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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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I understand your frustration, Couchie. There's venting that's therapeutic and which passes, and venting that feeds itself into long-term anger and bitterness. I think Clay wanted the former. I hope he doesn't get the latter.

The thing is, some of those venting seem to resent the presence of those who are trying to offer their own point of view. It's as if they think those OFC threads are only for those who are unhappy with Clay. I think "working through one's feelings" should involve listening to those with a different perspective. But some don't seem interested in that. It's almost as if some WANT to be angry, and so they repeat their arguments over and over again in an attempt to keep themselves in a state of self-righteous fury.

As I've said before, I do think many fans have been able to work through their feelings. But I think it's mainly those who are actually trying. My sense is that there are some who aren't trying at all. They're hurt, but they don't really want peace; they want others to hurt, too. And perhaps on some level, they want Clay to hurt as well.

Let me be clear. This is NOT a blanket statement about all fans who are struggling. I do believe MOST fans genuinely want to find a way to come to terms with Clay. But I do think there are some who, for whatever reason, want to hate him for what he did. They're not listening. And for those people, I'm not sure the OFC thread is really the best thing right now. YMMV.

BTW -- Welcome Georgiesmybaby. Thanks for a great post!

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Ansa, before I went to bed, I wanted to say that I loved your last post. That is all I can muster up right now since it is way past my bedtime.

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Welcome to Georgiesmybaby!

For a diversion, here's some "musical theater", from "La Cage aux Folles" (*I would not put odds on Clay ever singing it, but in a way he did*):

I am what I am

I am my own special creation.

So come take a look,

Give me the hook or the ovation.

It's my world that I want to take a little pride in,

My world, and it's not a place I have to hide in.

Life's not worth a damn,

'Til you can say, "Hey world, I am what I am."

I am what I am,

I don't want praise, I don't want pity.

I bang my own drum,

Some think it's noise, I think it's pretty.

And so what, if I love each feather and each spangle,

Why not try to see things from a diff'rent angle?

Your life is a sham 'til you can shout out loud

I am what I am!

I am what I am

And what I am needs no excuses.

I deal my own deck

Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces.

There's one life, and there's no return and no deposit;

One life, so it's time to open up your closet.

Life's not worth a damn 'til you can say,

"Hey world, I am what I am!"

The bottom line for me is that nobody died and Clay is still the same person; all that died was an illusion. Some of my favorite films have been those that expand one's thinking regarding the concept of gender identity, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis masquerading as women in Marilyn Monroe's all-girl band, or "Tootsie" where a friendship is seemingly formed between two women and then one "woman" is revealed to be a man with the possibility of a different relationship, and "Victor/Victoria" where a man, James Garner, falls for a woman, Julie Andrews, masquerading as a gay man. One particular episode of Star Trek - The Next Generation "The Host" also provocatively posed the question of whether a female crew member who fell for a life form contained in a male body could still love that life form when the male body failed and the same life form was transferred to a female body (it's sci fi!). All of these vehicles stretch one's mind as to what love is and can you love someone independent of orientation. Five years ago, I thought Clay was an interesting guy with a great voice and the fact that he's a gay man who has formed a type of family with the mother of his child hasn't changed that perception.

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I guess the important thing for me is to affirm that I love the good caring man in that banner up there, and for many reasons. Not the least of which is that he has a voice like no other. And now that we've established my affection for him- what in the heck was he wearing last night? The scariest thing about that outfit, for me, was that his sneakers actually matched so I'm thinking maybe he was really trying. BWAH

oooohhh fresh meat voices. welcome. This cracked me up.

Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!

and its companion post...heee

thread title?


I think that is the cutest shirt. Love the flowers. But yeah, that gray one left me just a little bit confused. I had to laugh cuz I was looking for a spot for Parker to fit into snugly.

waves to jazzgirl.

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Gersh! I hope Clay allows a new thread to be opened at the OFC so we can try and get past the trauma caused by that shirt / sweater combo. :blink:

Please, please, please tell me Clay's just messing with us. That Quiana made him wear it on a dare. :P

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BWAH! The flowered shirt I love..........the sweater has got to go! Looks like he was cold and borrowed it off of somebody a lot bigger........and older. Hee, he CMSU.

