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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Posh Penny At the CH has a more complete list. It is still not nearly all the things that went on. But here we are.

From January's Degree's of Separation -6degrees - $43,731.00 + $10,000 for being in the top 6

February's Valentine Gifts: CH, CV, CB - $17,0289

To March's BAF gala - $333,238

To Unicef - $181,783 for Afghanastan

In June Kimberley Locke & Idol Friends - Clay's Shirt $4,020.00

Then down to November's AYSTA5thG - $300,000 + $78,000 in matching pledges to the BAF

Ticketmaster BAF Auctions - $54,560.00

The winter's WFI - $88,000 and it is not all counted yet

This unknown entry? Not-A-Gala $15,912

Finally the Christmas request UNICEF $110,000 for Mexico

Good Search 4735

Empties for Cash (through May) - $2,428<-- need updated figure on this!

Fan initiatives:

Scrapping 4 Inclusion - 10,325.00

the Kalamazoo book drive for Clay's Birthday that raised over $8,000 worth of books and credits

Clayboard birthday gift $12,000 for BAF

LemonAID Stand Off (minimum) - $1000

Cruise'n 4 Inclusion - $2,107.00

The Inclusion Bracelet - $4,326.00

Jesse's baton/Classics Medley sheet music auction $3,231.00

346 Our Friend Mikayla Books

Fan Gala's - $8200 and probably a lot more = let me know if you raised money at a gala in 2007.

Final Total over $1,292625

I am sure it is really more.

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Seems I have unintentionally touched a nerve here by bringing up ATDW/RCA. I am new here and therefore unaware of all that has gone down on this board. Forgive me. I was merely commenting on the EW blurb brought here and expressing an opinion which is obviously very unpopular here. Again, I'm sorry.

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No need to apologize for any opinion, popular or unpopular. But if you post an opinion, people may disagree with it, and state their own. Gotta be prepared for that. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Love, love, love the auction clack! That whole bit of him bartering about the dinner & carriage ride is breath taking. I can't even imagine. And hee, it's so great to hear him sing WAMLAW again, even if he was making it up as he went along. :cryingwlaughter: I just love his tone on that song, and it's amazing to me that he could pull it out of his (imaginary) hat 3 years after Meadville.....probably hasn't sang it once since. He floors me. I am so glad that there is video!

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I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with.

Very astute observation.

And speaking of LTS :cryingwlaughter: Yes. The best laid plans and all...but how about we gear up to get going again next Monday? I'll get the links up by the end of the weekend.

Seems I have unintentionally touched a nerve here by bringing up ATDW/RCA. I am new here and therefore unaware of all that has gone down on this board. Forgive me. I was merely commenting on the EW blurb brought here and expressing an opinion which is obviously very unpopular here. Again, I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry. It's your opinion and it's fine to have one that's different here. I'd like to think that we can all speak our minds with the understanding that not everyone is going to agree. The constant harangue of EVIL RCA is what drove some of us away from other places. But mainly because we wanted to love on ATDW instead of hate on Clive & Roger. So, yeah, in that vein it will probably always get a response here but for the most part...we read, we discuss, we move on. I'll say it once again...this is a different sort of place.


Please don't feel bad. You sparked the discussion of the day. Good stuff.


edited cuz I meant to laugh and not cry, man that's a first

and still editing...

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Just for fun (and not to raise our expectations to some impossible level), what are your dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? What excites you most about this upcoming year?

That Clay gets to spend plenty of on-air time with his clutch of NYC blondes: Diane Sawyer, Lara Spencer, Juliet Whatsit from the Mike & Juliet Show, and I'll throw Tyra in there 'cause sometimes she's got blondish extensions. :imgtongue: I think I'd even like to see KRip have to suck it up and kiss his ass on-air.

Seriously, I have high hopes about what this experience will do for many aspects of his career. I hope the creative, performing side gets even more polished by spending time with and learning from other professional actors and singers. (It probably wouldn't kill him to pick up some tricks on maintaining his vocal health and all that.)

