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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Bwah ha ha . The one thing Clay wants us to know about his album....where to buy it!

Wow, what a great interview! I just sat here with an idiotic grin on my face through the whole thing (ok, I might have LOL too at all the "poo my pants" parts). I love all these interviews he's giving! Add those to my previous post about the internet promotion and excitement generated. :)

OK, I am REALLY going to pick up dinner now. And run some errands. Really.

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I have not caught up, but I had to post and throw kisses :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Playbiller. My poster arrived today, safe and sound, and I adore it. The PayPal eCheck just cleared today, so that means she trusted me.


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Bwah ha ha . The one thing Clay wants us to know about his album....where to buy it!

OK, I'll bite...where are you guys seeing anything to do with Clay on this page? I can't find it!!! :cry4:


Bwah ha ha . The one thing Clay wants us to know about his album....where to buy it!

Oooooo! Pretty chestnut AMA hair!!!

I miss pretty chestnut AMA here!

ETA: berkely posted this at the CH:

Check out the listings on Clay's MySpace.

May 6 2008 8:00P

Satellite Media Tour 10022

May 7 2008 8:00A

Good Morning America 10022

May 8 2008 8:00P

The View 10022

May 9 2008 8:00A

CW 11 Morning News 10022

May 9 2008 8:00P

ABC Nightline NEW YORK

May 9 2008 8:00P

The Today Show 10022

May 12 2008 8:00P

Tonight Show with Jay Leno NEW YORK

May 16 2008 8:00A

Rachel Ray NEW YORK

May 16 2008 8:00P

Jimmy Kimmel Live NEW YORK

May 20 2008 8:00P

Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson

Ok, Nightline? Nightline? Now THAT'S cool!!

Jimmy Kimmel Live - from NY?

The Today Shwo at 8PM??

And what is "Satellite Media Tour"?

Good Lord!! The boy's tryin' ta kill himself! Holy Toledo!

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Bwah ha ha . The one thing Clay wants us to know about his album....where to buy it!

OK, I'll bite...where are you guys seeing anything to do with Clay on this page? I can't find it!!! :cry4:

Video screen, top right hand corner.

Okay, I just received an email with the subject line "Knights Dressing Room Sale" and had all sorts of thoughts go through my head before I realized that it wasn't talking about the Knights in Spamalot. :cryingwlaughter: Our local hockey team is the London Knights. Ooops. :whistling-1:

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FromClaygary, there should be a picture of Clay at the top right hand side of that page. Click on that, watch the advertisement first, and then listen to Clay talk and talk and talk and talk. And talk. And then some more.

What? You mean no "Crawdad Song?" I'm crushed. I was hoping that was going to be the supra sekrit bonus track.

Heh. He only asked for each of us to buy 6 copies. He's so considerate of us all -- no more 7 copies, just 6. He knows there's a recession!

And the Tony Award for Best Pooing in Pants goes to....Clay Aiken!

I've loved all these interviews from him. I'm so glad he's saying that he really liked ATDW, and that he really likes this new album as well.

He's so freakin' good.

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I'm pretty happy with the interviews and reviews.

I'm feeling good about this!

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OK, I'll bite...where are you guys seeing anything to do with Clay on this page? I can't find it!!! :cry4:

It took me a few times, looking around to find it, too!

I *love* him!!! :flirtysmile3:

Off to finish packing!

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"I learned I could stretch a lot farther than I thought I could."

:hubbahubba: Sounds kinda smutty.

ETA: Hey, it turns out that I've actually heard of the Crawdad Song, I just didn't know that's what it was called.

Now to get it out of my head... :songstuckinhead: Anybody know of any good new CDs coming out soon?

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I'm going to weigh in with my opinion of reviews and then bow out of it -- at least for a while.

In the new era, the new music paradigm, music critics are totally irrelevant whether they love it, hate it, or feel it's a mixed bag, because the music buying public is on the internet -- and if I'm interested in somebody's album I'll listen to samples at iTunes, Real, Amazon, etc. -- or listen to the whole album on Rhapsody. I don't have to take the word of anybody anymore. No one else does either. Music critics have expired. Their "sell by" date was the 20th Century.

Most excellent point. Why take someone else's opinion when it's so easy to hear for yourself. And given that some of them don't seem to listen to much of it (if any!) anyway, I'd say the snippets you hear on iTunes, etc. are probably better than their opinion! And when some can't seem to stick to evaluating the music but go for cheap shots on just about everything else, their written word is not worth my time....

I'm pretty happy with the interviews and reviews.

I'm feeling good about this!


Have a blast all you NYC'ers!!!

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Muski here, posing as Claygasm! Woo H oo, I made it. And I've been catching up and reading and listening to Clay talk about the Crawdad Song and pooing his pants and whatnot and I tell you what... :DoClay: He's sooooo freakin' CUTE!

Oh and I read Ansa's post waaaay back there and got so excited!

He wants to build his own body of work.

Whoa, mama! You mean he's finally started to hit the gym? :lilredani:

keepingfaith...I FLOVE this quote of yours!

In the new era, the new music paradigm, music critics are totally irrelevant whether they love it, hate it, or feel it's a mixed bag, because the music buying public is on the internet -- and if I'm interested in somebody's album I'll listen to samples at iTunes, Real, Amazon, etc. -- or listen to the whole album on Rhapsody. I don't have to take the word of anybody anymore. No one else does either. Music critics have expired. Their "sell by" date was the 20th Century.

And like Iseeme, I'm totally floored by the semi-decent treatment that SFGate gave Clay Aiken! :o My recollection is that this geographical area's 'critics' have been only one step above PH and the swamp creatures.

