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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Carrie!!!! And what a cool gift - a star!!! Is it called the Muskifest star? Do you get to name it or is it your real name?

Just played the Friday Night Scramble (silly golf game, but fun) and the restaurant we usually go to afterwards is closed. Whoever heard of restaurants closing on the 4th of July. Hmph! So it's me, the two Siameezers and the big yellow dog spending the 4th together. :cocktail: Time for the adult in the group to have a cold beverage and a potato chip or 40.

No fireworks within 100 miles of here - which is good because the dog doesn't fit under my bed!!!

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Well I decided just because I'm home alone doesn't mean I can't have real food so I made a "traditional" 4th of July dinner and now am catching up on my DVR'ed shows....Design Star and Next Food Network star.

Today was really the first day that I had a chance to just really listen to OMWH..oh yeah I've listened at work...it's going all day there...but you know how that is..you aren't giving it your full attention. I loved repeating songs over and over and even the songs on the bottom of my list, like Weight of the World, I have an entirely new appreciation for. This album is great from top to bottom.

Muski... yay for Carrie and the team. Sounds like a great birthday present in more ways than one.

I haven't gotten my Music Pass yet. I'll try to track one down tomorrow. This is only at Target right?

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YAY Carrie!!!!!!!


What a cool way to spend your birthday, muski! Better than last year I bet! ;):whistling-1:

I thought all day about commenting on the topic du jour. Consequently, the subject has passed, but since I am used to always being late I thought what the hell! So here are my thoughts. Scroll at will.

The following is my opinion and my opinion only and is not meant to represent actual fact or the opinions of FCA, its member or its lurkers, or anyone else on the planet earth.

I do think there may be a bit of a double standard on this board where those who tend to only see goodness and light (and there is NOTHING wrong with that!) are pretty much allowed to say whatever they want any way they want and get away with it. Those of us who sometimes express something not goodness and light (and there is NOTHING wrong with that - and it isn't always doom and gloom) are not given as much leeway. But perhaps that is just my perception based on my experience, so I could be wrong and probably am.

I do know this board does defend its members when there are attacks on them. I do know this board defends the right to state your opinion, no matter how it may differ from the majority. I have benefited from that kind of defense in the past. The hardest call to make, I would assume, is where do you draw the line (Oooo, I think there is a pretty great song with a name like that!). When does a disagreement of opinion become a personal attack? I mean, unless a poster states things like "You are an asshole and a bitch" directly to a poster, it can be hard to tell. There was a post made to me following my post of a few days ago that I saw as a personal attack - and I thought it was CLEARLY an attack on the poster (me) not on the post. Others didn't see it that way. After days of trying to work out how I feel about this, I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to the poster since there has never been any hostility between us in the past. I could be wrong. Maybe she did mean it exactly as it sounded to me and if she did, oh well. What can you do! I'll live! Its only a post on a message board. And anyone who knows me knows it will take a lot more than that to drive me away!

Aren't you all so happy about that? <snark>

But I digress. My point (and yes I do have one somewhere.....) is the written word is a great communication tool, but it is also one that is very hard to master. You don't hear inflections in a voice, or see someone's face. The emotions help, but not always. And when time can pass between a post and a response, it isn't easy to go back and say "What did you mean by that?". Even PMing can be difficult. And then people get defensive if a post of theirs was misinterpreted because they see nothing wrong with what they said and the way they said it. For the life of them they can't see why anyone would be hurt or offended by their post so they get their backs up at the criticism. Its just hard.

But we are all adults here (even if we don't all act like we are all the time...). I think we are all intelligent. We should be able to deal with things and work things out among ourselves without any Big Brother interference. I have never posted on an ink infested board. I doubt I would last long on one, nor do I want to be on such a board. The mods and admins here will scold when they deem it necessary and they will defend when they deem it necessary - sometimes publicly and probably more often by way of PM. But for the most part, they let the board members duke it out among themselves. Personally, that works for me, even when I don't think they are treating everyone fairly. They probably are treating everyone fairly. Again, it is probably just my perception that they aren't. And they are being consistent and I love that.

