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#38: The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next thread title???

    • I love him. I want him to have a life.
    • Parker Foster Aiken, The little man is ... as loud as his daddy
    • Well, Yes, that is my baby, extended version
    • Clay creates family everywhere he goes.
    • "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"
    • Maybe Clay is holding that little guy on his chest, kissing his head. I don't care about anything else.
    • Yes, That Is My Baby or would Jack Black be coming after us for copyright infringement, LOL!
    • He's a Daddy! And that's just Joy on a Stick!

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He just doesn't feel he needs to show that hand every time some idiot asks

Well, djs, if it's his HAND somebody's asking Clay to show, then that person IS an idiot! :whistling-1: HAND? HAND? :rolleyes:

He may have already had a lover (Hannah?) on the side...

And on her back and on her front.......

:hubbahubba: Heh, CG.....don't forget 'on top' 'on bottom' 'against the wall'...

etc. :hubbahubba:

annabear---thanks for that picture! I just love seeing these signs of Clay's far-reaching effect on the Earth's population...

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From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

Hee! nothing to 'vote' for - just a little bit of a grin. It's strange they'd use Without You for a link, when they have the OMWH video. There is a link for it though (when you click through WY or the Interview link)

It was nice to get slain by that WY video again. It's been a while so I wasn't quite prepared for it. :)

ETA: Hi there, sb! KAndre and I think those Chinese emperors had a nice situation going... complete with concubines and such... might be the ideal framework for Clay Nation.

ETAA: I also think concubines have too much fun!

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Good evening. Oh my sb you must be careful out there!!!! So you're in the Sovereign Emirate of Texas?

Annabear - that picture is priceless! Hee!

Without You....ahhhhh! I love how he sings "without you!" Kind of a special phrasing on the "out" part of the word.

Aw come on - shipping Clay with Hannah? Wasn't he just using her to practice his British accent on? Bwaahahahaha - just kidding! I still love that vid where she grabs a handful of that cute butt and he doesn't even hardly react! But you see Jerome smiling..... Maybe he was just used to her grabbing his butt! Does she have a MySpace or something where someone could post :Iluvclaysbutt: and see how long it took her to decipher the message?

Did anybody watch the Teen Choice Awards last night? It was kind of pitiful IMO (Miley Ray Cyrus makes my ears hurt) but in bouncing back and forth between that and the food channel I caught the segment with David Cook and Archuleta announcing the winners of something. That poor child - he just is so ill-at-ease when expected to talk. Cook was feeding him lines and he still couldn't get it together. What on earth are they going to do with him when his CD drops and he has to go on talk shows.

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They all want him. They just don't all know it yet. :hubbahubba:

From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

Hee! nothing to 'vote' for - just a little bit of a grin. It's strange they'd use Without You for a link, when they have the OMWH video. There is a link for it though (when you click through WY or the Interview link)

ETA: It was pointed out to me on the Clayboard that Ruben's song is also an older one (I had no idea - love the big guy, but not so much his music), which makes the whole thing even more strange. I'll take it though!!


I'm glad to hear that's an older one of Rube's, because a) I thought he looked NOT well, and I thought he had lost weight (so, hoping that's changed) and B)I thought he was getting away from the hip-hoppy stuff I hate~and I was looking forward to hearing what he's done~and that song I don't like.

ETA: for anyone watching Canadian Idol....at last!!!

Looking forward to SYTYCD tomorrow night if I get home in time.

Thunderstorms and rain most of the day here too; it's finally quit, I think. My sump pump downstairs is just a-chuggin' away though! What a rainy summer we've had.

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From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

Awwwwwww, man, I love that interview. He looks so great! And I love listening to him talk. :wub:

I've been at the ball diamond, walking the dog to the park, walking to the store.....just love being outdoors in the summer. One more day until we go camping.....hoping the weather holds. They were predicting severe thunderstorms here today, but we got nada, thankfully.

Take care, everyone!

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Have fun camping, luckiest1 and bring back some pictures.

Where are your favorite places to camp? (eHP was discussing camping too... well, just discussing)

From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

Awwwwwww, man, I love that interview. He looks so great! And I love listening to him talk. :wub:

Yes, he looks great on that one! Still thudding on WY! :Thud:

ETA: Actually I like all the Yahoo clips.

