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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
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    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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A little research reveals that the writing test was initiated in 2005, after Jason had taken the test, so Jason's score would be 1340 out of 1600. Not as good as our residence geniuses, but really very good.

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Oh yeah, not denying that KLo can be a bitch - I just in general don't have an issue with occasional bitchiness - I think a charge of lack of integrity is major though. As for Jason, it probably doesn't help that I can't stand either his performances or style or his looks - just not my cuppa. And I have met more stupid "smart" people who brag on their SATs - if someone throws their SATs up as a defense that they're not stupid when they have done something stupid. I dunno - I tend not to be impressed with standardized tests as a good measure of intelligence as I've managed to buffalo my way through lots of 'em. Going on national television for a competition (even a reality competion) and saying that you didn't really practice and you aren't already the best at whatever you do just strikes me as something a stupid person would do.

Texas A&M? The Aggies rule! I went there right after high school. One of the top 25 public universities in the country, but especially good in engineering and veterinary science.

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As for Jason Castro, that article just reinforced my perception that he's not the brightest bulb. 1340 on his SATs? Dude, that is NOT bragging material - and I'm hoping he at least got that when they were still scoring the SATs as topping at 1600. If he got 1340 out of 2400, if I were him, I would just be quiet. (And so I practice what I preach, I scored 1499 back in 1979 - which was the 99.5 percentile back in the day). Let him lay out his GRE/LSAT/MCATs and see if he has anything to talk about. The "jump in the lake" thing was fine as a defensive remark (and I don't really see it as a diss) - but at least he know he DID come across as pretty damn dumb.

Ok, I could care less about Jason Castro. Kind of enjoyed him. Seemed like a nice guy, but other than that, don't care one way or the other.

BUT - SAT's are NOT a good indication of intelligence IMO. My SAT scores were TERRIBLE! They were lowers than Jason's. Yet my grades were excellent and my I.Q. is very high. Despite what some of you may think :imgtongue: I AM quite intelligent. But I don't test well. Actually, I probably would be better at the SATs today because they have an essay portion and I always did well on essay tests. But in general, I do not test well.

Maybe he isn't bright. I don't know. But I just wanted to point out that SATs are NOT a good indicator of intelligence.

Woke up Friday with a sore throat. Went out Friday night, talked too much, woke up yesterday with a sore throat and not feeling great. Sore throat went away by the time I went to bed. Woke up this morning feeling quite good, but sore throat is back and now I have no voice - or at least much of one! Weird.

Didn't we see a mic on Clay during at lest one other UNICEF trip - I think maybe Afghanistan?

Yup, it is here....


Yet we got nothing....

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I love K-Lo! Funny, Lucky, but I"m more disappointed in her music. She sings stuff aimed at any young pop princess and I was hoping for more jazz/blues/sould..one of them - the kind of stuff she sings in concert. I buy her albums anyway to support her. Don't care about the other stuff. Nobody's perfect. And when I think back to the tour stuff, if I was gonna find issue with anything it would be Clay fans..worst I've ever seen. I can actually wrap my mind around CLay's position and her defensiveness. Clay fan reaction? Nope.

So.... how about that Aiken fella, hmmm? Isn't he awesome?



very awesome. and CUTE too. Did we get any more Clay pictures besides the two we have from Somalia?

Yep, he sure is. Just watched the Broadway Cares/Equity For AIDs DVD again with my mom, and this time I watched the ending with all the award presentations. Very cool! I didn't realize it went on for so long, and Spamalot's 1st runner up presentation was saved until the very end, with the winner, Rent. I also hadn't seen the performance by the 104 year old dancer, that was pretty neat too! Mom enjoyed it.

oh yeah I really thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing although I hadn't seen most of the shows. I still "got" the jokes. yeah I totally enjoyed CLay and the cast of Spamalot coming in second.... so close to first place. Clay's number must be the number 2. Totally hilarious. One more night of poster selling and he would have made it!!

Claygasm..I agree with you on the testing. It's a skill to take a test and a whole bunch of other things go into it as well. ... doesn't mean I'm not bragging all over hte place because my lioness is in the 98% on her first standardized tests.