But mostly, I hope that Clay gets to expand his list of professional contacts to include maybe network TV people and whatnot, and the whole experience leads to things we never even dreamed of for him. (My ultimate fantasy - Guest starring role on Pushing Daisies that lasts over several episodes and includes singing with Kristin Cheneworth and Ellen Greene.)

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:cryingwlaughter: at that hooker line:

"How 'bout coffee for a thousand?"

"Listen, I ain't a hooker!"

2:02 Dinner Auction Video.

the FCA grand extravaganza TBAF fundraiser we'll be having at your beautiful place

Oh, it's a date. Sans tree, but more room for us on the deck! :lol:

Clayzor, that's cute that you think my house fits me, when we've never even met. We all have these images of one another just from the written word. I like that. LOL!

Hee...........Ain't it the truth? My image of you may be not be anywhere close. I know a lot of people who have wrong impressions of me. I picture you as a suzy homemaker/Martha Stewart kind of gal. A person with good taste and a love for nature and good food. A kind compassionate person and a good neighbor to have. Who also just loves to have a good time. A glass half full personality.

The idea that it might be bad for Clay in the short run to be dropped, but good for him in the long run (and that RCA was "devaluing him prior to dropping him) was introduced by some people who coincidentally arrived at all the same conclusions as fake Clay's minions have been touting, but of course never believed a word of any fake insider talk.

I wouldn't consider the article about the status of Clay's deal to be definitive, but it's reassuring to me that he seems to be okay for the time being. It's a wildly changing music world out there, and I prefer that Clay have a bit of a safe harbor that I think a major label can provide. Let somebody else be the trail blazer for the new means to do music distribution.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on this. Like I said, I don't pay attention to Fakers or "insiders" but I do pay attention to my own awareness and IMO, and it is just an opinion, RCA did not do what they could for their multi-platinum selling artist. They gave very average promotion. I know people who were fans of his who had no clue he had a new CD out and they were surprised at the lack of promo he got because he was so successful and they considered him a major star. I've bolded the word acting because I think Clay is very good at diplomacy and he did make some statements about RCA much later which made me go hmmmm. Let's hope he gets what he wants and deserves for his next CD, whatever that may be. For now, he looks very happy and content. I have no complaints.

I think we can all agree that the promotion for ATDW was not what we all expected for a talent of Clay's caliber; what we don't know is why and I think that is where the discussions often veer off into the Twilight Zone for me.

Loved that EW blurb. I really don't give a rat's ass about that ghoul Clive (although I think he's forgotten more about the record business just today than most people ever learn in the first place) or RCA. I only care about Clay. And if he wants out of RCA I hope he gets his wish. But since I don't know what he wants and I can't read the future to know that if only RCA dropped him he'd get a great new deal with a record company that cared about their artists and let them do whatever their heart's desire without caring about the botton line, I'll continue to hope all works out there. The pub that Taylor and Kat are getting is just a fraction of how Clay would be treated by the media if he were dropped unless he had some great new deal to annouce in concert. And I don't want Clay at some indie company with less resources than a major label. Clay's PR was not what I wanted because I always want everything for him but it wasn't nothing. You wanna see nothing? Go look at Bo. And I think he's sold like 30K records.

We know a lot more now thanks to the meet and greets and I'm sure that's all interpreted all kinds of ways. But what I got out of it all is that Clay is with RCA for the foreseeable future. He had a hand in decisions about his career. And he's excited about the future. I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

JMH, and word on your post! Who knows maybe fake Clay read the board and stole all these silly ideas and fed them back to these people but it sure is funny how in jive the fandom was to what he/she was spouting. And I'm talking the extreme theories here, not just dissatisfaction. And I don't think it was just 5 or 6 people (although they will get all the blame) who believed all this nonsense either. So to make a long story short :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I'm going to watch some clack and enjoy Clay hee. And RCA and Clay and his album will get another go around this year - and I have no doubt it will be just as interesting as 2006. Fortunately I have a place to discuss it all, whatever it will be, in a way conducive to my peace of mind :F_05BL17blowkiss:

now, what's this about an auction?