Ack, I said something else was most frustrating earlier - but you reminded me of something that bugs me even more. That any interactions he's had with women are now suspect?? OMFG. I mean really - oh my fucking god. The guy is a flirt - he's had a whole lot of women friends his whole life - he's a touchy/huggy guy. It boggles my mind that fans would question that. I'm sorry - other people will have to be Ghandi. I just want to slap somebody.

ITA. But is it wrong that I could hear you in my head saying "oh my fucking god" with inflection? ;)

couchie, the story about your co-worker who was ignorant at first, but became a good friend, resonated with me, too. Sometimes, people mean well, but they are just ignorant, because they have no experience with someone different than themselves. Those people, I give the time of day to, because I think it's a worthwhile thing, to help someone see things differently and to broaden their horizons. But some people are just closed-minded, and don't want to understand, or to learn, they just want to shove their opinions down your throat. Those people can kiss my ass.

He was just being real...and in the moment...reacting ...being spontaneous. But to us...every moment is like frozen in time. We can look back on it and analyze them. In so doing...we distort them. Its like looking closely at a painting. We get so focused on the brush stroke that the beauty of the whole picture is lost. I do beleive that is where a lot of fans that are struggling are stuck at the moment. They are scrutinzing everything that the truth is so distorted.

Yes, yes, yes! Clay is Clay.....no need to go back and reanalyze every little word or movement. He has just revealed one more part of himself to us. He is still the same person.

As I've said before, I do think many fans have been able to work through their feelings. But I think it's mainly those who are actually trying. My sense is that there are some who aren't trying at all. They're hurt, but they don't really want peace; they want others to hurt, too. And perhaps on some level, they want Clay to hurt as well.

I think you are right. Those are the ones I wish people would stop engaging. I just want them to lose steam when they realize no one is listening, and go away. I know that's probably naive. But I can still hope for it.

The bottom line for me is that nobody died and Clay is still the same person; all that died was an illusion.


OK, is it Friday yet? Because this work week seems extra long, somehow. Must be because the big boss is in town again, and everyone is looking over their shoulder all day. Think it would look bad if I took a mental health day? :P

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:hugs-1: to all!!!

Off to watch the season premiere of Pushing Daisies - love that show!

:nature-smiley-013: Me, too! Clay needs to be on this show. :nature-smiley-014:

With the number of Broadway veterans who are/have been on Pushing Daisies, he definitely should!!!

Scarlett, I found my Godspell Playbill from London!

Wyndham's Theatre. But it's in a frame and I can't see the date. Had to be between '69 and '72, though. DS has my record. I need to get that thing transferred to a CD somehow.

Oh my! Jeremy Irons and David Essex?!!! *swoons* Please, please could you take a picture? And if you find it difficult to convert the record to an mp3 maybe I can help on that too! :thankyou:

For a diversion, here's some "musical theater", from "La Cage aux Folles" (*I would not put odds on Clay ever singing it, but in a way he did*):
Just wanted to post an mp3 for this - "I Am What I Am". One reminder for me that there's a wide spectrum of experiences in the fandom is that to me "La Cage aux Folles" is mainstream.

OTOH, I'm not in a very charitable mood this morning. Some "people" asked me to make a presentation at 6 am this morning!!! -- and they didn't show up!!! Now people like THOSE truly deserve the nth circle of hell! Nevertheless, this is for the rest of you who don't make people get up at the crack of dawn and then forget about it:


Welcome, Georgiesmybaby!


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Good Morning Everyone,

I wanted to respond to Couchie's post and other's last night; but I was in a pretty pissy mood (and watching the Cub game didn't help) and didn't want to offend anyone, but then I saw Trophywife's post...that is pretty much where I am now...I just don't give a shit anymore that people are feeling bad or struggling or can't come to terms. I find I want to scream at my computer "Oh for God's sakes just get over it!" I just cannot understand having "trust issues" with a celebrity...someone you don't know, probably will never know or even meet. I know that sounds callous and unfeeling..but I am just so done with the whole thing. I think some need to just walk away from their computers for a week, get back into real life and realize that in the great scheme of things, this is just not that big of a deal.

