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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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CG, I also really enjoyed reading your recap and your perspective. Since I won't be going to NYC, I am living vicariously through all of your recaps here and on other boards. One thing I have heard from actors is that it is often more difficult to do comedy because the timing is so important. So who knows, maybe Clay would be great in a dramatic role. I am just so pleased that people seem to be enjoying what he is doing in this show because it was such a major leap of faith for him. Something tells me he is like a sponge and can easily adapt and learn new things. I think he will always be full of surprises.

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CG.... great recap! Tell your friend I am awed at her bravery! Glad she was rewarded with an autograph!

I have another laces picture that would be good for the other side with one of Karen Eh's sayings...


And, when you get that cup done, let us know how to order one!!!

I bought a Netti pot last week cause I had heard such wonderful things about how it is the only thing that can reach your back sinuses that lead to your ears, but haven't used it yet. It's waiting patiently on my kitchen sink counter... baby steps. LOL

I'm up at 3am cause of a leg cramp... going back to bed in a moment!

Wasn't that looooong recap from CH funny! I may print that one out for re-reading.

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Thanks for the recap, CG. I'm glad your friend made it, just in time!

Couple of tidbits from CH this morning:

The knights who say Ni were singing again about Amy Winehouse. They started with her Rehab song, then kept on going saying things like "it's probably a good idea anyway" and "I can probably do the Grammy's by satelite" He really did go on for a long time and Clay nearly cracked up and the King forgot his line when the Knight finally finished.

Also, when they toss the cow over the castle wall and it lands on Patsy....well, it didn't. It missed him entirely and he had to slowly pull the cow on top of him. Seriously funny.


Just GAH!

Steven Curtis Chapman singing What I'm Fighting For in concert -

Wow, I would have loved to hear Clay sing this. It would have been a very different type of song for him.

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Thanks for your recap CG...thats a great story...glad your lurker friend was able to make it...

thanks to for your observations. I do agree that as good as Clay is in comedy...his prowess in drama is still a bit unknown...although many people saw promise in his bit from scrubs (the scene where he gets fired). What makes me really optimistic is that he is so committed to this role and was willing to get out of his comfort zone, i.e. dancing...that I am pretty sure that he will give his all in a dramatic role too, if/when he chooses to take one on.

luckiest...thanks for the you tube link. I was pretty meh on the song. I bet Clay's vocals would've made it better, but there really is nothing memorable to the song except for the theme and I think that has been covered by a lot of artist. I know the song came from Clay's suggestion but it really didn't get personalized to Brett's situation so I think its not a great loss for Clay. It also has a very country sound to it. Its good that we can finally hear it so we can look at it objectively since I think this songs significance became a bit too huge in some fans minds. I ain't mad at Clive for skipping this one.

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CG, loved the recap, and loved that you loved the show too.

I love this show and I love Clay in it. You cannot help but leave this show with a smile on your face!

Only about 8 more weeks till I get a chance to find out about that smile for myself....whoo-hoo!

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I am really really enjoying all the recaps and stories - StPeach and Jules - you made me laugh out loud! - this is so great, fun stuff to read for months!

BUT - this is the bestest news.....

and his eyes were “ all sparkly” (t/m jules).

EEEEEEE!!!!!! He must be changing labels!!!!!!!!

Play, I hope you are, if not any better, not any worse than when I talked to you on Saturday. Yikes! You are/were a very sick woman! In a flu-centric way!

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Thanks for your recap CG...thats a great story...glad your lurker friend was able to make it...<snip> I am pretty sure that he will give his all in a dramatic role too, if/when he chooses to take one on.

luckiest...thanks for the you tube link. I was pretty meh on the song. I bet Clay's vocals would've made it better, but there really is nothing memorable to the song except for the theme <snip>

I loved your story, too, CG! What fun! And bravery! hee

Re: the dramatic role that may be down the road - I think that if he finds a part that speaks to him, he could amaze everyone! If he is offered something that touches his heart.

I think he still hasn't unwrapped all of the surprises he hasn't hidden inside! And I can't wait to watch witness the reveal!


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Good Morning Everyone,

84 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

86-93 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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I think he still hasn't unwrapped all of the surprises he hasn't hidden inside! And I can't wait to watch witness the reveal!

Unfortunately, Cotton, Shannon HAS watched! (lucky beyotch)

Have a great Sunday, everybody! I'm off to a day of soccer mom sideline spectator duty! :clap: Alex was out late with the cast after their play last night and now will be playing a full day of tournament soccer.

Did I EVER have that much stamina and energy?

