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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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I don't want to belabor the "stories" discussion too much, but I would have appreciated something a bit less depressing in the show. While not going thru anything this year too depressing, I have had a few bad ones that I wouldn't wish to recall. I would rather hear some rebel-rousing funny things, but I get that wasn't what Clay had in mind for this show. I also don't see why at least one of the stories has been used 3-4 times. That's really overkill (no pun intended :)) in my book!! Just my 2ยข worth!

A ha, but if we weren't on the boards, we wouldn't have a clue that the same story had been repeated more than once. ;)

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A ha, but if we weren't on the boards, we wouldn't have a clue that the same story had been repeated more than once.

this is also true........

unless......... you went to more than one concert and heard the story repeated.......

but then...... I guess you'd just think it was in every show!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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A ha, but if we weren't on the boards, we wouldn't have a clue that the same story had been repeated more than once.

this is also true........

unless......... you went to more than one concert and heard the story repeated.......

but then...... I guess you'd just think it was in every show!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yes, but Clay knows his fans go to multiple shows and each concert is shared online. AND, so many stories were submitted that he has to understand people will be disappointed that he decides to use one story over and over, especially since being chosen to read your story also means getting a chance to meet Clay.

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I appreciate the acknowledgement from those for those of us who hit "Submit". It did take courage because I don't take rejection well. Chalk it up to my past. Yet , I was inspired to share. I just wish I had known from the get-go what Clay was looking for, but the rules kept changing.

It's painful for me (don't laugh) to not get picked, like it is not getting a part in a show, because I've shared something from deep within in the audition.

WinkyDink wisely said today that what we are really getting is a deeper glimpse into Clay as revealed by his choice of stories. Well said. And that we have no control over, but it still hurts! Don't laugh at me , Sis Kandre, now! I think it hurts because he has shared much of himself with us and it makes us want to be known to him as well. And what better way to meet than through mutual creativity! And what keldanker said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.

So forgive me if I wallow a bit today. I honor the stories read last night, but they didn't do much for me- but they did for Clay, I guess.

I'm also having a bit of post-party depression after having such fabulous and juicy company Saturday night. We laughed so hard, the stories were delicious , we shared and sang and swooned and hugged and then started all over again.

All you eHP gals who came to my house- you're the best- and I'm feeling a little sad and lonely today.

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Yes, but Clay knows his fans go to multiple shows and each concert is shared online. AND, so many stories were submitted that he has to understand people will be disappointed that he decides to use one story over and over, especially since being chosen to read your story also means getting a chance to meet Clay.

Yes, but no one really knows, out of 1600 stories, how many Clay read that hit what he was aiming for jest right! LOL

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I appreciate the acknowledgement from those for those of us who hit "Submit". It did take courage because I don't take rejection well. Chalk it up to my past. Yet , I was inspired to share. I just wish I had known from the get-go what Clay was looking for, but the rules kept changing.

It's painful for me (don't laugh) to not get picked, like it is not getting a part in a show, because I've shared something from deep within in the audition.

WinkyDink wisely said today that what we are really getting is a deeper glimpse into Clay as revealed by his choice of stories. Well said. And that we have no control over, but it still hurts! Don't laugh at me , Sis Kandre, now! I think it hurts because he has shared much of himself with us and it makes us want to be known to him as well. And what better way to meet than through mutual creativity! And what keldanker said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.

So forgive me if I wallow a bit today. I honor the stories read last night, but they didn't do much for me- but they did for Clay, I guess.

I'm also having a bit of post-party depression after having such fabulous and juicy company Saturday night. We laughed so hard, the stories were delicious , we shared and sang and swooned and hugged and then started all over again.

All you eHP gals who came to my house- you're the best- and I'm feeling a little sad and lonely today.

Eh, I won't laugh (at least, not at this) - I will just admit to a lack of understanding. M&Gs and the stories seem like the lotto for me, and I just don't expect to win those either. Mutual understanding? There are people who've known me 40 years and don't have a clue who I am - and I like it that way. I see Clay as sharing a small aspect of his life with a huge number of people - and I guess being one of the non-creative types (honestly, I've never felt particularly creative and don't feel a lack) - that need just isn't in me. I believe you have it - but then again, I think everyone should be just like moi, with the sensitivity of a turnip.

But then again, introversion works for me, extroversion works for others - and I just get the feeling that Clay tends a little toward the introvert side of the spectrum. I just hate to imagine 1500 people take it personally that their special, heart-felt stories weren't worthy - instead of simply not fitting into Clay's mental picture - or worse yet, fitting into Clay's vision but the rest of the fandom goes, "meh".

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All you eHP gals who came to my house- you're the best- and I'm feeling a little sad and lonely today.

