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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Ahhhh, the Interlochen JBT....

This was obviously a very hostile group.... My girlfriend had flown up from Georgia, she'd just the night before, said her good-byes to her son who had left for Iraq and this was her big get away. I was lucky enough to get us 4th row center through the fan club pre-sale. We were so pumped and excited! Don't ya know...just a few songs in, we are standing with the rest of the people around us, when the lady behind my friend ( local season ticket holder) stood up and smacked my girlfriend and told her to "Set down!" Robin was mortified and did as she was told......until Clay announced that he wanted to see people up and having a good time! She finally felt comfortable enough to stand again.


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I have very good memories of Interlochen. I was way back in Row R and the people in front of me were giants. I'd have had to stand the entire time to see anything. However I also had a group of excited little girls, about 10 years old or so, behind me so I didn't want to stand and block their view.

A very nice couple from Calgary next to me noticed this and suggested that the husband swap seats with me since he was rather tall. I ended up sitting between them throughout the concert. Later on, their niceness was rewarded, not with the husband getting picked as a PIP like I'd hoped, but with the guy diagonally in front of us getting picked. This meant that both the wife and I got to stand and stare at someone's green eyes for a looooong time -- our closest ever at that time. And we didn't have to look away since he was talking/interviewing the PIP and so she and I just stood there "paying attention" and drinking everything in.

*hugs memories*

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The Broadway.com article was a good one. There are so many things to comment on, but the one thing that really warmed my heart was the reception he was getting from his cast mates. He clearly knew, going in, that there could be some resentment toward him, but it's gratifying to hear that the other performers have not only welcomed him warmly, they respect and appreciate his contributions. Hannah's comment, coming from a seasoned pro, says a lot.

It is interesting to hear his manager's approach to his career. It does help explain why Clay's stayed with him. A lot of managers probably would have pressured him to pursue options that were most lucrative to him (and themselves), rather than options which might have been more creatively fulfilling. Clay seems to have decided that he'd rather be true to himself than chase radio play at all costs. It's a risky move, but one you have to respect.


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If we are talking about concert memories....

I would have to pick the St Louis IT concert for my favorite!


That was the show where I had made Clay a gift of a pair of basketball shorts with donuts on the rear end. When I threw them up on the stage he picked them up and looked at them for a half a minute or so, while I was going totally insane and running back to my seat! Full BEVR here. :cryingwlaughter:

Anyone remember that? Here's a pic of Clay with the shorts:


Good times - good times!!

And now for my next magical trick..... (tm Bill Cosby)

TA-DA!! here is the project I have been working on for what seems like a year already....

I put together a page with the lyrics and story line for SPAMALOT, complete with pictures from other productions (and a few of Clay where I could find them!) There is also a cute little Game I found while doing research, which in complete Monty Python tradition is a complete waste of time! (scroll to the bottom of the page to find it!)


ENJOY!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:hugs-1: to claygasm!

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chacha - what a cool Spam page! I don't have time now to look at it much, but bookmarked it so I can look at it later.

CG - I'm sorry about your sucky day, and sucky year. :hugs-1:

Long, whiny post ahead - the scroll bar is your friend:

Ok, I'm in a whiny mood. I'm normally a fairly positive, easy going person, but I'm angry tonight. I play piano for several choirs, and I was asked by the director one of those choirs to play for a high school choir festival that's happening tomorrow. Now, I'm really, really busy at the moment, because I'm not only holding down my job at the hospital and being a Mom, but I'm also playing for my daughter's high school musical. We are rehearsing every day because opening night is next week. But, since tomorrow is a day off from my hospital job, I agreed to do the choir festival.

A week ago I asked the choir director for the music for the festival, and he said he'd get it to me. And he didn't. Nope, he didn't get it to me until today, less than 24 hours before I have to rehearse with the choirs!!!! :nono2: He brought me the music, told me that I'd already played most of it (wrong!!) and brought me a Starbucks latte as a peace offering. Well, I can't have dairy products, so he nearly got the latte in his face. Sigh. It's nice that he has confidence in my sight-reading abilities, but I'd really rather not be sight-reading the day of a concert, especially since I'll be working with choirs and directors I've never even met before.

And to add to the angst, I've been having a new problem with sciatica, which is worse when I sit for long periods of time. So, what am I doing tomorrow? Sitting at the piano all day - in choir rehearsals for five hours, then a Titanic musical rehearsal for three hours, and then the choir concert. Oy ve!