I know that kind of thing, that almost self-moderation, doesn't work for everyone. Some people seem to like more rules, more structure. I think this kind of board throws much more responsibility to the members, and sometimes that is more work for us.

For me, its worth it. For others it might not be.

For the newbies I say give it a try and hang in there. Things do have a way of moving on around here sooner or later. I think sometimes things get worse when Clay disappears and/or when there is something upsetting or controversial hanging in the air (in this case, the Rumor-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named). But when you haven't been through some of the ebbs and flows of this board before, you may not realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It may just be worth hanging in there until you see it. And it may not. But I do think you should give it a chance.

There is no perfect board out there - not even FCA. Just like there is no perfect man - not even Clay. You just have to give yourself time to see the good and the bad before deciding if the good outweighs the bad enough to make it worth your time. What I find works for me is to step away for awhile until things get back on a more even keel, or to just scroll past the posts that irritate me - although I have been known to duke it out once in awhile.... :whistling-1: Anyway, as with anything in life, you have to take the good with the bad. For me at least, even at its worse, FCA is better than any other board I have been a part of or read in my somewhat limited experience. Even though at times I want to scream or I just do not understand why things are happening the way they are, even when I want to tell a poster or two to fuck off, when all is said and done I enjoy it here. A lot. I came here at a time the board moved at a snail's pace and the mods/admins out numbered the members. That was just 3 years ago. Growth is exciting, but it can also be hard.

Hmmmmm. Growth is exciting but it can also be hard............ For some reason, this picture just popped into my mind.... JBTDarienLakes1049cpants2.jpg

And now I have totally lost my train of thought...........................

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How cool that you now have your own star, muski. My BIL bought my MIL a star for her 80th birthday. It was kind of like "What the hell else does an 80 year old woman need?" It was a really thoughtful gift, though and she loved it.

ALAWAH is one of my least favorite songs on the CD. **ducks and runs for cover** I think the timing and the phrasing are odd, especially in the bridge. It reminds me of someone stumbling down the stairs. I know that sounds really, really weird. I love the idea of it, and the sentiment behind the lyrics.

Did you know that you can put Bacardi Orange in a glass of sweet tea and make a refreshing Independence Day beverage? My kids had some friends over tonight, there was a little fireworks 'mishap' and they nearly had a brawl going in the front yard with the passengers of a passing car. If that doesn't call for a stiff drink I don't know what does.

I can't wait for the fireworks to be over so I can go to bed.

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Yeah, that's one of the more perfect depictions of Clay, I believe. :Thud:

Oh..at Chevy's I got the 'birthday' song and sombrero that is a trademark of that franchise...fun. And I drank two HUGE frozen margaritas...and had a great time. But I remembered something I wanted to comment on---Couchie, you posted some time before about having seen a PBS show about Natalie Wood. I saw that.

I also watched the one afterwards about Judy Garland. And near the end, the commentators kept talking about Judy's unique relationship with her audiences---how her stage presence and command of a stage, the feeding back and forth between her and the audience's energy, her seemingly inexhaustible energy ON stage--even when she was sick or under the influence of the pills, etc.--was all incredible, memorable, "one of a kind". They kept talking about her amazing legacy as an entertainer with a voice that emoted both power and vulnerability and could elicit both awe and love.

And all I could do was nod and think of another person whose stage presence and talent is worthy of legendary status in entertainment history. I really believe that eventually Clay could be appreciated as another one of these legends. He's just got it. Hopefully, he'll have the chance to reach more and more people who can enjoy him.

However, if he's looking like he is in that last picture, he should give a personal performance for my enjoyment only.

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I've been in the Aiken Fog today reliving my first time ever to see Clay Aiken, one year ago tonight in Frisco. After all is said and done, that one will always be my favorite. I still can't believe my good fortune to end up right in front of the stage for my first taste of the magic. And it was magical.