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I like camping anywhere there's water. The coolest place I think we've ever camped was at a KOA in Wilmington, NC near the ocean. Usually we camp here in Ontario, since there are lots of lakes to choose from! As the kids get older, I tend to book sites fairly close to home, so that they can commute back and forth if they need to work or if they have sports, etc. This year, it figures that my older son's baseball playoffs are going to conflict with our camping schedule.

For anyone interested, I have uploaded a couple of completely O/T videos of the Elvis Festival, and tonight's baseball game. Hee!

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And when you hear what he was supposedly wearing, you will understand why I said a LARGE grain of salt!

I was bored so I went over to my first board - where I haven't been in ages and ages and ages and ages and ages and ages......

Anyway, I saw this post from someone who lives in Raleigh. It was posted yesterday:

I went to the beauty shop today and my beautican said, you're the one who likes Clay Aiken aren't you ? Of course, I said yes....What do you think about this thing about a baby? I explained nothing had been confirmed, that there was a possibility that Clay might not the father. She said, well I was wondering, because my girlfriend and her husband were downtown shopping for furniture last week and as they were coming out, Clay and a black woman with a small child were going in. Her friends husband told his wife..MY Gosh,that's Clay Aiken, so she took a picture of them with her cell phone. Of course, I asked stupid questions... did they say how his hair looked & what was he wearing...She said that his hair was dark, and he had on a tank top...thats when I about fell out of the chair...I can't imagine Clay ever showing that much skin.....Its a good thought though....

Just thought you all would enjoy the sightning,and let you know there is hope that he is still alive & breathing..

Tank top?????????? :cryingwlaughter:

I mean, the woman he was supposedly with was likely Quiana and the kid Chamberlain. But a tank top? Clay???????

There was a later post where she checked back with the hairdresser and she insists it was Clay. She was putting her baby in a stroller which is why her husband saw him first and she is positive it was a tank top!

A tank top? The man of a thousand t-shirts was wearing a tank top??? Showing that much skin in public???? :pigsfly: :pigsfly: :pigsfly: :pigsfly:

Now where is that cell phone picture???

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I'm really not suppose to be here. But anyway.

It's August, and though this subject seems to be quite taboo , I just couldn't help wondering today (IIT) on what day this child might be born.

Mondays child is fair of face,

Tuesdays child is full of grace,

Wednesdays child is full of woe,

Thursdays child has far to go,

Fridays child is loving and giving,

Saturdays child works hard for his living,

And the child that is born on the Sabbath day

Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

I guess I'm really, really, hoping for the 8th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 26th or 29th...

**as everyone glances at calendar** :wordpooper:

Anyway... Now back to this ridiculous and neverending research paper...

Oh, and I think I'll have a little seasoning with that tank top.

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Just took a long walk around the neighborhood - it's absolutely crystal clear tonite with a bazillion stars....and no smoke for a change!

Whoa! Clay in a tank top? I guess it's possible. He has ditched the layers of t-shirts lately so maybe this is the next step!!!! All I can think of is ginger fur at the moment though...... :lilredani: It's pretty hot in Raleigh this time of year, isn't it? And it sure wouldn't be the first thing Clay has done this year that's surprised me!

If that was Quiana.......is it wishful thinking to hope they might be......ummmmmm......possibly rehearsing something? You know, like The First Noel or Mary Did You Know? :imgtongue:

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Heh, did she say he was only wearing a tank top? It could have been the top layer, you know.

Here is a link to a sweet post by a young girl on IDF about how Clay has changed her life. I don't want to wait to ask her permission to copy it, so I will just provide a link, My personal opinion is that i don't think she wants it copied anywhere.

IDF is available for public viewng, you don't have to be a member.

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Maybe totally OT - but . . .

I'd like to see him do more characters on TV - take what he learned and what people in the biz learned OF him and appear in several shows as NOT CLAY AIKEN.

I'd like to see him have small parts - the geek dude who saves a senator from her antiquated work patterns by bringing her up to speed with the techno tools. I'd like to see what he could do with a political role of some sort, an aid, or whatnot, who saves her protocal butt (SP?)

I'd like to see him be whatever bad guy he'd like to play.

People just have to see that he can do these things successfully!

Bring it on, Clay?!

Whatcha workin' on, Honey??? *gently pulls the elbow of his plaid shirt*

Why couldn't he do a UNICEF Christmas Special??

Okay - y'all ruminate on that a while.