Is there anything good about all of this? Well, yes - I get paid for all of it, and it's my mad money. All of it's going in the bank to pay for my New York trip, and some more Spam tickets! I'll just have to keep thinking - Spam me, Clay!! That will cheer me up during the long piano-playing marathon.

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Gibby :elephanthugs:

I had sciatica for a while, and it took a few visits to the chiropractor and massage thearpist to get it calmed down!! I always found that lying on my back or side (I can't remember which was better now!) with my knees drawn up would help.

I hope you get a chance to enjoy the Spamalot page soon!! Good luck tomorrow!! Take megadoses of painkillers!! (that's what I would do!!)

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :hugs-1:

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On your back. I call it the dead bug position. Prop up knees with pillows so there's no muscle tension in your legs or hips or lower back. Take a hot bath in the same position (but with head propped up out of the water, natch). Get a good massage. Sleep with a pillow propping up your knees at night. Use a cushion at the piano bench. Get up and move around a little or stretch as often as possible. Take huge quantities of ibuprofen if you can, or some kind of pain killer/anti-inflammatory. Smack that guy, hard (to release tension).

{{to all that needs 'em}}

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Good Morning Everyone,

82 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

84-91 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Well it seems half of FCA was at the Interlochen JBT! I was there, too. Good times - the last of our JBT road trip. I was sad to see him hit that jukebox for the last time in person that summer.

{{{{Claygasm}}}} Sorry about all the RL suckiness right now. I really enjoyed reading about your friend's adventure in getting to Spamalot over the weekend. I also find that Clay always manages to put a smile on my face. :)

Hope everyone is feeling better! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

It's snowy & icy here this morning - I started out by sliding right out of the driveway and into the middle of the street. Luckily there wasn't a car coming towards me on my side of the road and I managed to stop without hitting the truck going down the other side. I'm now heading for coffee and into an all-day meeting.

EAT: Ooooooohhhh! Thank you, Cha Cha! I'll be checking out your sepcial project this evening when I get home!

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Cha cha... :clap: Thank you for that Spamcap! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Lots of fun there.

(((claygasm))) just because sometimes that all you can do.

To all those trying to move around in this lousy winter :snowing2:

try thinking of this ---> :attention_whore3:

(no, not the attention whore thing...that's a given...just the beach and warm weather part)

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They need to make tires with spikes in them for icy driving... scary stuff!

Sciatica... chiro, special seat padding did it for me. I cannot sit on hard surfaces or it comes in with a vengence.

Cha cha that Spamalot project is totally awesome. Gonna spend more time... appreciate the lyrics the mostest. Thanks!

My favorite of zippy's newest stage door photos...


Still basking in yesterday's article/stats. It was a very good day! (except for CG... HUGS!!!)

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Thanks for the sciatica advice! I already visited the chiropractor yesterday, and I'll be scheduling a massage and more chiropractic appointments soon. And I'm looking around the house for a suitable cushion for the piano bench.

I got a google alert for that fantastic article. I'm gonna reread it every day for awhile, it's so good! Clay's words make me smile.

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Gibby, all my sympathies for your low back/sciatic pain. I can relate as I suffered from a congenital inoperable defect in my lower back that began when I was 17 and lasted until a series of epidural steroid injections from Dr. Doctor about 10 years ago put an end to the pain. He's a wonder-working anesthesiologist whose precision with a needle is legendary, and he developed this procedure -- in fact, PBS did a feature about him. I was married to a chiro -- put the bastard through school, I did -- and it never helped me for long. (I was his guinea pig for so many cervical adjustments I'm surprised I can still hold my neck up.) After my two lumbar injections a year apart from Dr. Uday Doctor (that's really his name), I haven't felt as much as a twinge, and it changed my life. Dr. Doctor give me the news ..... Yes he did!!!

Cha Cha -- what a fantastic Spamalot page. Thank you for all the work that must have required! :clap:

I love opening that broadway.com page and seeing the words ......

Clay's the Thing!

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Hannah's comment, coming from a seasoned pro, says a lot.

I didn't mention that one yesterday, but yeah, it does say a LOT. There's a new level of acceptance there for him, and I think that fantastic.

Clay seems to have decided that he'd rather be true to himself than chase radio play at all costs. It's a risky move, but one you have to respect.