Nobody can take away from me that this was the first song I ever heard Clay sing live, and I'll never doubt he looked right at ME. It was an electrically charged thrill of a lifetime to be there that evening. I can still feel the fireworks bouncing from Clay's whole being and making my eyes twinkle. His were on fire. The man just makes girls and grown women scream, that's all.

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Happy Independance Day!!!


Happy Capitol 4th 2004 YouTube!




Cotton... I really enjoyed watching the Capital 4th again. I freakin' loved that appearance, especially GBTUSA! Great song and he does it greatly!

Topic de jour....After 5 years in this fandom; I am still trying to figure out how to write something without pissing someone off...interpretation...that is always the bottom line...can't tell you how many times I have written something intending it to be snarky and gotten told I was being sarcastic. Sometimes you just write something without even thinking that someone may take it the wrong way or interpret it in a way you didn't intend. I find that I have really pulled back from posting because it gets tiring constantly defending your posts.

That is the problem with having lots of guidelines...those guidelines are open to interpretation and frankly I am not a mind reader and and it is no fun to post when you have to try and figure out how an admin is going to interpret something.

One of the reasons I like FCA is that we can post, disagree and move on and I don't have to feel like there is an admin sitting on my shoulder at all times...I may not post a lot here either, but I enjoy reading and the conversations are always interesting without all the drama and teeth-gnashing that goes on elsewhere.

You really do have to have a thick skin to post on message boards and learn not to take things personally and sometimes just agree to disagree...but it is good to have varying opinions because it makes you think.


aikim... I like your posts. I was cleaning up a pile of printed out stuff today and I found your post you made at the OFC that Clay responded to. That was one fine post! I hope Clay remembers it, since a lot of posts over there were not so good about IIU, IIU.

A little note about freedom of speech seems particularly appropriate today.

While I find the opinions of some people tiresome--and I'm sure NO ONE feels that way about my opinions (LOL)--the one good thing about this place is i don't have to suffer in silence, and some bitch moderator with green ink doesn't get to decide whose opinion fits the party line or what topics are fit to discuss or what news is board-acceptable. I think the ability for people to freely express their opinions probably does drive the fringe lunatics away because they don't have impunity to spew nonsense without consequences. I consider that a bonus.

I also suppose that if people get a sense of self-worth from people agreeing with them or are very sensitive if people disagree with them, this might not be the right board for them--but there are lots of boards to choose from.

I personally think we are blessed to have this board. I love it here. I love the board family--even the ones I disagree with. I'm happy to see new names popping up and new perspectives.

And--just on general principles--I love Clay.

wanda... WORD

Bombs should not be tossed in the the PM messenger.

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Oh Lordy, this made me think of Brother Maynard!

Oh Lord, bless this thou holy PM that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy. Then the Lord spake saying first shalt thou type up the holy PM then shall thou count to three. Three being the number which thou shalt count, then thou shalt click 'send', lobbying the holy PM towards thy foe who have been naughty in my sight shall snuff it.

BW... BWAH!!! that was verra verra niiice! Funny, too! :cryingwlaughter:

And definitely not trying to one-up the deer stories because I can't think of anything better than deer in the backyard but, this morning, I got a picture of a moose that was hanging out in ours. Boy, those are some ugly animals. Quite strange that all that lumpy weight can effortlessly clear a 6 foot fence.

I always figured God was trying to design the horse when he made the moose...it is definitely an "oops" animal. No idea what He had in mind when He made the lobster?? They're both good eating though, so maybe that was the intention all along.

Hmmm, nope, never used a penis to install a doorknob (aren't penises usually attached to jar openers?). I have used an electric drill to remove a cork from a bottle though, (in keeping with my earlier wine theme) and impressed the hell outta my host and hostess. Motto..always make sure to take a corkscrew with you if you're giving wine as a gift.

Clay content...I must rememer this if I ever visit Clay. I'm sure he doesn't have a corkscrew...and probably not an electric drill either. However, he does have a penis, which I'm sure has plenty of good uses... I bet he can open jars! :hubbahubba: !