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Comedic actors often end up being some of the best dramatic actors. Maybe he will give drama a chance one day but I always had the impression that he views himself as a comedic actor. Along the same lines, does he view himself as a lead in a romantic role? I really think he considers himself a second banana. That is my impression only as I have no insight into what one Mr Clay Aiken thinks. Over the years I've read many comments saying that comedy is harder than drama. There have also been many actors who want to play the bad guy in order to stretch themselves in different roles. It will be interesting to see what choices Clay is offered in the future (if we even hear about them) and what he accepts. The other important factor is to see how well he does when working with really good directors and other talented people in the industry.

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Tom Hanks has made the switch to dramatic acting really well. Wil Smith - for me, not so much. Although that may be because my grandson adores Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and so I still see Smith being funny every day. In I Am Legend, I felt his "ranting and raving" bits were actually funny, to me he slipped out of character.

Eddie Izzard has made the switch back and forth between comedy and drama quite effortlessly, it seems to me, although in the first episode of The Riches I felt he was slipping into his standup routine at times, and it took me out of the moment. But I guess being nominated for a dramatic Tony means he is quite successful indeed.

Eddie Murphy does well, too.

Clay is such a "personality" I think it will be difficult for him and for his devoted fans to forget that he is "Clay Aiken" in a drama, but that general audiences won't have that problem.

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All she had to do was make a right hand turn and she would be home free. But there were people blocking her way! Lots of people. I told her to mow them down, but she didn't seem to want to do that! Finally she turned. I see her car and wave and then glance at my watch. It 1:50! I point out the parking. She turns in. They make her open her trunk! Don't they understand she has a date with her boyfriend????? The line to get in is long so I yell at her that I will get in line. A couple of minutes later she joins me in line. We get into the theater at 1:56! She made it!

You tell a great story – I was very anxious for her and I just now read it. I’m so glad she made it!! I’ve driven in NYC too – not by choice. I had a project in Lodi, NJ and we used to go into the city every weekend. Some guys from our Indy office came out to work and wanted to go to Hard Rock Café (yeah, I know) and I told them how we always took the bus from right outside our hotel. No, they wanted to drive. They soon learned that NYC is far larger than Indy. <g> They made me drive home because I didn’t have but one drink. EEEK.

But as if I didn't already know, I have seen that when it comes to comedy, especially comedy of this type, he definitely is in his element. My friend and I both agreed that this role was made for him! Obviously Mike Nichols knew that from his interactions with Clay - and he was right. I am sure some will prefer DHP as Sir Robin. But his Sir Robin is different - as it should be - and if they do prefer him, then I think its just that - a preference. Just like some prefer Clay's hair blonde and then there are others who don't...

I don't think Clay will set Broadway on fire with this performance. I don't think anyone will be thinking Tony. But he really is good in this role. And he really works well with the rest of this very talented cast. I personally hope to see him on Broadway again because I think he has a real knack for live theater.

Yeah, I think he has a knack for it too – and performing in general. As to drama – well, I’ve read most actors say that doing comedy well is much harder than doing dramatic acting. I imagine it varies from person to person. (or what Skybar and Ivy said) Who knows if he’d even be interested in doing that. I’d go watch if he was. <g>

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There have also been many actors who want to play the bad guy in order to stretch themselves in different roles. It will be interesting to see what choices Clay is offered in the future (if we even hear about them) and what he accepts.

My brain isn't working well enough this morning to remember what interview this was said, but didn't Clay already say he would like to play 'the bad guy' sometime? Maybe this was mentioned about the time he did his bit on the soap last Christmas...?

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luckiest...thanks for the you tube link. I was pretty meh on the song. I bet Clay's vocals would've made it better, but there really is nothing memorable to the song except for the theme and I think that has been covered by a lot of artist. I know the song came from Clay's suggestion but it really didn't get personalized to Brett's situation so I think its not a great loss for Clay. It also has a very country sound to it. Its good that we can finally hear it so we can look at it objectively since I think this songs significance became a bit too huge in some fans minds. I ain't mad at Clive for skipping this one.

Thanks from me too!

I agree with ansam, though, for me. I really like SCC since Clay introduced him to me and have parts of his latest CD and other things. But this one? Not a favorite. Too country-sounding (I can't stand country music), too banal. I don't really think, despite his personal involvement in it, he really captured the theme. For Clay, it's sung in the first person and that doesn't make sense.

I do have to wonder if Clive nixed it...or if Clay used that as a convenient excuse :) It might be difficult for him to ask a friend to write a song for him~and then for it to turn out to be something he really may not want to record. Just sayin'.

I'm supposed to be working tonight, but it's currently blowing 80kmh (50 mph), snowing and blowing snow. If this keeps up, there's no way I'm hitting the highway to Newmarket (about 40 mi on open highway).

Sigh....have I mentioned I hate winter? Particularly THIS winter?