On to the really important stuff:

16 Days until The BAF Gala!


22 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer!


58 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday!


94 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


114 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!


Everyone have a great day!


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I want to go to Spamalot. These kisses, hugs and pictures can't last much longer. I mean, if he would hug nutbars, he might actually hug me. We have a chance, girls. I bet he was dressed up in his Leno shirt to go eat with his friends that were in town. He is totally adorkable. My dreams are still the same. LOL!!!!!

The Leno motorcycle signing outfit looked cool. I think the attack by the eggbeater to his head didn't help the whole look, last night. I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool. Actually, I think he doesn't even think about all this, muchly.

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You know, people can change. This office I work in has changed for the better. This morning, very respectfully, my former shock-jock-joke-making male colleague asked me "so how's the press been for Clay?" after someone else was making jokes about going into/coming out of our coat closet (where there is apparently heat, unlike the main part of the office which is 60 freaking degrees fahrenheit this morning). So I told him the press has been pretty positive, for the most part, but there is a small section of fans who are not doing so well with it. That started a discussion of what type of issues they were having, which morphed into a discussion of Christianity and different points of view within certain religions. My other male colleague told a story about how his mom, who is a Christian, called him the other day told him about a local gay minister who was a bit of a controversy in her small town. He said he asked her "and which side are you on?" and he was pleasantly surprised to hear that his mom supported gays as ministers. The first guy expressed the opinion that Clay probably shouldn't have "lied" to his fans, which of course led me off into the discussion of coming out and the process involved, timelines, etc. The second guy said that as far as he had noticed, Clay had always been evasive when asked the question and had not really lied. In the end, they both ended up with a better understanding of the whole situation, I think. They are definitely supportive of Clay's decision to come out and also to start a family.

Neither of these guys know my orientation. It is not something that I have ever discussed at work, nor has it ever been asked of me. But it sure feels a whole lot more accepting and open here than it used to.

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pats Scarlett fondly and manages to forget that just yesterday somebody didn't leave her house until after 7 am for a 7 am meeting; but 6 am meeting really are an entirely different level of evil...

keepingfaith is my girl...oh, some "christians" only think they're the only ones with access to the Bible - and should I confess that I almost PEED myself in laughter as someone held up the KJV as the one and only version because her grandparents and great-grandparents used it? Notwithstanding it was done in 1611 (you know, 16 centuries after Christ? Specifically written for the Anglican church? That King James picked and choose a lot of parts? Man, I love the KJV (the sounds of it reads beautifully) but shoot, the Apostles won't be able to read the thing. The whole English/Aramaic/Greek/Hebrew and iffy translation thing. By committees. Six frickin' committees. But oh noes! They don't wanna hear that. Heh.

I'm annoyed but not really disappointed with people because honestly, the whole Clay Nation reaction ("I'm insane because of Clay's latest announcement") is for me, just the latest variation of "I'm insane because Clay was rubbing his naughty bits on a black girl he wasn't married to in public" (trying to get all the objections in there - including the not PC ones - and there were a number of those) or "I'm insane because Clay punished us for groping him/not groping him/not giving me a chance to grope him/my friend was upset for not groping him" or "I'm insane because Clay sang a gospel song/took us to church/tried to forcibly convert me/made chunky girls wear white/pandered to the religious people" or "I'm insane because Clay doesn't hate Fran/Faye/Ray/Jaymes/KLo/whoever I'm hatin' on this week" or "I'm insane because RCA implanted this transmitter in my head and it plays nothing but polka music" or "I'm insane because Clay's singing slow songs/sexy songs but not seriously/covers/the wrong song off the CD/not on my tv for a month"....I was flabbergasted with the fandom for the first couple of "I'm insane because..." because the first few months misled me about the fandom. I thought they were just like me - liked Clay for what he was - enjoyed the journey he was making - knew I was a little (ok, maybe a lot over the top) but just because it was fun. Man, was I wrong! So now I pick and choose where I hang out.