Claymatron... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I agree with you both about moose. U.G.L.Y. Scary, too!

I will say that I changed the locks on my doors after my ex-husband moved out and it was the first mechanical thing I had ever done and it took me quite a while, but I was soooo proud of myself! It most likely would have gone faster if I'd have known I needed to find a penis first! :cryingwlaughter:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, muski!!! So neat about the game and Carrie's part in rallying the team. A coming from behind win is so much fun!!! Congrats on the star! You can show it to me the next time we meet, ok? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

kf... you must have been soooo excited! I remember the first time I saw him... IT Vegas when he made that awesome entrance singing Kyrie! Still one of my favorite songs! Happy Anniversay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Gahhhhhhhhhhh - my ears are bleeding. Gavin DeGraw singing the Star Spangled Banner. I think George Washington and a host of other presidents just turned over in their respective graves. That was damn near sacriligious.

kf - great video. Was it the lighting or were his eyebrows extremely light? I love how he was smiling and pointing to the audience. He must have known it was your FIRST TIME.

Nice post CG.......

:013085001176249046: but the rest of him is kind of yummy, too!!!!! Sometimes I fear for his zippers.

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kf... you must have been soooo excited! I remember the first time I saw him... IT Vegas when he made that awesome entrance singing Kyrie! Still one of my favorite songs! Happy Anniversay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Liney, KF, the first time I saw Clay was AI2 Sacramento and I still have no recollection of him rising up out of the floor for TITN. Yep, the first time is always so special. I so believe in the Aiken fog.... just like my m&g..I had to see the picture before I realized he had on glasses. I didn't even see them, just his eyes, which I personally think is his very best feature.

ETA: ooh thanks for the picture Iseeme. AI2 Sac..I remember having a camera and trying to take pictures from that show. It was a first and last attempt for me. I couldn't concentrate on the man and the photos SUCKED so bad anyway. So thanks to all of you who preserve these concerts for the rest of us.

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Iseeme, that photo is hot! Was Sacramento the night he did a little bit of a strip tease?? The photo also reminds me of the short, hawt clip we have of him doing air drums while standing in that spot.

Hey, no one said the Broads' next video challenge is up. Current link: http://lbfca.diaryland.com/. This is a tough one for a different reason, as neither of these is a favorite of mine. The first is AI, Buttercup. He's in fine voice and he looks real fine--I think my indifference might have something to do with pretty much hating the song back when it was an original. The other choice is OMWH from Kimmel. By contrast with BMUB, his voice was a bit weak, and it wasn't my favorite "look" of OMWH promo appearances, but what I do love about this performance is the "look" of the whole. In contrast to the bare stage and cheesy backdrop of AI, on Kimmel he had a large group of musicians with him, the background was pretty, the crowd was engaged, and the lights playing over the crowd add to the feeling of them being under his spell. Best of all is the shot towards the end of the guy singing along, knowing all the words, and totally into it. Love that. So OMWH gets my vote.

Incidentally, IIRC, Buttercup is a favorite of KAndre's. (But we are both madly appreciative of Everlasting Love.) There's a website called whatnottosing.com that has been running some interesting evaluations of AI performances, based on published comments and non-partisan internet posts, compiled via a formula only they understand. They have Buttercup as Clay's best performance of all, and it is tied with some others as one of the 4th best performances of the show, ever! I think it's also Clay's highest on EW's greatest Idol performances ever list. So I'm definitely nearly alone in not loving this one.

In case you're curious, Clay's other performances in the top 40 are #11 (tie) Solitaire, #16 (tie) DLTSGDOM, and TLS, #35 (tie).

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To me the wonder of Butter cup was the way he came out and owned the stage like no other contestant on that show since. It was a polished professional performance. His confidence was so strong, I could physically feel it. The perfomance was a blur, but the confidence hit me in the face.

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To me the wonder of Butter cup was the way he came out and owned the stage like no other contestant on that show since. It was a polished professional performance. His confidence was so strong, I could physically feel it. The perfomance was a blur, but the confidence hit me in the face.