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waves from the dead

heh, DJS, I got a lot worse, couldn't breath without a sip of water first, but went out and got throat lozenges and that helped a lot. Scared enough to see doctor and have lots of meds. Better, but have been up at least 20minutes and akmost time to lay down again.

i know there are people who are all up for Clay to get special awards and stuff for this show, especially since Fantasia is getting one, but they forget he is in a company, not the sole star in a traditional play. I think this was a good thing for Clay to keep busy while waiting for the album to come out and to distract fans so they are not all rumor central. Not to mention the connections he is making in the business. He certainly seems to be handling the crowds nicely.

OK, that is enough, good night. I will be back in 6 hours or so.

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CG, thank you for the recap! Talk about nerve-wracking! I'm so glad she made it and that you both had a fantastic time!

*dons surgical mask and hands playbiller some chicken soup* Hope you feel better soon.

I'm not in Clay's head at all, but I suspect he sees himself as a "character actor" -- one who is great in those supporting roles, as part of a company. Also, character actors are frequently the "comic foils" in the dramas, and I think he'd like that. Would he be good as a dramatic actor? I think he might, but again, it really depends on what he wants to do.

I just love reading the reports on how he seems to fit in with the entire cast. This is a skill in and of itself, and it looks as if he's developed that quite well. I also think, as skybar said, that the man is a learning machine. He's soaking up the entire experience, continuing the grow in his career choices. It's so fantastic for him that he's gotten this experience, and it's up to him to see where this experience takes him.

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I do have to wonder if Clive nixed it...or if Clay used that as a convenient excuse :) It might be difficult for him to ask a friend to write a song for him~and then for it to turn out to be something he really may not want to record. Just sayin'.

While I don't know any more about the situation than you do, I find that a pretty big stretch. I don't think the song "fit" on a love songs album, so that's probably why it wasn't used (and didn't Clay say as much in an interview?) But if it hadn't been themed as such, he may well have used it. And who knows what Clay's interpretation would have sounded like? Although I agree that it would have been quite different from anything he has recorded to date. But who knows what the new album may sound like? I can't wait to find out.

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I had to crop this luscious and sinfully erotic pic of Clay that morganette posted on CH...his lips are all glossy and shiny from gloss or chapstick 'coss they looked rather....

abused. :Thud:

and his hair is all windblown :Thud:

and his nose in profile is perfect :Thud:

and his eyelashes would make a camel jealous :Thud:

and his neck....his neck is stretched and turned, inviting and luscious..:Thud:

and pokey chest hairs are resting in the hollow of his throat... :Thud:

and his mouth..

In the big version you can see his tongue resting just behind his teeth....

:Thud: :Thud: :Thud:

ETA: oh...here's the big pic.


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Muski - you are just lucky my computer acted up last night, just when I was trying to crop that picture to use as an avatar! Great minds think alike!

Sorry I missed your call, though! But you KNOW I don't get cell phone reception inside my house! :imgtongue:

Yeah, I know, but I thought it was likely you would be out and about! I had thought I would try your home number after I didn't get you, but my battery was dying!

I felt nekkid without my cell phone!

Yeah, I think he has a knack for it too – and performing in general. As to drama – well, I’ve read most actors say that doing comedy well is much harder than doing dramatic acting. I imagine it varies from person to person. (or what Skybar and Ivy said) Who knows if he’d even be interested in doing that. I’d go watch if he was. <g>

From my limited acting experience, I agree that most comedy is harder than most drama. That said, there are some who can do one or the other extremely well, but aren't so good at the other. It would be interesting to see Clay tackle a dramatic role. Talk about something outside his comfort zone! He might be very good. It would seriously not surprise me. Every time he opens that bad of tricks of his, he pulls out another surprise!

Play - I am glad you're not dead yet!! Take care of yourself!

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That last picture by Morganette is amazing. I never thought I would like Clay as a blond as I generally don't like guys who are blond. But I love the messy hair in that style. Maybe I should say that Clay looks amazing and very handsome on that picture.

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Can't believe I'm still the only one awake from the eHP Partay and Clay Marathon last night?!!! We had a niiiiice dinner/send-off for Kareneh (who actually made it) although we plan to see her again in April! We went through KAndre's Clayversion disks that she'd planned to send to Australia (if KeepingFaith hasn't stolen them yet). Could not ask for a more perfect night when I really needed it. To Love Somebody is truly awesome!!! (now if only "Clay Marathon" were to mean something else entirely...)

{{{FromClaygary and playbiller}}}}

It was so much fun to read about you and your friend's adventures, CG!

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I'm just catching up on Stage Door video....cindilu2, did you realize there are a few great shots of your smiling face in the stage door crowd on Zippy888's video of 01/19/08?

File name is 080119_Spamalot_Clayautograph_2PM_zippy888. I got it from the CV vault, I would think it's at CU as well.

You're on right at the beginning and again at about 2:30. It's quite a good video even if you hate pictures of yourself...but you look great!

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