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Didn't we see a mic on Clay during at lest one other UNICEF trip - I think maybe Afghanistan?

Yup, it is here....


Yet we got nothing....

There was video from Afghanistan. That was where they showed him outside with a chalkboard going over the ABC's with the students, wasn't it?

So.... how about that Aiken fella, hmmm? Isn't he awesome?



very awesome. and CUTE too. Did we get any more Clay pictures besides the two we have from Somalia?

I think there are 6 total pictures so far from Somalia. The first one in the white pants/pink shirt, the two from the lovely banner above, two in the e-mail from Clay, and another when you go to the donation page.

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I think there are 6 total pictures so far from Somalia. The first one in the white pants/pink shirt, the two from the lovely banner above, two in the e-mail from Clay, and another when you go to the donation page.

oh thanks..I remember seeing them but they were so small. Did we ever get larger versions? My eyes are very very bad.

LOL they are making greens with hamhocks on the food network. hee. Don't think I've ever seen that.

deep friend deviled eggs? OH GOD. heee

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Oh yeah, not denying that KLo can be a bitch - I just in general don't have an issue with occasional bitchiness - I think a charge of lack of integrity is major though. As for Jason, it probably doesn't help that I can't stand either his performances or style or his looks - just not my cuppa. And I have met more stupid "smart" people who brag on their SATs - if someone throws their SATs up as a defense that they're not stupid when they have done something stupid. I dunno - I tend not to be impressed with standardized tests as a good measure of intelligence as I've managed to buffalo my way through lots of 'em. Going on national television for a competition (even a reality competion) and saying that you didn't really practice and you aren't already the best at whatever you do just strikes me as something a stupid person would do.

Texas A&M? The Aggies rule! I went there right after high school. One of the top 25 public universities in the country, but especially good in engineering and veterinary science.

Well there you go thats a connection with you. I do believe he is more naive with what this all meant to him rather than being stupid. Probably brought on by being young and not really immersed in the singing profession so was very inexperienced on how to play the reality TV game. I also think that he mentioned his SAT cos it is like a shortcut for a lot of people. As he said I think he realizes that he is creating a persona and it may be a good way of camouflaging himself.I think whats smart is that he is pretty aware that this is all happening and seems to know how to deal with that and not let it get to him. although it seem like the dumb comment from Klo did sting...hee

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muskifest, my oldest son lives in Portland. We visited in 2006. One of the fun things we did was got to Multnomah Falls and then the nearby fish hatchery. We stayed a few days at a McMennimen Brothers B&B where they make wine, beer and spirits . They had a few craftsmwn there too. Great food and amazing art on the walls and ceilings.

We hadn't been there since sometime in the ninties so we did the total touristy thing. He graduated from Reed College and other than a few years has lived there most of the time since college. He loves it as he doesn't need a car and can bicycle everywhere.

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Good Morning All,

Been gardening all morning; pruned the rose bushes, did some weeding; transplanted some irises and generally cleaned up...looks much better now.

It is beautiful here today; low humidty, about 80 degrees with a nice refreshing breeze. I actually sat outside when I was done and fell asleep in the lawn chair...good thing I always put on my sun tan lotion before I go outside.

So now, I am going to sit and watch the baseball game; Cubs/Giants.

Klo....just never liked her.

AI...haven't watched since season 2; so nothing to say about that.

Clay...love the guy; we backed a winner.


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Got into a philosophical argument about music with my son yesterday, before he headed off to camp overnight. He wants me to take him and his BFF to a concert at Darien Lake (Clay content) next month- a dual bill of Slipknot and Disturbed. (shudder) Being a person who likes to "rank" things, he asked me which of those two bands I liked better. When I told him I don't like either of them, he told me to name another singer that I like, besides Clay, and that he would tell me which one of them he liked better, even though he doesn't like their music. Then he told me that the only reason I don't like his music was because it's too "heavy", and that the singers swear a lot. I agreed that those are two of the reasons I don't like his music. This led to a discussion on whether there was any swearing in any of the music I listened to- and I had to admit that occasionally there was. This led to my searching for songs on youtube of some of the music I listened to "back in the day", for him to listen to. He cleared out of here pretty quickly, but I spent most of the rest of the afternoon pulling up old forgotten songs that I haven't listened to for years. It was fun.