Oh, my song of the day was BACK OFF CLAYGASM AND JAMAR -- These Open Arms. I listened to it mumble mumble times. Clay made me love this song this summer. And to the word collectors - torn must be added. And what if everyone you ever loved was torn from the pages of your life. Listening to it made me wistful and thankful for a lot of things, that my mom seems to be doing well these days, that my sister insisted I watch Idol 2, that someone thought well enough of me to send me the pretty green scarf that I had wrapped around my neck today.

I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

Very well stated, Couchie! I do often feel that fans hang on to past resentments far too long.

Clay's had a stunningly successful year in terms of fund raising. He's working on a new CD that has apparently been at least partially approved by RCA, gearing up for a Broadway run on a popular show, and living in New York City for the first time in his life. He has a lot to look forward to, as do we. I know some people like to rehash old debates, but I can't help but feel that there are plenty of current developments to talk about instead. I'm not telling people what to post, but personally, I really don't need to read about how he was screwed by American Idol for the ten billionth time.

Instead of speculating, AGAIN, about how ATDW should have been promoted, I'd rather talk about how Spamalot is being promoted--with an enthusiastic, widely distributed press release, with well-placed online ads and concert fliers, with various newspaper interviews, and an appearance on "The View" and perhaps more.

Or if we must speculate, perhaps we can imagine what the experience might bring Clay in terms of professional experience and exposure, or what he might get out of living in New York. Personally, I have this fantasy of him dining socially with people like Mike Nichols, Eric Idle, Tyra or even Neil Sedaka, who introduce him to others who can expand his opportunities even further.

Does Unicef have offices in New York? If so, perhaps the proximity will allow him the opportunity to learn more and continue to remain active in the organization. I have this vision of Jimmy Carter, in a televised interview, telling a national audience, "I've gotten to know Clay Aiken, and let me tell you, he really is a remarkably intelligent and well-informed young man."

And we are, of course, intrigued by how all the dancing might tone and firm his long, lean body, right?

Just for fun (and not to raise our expectations to some impossible level), what are your dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? What excites you most about this upcoming year?

Give yourselves another hand girls. Excellent posts and they mirror a lot of my own feelings. :clap: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good Morning Everyone,

8 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

12 Days until Clay is on The View! (tentatively)

Everyone have a great day!


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And to the word collectors - torn must be added. And what if everyone you ever loved was torn from the pages of your life

Oh, Couchie!!!

I said the first time I heard it that the TORN was one of my favorites.

The word itself is torn by/in his voice - ripped from him. Broken. I love it!

Kim! 8 days!!!

I get almost giddy thinking about his excitement/fear/work/concentration/amazement/anticipation/smiles/laughs/grimaces/frustration/joy/HAPPINESS as HE counts down the days to this remarkable milestone in his life/career!!!!

:laola0: :blink::dancingpickle:

(I finally got that step!!! :7: )

:roundel::onFire::yahoo: :rant: :yess::coolchicken:

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Just for fun (and not to raise our expectations to some impossible level), what are your dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? What excites you most about this upcoming year?

That Clay gets to spend plenty of on-air time with his clutch of NYC blondes: Diane Sawyer, Lara Spencer, Juliet Whatsit from the Mike & Juliet Show, and I'll throw Tyra in there 'cause sometimes she's got blondish extensions. :imgtongue: I think I'd even like to see KRip have to suck it up and kiss his ass on-air.

Seriously, I have high hopes about what this experience will do for many aspects of his career. I hope the creative, performing side gets even more polished by spending time with and learning from other professional actors and singers. (It probably wouldn't kill him to pick up some tricks on maintaining his vocal health and all that.)

But mostly, I hope that Clay gets to expand his list of professional contacts to include maybe network TV people and whatnot, and the whole experience leads to things we never even dreamed of for him. (My ultimate fantasy - Guest starring role on Pushing Daisies that lasts over several episodes and includes singing with Kristin Cheneworth and Ellen Greene.)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE those are great!!! specially the pushing daisies part because he will fit right in I would think.