But you know what's thrilling me? That people are going back and listening to Clay's oeuvre. MOAM. ATWD. I like Clay, old and new. And I'm glad others are doing that too.

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I want to go to Spamalot. These kisses, hugs and pictures can't last much longer. I mean, if he would hug nutbars, he might actually hug me. We have a chance, girls. I bet he was dressed up in his Leno shirt to go eat with his friends that were in town. He is totally adorkable. My dreams are still the same. LOL!!!!!

The Leno motorcycle signing outfit looked cool. I think the attack by the eggbeater to his head didn't help the whole look, last night. I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool. Actually, I think he doesn't even think about all this, muchly.

Thread title!?

I think he's like my DS.

He's particular about what he wears if he's going out, but if he's just hanging out, he's a MESS! LOL!

His soon-to-be-ex-bride was always fussin' about him still wearing his jeans from college. He graduated - 8 or 9 years ago? How sad is it that I don't know?! I know he finished HS in '93!

I never have pictures of him in my purse, either. I guess I'm a BAD MAMA!

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Good Morning Everyone,

I wanted to respond to
post and other's last night; but I was in a pretty pissy mood (and watching the Cub game didn't help) and didn't want to offend anyone, but then I saw
post...that is pretty much where I am now...I just don't give a shit anymore that people are feeling bad or struggling or can't come to terms. I find I want to scream at my computer "Oh for God's sakes just get over it!" I just cannot understand having "trust issues" with a celebrity...someone you don't know, probably will never know or even meet. I know that sounds callous and unfeeling..but I am just so done with the whole thing. I think some need to just walk away from their computers for a week, get back into real life and realize
that in the great scheme of things, this is just not that big of a deal.

Exactly... my goodness, look at the state of the world, look at the economic crisis, look at the upcoming election for the most powerful position in the world.... I could go on endlessly BUT heck, Clay must be wondering how come his private business is taking up so much people's time, emotion and energy. Gosh, I love Clay but I just don't think his sex life is important enough to break a sweat over.... I have more critical things to think about, like what food I need to buy for the weekend and if there is enough dog food in the freezer, and whether I should get up an hour earlier tomorrow to get a head start on things....

Clay Aiken is a very nice part of my life but he is not my life. And I'd bet London to a brick that THAT's how he prefers it.

Scarlett... those people who wanted a meeting at 6am and didn't turn up... if you aren't planning a big showdown, you're a saint. I am NOT a morning person, and anyone who ever did that to me ..I'd find a way to make them suffer...


OK, is it Friday yet?
Because this work week seems extra long, somehow. Must be because the big boss is in town again, and everyone is looking over their shoulder all day. Think it would look bad if I took a mental health day?

Um.... yes.. I can honestly say it is Friday....as of 7 minutes ago....

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Ack, I said something else was most frustrating earlier - but you reminded me of something that bugs me even more. That any interactions he's had with women are now suspect?? OMFG. I mean really - oh my fucking god. The guy is a flirt - he's had a whole lot of women friends his whole life - he's a touchy/huggy guy. It boggles my mind that fans would question that. I'm sorry - other people will have to be Ghandi. I just want to slap somebody.

I think it's ignorance more than anything else. Maybe I am being "Ghandi" but maybe if we TELL people that they are being silly they will recognize it. There are a lot of people that just don't know....and there are quite a few that are just purposely being assholes. But there has to me some out there that just don't know. I guess I would temper my response to that stuff based on who I was talking to.

You know, I could agree with this if we were talking about strangers - but these are long time fans who should just f**king know better. We've watched this guy on stage and interacting with people for five years. To question his 'motives' behind being friendly and affectionate and flirty - from fans - is just plain shitty in my opinion. They are not just saying - oh I didn't think a gay man would flirt (the ones who are, are not who I'm talking about - just like the people genuinely struggling are not the bitches I want to see gone) - it's just one more weapon they're using to prove him a 'liar'. That's what sticks in my craw.

Well, actually, in my original post and in this one I was talking about the whole wide world and not just his fans. But I do think that some of his fans just don’t know anything about gay people. And of course there are some who are just being assholes.

Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!

He keeps dressing like that and he’s not going to be allowed to be gay. <g>

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Scarlett, I would be fit to be tied!