OMG slipknot and disturnbed? hee they have songs on guitar hero...I just spent the last 15 minutes trying to finish stricken byy disturbed on medium level..got through ...barely. But that song is pretty cool...loved the rhythm and the melody. But tough one to pass on GH. I also remember the name slipknot but don;t recall the song and if I liked it. Playing guitar hero made me realize that I kinda like rock music...even some of the really heavy ones. I think at some point I was just conditioned to dislike heavy metal. Just like rap and hip hop...I just think I dislike them but when I give them a chance I end up liking quite a bit. Not going to play them on repeat though. Like even that girl on SYTYCD the other night...I really enjoyed the song. I understand the appeal of the lyrics somewhat...

Last evening, I went to the first non-Clay concert I have been to in years. My cousin and I decided on the spur of the moment to go to the Turning Stone Casino (more Clay content) to see Linda Eder. (I know that someone mentioned her name back when we were having the discussion about other artists we enjoy.) It's amazing what a totally different vibe there is surrounding a non-Clay concert. Granted, this is a small venue, and she's not a superstar performer, but it was a nice, low-key way to spend the evening. She has a beautiful voice, and it was a pleasant show- but no real excitement, anticipation, etc. Made me miss Clay all the more.

Linda Eder is like Josh Groban to me. I can respect that she has a good voice...and understand the appeal but for some reason she leaves me cold or uninterested.

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Well I wasn't trying to say Clay is Lyle. It isn't about Clay's promise. So I guess my point was that Lyle has made his own choices too, and still has a thriving career after twenty plus years. That his CD sales haven't been off the charts, but he's successful touring. That the record company perhaps hasn't been ideal, but he stayed with them. Self-limiting is one way of looking at it, but that sounds more like a fault. *shrug* It still makes me feel better about Clay. I do love my rose-coloured glasses.

I understood the point you were making and I agree with it. I LOVE Lyle Lovett – saw him here at the Ryman Auditorium probably 12 or so years ago. He’s extremely talented, does what he wants and is someone that I would consider successful (as would many people), even though he sells way below what Clay does. Most people know who he is and, if given the opportunity, will really like him. He’s got something…IT. You see it in concert.

Perspective is what it is – you look at someone like Lyle who has been doing what he wants for a zillion years and he considers himself successful. It’s all relative. Every time someone says Clay is “fading” or getting less successful – you can compare him to someone like Lyle Lovett. Maybe he’s not fading, maybe he’s finding his place, his groove. If Clay is happy, the way Lyle appears to be, then it ain’t all bad.

Oh crap - imagine her as a lawyer.............

I always thought you wanted someone LIKE that as a lawyer...someone not afraid to speak their mind, especially if they are fighting FOR you...but that's just me.

Although I agree that perhaps KLo ought to just temper her opinion a bit so that she doesn’t sound like a jealous shrew, I think that you *would* like her for a lawyer. I think she would probably make a very good one. But she ain’t a lawyer and she ain’t doing herself any favors, IMO. Jason – well, I thought he was darling, and very honest about how he felt about AI and he clearly could not (and didn’t want to) give interviews – the outtakes made that very clear. If you (KLo) say that Jason is dumb as a rock based on what you saw of him on AI, how can you complain about what people say about you? It’s the exact same thing – judging someone based on how they come off on TV. I would think she would know better and be a bit more diplomatic. The guys were responding to what she said about them, so it’s all fair. As for her relationship with Clay – I really don’t think that whole thing about the tour was that big a deal. Prior to then she’d always been a pretty staunch defender and it had to be very hard to be on that season and just get overwhelmed by screams of CLAY all the time. Talk about ego bruising. And she still has to deal with it even now. I guess I’m ambivalent about her over all.

That said – it was a VERY boring season of Idol. Even the season before, which had less actual talent (IMO) was way more FUN. Everyone who I usually talk to about AI asked me who I wanted to win and I really didn’t have an answer. I really didn’t care. There were many points along the season that I wondered why I was still watching. Might have been Castro’s pretty eyes. I can be very shallow. <g>

BTW, isn't it Michael JOHNS?

