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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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FromClaygary, hope you finally made it to FL! Isn't that new T5 great at JFK?

Argh, just when I thought it was over........I have to completely tear apart and redo that work project I've been doing all the overtime for. I also have to cover for another lady who is going on holidays tomorrow. On the bright side....at least it's paid overtime again. But at Christmas? I mean, really......

YAY for being paid, boo for working at Christmas. My "new" temporary job (that I've been working on since the beginning of October) has scheduled in no time for us for holidays at all. I was out of work so long, and the job pays really well, and by the hour, so I can't complain too much. I've done no shopping, no cooking, no nuttin'. My sister just lost her job to budget cutbacks, so we're not doing gifts this year, and my brother and brother-in-law don't get along, plus my mom (who has dementia) can't handle too many people at once. Last year was the Christmas from hell, and we all vowed never to do that again, so this year I'll have a quiet Christmas with just my mom and brother. Tomorrow I need to go out and find us something to eat, since I'm sure no one else will. :cryingwlaughter:

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Need to catch up, but wanted to drop off some CUTE decor for this page!

12/4 stage door from flyinpenguin at CH:



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Spam & Sardi's updates from CH:

Report from Butterflyshine...

The show is totally sold out other than way up top of the balcony....SRO too. She is bummed because she couldn't get a ticket. So she walked over to Sardi's and talked to them...

Sardi's said the caricature is in the office and that it will be hung on Friday. It will be hung right by the maitre d's desk as you enter Sardis. Behind that desk there is a wall to the left and right of him and Clay's caricature will be right there.

ETA: Hmmm... it's working for me, but I replaced the url - try again.

ETA2: They've added quite a few more pics, that might be part of the reason it wasn't working.

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OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?

:7: Thread title?


Hee! ldyj, you added that one while I was posting!

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OMG!!! I love what he wrote!!! :cryingwlaughter:


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GAH!!! that is just awesome. Don't caricatures typically exaggerate something? That is a really flattering drawing of him! How cute is he with his siggie? BWAH!!! My gosh, I love this guy. No right to, but lordy, I'm proud of our boy!

Hee - is he taking a pic of it himself??? And Bwahaha, just noticed the tee-shirt - they did get him right!

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That caricature is too cute! And so is the guy taking the pic of it with his cell phone. I, too, am very pleased that Clay has been included at Sardi's so early in his Broadway career.


FromClaygary, hope you finally made it to FL! Isn't that new T5 great at JFK?

Argh, just when I thought it was over........I have to completely tear apart and redo that work project I've been doing all the overtime for. I also have to cover for another lady who is going on holidays tomorrow. On the bright side....at least it's paid overtime again. But at Christmas? I mean, really......

That's awful! Shame on your bosses. At least the overtime will be nice.

My hubby has been working overtime on a project he has to have finished by tomorrow, too. At least he will have a four day weekend, starting Christmas Day. He's going to need the time to recover from all of the overtime! I worked yesterday, but am off until next Monday. Yay!

Hubby and I decided to give our daughters (and ourselves!) an early Christmas present last night - a wii!! It's great fun. We really wanted something that would get the family interacting together a bit more, and the wii seems to be doing it! Our girls are thrilled. And hubby and I are having fun with it, too!

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OMG!!! I love what he wrote!!! :cryingwlaughter:


I can't read what he wrote! Can someone with eyes tell me what it says? I got "Finally...... something!"

I LOVE that caricature!! Look how green they made his eyes!

If I had enough money to buy something once inside Sardi's I might be able to see it in person!

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Maybe that he's the first AI alumni to be honored at Sardi's?

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Short recap:

QUOTE (dancermom2 @ Dec 23 2008, 10:30 PM) *

Stage Door tonight!!!! He went by really fast. Black jacket and a gray hoodie. He looked really good. He said Happy Holidays. Starhorse got her peasant picture signed but couldn't get a picture with him...he went by way too fast. A little kid was coughing and Clay asked if he (?) was okay. ::prays all germs stay away from Clay ::

A lot of screaming teens tonight.

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I just hope that when I lie dying I have the strength left to

crawl to my computer and delete

5000 frigging pictures of Clay before my family

finds out I'm insane.

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