It's ok to be sad. Took guts to share those feelings with us. I don't know if many would admit what you just did. And to put on my stress class hat for a minute heh..it's what you do with those feelings that count. I don't want you to be sad and lonely..somebody quick, post some pretty photos. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I dont' know how much the stories chosen tells us about Clay..I think it tells us that he had a storyline in mind and are looking for things that fit. He does have his themes - I find them to be familiar to the themes in LTS actually.

I can also understand keldanker's point of view. Her read over 1600 stories and approx 80 will get chosen... that's 80 people that will get to meet Clay... that's a small fraction made even smaller by multiple readers. (and yep I know it's not exact as one person could have submitted multiple stories). I think that little face time interaction might be the jackpot for getting picked...not getting up on that stage to be critiqued by a bunch of faceless people. Those stories he chose apparantly touched him a lot or a whole lot of people just missed the theme he was looking for and I do think that is the case. And I do think venue plays a role. Myabe he got 400 stories for Merrillville and 20 for Minneapolis.

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Thankyou for understanding, couchie- it makes me feel better. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Now if only you could have been here, too!

I wish. But I do understand. Maybe this isn't my issue per se..but sometimes when Clay pops into my head at some stupid moment..I wonder if I'm sane LOL. I have to admit that if I were smart and practical, I would not take my trip this month. But I just have to see Clay this Xmas cuz I missed him last Xmas and I'll just deal with all the consenquences. So yeah I understand how this pop star can touch one so much. And really, that's what you're saying.

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I suspect the reason some stories are read more than once is because many of the other stories submitted for certain venues did not quite fit his creative vision for the show. Doesn't mean they were bad or unworthy, just that they weren't what he was looking for.

As much as fans view the stories as an opportunity to meet Clay (a kind of "prize"), for him, I think it's more about finding material that accomplishes his goals. He may believe it better to have certain good stories read multiple times than to have some awkward-fitting ones at some venues. Appropriately, his overriding concern should be to put on a good show, not to make sure that as many fan club members as possible get a chance to meet him.

However, I do think it says something about him that he was willing to bring fan stories into his concerts. To me, it indicates a great deal of confidence in the fandom, and a sincere interest in those who follow him. The fact that he personally read so many means that he wants to know who his fans are, that he finds their personal experiences worthwhile.

Those of you who submitted stories but didn't get picked -- take heart in the notion that he actually read your words. Maybe this wasn't your chance to meet him personally, but that story you sent in gave him a glimpse of your life. Even if he doesn't share it with others in concert, he may still remember it and carry it with him always.

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(((CG))) (((diva))) and anybody else that needs it.

so much WORD to couchie...I am not sure if Clay is personalizing these stories or if he is acting like a producer or director that is looking for a theme or a storyline that fits his songs.

I also think that every venue will differ depending on the stories submitted.

Diva I thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm sure Clay appreciated it too. I also think its very human to be disappointed but you know without taking the risk and putting ourselves out there...we can never reap the reward. I wish I did submit my story...I doubt it would be chosen but to just know I shared a memory with Clay would be great. But I didn't do anything so I just watch the excitement from the sideline.

Everyone reacts differently to sad stories. I know the story with the son in the accident had me in tears. Some people hate that..very understandable, I thought it was cathartic. But once again...Couchie said it for me...when the pain is so immediate, sometimes its hard to be philosophical...

eta: gosh...I should've just waited for jenna's post...hee

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In high school, he used a cockney accent, but last year he used a Nu Yawka accent and it was pretty darn good. I think too many fans think of Clay as a little boy who is very naive and needs help to know who his friends really are and how badly he is bienig screwed over in business and has to be kept thin so he doesn't look to manly and in charge of his life, but more like the young boy he was when they first saw him.

Word. Although I do confess to preferring him thinner โ€“ but thatโ€™s just hows I like mah men. <g> Personal preference, and an odd one, Iโ€™ll confess. I think he look bee-u-ti-ful right now.

I don't think the waxing story made the rounds and inquiring minds want to know!

Yeah, I was just getting ready to mention that. <g> Luckily, I see that someone filled us both in.

Er, am I the only one who thinks that whining about Clay keeping many things secret and yet telling some things to a few people is just as childish as running around saying โ€œIโ€™ve got a secret and I canโ€™t tell youโ€ โ€“ lighten up, people. Itโ€™s his info to distribute as he sees fit (or not) and if you think that him telling and allowing it to spread will ease the โ€œdiscordโ€ in the fandomโ€ฆ.well, Iโ€™ve got some swampland in florida for ya.

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I suspect the reason some stories are read more than once is because many of the other stories submitted for certain venues did not quite fit his creative vision for the show. Doesn't mean they were bad or unworthy, just that they weren't what he was looking for.