Bwah!! I KNEW there was something wrong with “Michael James” but I could not put my finger on what it was.

A little research reveals that the writing test was initiated in 2005, after Jason had taken the test, so Jason's score would be 1340 out of 1600. Not as good as our residence geniuses, but really very good.

I really liked the way Jason put it in that interview: “I’m a brilliant test taker” instead of “I’m really smart.” Mainly I like that recognition that a test score is not always a sign of intelligence or LACK of intelligence. I was a horrible test taker in high school and early undergrad, but as I got older I had less of a tendency to freeze up and panic (because my life would end if I didn’t get a decent grade) my grades and test scores improved dramatically. My profs were stunned when I carried a 4.0 in the first several quarters of grad school – only to be smashed by getting the second highest grade in the class in Geostatistics, which was a fucking B (F@#$ing misogynist – same guy always made comments about the women at field camp). As you can see, I am pissed off to this day, and this was 20+ years ago. There were five points separating me from the person above me, yet 15-20 points to the person below me (high grade in the class was a 78). And I got a B. I guess I should still be proud because numbers were always my hang up AND I’m dyslexic. At least, that’s what I tell myself. <g>

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You guys are awesome! Thanks annabear, liney23, cha cha trusty and couchie for suggestions on my upcoming paper. I will mull them over. And they'd probably lead to more insightfulness than my current idea which is "The Ubiquity of YouTube." heh Still, since I've received no less than 8 copyright infringement warnings over past week (primarily due to the lbfca video tournament) this might be a valuable topic for me to 'research.'...

cindilu2… I won’t “quote” that picture again, but GAH do I love that tasty color scheme of chartreuse and burnt umber! In fact, it makes me want to go redecorate my bedroom!...

As for K’lo, I like her fine. The only thing that’s ever really pissed me off about her was that long ago rather kindergarten-ish response/defense about the duo-tour. As for JC… he has a different sort of voice which I kind of enjoy when I’m in a laid back sort of mood. Other than that, I wouldn’t mind meeting up with him in a dark, or even bright, alley and either with or without the IQ…

Two questions:

Can anybody send me a link to a good “smiley” resource? I don’t have a very vast collection as I have never really been allowed to use them before. *g*

And also, what exactly do I have to do to rise above the rank of dog walker?.. thanks.

HeidiHo... WOW!

Oh yes... and cha cha trusty, I can never have enough of your wallpapers.

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Holy crap Heidi - we agreed on something. We actually both love Lyle Lovett!!! :whistling-1:

I think the best time I saw him in concert was at the Paramount Theater in Oakland (Clay content - JNT'06) It's an old art deco movie house and the floor is slanted toward the stage so you can't honestly get a bad seat - and the accoustics are great! Anyhoo - he kept tilting his guitar so it would shine in the eyes of the audience, and then he would have this very small giggle. And then a deadpan facial expression. He did it throughout the entire concert. By the end of the concert people were laughing hysterically! I also really, really like his backup singer Francine Henry. Her signature number is: Wild Women Don't Get The Blues! I think Francine has been with him for many, many years.

Putting on Cindilu's rose-colored glasses - and making a broad statement - it irks me that any performer feels the need to diss another performer. It's attention-getting behavior of a negative kind and completely not necessary. I always think these celebrity feuds are just for publicity....

As for Jason Castro - I thought he was kind of cute in a dreadlock sort of way, his voice was minimally interesting (Hallelujah was very good but his song choices kind of sucked....) but it was also painfully clear that he was out of his element on that show and he definitely was naive. But I don't think you should mistake shy and naive for stupid. He wasn't comfortable and that really came across. He'll probably never be heard from again after the Idol tour but somehow it almost seems like that will be okay with him. I forget who said it, but I never could get the Carly Smithson love either.... And David Archuleta always just squicked me out.

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So.... how about that Aiken fella, hmmm? Isn't he awesome?



