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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Tina Fey si a big Clay Fan and she writes the show. The aide is a character based on Clay. Trusting, faithful and surprisingly clever.

Oh man...I'd LOVE to see Clay do a bit on 30 Rock! He and Alec Baldwin would be amazing together!

BTW...I listened already....heh. I'm gonna like this cd....I can tell. yep. Gonna like it lots.

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I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.

I'm there....too! I SO hope this CD gets Clay the accolades he deserves! I hope that every NJU that saw him in Spamalot buys one or three. I hope that fans that were less than thrilled about ATDW give this CD a chance. I hope that radio "finds" him. And I've always had 3 fondest wishes for Clay: a gaggle of Grammys, the theme song for a Disney movie that wins an Academy Award, and at least a pair of little green-eyed, freckly babies!!!! That isn't too much to want for him. Is it?

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I am so enjoying everyone's reaction - and feeling very virtuous that I have yet to listen!

Of course, I suspect I may hear a little something during his QVC appearance, but that's different because he will be there singing to meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Back to reading everyone's excitement!

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I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.

Thread title?

Good idea! And *HUGS* to you!! :hugs-1:

EEEEEEEEE - the Ashes snippet! I love different things about all of the snippets, but this one is a bit more uptempo, with lots of electric guitar and drums, and Clay sings it likes a rock song!! I like it!

And I think The Real Me is gonna tear me up when I hear the whole thing. Between the heart-wrenching words, the pretty instrumentation and Clay's oh-so-tender singing, it's gonna kill me.

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Broadcast on allthe earthly airwaves a few minutes ago!

Weaklings of earth, we will conquer you while you are listening to your Clay Aiken album snippets. Little did you know he was an alien that we have nurtured to addict the greatest minds of the earth into incompetience!
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Love the new snippets....

I really need to hear the other parts of Ashes...I love the part rise up from the ashes.

Everything I Need...really sounds intriguing...not simple at all

Something about us...sounds sooo romantic and Jazzy

Falling...not loving this yet...but I like the slow part...

Where I draw the line...LOVE

The real me...is winning me over...beautiful instrumentations and he is singing is well

Weight of the world is my favorite up tempo

As long as were here...love this...love that falsetto...

Sacrificial love...oh I love this song...I am just so in love with this melody

Grace of god...love the melody and the mood

I can't wait for May 6!!!!

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I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.

annabear... me, too! Definitely thread title material!

Broadcast on allthe earthly airwaves a few minutes ago!

Weaklings of earth, we will conquer you while you are listening to your Clay Aiken album snippets. Little did you know he was an alien that we have nurtured to addict the greatest minds of the earth into incompetience!

play... BWAH!!! Resistence is futile!

muski... God, this cd is better than the best I've every heard! I love the rock beats, I live the mid-tempo, I love the slow, tender ballads. I'll be surprised if there is one song on this cd that I will skip!

CG... lots of driving drums... sooooo BAND tour for this one... not symphony! JMHO!

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I am so enjoying everyone's reaction - and feeling very virtuous that I have yet to listen!

Of course, I suspect I may hear a little something during his QVC appearance, but that's different because he will be there singing to meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Back to reading everyone's excitement!

I'm so glad you will be representing for FCA that night. Please be a better recapper than I am. :imgtongue:

Broadcast on all the earthly airwaves a few minutes ago!

Weaklings of earth, we will conquer you while you are listening to your Clay Aiken album snippets. Little did you know he was an alien that we have nurtured to addict the greatest minds of the earth into incompetence!

I thought that happened in September 2006. :alien31: This time they are coming to save us.

I'm going to try not to listen to the longer snippets again. I listened a few times, maybe like 4 x in quick succession and I know that I really will enjoy the whole album less if I do much more of that. 30 seconds is enough to tell me that this is good, even better than I thought, and I thought it was really, really good, but 30 seconds is too long, too much of the song without hearing the whole song, if that makes sense. So I'm reclaiming my virginity (for the rest of the night anyway). I called a non-fan friend and talked for an hour and a half about other things, and that helped.

Y'all gotta see these wallpapers Betty897X made. Link: CH wallpaper thread.

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So I'm reclaiming my virginity (for the rest of the night anyway).

jmh...I'd like to join your Virginity Redux club, please. :imgtongue:


Now...for tonight? Another glass of cabernet and ...