My hope...is that the industry will start to recognize his comedic talent as well as his singing. I think this is what will open all kinds of new doors for him both in TV and Movies. I also think that he fits in better with the New York side of the business...not the fluffy LA scene.

I am still in pins and needles about this whole Broadway appearance. I know he is very capable of truly impressing everyone...just hope the critics will be fair. I do think this is one time when the critics play a huge part on the success of a performer or a show because this is not a one shot deal like a concert. If he gets good reviews, he will get more than just Clay fans buying tickets. I am so glad we have a lot of FCAers going to the show, we do not have to rely on reports from other boards...one request...please keep in touch so we know your reactions as soon as you come out of the theater...awww I wish I can be there.

Skybar...no need to apologize for your opinions. I personally love it when people with different opinions share and triggers a lively discussion. What caused me to leave another board is when people were no longer discussing ...but trying to shut people up because they were hurting Clay. Or when people treat posts with different opinions with hostility or when people try to get me to see the error of my ways. That was maddening. I like agreeing to disagree, people get along better that way.

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pats skybar fondly...

You didn't so much touch a nerve as post when the people who agree with you (and there are a fair number running around here) have wandered off...think of it this way, since we are apparently the "mean" board, you can be a contrarian and people will think you're nice! And I'm one of the delusional who thought the promotion for ATDW was fairly appropriate for an artist of his "stature" - especially one that couldn't get radio play when RCA was pushing the fuck out of his actual multiplatinum album. I mostly agree with Couchie about Clive (except I have an increased level of indifference) because I don't think he thinks about Clay that much, one way or other, because Clay's not a diva-ish black female R&B singer. If he was, Clive would be slobbering all over him. I personally think Clive has more than a touch of jungle fever, but that's neither here nor there.

I have to admit, I was laughing my ass off at the way both he and the pianist were twiddling desperately trying to remembering how WAMLAW went - and making up whole chunks. And if I felt like being messy, I would drag back one of my pet peeves - the constant bitching about other people's melisma while pretending Clay doesn't love the hell out of that stuff.

I am also suprised at how much I like mature long-haired blond Clay - because I didn't care that much for teen idol blond Clay - though I still love chestnut long-haired Clay best of all!

My dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? Mike Nichols redoes The Graduate because he sees Clay's potential as a great dramatic thespian, spots me outside of Macy's, changes the role Mrs. Robinson slightly to suit me (all the while fighting off Diane) and adds several actual sex scenes, to make the play, ummm, "pop". That way, I don't have to worry about getting clack to all of y'all.

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All of those screencaps that were posted of hot- blonde Clay/golf are wonderful. There's not one bad shot. I loved the comment about Clay knowing how to sell himself but, darn, that boy cost too much. Could we all chip in and buy body parts? I bet we could raise some real money. LOL!!

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I loved the comment about Clay knowing how to sell himself but, darn, that boy cost too much. Could we all chip in and buy body parts? I bet we could raise some real money. LOL!!

I call dibs on the body part that's the real moneymaker....

The vocal chords. :hubbahubba:

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And we are, of course, intrigued by how all the dancing might tone and firm his long, lean body, right?

Jenna, I'm shocked! heee Ya'll know that's practically smut hee.

Seems I have unintentionally touched a nerve here by bringing up ATDW/RCA. I am new here and therefore unaware of all that has gone down on this board. Forgive me. I was merely commenting on the EW blurb brought here and expressing an opinion which is obviously very unpopular here. Again, I'm sorry.

Nobody cares about a popular or unpopular opinion. Watch this. Still not used to that hair LOL. You stated yours respectfully and so did everyone else I think. It's just that the 2nd rush of refugees are here because the ATDW became a trigger word for evil Clive and RCA. We've discussed this plenty and no one here that I can remember has ever wrote I love Clive on a napkin and no one here would be devastated if Clay left RCA tomorrow. I just for one don't want him dropped because I'm sure everyone's opinion about it will be like mine about Taylor..uh huh sure it's mutual. And as AIKim said we probably agree more than disagree about the promo for ATDW but the whys and wherefores might diverge. But isn't that life in the fandom.

edited cuz I meant to laugh and not cry, man that's a first

and still editing...