Love Love Love the picture of him with the baby. Baby looks happy. Clay's paw is HUGE and he looks so contemplative. I believe that he has the teensiest beginnings of a smile. It's just such a great picture. Wonder where that man learned how to hold a baby so naturally. ALL his with baby pics show that he's very comfortable holding babies.

His younger cousins? DS loves children but I don't know if I've ever had the opportunity to see him with an infant.

We had some key limes left over at work so I'm making my first Key Lime Pie this afternoon!

DH loves KLP, so fingers crossed!


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GOOD NEWS! My mil was able to move back in to her house this morning. The fire had receded enough that CDF was allowing people back into their homes in her immediate area - cautionary, but they're back. She has alot of ash all over the yard and her garden is in bad shape from lack of watering and the heat and smoke, but all of that is nothing compared to what could have been. The fire is about 70% under control and the area that is still burning isn't near any residences. My son was in tears when he called to tell me. What a relief. California Department of Forestry will still be patrolling regularly and they told her to think about putting some of her valuables together "just in case!" Apparently it cooled down quite a bit and some humidity occurred overnight and that is prompting alot of optimism. So again, I thank you for all of your good wishes. I'll pass it on to mil that a very nice group of people on my Clay fan message board were thinking good thoughts for her!!! (she's a fan by the way! Listens to MCWL all year round)

ETA: Cotton - KLP is my most favoritest favoritest pie in the world!!! It's hard to find key limes here though but occasionally I splurge and get key lime juice from Williams-Sonoma.

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Actually we got quite a lot of video from Afghanistan, from Unicef (here on CU), from blurbs on the entertainment shows, and wasn't the 'I wanna ride a donkey' thing on Kimmel from Afghanistan also? So yep, I'm gonna keep hope for some from Somalia until it's beaten out of me!

I don't have much feeling one way or another on Kimberley. I liked her on Idol, I enjoy some of her songs, and I always thought she was gracious about Clay in interviews (like Ruben, she was inundated with Clay questions). I do believe they are friends, and I also believe that both she and Clay have hot tempers at times and maybe say things they might not have given the luxury of a message board and an edit key. I am continually grateful that not every stupid/inconsiderate/ill-timed thing I've ever uttered has been recorded for parsing judgement weaponry posterity. :whistling-1:

And considering the way Clay's words have been edited/twisted/completely made up at times in written interviews, I'm not prepared to hate on her for a throw-away comment like what was reported here.

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Good luck with the conference, Muski! I hope your energy holds out for everything you need to do.

I didn't watch AI7 at all. It just didn't hold my interest. Plus, there's always something to distract me from the TV with two teenagers in the house needing attention, a taxi driver, help with this or that drama, etc. etc.!

Iseeme, I'm so pleased for your mil! She must be so grateful to have her house and all of her belongings back. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

CG, thanks so much for posting this FANTASTIC pic! I love it with the heat of 1000 suns. SLURP!! And I hope your sore throat goes away!

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I remember the video from Afghanistan. Guess I was thinking bigger. I remember at the time thinking TV interview about it, a 60 minutes feature about it - stuff like that.

Can't help it. When I think of Clay, I think big!


Ooops! How did that get in here???? :whistling-1:

Iseeme - great news about your MIL!! Hope she gets to stay put!

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Want me to email you a slice???

You know Cotton, I bet if you got a little insulated box and packed it with dry ice I could be eating pie by tomorrow night!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Are we posting pretty pictures?

How about some Clay barefeet?


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taking some time out of the sun and found this on the spam site (long story on how I got there)



$5.00 Item #6996

HORMEL FOODS COLLECTOR'S EDITION SPAM® PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE IN HONOR OF MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT®. SPAM® WITH A TOUCH OF HONEY. GREAT TO EAT OR TO KEEP AS A COLLECTOR'S CAN.(Additional shipping charges will be added on orders of 3 or more cans of any flavor SPAM®. Sorry, we can not ship this product outside the USA.)

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Popping online for a short break. Ugh! Still working on things I thought I'd be done with by now.... <_<

Great news for your mil, Iseeme!

Lots of pretty pics of a pretty guy! :flirtysmile3:

:00003653: to kimiye! :balloons:

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