But first, now I understand why Clay has been so very excited whenever he's talked about the album. Just from these little snippets...I know. :wub: He so deserves for this to be well received by the 'industry'....but I hope he'll continue to be happy that he remains so very loved by us.

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thread title? heee

that about sums up how I feel although I am literally pulling out my hair trying to be ready for my trip. And I have to do it tonight since I have to work all day tomorrow....literally come home and grab my bags adn take off for SF airport on BART during rush hour. Allrighty then. It will all be worth it to see my boyfriend on Sunday.

I love the eeeeing and the squeeing. I'm glad everybody is enjoying Clay. I wish I had time to listen to the snippets but somebody I know said it's more special to wait..so we'll have to see about that.

and before all the vowels are gone...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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I admit it - I'm a slut, and I've already listened to the longer snippets several times. And I'll likely listen several more times before the album drops, although not excessively.

Gah, I'm sooooo looking forward to this album! The tracks are all unique in some way, and I love every one of them so far. Clay's singing is so mature and varied. It really showcases his talent. And the production is good, too! CANNOT WAIT for this album!!!!!

Couchie, have a safe trip, and a FANTASTIC time in New York! Wish I could be there with you!

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From a blog with a video with and India Arie song.

Montage of proud African girls, with MANY thanks to India Arie for writing this song, to the students of Oprah’s Leadership Academy for naming the song…and to Oprah for showcasing this beautiful song/singer. Many thanks, also, to Bono, Angelina, Brad, George Clooney, Clay Aiken, Madonna, Mia Farrow and all celebrities who are generating awareness about the atrocities in certain parts of Africa and for offering hope to the future these beautiful young African women. For 99 cents you can buy this song. 100% of the proceeds go toward helping young African girls at the Leadership Academy until September 2007. 99 cents is not a lot of money to help make a difference in the lives of young African women. I hope people are moved to download this beautiful song at Itunes. You can also buy Bono’s edition (July 2007) of VANITY FAIR. Learn as much as you can about what is happening in Africa, and do everything you can to help these beautiful, powerful, resilient young women in Africa to become some of the leaders of our next generation. Make a choice…to use your voice….and make a difference in this world. Thanks. : )

Nice company.

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OMG, you're leaving tomorrow? Are you taking a computer?

But of course..I'm taking my laptop. But my friend has computer...and no wireless... so I'll have to kick her ass off and that might not be easy. But I'll find time everyday to check. Hmmmm can I use a splitter so I can jump in on her DSL connection? What do I need to buy? hee

sooooooooooooooo I'm the only one up eh?

Yay looks like did a round with the print media folks...

Feet of Clay? Not for Aiken, who's proved to be a malleable singer, Broadway actor

Mary Colurso - Birmingham News

The conversation starts with a subject that might be considered trivial, but is of great interest to Clay Aiken's fans.

His hair.

His newly blond hair, to be exact. You can see it on the cover of Aiken's next CD, "On My Way Here," and in his most recent publicity photos. The color catches the light and shimmers with golden highlights.

And why not? The singer's geek-to-chic transformation was part of the reason he did so well on the 2003 season of "American Idol," coming in a close second to Birmingham's Ruben Studdard.

Most of the credit should go to Aiken's voice, of course -- the way his clean, clear tenor flowed through pop hits such as "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

Looks and personality do matter, however.

In the five years since he graduated from reality TV, Aiken has developed his balladeer voice through recordings, concerts and TV appearances. At the same time, he has polished his wholesome-yet-trendy style.

So, the hair. Why go from dark to light, and why now?

"Oh, who knows?" Aiken says, laughing.

But when pressed a little, he graciously considers the question and offers a self-deprecating story. Seems that Aiken had decided to grow out his spiky 'do after "Idol," but had gained weight the first time he tried it and thought his face looked huge.

"So, I thought, let's try it again," he says. "Dark hair made me look old, I thought, and I wanted to get young."

Aiken, 29, jokes that he doesn't even remember his original hair color, anyway. Maybe, he says, he's simply trying to cover up the gray.

That's pretty much how it goes throughout an 11-minute interview. Aiken's at ease, in charge, poking fun at himself and not taking the personal stuff too seriously.