As much as fans view the stories as an opportunity to meet Clay (a kind of "prize"), for him, I think it's more about finding material that accomplishes his goals. He may believe it better to have certain good stories read multiple times than to have some awkward-fitting ones at some venues. Appropriately, his overriding concern should be to put on a good show, not to make sure that as many fan club members as possible get a chance to meet him.

However, I do think it says something about him that he was willing to bring fan stories into his concerts. To me, it indicates a great deal of confidence in the fandom, and a sincere interest in those who follow him. The fact that he personally read so many means that he wants to know who his fans are, that he finds their personal experiences worthwhile.

Those of you who submitted stories but didn't get picked -- take heart in the notion that he actually read your words. Maybe this wasn't your chance to meet him personally, but that story you sent in gave him a glimpse of your life. Even if he doesn't share it with others in concert, he may still remember it and carry it with him always.

What a wonderful post. I submitted a story. I don't expect it to get picked. It makes me warm and fuzzy to think that he may have read it. But I totally agree with the part I bolded above - first and foremost, he wants to put on the best show he can every night.

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This is a great discussion- heart sharing. Good points all. DivaHub just poked his head in and said," Being a creative artist is tough, always putting yourself out there." (something I've done for years) "But", he added, "look at someone like van Gogh who got zilch appreciation by the official art world at the time. His stuff only got recognized after he died."

And , yes, couchie, I often do a sanity check when it comes to Clay- he definitely has a hold on me. Boy, do I hate to admit that!

A therapist friend of mine who has many famous clients told me of the burden they feel because when they share of themselves, their fans feel compelled to tell them their stories. And here, Clay actually solicits them! So, I will not judge those who participated and feel hurt about not getting picked.

But Jenna and ansa, you are right. I'd like to hope he read my story, and knowing that - hey- that IS kinda kewl when you think about it.

And if I ever meet him , maybe I'll get to tell him about some cool stuff that I did for HIM that even HE doesn't know about. If the timing is right. And if I don't get that chance, I'm still happy I was able to help- just because he has enriched MY life so much with wonderful women and wild adventures and creative inspiration.

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All you eHP gals who came to my house- you're the best- and I'm feeling a little sad and lonely today.

It's ok to be sad. Took guts to share those feelings with us. I don't know if many would admit what you just did. And to put on my stress class hat for a minute heh..it's what you do with those feelings that count. I don't want you to be sad and lonely..somebody quick, post some pretty photos. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I dont' know how much the stories chosen tells us about Clay..I think it tells us that he had a storyline in mind and are looking for things that fit. He does have his themes - I find them to be familiar to the themes in LTS actually.

I can also understand keldanker's point of view. Her read over 1600 stories and approx 80 will get chosen... that's 80 people that will get to meet Clay... that's a small fraction made even smaller by multiple readers. (and yep I know it's not exact as one person could have submitted multiple stories). I think that little face time interaction might be the jackpot for getting picked...not getting up on that stage to be critiqued by a bunch of faceless people. Those stories he chose apparantly touched him a lot or a whole lot of people just missed the theme he was looking for and I do think that is the case. And I do think venue plays a role. Myabe he got 400 stories for Merrillville and 20 for Minneapolis.

I think that probably the story idea was ever-evolving as Clay got into it, saw what people submitted and put the rest of the show together. It would have been helpful to know from the beginning just what it was he wanted. However, I think he did not really know at the beginning. Also, just to be clear, I am not upset about not being chosen for DC because I did not submit a story for that venue. It just seems to me that there are some who would be upset by one story being read multiple times. It may be that Clay simply ran out of time and went with a story that is very compelling when he didn't have another that seemed as "right" for that particular place in the show. Maybe other stories could have been tweaked had time not been a factor.

I have submitted a story for Williamsport, but I would be shocked if asked to read it. Having heard the other stories, I don't think it "fits" and would probably not segue into the particular songs he has chosen to follow the stories. I wrote my memory without considering what song it might fit. It came from my heart, not a desire to get on stage or even meet Clay (although I'd really like to meet him someday). If he read it, then for those few moments he saw a little part of me.

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I think, besides need a story to fit a particular song intro, there is the issue of not being able to get in touch with some people at the last minute, we know that happened to at least one person and I would be very surprised if it did not happen to more.

I think those of us who submitted stories that have not heard, have to give up now if you have not already submitted a recording. Must be too late for that now as Clay starts to shift his focus on going off for UNICEF.

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I wrote my memory without considering what song it might fit. It came from my heart, not a desire to get on stage or even meet Clay (although I'd really like to meet him someday). If he read it, then for those few moments he saw a little part of me.

Bravo!! I really liked that.