I thought of this very same thing yesterday as I was driving home from work. I'm sure this "attitude" of Clay's (and Jaymes') probably doesn't make the suits at RCA very happy, because to them, radio play is the be-all and end-all. Thing is, Clay would run into the same attitude at ANY of the major labels.

In a way, Clay, with this statement, suggests to me that he's a very independent artist. He's trying to get respect for what he wants to do, not what some marketer can do for him. I've always had that feeling about him; he wants to be himself as much as possible, and for the most part, damn the consequences. I've always loved that about him.

If we are talking about concert memories....

I would have to pick the St Louis IT concert for my favorite!


That was the show where I had made Clay a gift of a pair of basketball shorts with donuts on the rear end. When I threw them up on the stage he picked them up and looked at them for a half a minute or so, while I was going totally insane and running back to my seat! Full BEVR here. :cryingwlaughter:

Anyone remember that? Here's a pic of Clay with the shorts:


Good times - good times!!

I was there!!!! I remember that! It was so funny!

*bonds with cha cha over this because we seem to be the only two that weren't at Interlochen* *g*

TA-DA!! here is the project I have been working on for what seems like a year already....

I put together a page with the lyrics and story line for SPAMALOT, complete with pictures from other productions (and a few of Clay where I could find them!) There is also a cute little Game I found while doing research, which in complete Monty Python tradition is a complete waste of time! (scroll to the bottom of the page to find it!)


ENJOY!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow! What a fantastic resource! Thank you so much cha cha! And thanks for the great banner too. Love the changes in the taglin.

Gibby, I hope everything works out well for you, both health wise, and also for your mental stability. I hate that when someone throws something at me at the last minute, so I feel your pain over that.

My favorite of zippy's newest stage door photos...



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Interlochen? I wasn't at Interlochen either!

Best concert memories? I have so frickin' many! Should I break it up by tour or by year or by Clay contact or by incredible, breathtaking excitement?

Best for incredible anticipation? Clay, first stop on the Not-a-Tour in wherever the hell it was North Dakota - that sucker had EVERYTHING except my favorite peeps - last minute catwalk seats, a yellow convertible, great weather, dead skunks, cheap Long Island Iced Teas, last minute airport runs, evil PTB, actual 1-on-1 Clay flirting CAUGHT ON CLACK (bad clack but I have fuckin' PROOF he loves me best of all)...

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In a way, Clay, with this statement, suggests to me that he's a very independent artist. He's trying to get respect for what he wants to do, not what some marketer can do for him. I've always had that feeling about him; he wants to be himself as much as possible, and for the most part, damn the consequences. I've always loved that about him.

My take on this is what it's been for about 30 years .... that you can be original and do your own thing and either be wildly successful/fall on your face -- or you can follow the trends, play the game, be the flavor of the month, and eventually fade into meaninglessness and obscurity -- planned obsolesence in the music business. Oh sure, you can hype the formulaic trendy stuff, sell the shit out of it, and make some heavy bucks and go home. Or, you can be true to yourself and your talent and take the high road ... which can lead to artistic immortality. I don't think of it in terms of "risky" -- I think a man's got to do what a man's got to do. -- or a woman. You don't have to sell your soul.

Yeah, Fergie can live off her last album for the rest of her life if she does nothing else -- but she pimped herself out (tm David Shuster) to product placement ($4 million from Candie's to mention them in a song and she has dozens of such "sponsors" inside her music). She's no artist -- she's a sell out. In my day that was never a good thing -- in the unfettered capitalism of today, some people think it's a sign of success. I have always believed and continue to believe that Clay has artistic integrity and isn't about selling himself to the highest bidder. I think it's time I went back to listen to Neil Young sing ... "This Note's For You".

Don't want no cash

Don't need no money

Ain't got no stash

This note's for you.

Ain't singin' for Pepsi

Ain't singin' for Coke

I don't sing for nobody

Makes me look like a joke

This note's for you.

Ain't singin' for Miller

Don't sing for Bud

I won't sing for politicians

Ain't singin' for Spuds

This note's for you.

I've got the real thing

I got the real thing, baby

I got the real thing

Yeah, alright.

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Smack that guy, hard (to release tension)


omg. did jmh smut? :cryingwlaughter:

I got smacked upside the head last night with some freakin' bug---chills, fever, funky creaky door sound when I exhale, the whole nine yards.

I sympathize with all those struggling with real life crapola---sciatica (been there, not fun); work problems (don't even want to go there); and all those things that make that 'real life' stuff, real shitty sometimes.