Sonata is not putting me to sleep like I need. but it's also not letting me type straight, either!!!

I'm gonna drag myself to bed and hope this time to SLEEP!!!

I'd like him to show up in guest roles in the most unusual unexpected places - from a lowly garbage man to the guy mopping the floor who looks at "their puzzle board" (police or private detectives, etc) and he quietly figures it out for them - - lots and lots of those roles. A chance to show that he can act, that he can be many people because he's such a many-facited Man!

I think TV could be his "break out" single without any radio, figuratively speaking.

Y'all chew on that a while!

I'm crawling back under the covers and,Lord Willin' and the Crick Don't Rise - I shall SLEEP!

And I shall wake to find that I am full of crap and know nothing!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:


Sorry for the double post. I fix it in the am! Noway I should be trying to "operate machinery" in my current state! :lmaosmiley-1:

Word! Cotton. These sorts of things would let him stretch his acting wings yet not tie him up for too long. I could see him as a bad guy- he has that laser beam stare which could be scary if you thought he was angry and sometimes the scariest characters are the ones that look the most harmless- it builds the suspense. Think Steve Buscemi in Con Air (?)

ETA: Just because Clay's out of sight, doesn't mean he's on vacation. He could be working quite diligently -- reading scripts, rehearsing, putting together a tour band, taping, filming, writing, letting his hair grow longer, etc. Just because we can't see him, doesn't mean he's not working. Maybe he's working out in the gym and he'll come back in muscle shirts.


Just read this and then read the (possible) tank top post.....OK Kf fess up!!!..... you know him dontcha or you live next door!!!

When I got home today my kids turned on the TV and there was "Dog the Bounty Hunter.......umm if Clay is growing his hair and working out lets hope he doesn't go toooo far..........

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Thanks for the tips djs111. I bet the problem is dust. The side of the computer was open for a long time and the inside of the computer is dusty.

I don't care for those last photoshop pictures at all. I find them offensive because they are not of Clay and remind me about the false tabloid stories from two years ago.

I'm looking forward to hearing something about Clay's next project and hope we hear something soon.

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If that was Quiana.......is it wishful thinking to hope they might be......ummmmmm......possibly rehearsing something? You know, like The First Noel or Mary Did You Know? :imgtongue:

Speaking of Quiana and Christmas songs... The second set of Merrillville is done, except for the IBHFC medley which I'll have to upload later. (I can play the huge HD but kept getting errors in rendering -- someday, maybe we can share stuff in Blu Ray?)

These'll be up at the CH/CU vault soon but meanwhile my work files (mp3, small mp4 & XviDs) are here.

ETA: Umm.... That was Merrillville 2007. Merrillville 2006 isn't done yet. *sighs!*

ETAA: The only reason I could think of for Clay and Quiana to need to be rehearsing MDYK or TFN this long before Christmas is if they're planning a Chinese Opera version of JNT.

EYATA: Tank top? --- is it wrong to pray for an extended heat wave in NC?

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EYATA: Tank top? --- is it wrong to pray for an extended heat wave in NC?

Nooooo!!! Then we just stay in the house. :chores003::chores009: I might have to put on a tank top and that ain't a pretty sight.

I guess I'd put a question mark about that sighting, just like when someone sees Clay with a pretty woman and it is rejected. This fandom needs photographic evidence for any and all sightings. :photo: *g*

Have a great day. I need to get out and work on a deck before it gets too warm.

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I'm not a fan of photoshops either.

Of course I take any sighting with a huge grain of salt, because people can and will say anything they want to to get a reaction, but I don't actually find it all that hard to believe that Clay might be out and about in Raleigh, on his own time, in the summer, in a tank top. :shrug:

Hee, having a retro day at work. I have the Jukebox tour on my desktop (thanks to cindilu2 :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) and I have the Vegas skating show on my Clay calendar. We are so v.v. lucky.

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ETAA: The only reason I could think of for Clay and Quiana to need to be rehearsing MDYK or TFN this long before Christmas is if they're planning a Chinese Opera version of JNT.

EYATA: Tank top? --- is it wrong to pray for an extended heat wave in NC?

1. Working on a TV special?!

2. Bite your TONGUE!!!!

It's 100º in these parts again today!!!


I don't care if he does wear a tank shirt, I'll be DEAD if this heat carries on!!!

I need some COOL relief!

And on that note - I gotta go get ready to drive to work! In this HEAT!



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