He's on the phone to spread the word about his new disc, which comes out May 6 on the RCA label. But in a series of brief chats with reporters, which are lined up like dominoes that morning, Aiken is willing to deviate from the script.

He's wearing a wig in the role of Sir Robin in "Monty Python's Spamalot," Aiken says, but that's no big deal. He'll leave the Broadway musical on May 4, just in time to promote his CD, and says it wasn't too difficult to develop a British accent for the show. Aiken demonstrates that accent for a sentence or two, using a low-key murmur with a humorous edge. He doesn't get manic or "Python" silly -- no squawks of "what?" or shouts of "shrubbery!" -- but perhaps he's saving his voice for that night's curtain.

His time in "Spamalot," Aiken says, has been "phenomenal, without question," and has subtly changed his ideas about performing.

"Did I know how to be on stage? Sure. But this gives you a whole different perspective," he says. "It's just been a different experience for me. I'm sure I'll be slightly sentimental in a couple of weeks, when I have to leave. But I won't cry."

Aiken, after all, is likely to step right into a media blitz for "On My Way Here." It's his first album of freshly minted songs since 2003's "Measure of a Man" -- he released a Christmas CD and a covers disc in the meantime -- and Aiken says he selected its 12 tracks carefully.

They include "Ashes," "The Real Me," "As Long as We're Here," "Everything I Don't Need" and the title song, chosen as the initial single.

"I listened to the lyrics first," Aiken says. "Of course, I was looking for a good melody, not some kind of artsy thing I couldn't sing. But the lyrics had to be great. This time, I was much more aware of them."

For "Measure of a Man," Aiken says, producers tried to "fit a square peg in a round hole." They chose material for a radio niche and asked him to fit his voice and talents to it. That CD went double platinum, but its commercial success didn't bring him real artistic satisfaction.

"If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream," Aiken says. "I did that on my first album, to my detriment."

Songs feel right to him, Aiken says, "when you don't have to think about it, when you don't have to try. It's organic and easy. You don't need to stretch."

He and executive producer Jaymes Foster convinced RCA to accept one simple goal, Aiken says: "To find songs I could do beautifully and do well."

No oldies. No dance tunes. No R&B crossover.

"Let's face it," he says. "I'm not right for something like 'SexyBack.' For Justin Timberlake, OK. For Clay Aiken, no."

ETA: heee still up..1:26.. almost done packing..hair dyed or should I say colored hee.. I'm wide awake. This is going to kill me tomororw.

We are about as organized as a I don't know what... keep your eyes here for closing night info... we will do something.... and we'll figure it out in the next few days. If you're in NYC on Sunday, April 27th I know we're going to meet somewhere between matinee and evening show. First one to post a restaurant wins. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: off to wash dishes...

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"If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream," Aiken says.


"Let's face it," he says. "I'm not right for something like 'SexyBack.' For Justin Timberlake, OK. For Clay Aiken, no."

:cryingwlaughter: God, I love him. I really, really do. I hope this finally drives home that last year's medley was in jest. Not him saying "I want to sing cool songs, too" like I've read on occasion.

Seriously.........this is the perfect thread title:

If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream :)

Woo hoo to all you people leaving for NYC today. One more week to go for me!

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Good Morning Everyone,

3 Days until Clay is on QVC!

5 Days until Clay is on Tyra!

6 Days until VH1 Couuntdown!

9 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

11 Days until On My Way Here is Here!

12 Days until Clay is on GMA!

13 Days until Clay is on The View!

17 Days until Clay is on Leno!

20 Days until The Climmel!

24 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson!

Everyone have a great day!


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OMG, you're leaving tomorrow? Are you taking a computer?

But of course..I'm taking my laptop. But my friend has computer...and no wireless... so I'll have to kick her ass off and that might not be easy. But I'll find time everyday to check. Hmmmm can I use a splitter so I can jump in on her DSL connection? What do I need to buy? hee

sooooooooooooooo I'm the only one up eh?

Hmmm you could buy a wireless router and travel with it OR leave it there (if you visit frequently). My stepson teases me all the time about travelling and buying routers for various family and friends so that I don't have to worry about kicking them off their computers, but can use mine. :whistling-1:

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