacked on to this definition for good measure. His wit and charm grabbed me LONG before even his voice.


(One of the few pictures I have ever really liked with Clay in glasses)

I like that series of pictures too. *sigh*

Ok - What am I missing. Am I just naive? Some are saying Randy's "concert" comment was an insult. I kind of thought it was a compliment!

Yeah, so did I.

ETA: Apparently, Clay' 5th Grader episode is available on iTunes for just $1.99!


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Cool kids? The cool kids didn't watch AI back then.

Well, I am willing to wait and see what the judges were talking about next wek, not that it will be easy. Is this playing in other countries? I hope it is playing in other countires.

Randy's concert comment - positive or negative? who knows? Some how I interpret it as more surprise to the reaction of the audience, the first indication that judges do not know anything about people and audiences. Guess they just lucked out in this business. Luck seems to have a lot to do with this business - for example, how Clay ended up in it.

Clay's look, is perfectly fine - why iron clothes when you don't have to (it helps delineate private Clay from public Clay and I think he likes to do that, despite fans who always want him "on" even to the extent where I have heard people say he should wear make up when he goes out!) and there is nothing like cargo pants when you have to carry a lot, like epipens, Iphones, et al.

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tessy... (waves frantically) Great to see you in Vegas.... great to see you here!

I was Clay's female counterpart in HS, without the voice, so he wouldn't have dated me... I would have dated him... LOL However, I would have LOVED to have had him as a friend, then and now! The only man I admire more than Clay is my son, the fireman!

He was so beautiful that the ears are hardly noticeable! GAH!!! I loved the layered look, too! But, man I LOVE classy, dressed Clay... S.W.O.O.N.

Off to swing back and forth between the Steelers and the Packers games!

Someone mentioned the other day and NJU thread at OFC. I have searched and cannot find it. Any directions would be greatly appreciated as I would love to read it! Thanks!

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I also think Clay's issue is that he doesn't fit in a nice little box. Plus people like Alicia have known their whole lives that they want to be musicians and totally define themselves in that way. They know who they are musically. They can explain it. They can articulate it. It's who they are. Clay is still on that journey. Four years ago he was just beginning. He's much further along now but I definitely think he's still exploring all that. And I think that doesn't help when it's time to go before the suits and sorta have them trust in your vision. I've always said this was a journey as a fan. It's been fun watching this all unfold and I think this next album may get us closer to where he'll ultimately end up but it too will be just a stepping stone. I'm so glad I'm here for it.

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I usually don't comment on Clay's clothing...gilding the lily and all that...but sometimes I forget, eons ago, I was more a part of the counter culture than the mainstream. Bohemian art type I guess. I loved the clothes he wore on the AI2 clips. Freakin' loved them. LOL.

I think I tolerate the suits and such he wears for performances because I know that is part of the business world, but I glory every time we get shots of Clay in his raggy cut offs, mismatched striped shirts and socks...oh...and the man-sandals are nice too. I think that is who he really is...provided the bangs are combed back and he's wearing sunglasses.

Well, no sunglasses here, but do you mean something like this?


(One of the few pictures I have ever really liked with Clay in glasses)

That one is good :hubbahubba: ....so's this...


Ok - What am I missing. Am I just naive? Some are saying Randy's "concert" comment was an insult. I kind of thought it was a compliment!

Probably anything can be taken as a diss if you're looking for one. I took it as a compliment also. Plus Clay and Jordan followed Ruben and Ricki's group. Both groups were exceptional. I think in the context of one following another it was like a concert for Randy.

Clay is still on that journey. Four years ago he was just beginning. He's much further along now but I definitely think he's still exploring all that. And I think that doesn't help when it's time to go before the suits and sorta have them trust in your vision. I've always said this was a journey as a fan. It's been fun watching this all unfold and I think this next album may get us closer to where he'll ultimately end up but it too will be just a stepping stone. I'm so glad I'm here for it.

Gosh, I love that couchie.

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Why...oh WHY did I choose THIS trip to bring my laptop without all the various cords and cables and whatnot that came with it?

Now the hotel doesn't have a connector for me to use to play Gibby's DVD and project it onto the wall.....waaaahhhhhhh!

Unless she or Reiki has such an animal, we're doomed to watching it on my laptop screen. :cry4:

Then again....watching Clay on my computer screen has never seemed like a hardship before... :hubbahubba:

Oh joy. I just finished going over numbers with my hotel guy....let's put it this way: if we'd had the attendance we thought we would, things would look good. As it is, even though I'll come in under budget on the expense side, the bottom line ain't gonna be purdy. Our exec. director has even implied that there might have to be a layoff or two; although I honestly can't imagine who that would be because our staff rocks---(except for one high level person who sucks us out of a large (and largely undeserved, IMO) salary, but who will NEVER be 'let go') .

I'm pretty sure my job's not in jeopardy because....I just got a substantial raise last month! :clap: It doesn't pay for my mom's housing needs at the assisted living place, but it maybe makes it possible to be late only every other month with the payment instead of every two months? Although the percentage of the raise was rather impressive, the overall figure ain't so lah-dee-dah since the original number was nothing to write home about, you know? But I'll take any little bit I can get! So yeay for me!

Now I need to call Gibby and see if she has that laptop connector...and speakers!

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I also think Clay's issue is that he doesn't fit in a nice little box. Plus people like Alicia have known their whole lives that they want to be musicians and totally define themselves in that way. They know who they are musically. They can explain it. They can articulate it. It's who they are. Clay is still on that journey. Four years ago he was just beginning. He's much further along now but I definitely think he's still exploring all that. And I think that doesn't help when it's time to go before the suits and sorta have them trust in your vision. I've always said this was a journey as a fan. It's been fun watching this all unfold and I think this next album may get us closer to where he'll ultimately end up but it too will be just a stepping stone. I'm so glad I'm here for it.

In addition...Alicia Keyes writes her own music and so can really define who she is. Also, her sound is considered cool and radio friendly. If Clay had a rock sound like Daughtry or can do r&b Urban like JT...then the music industry would GET him. But he is not easily defined. Hopefully the next CD would start to establish Clay's true sound or direction.

So how can Randy saying is this a concert be an insult or diss....I can;t get that. Even if it refers to the audience reaction...that is still complimentary cos it means the audience tryuly appreciated them. I do believe Clay's group came out much later in the day...this was just editing that put them one after the other.

WOW ...love that picture with the sunglasses.

Every time fans go on and on about his casual wear..I feel like moms clucking in disapproval over our kids clothes...hee. I can almost see him roll his eyes over some of the clothes comments.

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