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I think that probably the story idea was ever-evolving as Clay got into it, saw what people submitted and put the rest of the show together. It would have been helpful to know from the beginning just what it was he wanted. However, I think he did not really know at the beginning. Also, just to be clear, I am not upset about not being chosen for DC because I did not submit a story for that venue. It just seems to me that there are some who would be upset by one story being read multiple times. It may be that Clay simply ran out of time and went with a story that is very compelling when he didn't have another that seemed as "right" for that particular place in the show. Maybe other stories could have been tweaked had time not been a factor.

I have submitted a story for Williamsport, but I would be shocked if asked to read it. Having heard the other stories, I don't think it "fits" and would probably not segue into the particular songs he has chosen to follow the stories. I wrote my memory without considering what song it might fit. It came from my heart, not a desire to get on stage or even meet Clay (although I'd really like to meet him someday). If he read it, then for those few moments he saw a little part of me.

Your final paragraph is probably the very reason why he didn;t tell people that he was fitting it for certain songs or certain themes. I think he wanted people to share their story from the heart. In a way...I do believe just the very fact that he got a lot of us looking back into our memories is a lovsely gift to the whole fandom. I know I ended up remembering the Christmas tradition we had as a family and highlighted 2 really great memories. He knows he cannot choose everyone, but I don't think the exercise was useless...for one thing...I loved the way it made people share and get to know each other better.

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I am soo tired after this weekend and getting up at 3:00am CT to catch an early flight. Whose idea was that? Oh yeah! Scarlett's!

I'm not doing any recap because I don't know what else I could possibly say that hasn't been said already.

The most sublime, perfect, subtle, gentle, powerful, awe inspiring concert I have ever seen!!!

Just when you think you have seen it all he goes and produces this gem!

I love the glasses.....to me he is never sexier than when he is wearing them. To me taking off the glasses at a certain point in the evening just means one thing......well......oh now where was I. Oh yeah! Phew is it hot in here?

Diva you give great parties! Cha Cha you are too cute for words and cindilu and muski and claygasm and luckiest and if i've forgotten anyone it's because right now I can't think of anything other than Clay taking his glasses off :whistling-1:

I'm only sorry I didn't get to meet all of you.

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Carolina Clay, thanks for putting my photo on your blog, (it looks great! :D) and also in your really cool slide show!! Thinking that one good turn deserves another, I embedded your slide show on my DC page!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thnx! After reading about your

, I added that to the blog entry tonight, too. Apparently, CV has discovered your videos, Cha Cha. They are making the rounds! :lol:

Have a great evening, all! :imgtongue:

Caro listen.gif

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Your final paragraph is probably the very reason why he didn;t tell people that he was fitting it for certain songs or certain themes. I think he wanted people to share their story from the heart. In a way...I do believe just the very fact that he got a lot of us looking back into our memories is a lovsely gift to the whole fandom. I know I ended up remembering the Christmas tradition we had as a family and highlighted 2 really great memories. He knows he cannot choose everyone, but I don't think the exercise was useless...for one thing...I loved the way it made people share and get to know each other better.

I agree that it was a good exercise for those that participated and that he wanted people to write from their hearts. I hope most people did just that, but sometimes I'm a little cynical because I have run into those who will play any angle to get noticed. I was not going to write anything at all, but really felt the need to write this particular memory down. It was done quickly at the last minute with very little editing. Then I got brave and hit that send button and I'm glad I did because it made me really think about some things.

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I was just thinking about another way to look at the stories. Clay said he read 1600 stories, let's just say that each story took him 4 minutes to read. That's 6400 minutes or almost 107 hours Clay spent getting to know some of his fans through their Christmas memories. Even though only 60 to 80 get selected to be read on stage, I would imagine that Clay smiled, laughed, sighed and perhaps shed a tear or 2 at many more of them.

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chacha, I'm excited that your videos are making the rounds! YAY!! It's exciting.

Looks like I'm going to Omaha!! :yess: But unfortunately, JJ can't go. :cry4: Something came up for her at work that afternoon. I would have loved to meet you and share a concert experience, JJ! Maybe another time. *HUGS* Anyway, hubby (half seriously) offered to go with me, to protect me from the evil demons in the dark on the road between here and Omaha. He's such a gallant knight! But he's also concerned about leaving our daughters alone for a night. We did that the first time a couple of months ago to celebrate his birthday, but we were only 30 minutes away. Anyway, I think they'll be fine, and I'm on a mission to make his half serious offer a full-fledged committment. Hmmmm, any suggestions from the peanut gallery?

:17f71c4d: :naughtywag:

I'll be sitting in the loge, which I think is cool! I'll be in Row G, which ain't too bad. I've always wanted to sit in the loge in a beautiful theatre like the Orpheum, so I'm pleased. Might be a few clack-taking opportunities, too!

I'm excited to see this sexy singer man again -




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