And to the word collectors - torn must be added. And what if everyone you ever loved was torn from the pages of your life

Thanks, I'll listen for it. Any particular version?

this is the ATDW version... next I will move on to every concert version looking for more heee.

Damn I want to talk about Clay's 2008 and exxtrapolate the hell out of what's coming, thanks Jenna for some topic ideas, but I have to go to the wasteland called work and when I get home ya'll will have moved on heee. At least I can laugh and not cry about it anymore.

Happy Thursday.

And tonight I will watch clack and get inundated with the blond hair. I think it will do the trick.

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No worries, skybar...RCA/Clay is a strong topic just naturally. And we kind of like to tussle sometimes. Works off some of that...er...tension? Nervous energy? Um...pent-up frustration? You get the drift.

Clay looked gorgeous to me in some of those screencaps. Like a Regency lord...just needs a cravat. :)

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And we are, of course, intrigued by how all the dancing might tone and firm his long, lean body, right?

That thought will keep me thrumming all day. :hubbahubba:

I mostly agree with Couchie about Clive (except I have an increased level of indifference) because I don't think he thinks about Clay that much, one way or other, because Clay's not a diva-ish black female R&B singer. If he was, Clive would be slobbering all over him. I personally think Clive has more than a touch of jungle fever, but that's neither here nor there.

I am also suprised at how much I like mature long-haired blond Clay - because I didn't care that much for teen idol blond Clay - though I still love chestnut long-haired Clay best of all!

BWAH and word to the bolded part!

Hmmmm, I need to post some pics to make sure I understand exactly which look is your favorite. And so that I can slobber all over my laptop. I love the long blonde hair, but this look is uber sexy, too, and I agree with you that it's even better than the blonde long-haired Clay:






And here's the blonde Adonis for comparison:


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I call dibbs on the hands!

Nobody cares about a popular or unpopular opinion. Watch this. Still not used to that hair LOL.

Heh. Just wait -- Clay's hair is like the weather in the midwest, within one day it will probably change again. Maybe.

Case in point: I had a professor in my office yesterday, and she saw my computer wallpaper (cindilu's gorgeous January calendar -- I love these for my work computer). She didn't know who it was, so I told her, and then pointed out all the other pictures I have of Clay around my office. She looked at my Clay calendar, which has a few pictures of Clay from the 2006 Christmas show and said, "that's not the same guy, is it?" Well, yeah, it is. Mr. Chameleon.

You stated yours respectfully and so did everyone else I think.

I totally agree with this. Another thing I noticed skybar is that your opinion on this was expresses AS an opinion -- I really appreciated that.

One of the things I've learned in the past few years of posting on message boards is that I assume NOTHING that I write will be accepted as my opinion unless I state it as such. So, you'll find me writing "IMO" a great deal, even though many people think that's just part and parcel of writing on a message board. I do think because I've seen, more than a few times, something stated as an opinion, but without the "IMO" that somehow morphs into facts. Bugs the crap out of me. I also find myself trying to not write in absolutes either -- I rarely write "all fans," I write "some fans." For example, "some fans" thought the promotion for ATDW was pretty good; "some fans" thought it sucked. Writing in absolutes tends to be what much of the media does with us Clay fans, and that seems to bug many people. I'm trying to do my part with not doing this on a message board. Maybe it dilutes the message, but I also think it avoids "lumping."

Jenna, UNICEF USA is based in NYC, so I would expect him to be working with them while he's there, as well as working on his album.

As for my hopes for Clay in the next few months -- well, I'm really wanting him to have a great media push for Spamalot in January. I think "The View" will be the tip of the iceberg with this. The writer's strike might put a crimp into my dream media appearance during this time frame, which would be "The Daily Show." (Would Clay cross the picket line? Interesting question...) OTOH, he could appear on David Letterman's show.