I'd be livid!

I'd be out to smack somebody.

I'd be taking Friday off in exchange for that fiasco.

Yep. I think you need Friday off.

Free and clear.


No Friday work to make up, either.

Let somebody else do it!


6 Frickin' AM?!


Oh - what do you want a picture of? The Album cover? The playbill?

It's pretty much the pic I posted. Or are you talking about a pic of the bios inside the playbill?

Funny thing. DS kept several of our albums when we were moving and clearing out. But we no longer have a turntable and I'm pretty sure he doesn't either! LOL!


Am I the only one who CAN. NOT. STOP. LOOKING. AT. THE COVER PIC. OF. PARKER.???

He's the CUTEST baby!

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I'm annoyed but not really disappointed with people because honestly, the whole Clay Nation reaction ("I'm insane because of Clay's latest announcement") is for me, just the latest variation of "I'm insane because Clay was rubbing his naughty bits on a black girl he wasn't married to in public" (trying to get all the objections in there - including the not PC ones - and there were a number of those) or "I'm insane because Clay punished us for groping him/not groping him/not giving me a chance to grope him/my friend was upset for not groping him" or "I'm insane because Clay sang a gospel song/took us to church/tried to forcibly convert me/made chunky girls wear white/pandered to the religious people" or "I'm insane because Clay doesn't hate Fran/Faye/Ray/Jaymes/KLo/whoever I'm hatin' on this week" or "I'm insane because RCA implanted this transmitter in my head and it plays nothing but polka music" or "I'm insane because Clay's singing slow songs/sexy songs but not seriously/covers/the wrong song off the CD/not on my tv for a month"....I was flabbergasted with the fandom for the first couple of "I'm insane because..." because the first few months misled me about the fandom. I thought they were just like me - liked Clay for what he was - enjoyed the journey he was making - knew I was a little (ok, maybe a lot over the top) but just because it was fun. Man, was I wrong! So now I pick and choose where I hang out.

In case you had any doubt....I am still and forever will be your minion. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

No, I have nothing to add. Just that, yeah, I like Clay. He entertains me.

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Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!

He keeps dressing like that and he’s not going to be allowed to be gay. <g>

haha, no kidding... now that he wants us to believe he is gay, he needs to start dressing like he is...

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I wanted to respond to Couchie's post and other's last night; but I was in a pretty pissy mood (and watching the Cub game didn't help) and didn't want to offend anyone, but then I saw Trophywife's post...that is pretty much where I am now...I just don't give a shit anymore that people are feeling bad or struggling or can't come to terms. I find I want to scream at my computer "Oh for God's sakes just get over it!" I just cannot understand having "trust issues" with a celebrity...someone you don't know, probably will never know or even meet. I know that sounds callous and unfeeling..but I am just so done with the whole thing. I think some need to just walk away from their computers for a week, get back into real life and realize that in the great scheme of things, this is just not that big of a deal.

This is where I am.

It's really helped to read here.

I'm struggling...not with Clay, but with some of the fan's who I thought I knew.

Clay is everything I thought he was, and more...some of the fans ...

Not so much.

I hope Clay never gives them that "pound of flesh" some of them are looking for.

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RE: his outfit.

You know he did idolize Mr. Rogers, right?



I've been thinking about his whole "look" during all this "reveal".

It seems to me to be intentional.

A return to his younger look.

Saying, this is me. This is who I am and always was.

The guy in glasses. The guy who did his own hair.

The guy who didn't have hairdressers and stylists and committees telling him how to look.


Take me as I am.

Not as a created image.


But then, I don't know jack!

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Geesh! Y'all were chatty last night! I've been in meetings all morning *yawn* and now have to run out to the dentist, so I'm not caught up, but had to pull this out:

I understand your frustration, Couchie. There's venting that's therapeutic and which passes, and venting that feeds itself into long-term anger and bitterness. I think Clay wanted the former. I hope he doesn't get the latter.

