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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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51 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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Whew! Power back on after about an hour...it was getting cold in here. :(

We had about 5" of snow last night, and it snowed heavily, big fat flakes, for most of the day today; I think the trees and overhead lines must be coming down all over. It's really heavy, wet snow. We have over a foot now. Sigh....

Power was out overnight for over 2 hours.

I guess it's winter.

Glad you found the pictures, cha cha.

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That beautimous new (to us) photo of Clay at the premiere got me thinking about just how fine he looks in a suit (or jacket and tie as the case may be).


(regular screen - click to biggie)



Wheeeeeeeeeeee, thanks! :BlowKiss:

What, almost 5 pm and no matinee news yet? Don't make me go looking........

ETA: BWAH! I clicked on the usual, blow a kiss emotie and got that cute Clay "I love you" guy instead. WTF?

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What, almost 5 pm and no matinee news yet? Don't make me go looking........

ETA: BWAH! I clicked on the usual, blow a kiss emotie and got that cute Clay "I love you" guy instead. WTF?

Okay...... :cryingwlaughter:

from tugger via CV

Omg, Tugger and gals got pictures with Clay, individually and group

Black knight arm got stuck...he was saying get off...and the king had to unhook it

Clay was so hawt

Clay was so funny

Clay popped his hat

They could see his striped socks...

He did a little hop step when the curtain closed

This was the best show ever

He told them all you girls for 50.00 ...i don't think so, they offered to pay 50 apiece...and he said step right up...

it was the funniest show....

she wished she could have taken notes, so much little stuff happened.......

the theater was full

Clay was doing pix for $50 at the matinee today....bet they change to $100 at the evening show.

One further addition:

definitely not a Clay crowd but he got the loudest cheers at the end
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Ok cindilu2, this time it's intentional. :)


Hee, I went out surfing, and thought I was in a time warp or something. :huh:

ETA: Just becoss, here is a link to the current CITH recommendations that have been completed (with mp3s):


For those who haven't done theirs yet, I may have to resort to hunting you down and :goodVevil: you one by one soon......

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Ok cindilu2, this time it's intentional. :)


Hee, I went out surfing, << yeah, DON'T DO THAT!!! (edited by moi, cindilu2) and thought I was in a time warp or something. :huh:

Damnit, Janet! [random time-warp inspired reference] Clay's starring on Broadway (where they love him), the entertainment shows still seem interested in everything he does, CBS is having him on their T-Day parade coverage, he looks happier than I've ever seen him, and Jaymes said the best is yet to come. This is a guy who's in it for the long haul. I refuse to worry about him.

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See if this link works cha cha:

Claybella's pictures on the OFC

I got a giggle out of seeing the "Summer" bucket in the background of a couple of the pictures and the "jello" molds in another.


Clay popped his hat

Is that the new "It's not a Fold"? :whistling-1:

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Wanda Sykes came out as a 'proud lesbian' today. Interesting. She is 44 years old, was married to a man for 7 years (divorced in 1998) and married her partner before the most recent passage of Prop 8 in California.

I find it so amazing to learn of people who live decades and decades incognito to the world re: the "real them"...I cannot imagine living like that, and the fact that Clay (and other young celebrities) have declared themselves openly at a relatively young age (especially for being in the public eye) tells me a lot about their character.

I'm very proud of our man. Very, very proud. He's always marched to his own drummer---from what I know of his life, in just about every aspect of his life! So now, he 'comes out', yes, but he's more. He makes a decision to create a 'non traditional' family, blazing another trail just by remaining true to himself.

He's a blessing, for sure. I remember in 2006 during those dark, dark months there was a report of an interview with Quiana and one of the quotes from her when she was asked about Clay was "He's a blessing."

Simply true.

Clay popped his hat

Is that the new "It's not a Fold"? :whistling-1:

Don't know about that, bottle...but I wouldn't mind seeing Clay pop a fold. :sleezy:

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Isn't she a comedian, or comedienne rather, slash actress on The New Adventures of Old Christine? I'm pretty sure she is, but I don't see her name very much. She had a TV show of her own on Fox a while back as well, if I'm thinking of the right person.

Also, she was on the Tonight Show when Clay turned his feet around. One of my favorites.

ETA: I just saw an article about it on Yahoo! As per usual, they added the photo gallery of gay/lesbian Hollywood-enites with Clay. Can't they get a better picture of him?

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I dunno, I think he looks pretty damn sexy in this photo myself. And the story is not snide or mocking - surprising for yahoo. It's about Wanda, not Clay. They just have a link to photos of 'out' celebrities.


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Yeah, they put the link up with every story like that. I wasn't trying to say that there was anything bad about the article. I just don't like that picture... too much forehead or something. :lol: It's probably because I never liked the blond hair.

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One of Clay's favorites (and mine), James Taylor, has a new CD out called "Covers" and its all.... wait for it.... covers! Now, James Taylor can get away with it because he has a body of work spanning several decades (including a lot of covers...) and the way he does these songs is fabuious, IMO. But I read something he said about doing covers and it struck me in relation to Clay.

I've always thought that writing an original song and reinterpreting someone else's were similar processes; just as making music is a lot like listening to it.

When I think of a song like "Broken Wings" and then LAA - the only song Clay has recorded that he has written to date - to me its the perfect example of just how true a statement that is.

If only the critics understood that.

Oh, and Seal also has an album of covers out and from what I heard on AOL's Listening Party its really good. I love his voice.

In the end, I guess I don't care who wrote the song or sung it before. If I love the voice and the interpretation, I will love the performance.

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When Clay was on Leno for the first time, Wanda Sykes was one of the guests...Leno made him turn his feet around and her commentary was hysterical.


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OK where can I find a copy of the Mary Did You Know with the clicks? I have a copy of the one without but when I transferred everything over to my new machine I lost a few things.

Help Please! I want to d/l a copy of only one concert from each Xmas tour. What are your recommendations? Which would be best?

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merrieeee, there is a page of recommendations for each of the Christmas tours on FCA media, with mp3's to download. Many are full shows. I'd recommend whichever venues were recorded by mime_fan if you ony want full shows. You can't beat that quality.

Good for Wanda Sykes. I applaud anyone who has the guts to come out.

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