Legs? Clay's got great, strong, long legs. And I'm gonna believe that this CD will, too. I'm not actually very invested in how great the first week sales are, as I've said, because it's not all that great an indicator of long-term success, if you ask me. ATDW sold over 200,000 the first week, just second behind Timberlake, but...er....then, well.... :whistling-1: So I'm gonna cruise with Clay this time around...while he's literally sitting around this summer and enjoying some rest and family and friends 'downtime', I'm going to chill with him figuratively and just...

LET IT BE.....

Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is NYC and I wanna meet some new FCA peeps! (Oh, and of course, re-meet some 'old' ones, too...heh.)

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Looks like NYC is the place to be for those appearances.


From noodlegirl/ CV- Clay and Hannah hugging #41

Here are more photos from EB...Clay's in photos 31 (backstage w/Hannah & Harvey Fierstein), 41 (cheek to cheek w/Hannah), & 42 (singing with Hannah)



From one singer girl/ CB

Clay and Hannah pictures.

Tags : None

enjoy !



From Clayreno/CB Spamalot preshow.

Pre-show iPhone brief-

Unbelievable!now the line to get in is up infront of Juniors.Behold the power of Aiken.

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Everyone in NYC....have a great and safe time, and please blow Clay a kiss for me.


Pictures from the Broadway Cares event. Clay's in pictures 31 (Clay, Hannah, and Harvey Fierstein), 41 (Clay and Hannah in a NICE hug *g*) and 42 (Clay and Hannah on stage).

merryclay beat me! But -- that second link in your post doesn't work for me! Can you fix please?!?!?!?!?!?!

Nebbermind. Here is the corrected link for Contact Music

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muski again here...

I'm sure we WILL have a good time, ldyjocelyn, but really...there was no need for you to tell me to

please blow Clay

Surely you know that is already on my list of hawtsingermen :tongue09: "things to do".... :kiss:

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I, too, am being optimistic about the first week sales. Yes, cd sales are down, but I think Spamalot and the internet presence will make up for that. HDD comes out on Monday, I think. They are not always correct, but have a fairly good record.

If the label sees radio play in this cd, then I think they will support it. I think the stuff that's happening later, like Rachel Ray and Paula Deen are for the rockin' second single to be released in summer. Who knows what else is coming... the man likes to keep things quiet.

I'm sure he wants and needs some time off to watch the grass grow, but I don't believe that will be months, but rather weeks. Tour this summer, nope, but something. JMHO!

He gets his income from touring and merchandise, so a tour will come and I join those who believe they'll give this cd a chance to grow so he can get better attendence.

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I, too, am being optimistic about the first week sales. Yes, cd sales are down, but I think Spamalot and the internet presence will make up for that. HDD comes out on Monday, I think. They are not always correct, but have a fairly good record.

If the label sees radio play in this cd, then I think they will support it. I think the stuff that's happening later, like Rachel Ray and Paula Deen are for the rockin' second single to be released in summer. Who knows what else is coming... the man likes to keep things quiet.

I'm sure he wants and needs some time off to watch the grass grow, but I don't believe that will be months, but rather weeks. Tour this summer, nope, but something. JMHO!

He gets his income from touring and merchandise, so a tour will come and I join those who believe they'll give this cd a chance to grow so he can get better attendence.


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Good evening - back from chasing a little white ball all over a bunch of grass. It's a stupid game but fun.

Ohhhh- I like the new t-shirt! Verra verra nice!

I remember having high hopes for the first week sales of ATDW. I guess maybe we're just a little shy about hoping for too much - but I DO hope for much, much, much.

Wasn't Clay supposed to be on Access Hollywood tonite? Must go back and find the listing.

Loved the ABC interview. It seems like Clay is a little bit more forthright and open than he has been in the past. Maybe I'm imagining it. It just seems like we're getting alot more information than usual!

Waiting for reports from Spam. It's 10:30 so they're either waiting for him to come out or he's signing.....

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I, too, am being optimistic about the first week sales. Yes, cd sales are down, but I think Spamalot and the internet presence will make up for that. HDD comes out on Monday, I think. They are not always correct, but have a fairly good record.

If the label sees radio play in this cd, then I think they will support it. I think the stuff that's happening later, like Rachel Ray and Paula Deen are for the rockin' second single to be released in summer. Who knows what else is coming... the man likes to keep things quiet.

I'm sure he wants and needs some time off to watch the grass grow, but I don't believe that will be months, but rather weeks. Tour this summer, nope, but something. JMHO!

He gets his income from touring and merchandise, so a tour will come and I join those who believe they'll give this cd a chance to grow so he can get better attendence.

Absolutely agree.

In the absence of any serious personal circumstances, (and it would have to be extreme) there is no way Clay could not or would not make himself available for the kind of publicity schedule that is a prerequisite for the release of a new album. It is part and parcel of the business, it goes without saying. The break he takes will be what he needs to do immediately to recharge his batteries before he embarks on promoting his new CD. I have no doubt about that. Those are obligations he has to his record company, but besides any obligations, Clay has always demonstrated how meticulous and conscientious he is about everything he does, especially when it affects others. He would already have a gruelling schedule that is kept under wraps for now. I am counting on being able to download lots of new clack this year.

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Claytonic - I tend to agree with you. I wouldn't doubt that he's taking some time off - but I keep hoping there's a plan in the works that he's just not ready to talk about yet. Found the online Billy Bush interview. Billy actually asked some okay questions. I especially liked the questions about Paxil and I think Clay did a very good job of explaining the whys and wherefores. It IS right for some people at certain times. All in all I think the interviews have been pretty good! (I am still in a state of shock over SFGate. Maybe that writer was new! Bwaahaha.)

Having been gone all day I may have missed this but didn't someone say yesterday that predictions would come out today based on shipment?

And now he's down to 4 more performances.....

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