I'm in awe of your Spam page, cha cha! In awe. Gonna get my tea with honey and take my time with it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

and yeay! for another shit-kicking banner at FCA! :clap:

And I'm gonna bask in that article over and over again today, too. And the Broadway.com page...god, it feels good to see and read positive things about Clay, doesn't it? :wub:

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So many people with so many problems on such a small board.


Excellent page on Spamalot, Cha Cha - how do you find time to do this??

Clay seems to have decided that he'd rather be true to himself than chase radio play at all costs. It's a risky move, but one you have to respect.

I thought of this very same thing yesterday as I was driving home from work. I'm sure this "attitude" of Clay's (and Jaymes') probably doesn't make the suits at RCA very happy, because to them, radio play is the be-all and end-all. Thing is, Clay would run into the same attitude at ANY of the major labels.

In a way, Clay, with this statement, suggests to me that he's a very independent artist. He's trying to get respect for what he wants to do, not what some marketer can do for him. I've always had that feeling about him; he wants to be himself as much as possible, and for the most part, damn the consequences. I've always loved that about him.

Really? Why did I get the impression this is a suggestion from RCA. Am I the only person who thinks Clay negotiates everything he can? He said this summer that he was not sure that RCA would put out a single this album and some in the fandom screamed foul,. But when he says it this way, no one seems upset. It is jsut weird to me because this sounds like two sides of the same coin. Maybe Clay just decided to rephrase /represent it?

OK, My fever finally broke and I need a shower. Later. Now to get rid of all this phlegm.....

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Really? Why did I get the impression this is a suggestion from RCA. Am I the only person who thinks Clay negotiates everything he can? He said this summer that he was not sure that RCA would put out a single this album and some in the fandom screamed foul,. But when he says it this way, no one seems upset. It is jsut weird to me because this sounds like two sides of the same coin. Maybe Clay just decided to rephrase /represent it?

I honestly don't remember that, but if he did say it, my guess is that he might have meant back then that he wasn't sure the album had radio-friendly single on it, but fans interpreted it to mean that RCA wasn't interested in pursuing radio play. I'm sure RCA would prefer to have a song on the radio, if possible, but if the material just doesn't appeal to programmers, I can see them foregoing expensive radio promotion.

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Really? Why did I get the impression this is a suggestion from RCA. Am I the only person who thinks Clay negotiates everything he can? He said this summer that he was not sure that RCA would put out a single this album and some in the fandom screamed foul,. But when he says it this way, no one seems upset. It is jsut weird to me because this sounds like two sides of the same coin. Maybe Clay just decided to rephrase /represent it?

I honestly don't remember that, but if he did say it, my guess is that he might have meant back then that he wasn't sure the album had radio-friendly single on it, but fans interpreted it to mean that RCA wasn't interested in pursuing radio play. I'm sure RCA would prefer to have a song on the radio, if possible, but if the material just doesn't appeal to programmers, I can see them foregoing expensive radio promotion.

Yup...ITA jenna.

I think RCA is resigned to the fact that Clay will have a hard time on radio...so they probably do not see that as the prime promotional/marketing avenue for his CD. BUT if the music he produces happen to appeal to programmers...I do believe that they would still want to pursue it. Its just possible they no longer expect Clay to produce songs with radio in mind...so in essence...Clay and RCA may be in the same page on this.

WORD Keepingfaith the music industry is full of one hit wonders or groups or artist that creates lots of hits then disappear into obscurity. Labels tend to follow formulas because they are mainly concerned with the bottom line and its better to have a string of hits from different artist than trying to depend on a few artist to consistently bring out hits in a timely manner. Now if a label recognizes an artist long term potential...they may be more patient and be willing to support them through projects that are not potential blockbusters. I do think Clay is in that category with RCA.

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Gibby, have you tried acupuncture? That works like a miracle for me.

RCA: I think that record companies are more interested in sales than in radio play. Sales bring money in: Radio play takes money out.

There are really successful artists out there who are rarely heard on the radio. Jimmy Buffett hadn't had a radio hit for YEARS before he sang a duet with Alan Jackson, but he has wildly successful tours and rakes in about $30 million dollars a year. The only time I listen to radio is in the car. I think there are a lot of people like me. If a record is trying to attract a teenage market, then maybe radio is important, but teenagers are notoriously fickle. Famous one minute, dead the next.

I'm just not going to worry about it.

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