I also agree that this will be a good time for Clay to make many, many more contacts in the show business world. I think it was couchie who said that he seems to fit better with the NYC crowd than LA, and I agree with that. It looks to me as if he really get energized in NYC.

In the end, though....I try to keep my hopes "rational." I do want to dream big for him, but sometimes that brings big disappointments when things don't pan out. So, I usually end up saying "I hope Clay gets what HE wants."

I feel like such a perv...All I thought of was biting. :thgimme:

OMG, laughn's a vampire!!!!

And I'm now envisioning YSRN with a frilly pink apron on, saying "it's a good thing."

It is funny how we have "visions" of each other, even though most of us have never met. And then those visions get shattered when you do actually meet. Quite fun, actually....

(I finally got that step!!! :7: )

This cracked me up, and reminded me of him doing that in St. Louis during the AI tour. Wonder if he'll do that when he finally gets a particular dance step during the run of the show?

Those screencaps are yum-mo. *sigh*

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Damn I want to talk about Clay's 2008 and exxtrapolate the hell out of what's coming, thanks Jenna for some topic ideas, but I have to go to the wasteland called work and when I get home ya'll will have moved on heee. At least I can laugh and not cry about it anymore.

Happy Thursday.

And tonight I will watch clack and get inundated with the blond hair. I think it will do the trick.

Couchie, you are me! Or I am you! I wanna chat and smile and eeeeeeeeeee about how excited I am for Clay's new adventure, but I also must get to the wasteland of work..... iPod? Check! Headphones? Check! New Clack loaded? Check!

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Gibby, you are too good to me. You did need to post those pictures. I'll keeping looking at them until I decide exactly which one I like best. Don't wait up.

See, the blond following all the chestnut looks like a surfer dude!

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In the end, though....I try to keep my hopes "rational." I do want to dream big for him, but sometimes that brings big disappointments when things don't pan out. So, I usually end up saying "I hope Clay gets what HE wants."

That's about where I'm at, too. I hope he enjoys himself, I hope he feels comfortable, I hope he has a great run!

I also hope cindilu2 lives through her opening night LIVE! ;) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Please, please, please let lots of FCAers bring back up-to-the-minute reports. The rest of us will be living vicariously through you all. Only 9 more weeks till I get to see it, too! Heh, I'm gonna have my own personal countdown....

Oooooh, I finally loaded all the GFI audio to my iPod this morning, and WOW! I love goldarngirl's mp3 that has a few songs all together. It's neat to hear his banter in between, too. I hope she can check in soon and give us some details of her experience.

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My dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? Mike Nichols redoes The Graduate because he sees Clay's potential as a great dramatic thespian, spots me outside of Macy's, changes the role Mrs. Robinson slightly to suit me (all the while fighting off Diane) and adds several actual sex scenes, to make the play, ummm, "pop". That way, I don't have to worry about getting clack to all of y'all.
KAndre, you are me. Well...actually, I'm not sure the world is ready for two yous or two mes, but whatever.

I put one of those screencaps on my work desktop yesterday and my one Clay-friendly co-worker here (although he's not her 'type'---either in looks or music---but she admits that he has an incredible voice and fills out a pair of jeans quite impressively...yes, I've shared some videos and pictures with her!) saw the newest rendition of The Aiken. She said, "Why does he keep changing his hair all the time?" I answered with the usual: Because he can. :cryingwlaughter:

Anyhoo...she didn't say anything else, so I understood that she wasn't so impressed, but I just had to say, "He's always different looking---I think he's sooooo handsome here." She smiled kindly at me and said, "I know you do, sweetie." BWAH! I felt like somebody had just patted me on the head and told me I'd done a good job on my homework when I'd actually gotten most of the problems wrong! :lmaosmiley-1:

Now I'm going to put this out there. I got some PMs from Claygasm during the night. Her father is in crisis with his health condition and in fact, she expected him not to last through the night....but he did. He's bleeding internally, however, and nobody really knows what's next. Please keep CG and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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