Totally agree, he just burst on that stage. WOW

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I voted for AI Buttercup. I agree with the confidence factor mentioned by play. His vocals were spot on, and he had energy, confidence and charisma to spare. Fantastic performance! And he looks positively edible, too.

Muski, sounds like you've had a great birthday! YAY for Carrie re-energizing the team with her great plays! And how utterly cool that she named a star for you. Sometimes I think our teenagers appreciate us a whole lot more than they're willing to let on.

I typically don't really enjoy 4th of July fireworks. It's usually hot and crowded, and I've seen lots of great fireworks before. But my daughters really wanted to go, so I put away my bahhumbug attitude and went. And had fun! We found a nice place to sit on a hill without too many people, right next to the location of the fireworks. And the cool thing is that we could see three sets of major fireworks displays from that location! It was cool. Course the traffic afterwards was awful, but it was worth it to have fun with our daughters.

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The photo also reminds me of the short, hawt clip we have of him doing air drums while standing in that spot.

He did airdrums that night but I'm really not sure if that's the clip. When I saw him doing airdrums it was very clear to me that the man has rhythm and just needed confidence. He was so damn cute....just kind of doing his own thing, dancing and doing his air drums, moving those shoulders - feeling the beat. He absolutely OWNED that stage that night. Strutting up and down singing Invisible with the Sacramento Kings jersey hanging down to his knees. Everyone else on that Idol tour were just props....including poor Ruben who was sick. I can't remember if it was Sacramento or a few nights later in San Jose that Ruben didn't come out on time and Clay just kept singing and looking behind him (when they're dressed in all white and it's Ruben, Clay and Charles...I think! But can't remember the song...)

Buttercup was something else. Not a big fan of the song but Clay was definitely totally in control when he sang it. I think people still thought of him as the skinny nerd who was undergoing the makeover....but the professionalism and the delivery was just great!!!! I do believe that's the night he became a force to be reckoned with!!! Wasn't that the song where Faye had some friends over and they were commenting about how sexy he looked and she reminded them that "ladies, that's my SON!" Hee.

Dead on my feet. Must get sleep. Goodnight everyone!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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It's BMUB for me and my favourite few seconds are from 57- 1.00 ..."waiting for you oo oo oo oo" So Yummy

I watched some of NBC's Macy's Fireworks tonight and was so entertained. I got a chuckle out of seeing smilie faces created from fireworks as well.

Oh My God! Claygasm that photo! My heart skipped a beat or two. Lordy give some warning next time. That 's a lot to take in for a woman whose been drinking wine and hasn't held a penis in her hand for over 5 years!

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kf, those are great pictures! He looks mighty fine, indeed! I'm really enjoying your memories of the night you fell for Clay. I can see how you'd fall for the hunk with the gorgeous voice, sexy moves and hilarious wit.
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Gosh, what are you all still up for? At this time, this board is usually empty.... except for me and any other foreign strays....


Did I tell you that this daughter of mine that I often refer to as the more challenging one also suprised me with a very unusual birthday present? She got a star named after me! So cool! I think she was more excited about showing me the cool chart of where it is in our Milky Way and an elaborate AUTHENTICATING CERTIFICATE! How verra, verra cool. I was a blubbering mess when I opened it...

Hey you have a great kid there Muski.... what a thoughtful, symbolic gift for a mother to receive. You must be so proud.

That actually makes me think too... I am not usually into gift-giving to artists.... I feel that supporting them and promoting them is the best gift I can ever give to any artist. However, since Clay is extra special and he has a land-mark birthday coming up, how about this board banding together to name a star after him for the occasion? I don't think it is soo soon to start planning.... and if there is be any kind of gesture made, I think a symbolic one is better than a materialistic one. (Thanks for the inspiration, Carrie Muskifest!)

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Clay is extra special and he has a land-mark birthday coming up, how about this board banding together to name a star after him for the occasion?

I think he already has a brighter star than anything in the heavens named after him ......

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