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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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ETA - take care all in the storm. Someone said the best place for stuff that fles around isthe bottom of the pool. I don't have a pool, so I put i in the garage.

A few years ago we thought a hurricane was actually going to hit the Tampa Bay area (none has for over 50 years!) and my son hurriedly threw all my artificial palm trees, with their moss-filled baskets, into the pool. The trees had been on the lanai. What a mess!

I asked him why he had not just opened the seven-foot-tall sliding glass doors - there are three sets of them opening onto the pool - and put them inside the house. He said he didn't really know, except throwing stuff in the pool sounded so cool.

The first big storm warning a few years ago - we put up plywood, bought food, etc.

Hurricane turned inland well south of us. Next storm, kinda fizzled. Now we just make sure we have ice. Ike looks vaguely threatening. But I think a confluence of jet streams and gulf currents is what actually keeps hurricanes away from us; or else the Pinellas Indians really did bury a sacrificial treasure somewhere on St. Pete Beach. Either one is fine.

The political stuff had gotten on my last nerve - it is the swift demonization on one hand, and the intolerance of hearing anything faintly negative about one's Sweet Babboo, on the other hand.

I quit the Democratic Party this year and registered as none, which I guess is Independent.

Kandre pretty much has my attitude about politics nailed down, she posted in the political thread just now. I love the stance on lawyers.

And yes, I am easily distracted by pictures of Clay.

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OMG... will this day never end??? :fncomputer:

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The picture of Clay and Hannah is amazing! He has such a look of contentment on his face. He looks so relaxed and happy I think.

I have nephew that was born 2 weeks before Parker and he's been keeping his mom VERY busy. He just had his 6 week checkup and he's gained 4 pounds since birth!! I hope Clay/Parker/Jaymes are doing well.......this can be an exhausting time with a newborn.

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Hey, Jaycee!

Not really - a number of posters are fairly anti-political, so I think it's just not very active...but go ahead and post, because I know we do have a lot of pro-political posters (who tend to be easily side-tracked by pictures of Clay). The only request I would have is that that posters in the political thread keep in mind that after the elections are over, both sides still have to hang out together, neither side is evil incarnate and having me as dictator is a perfectly legitimate point of view (especially since I'm not half as violent as Scarlett (the other person running for dictator).

Geez... KAndre or Scarlett for dictator... decisions, decisions...

KAndre for Dictator!!! Scarlett for Vice-Dictator

Get your buttons here!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I'd LOVE to see them take over Washington!!! :hysterical:

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New picture of Clay and Hannah from Hannah's website...speculation that this was taken on her closing night.



This picture is....something. Something really good. I don't know what to make of this because the look on his face is...interesting.

That boy is getting some. From somewhere.

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A little piece of good news from CV that might interest some, from MarieDrummond:

Hi guys:

Your friendly fly in the soup here!!! I just wanted to let everyone know that the Milford Plaza has just posted their Fall Special. The rate for a standard room has dropped from $399/night to $296/night!!! WOOHOO!!!

Yikes! I copied this and then didn't press "Add Reply". So...here it is!

ETA:...OMG....that picture sure is.....something! Guhhh pretty much covers it in my vocabulary as well. Hokey Dinah.

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Hee. I know how fickle this fandom is in its shipping, so I was looking to see if Merle Dandridge (the new Lady of the Lake) is married or not. I couldn't find anything definitive, other than her myspace status of "In a relationship". I expect to see the launch of the SS Clerle by the end of the month. :dance2:

(That assuming we don't know anything new about Jaymes and Clay's relationship at that point... ) B)

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I'm not "shipping" Clay with anyone these days....but that doesn't keep me from enjoying these "bedroom eyes"!


And the story behind my little gif/wink with Clay? Someone behind me yelled at Clay that he was wonderful in the play except when he was supposed to be dead. Clay turned to me, winked and said "Who asked for her opinion anyway"?! Mr Snark. So cute! He was beautiful that night at the stagedoor! I don't go to the OFC often but this is my siggie there.


Hoping the storm has no ill effects on our members! Didn't cotton mention alligators? She's not kidding!! Here's a sign at Orton Plantation near where she lives....and the reason for the sign, too!



Have a great weekend! Go Bulldogs!

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I think we need these on this page too. :) Just 'cause. :)

ETA: there's another new picture (I've not seen anyway) on her website, this of the cast from early in the run...


My xtra Sepia version


From Rebymac [CB-CH?]


Here's another one from Hannah's website. Clay looks so cute at the bottom of the pic, in between two of the pretty dancers!


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Quick hi to all since I has a long day beginning at 9am when I woke up with a start to realize that I'd missed both my alarms, an 8am meeting and an 8:30 meeting. Called the office to let them know I was safe, hadn't won the lotto and was still coming in at around 10ish, spent the rest of the afternoon driving around town picking up a puppet stage, donations and testing the sound system at the Julia C. Hester House in Houston, our project site which I just realized is rather historic.

Hugs to all in the storm's path!!!

Thanks to all who PM'ed puppetry tips, including my sweet babbooo! Have fun at the quilting retreat!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh, yeah!

Not kidding one little bit about the alligators. Luckily, the only one I've seen since we moved from the Inlet in SC (where we saw alligators in our pond - not to mention right across the road from the house quite frequently) to here in NC, was dead dead dead. Really - hit in the head with a shovel ( :) )DEAD out in the marsh.


So far so good. Hanna is throwing peripheral wind and rain our way but it's really tame stuff. Not expecting the strong stuff till after midnight.

If I'm not around tomorrow you can assume we either lost power or internet connection!

We've been losing tv signal periodically - typical anytime we have even mild stormy weather.

We'll see what's still standing in the AM! LOL!



(if Hanna will let me sleep!)

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Holy Crap what a picture!!! I don't know what to say about this except that they both appear to be feeling alright, and that Hannah's proud of it. I rather love this photo.

I love it too. Part of it is that it kinda looks like Clay is reclining in a chair, almost lying down. And Hannah is on top of him. His body looks like it is at a 45 degree angle. And she looks like the cat that ate the canary. Pardon the expression. <g>

Let's throw oil on the fire - is it my imagination r does it look like Clay is reclining a bit? It is like he has to tilt his head up a bit.

It’s not just me!! <g>

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I could look at that picture for hours. Really stirs up the imagination, doesn't it? :hubbahubba:

I'm mesmerized.

Is it just me or is his hair darker than it was when Hannah was in Spam? And in a different cut? I went back and looked at the original pic - doesn't look like the blond from their Spam run.

Excuse me - I just think this is a sexy pic and it gets the imagination working overtime. <g>

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