The thing is, some of those venting seem to resent the presence of those who are trying to offer their own point of view. It's as if they think those OFC threads are only for those who are unhappy with Clay. I think "working through one's feelings" should involve listening to those with a different perspective. But some don't seem interested in that. It's almost as if some WANT to be angry, and so they repeat their arguments over and over again in an attempt to keep themselves in a state of self-righteous fury.

As I've said before, I do think many fans have been able to work through their feelings. But I think it's mainly those who are actually trying. My sense is that there are some who aren't trying at all. They're hurt, but they don't really want peace; they want others to hurt, too. And perhaps on some level, they want Clay to hurt as well.

Let me be clear. This is NOT a blanket statement about all fans who are struggling. I do believe MOST fans genuinely want to find a way to come to terms with Clay. But I do think there are some who, for whatever reason, want to hate him for what he did. They're not listening. And for those people, I'm not sure the OFC thread is really the best thing right now. YMMV.

My mileage doesn't vary at all!

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RE: his outfit.

You know he did idolize Mr. Rogers, right?



I've been thinking about his whole "look" during all this "reveal".

It seems to me to be intentional.

A return to his younger look.

Saying, this is me. This is who I am and always was.

The guy in glasses. The guy who did his own hair.

The guy who didn't have hairdressers and stylists and committees telling him how to look.


Take me as I am.

Not as a created image.


But then, I don't know jack!

Oh you know plenty and I agree with you...it is like he is erasing the last 5 years and just going back to being Clay...not any of the images that RCA or the fans thought he should be.

And yeah, I have been spending an inordinately amount of time looking at the People cover and just smiling.

K'andre You rock!


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But then, I don't know jack!

Jack? JACK? Who the hell is JACK? What do you know? Has there really been "Clack" all along in Clay's life? Is THAT why he said he knew "our words"?

Inquiring minds want to know. B)

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Welcome, Georgiesmybaby!!


Oooooh, Scarlett, I would be majorly pissed. I'm not a morning person, and to have that happen would bring serious ire on the offenders. Can you take a nap at some point today?

I'm annoyed but not really disappointed with people because honestly, the whole Clay Nation reaction ("I'm insane because of Clay's latest announcement") is for me, just the latest variation of "I'm insane because Clay was rubbing his naughty bits on a black girl he wasn't married to in public" (trying to get all the objections in there - including the not PC ones - and there were a number of those) or "I'm insane because Clay punished us for groping him/not groping him/not giving me a chance to grope him/my friend was upset for not groping him" or "I'm insane because Clay sang a gospel song/took us to church/tried to forcibly convert me/made chunky girls wear white/pandered to the religious people" or "I'm insane because Clay doesn't hate Fran/Faye/Ray/Jaymes/KLo/whoever I'm hatin' on this week" or "I'm insane because RCA implanted this transmitter in my head and it plays nothing but polka music" or "I'm insane because Clay's singing slow songs/sexy songs but not seriously/covers/the wrong song off the CD/not on my tv for a month"....I was flabbergasted with the fandom for the first couple of "I'm insane because..." because the first few months misled me about the fandom. I thought they were just like me - liked Clay for what he was - enjoyed the journey he was making - knew I was a little (ok, maybe a lot over the top) but just because it was fun. Man, was I wrong! So now I pick and choose where I hang out.

Heeeee, KAndre, this cracks me up. It's soooo very true of all of the dramas that seem to go on and on and on and on in the Claynation. Unfortunately, this latest drama seems to be the worst.

I had a fantastic time last evening meeting jmh! She's in Colorado on business, so we met in her hotel to dish about Clay. It's sooooo very fun to meet fans in person after only 'knowing' them on the internet, and then talking for hours as though you've known each other forever! jmh is a lovely, engaging and intelligent conversationalist, and we had a great time. She's busy and in meetings all day today, so may not be able to get online, and asked me to say hello to everybody!

*HELLO FROM JMH!!* :lilredani:

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What, no pictures yet to decorate our new thread?? Hmpphhh.

He's a man of many looks, all of them devilishly handsome!

Gibby, there's only one missing! The snowflake hair!! (Merrieeee you know i'm kidding, right?)

Well, I guess I'd better fix that oversight! Heee heeee heee . . . (get ready to scroll, Merrieeee)






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