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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been going wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.

Sadly, however, before she could get to a phone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass, and so the idea was lost, seemingly forever.

This is her story.

I never saw the movie, but I did read all the books--A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :wub:

Yeah, that's a great one! Wasn't that from "Mostly Harmless?"

I love Douglas Adams, I was so sorry when he died so young. Did you know that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a TV show and then morphed into a book? He was so bad about deadlines and getting it written on time to be broadcast every week, that sometimes he would be writing it as the players were performing it. I read this in a really cool book by Neil Gaiman (another of my favorite authors) in a book about Douglas Adams called "Don't Panic."

I think the first I heard of Douglas Adams was when some friends of mine came back from England with one of his books, autographed, and said "You have to read this!!!" I do remember the TV series, but I think I read the books first....unless there were two different TV series???

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Gosh, I would have to dig the book out again to answer that question! He worked on a few different tv shows, but I think there was only one HHGTTG, although I am not certain. :) Could I get back to you on that one? :D

While we're doing quotes tho, I have one I want to share. It's not a famous one and not one you would be likely to recognise unless you are a Neil Gaiman fan! It made me laugh out loud when I read it!!

I finished reading "Good Omens" a couple of weeks ago, written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. (I've never read any of Terry Pratchett's stuff before but after this I might give it a try.)

Here's the quote, but first I should explain the context. Many unusual things were happening on the day the world was supposed to end. Two of the characters were talking to the guard at the gate of an Army base in England, trying to gain entry, when a group of kids went whizzing thru the gate on bicycles, without stopping.

"Hey," he [the guard] said, but much more weakly this time, "did any of them kids have some space alien with a face like a friendly turd in a bike basket?"

And here's a movie quote I've always liked. I love ones that make me chuckle!

Dr Jones Sr. stuck his head out of the hatch of the fast-moving tank and shouted to his son, "You call this archeology?" (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)

Then there's always this one...

"Where we're going, we don't need roads." (Professor Brown in Back to the Future)

Thanks Scarlett! Fun game!

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And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been going wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.

Sadly, however, before she could get to a phone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass, and so the idea was lost, seemingly forever.

This is her story.

I never saw the movie, but I did read all the books--A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :wub:

Yeah, that's a great one! Wasn't that from "Mostly Harmless?"

I love Douglas Adams, I was so sorry when he died so young. Did you know that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a TV show and then morphed into a book? He was so bad about deadlines and getting it written on time to be broadcast every week, that sometimes he would be writing it as the players were performing it. I read this in a really cool book by Neil Gaiman (another of my favorite authors) in a book about Douglas Adams called "Don't Panic."

Actually, before the television series, it started as a BBC radio drama. My family and I listened to it when it was rebroadcast on CBC in the late 70's. I had it on audio tape which has long since disintegrated.

We loved those books and each new one was eagerly anticipated, thoroughly enjoyed and shared with friends.

I wonder if there is a small cafe in Rickmansworth that claims to be that cafe...I'll be there in early July while visiting my brother during my trip to the UK.

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Awwwwwww, thanks so much for all of the great birthday greetings!! It was so nice to come here after my happy, busy day to see that ya'll were thinking of me. *warm fuzzies* It sounds like everybody thinks that 50 is a piece of cake. I'll have to admit that it's rather shocking to think of myself as 50, because I feel much younger! So it's good to hear that 50 is just a number, and that the best is yet to come! :-)

ldyj, I love this quote:

In honor of Gibby's birthday, my favorite movie quote:

It's not the years honey...it's the mileage.

Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark

There are a couple of messages that I'm going to quote, because they're just toooo delectable to only see once! With *HUGS* and thanks to muski and annabear! It's a good thing that I'm not having hot flashes any more, because these hawt pics would put me waaaay over the edge with heat!

Oh, yes! It's one of my favorite people's birthday! Woot! I can put colorful emoties and whatnot all over my post (observe, dear canfly...)

To GIBBY! My NYC double date for Sir Robin! My 'Quick! can you talk now?' phone buddy. My "OMG, what do YOU think about the latest "NEWS"?" idea-bouncer-offer! My gorgeous buddy-that-made-me-OOOO-envious-when-I-first -saw-her-because she's-hot-and-blonde :hubbahubba: Clay friend!

HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY, BABE! You've never looked better! :BlowKiss:



:bdayparty2::cake: :kiss:

And because I KNOW what she wants... :sleezy:th_Claydelicious2-new-1.gifHOT_DAMN-1.gif





And so, Gibby dear....from Clay and me to you!Lips.jpg

:happybirthday01:Gibby!! :bdayparty2:






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Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates) in Fried Green Tomatoes:

Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance.

Wheeeeeeee, I was gonna quote this one too.

How about this one from Boys On The Side?

Nurse: [apathetic] And what's a hoo-hoo?

Elaine: [kindly] It's a cunt, dear.

Heh, maybe you had to be there. Funny, touching movie starring Whoopi Goldberg (Jane), Mary Louise Parker (Robin) and Drew Barrymore (Holly). Although the "c" line was actually said by Anita Gillette (Robin's mother).

Another funny one:

Massarelli, Prosecuting Attorney: One last time: are - you - gay?

Jane: Yes - I - am.

[Massarelli turns away, satisfied]

Jane: I bet a lot of women tell you that. But in my case, it happens to be true.


And with that, I am off to Toronto for the day. Have a good one!

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Good Morning Everyone,

"Go Ahead, Make My Day"

- Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry

"What we have here is a failure to communicate" - Dub Tayler, Cool Hand Luke

"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too!"- Wicked Witch, Wizard if Oz

Those are the only ones I could think of off the top of my head; I know, pretty well known, but I am not a big movie person. I chose the OZ one because I am huge fan hence my screenname of Ozfan4 at the OFC.

5 Days until The First Day of Spring! :yahoo:

13 Days until Clay is presenting Tyra with her GLAAD award!


16 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available!


24 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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Nick Vujicic - inclusion... at its best

Next time you "fall over" and "can't get up", take a look at this:


My favorite movie lines are usually from the early classics:

"Fasten your seat-belts, it's going to be a bumpy night" Bette Davis in All About Eve

"Is that a gun in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?" Mae West (but can't remember the movie)

"When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad I'm better!" Mae West in I'm No Angel

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Scarlett... you are a very interesting person. <snip> one of my faves. "I shoulda' been at a barbeque." (Will Smith after kicking said alien)
liney, thanks you're heaven-sent! Independence Day was fun!

jmh, :wub: that series too!

Yeah, that's a great one! Wasn't that from "Mostly Harmless?"

I love Douglas Adams, I was so sorry when he died so young. Did you know that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a TV show and then morphed into a book? He was so bad about deadlines and getting it written on time to be broadcast every week, that sometimes he would be writing it as the players were performing it. I read this in a really cool book by Neil Gaiman (another of my favorite authors) in a book about Douglas Adams called "Don't Panic."

chacha, the quote was in the prologue of the Hitchhiker's guide but maybe it was repeated later on.

One of my favorite line from "Hitchhiker" was the instruction on how to fly.

Just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

One of my cars was called "Fred, the Flying Brick" because it flew through the air just the way bricks don't.

Lol on the flying instructions! :hahaha:

Glad to see that many here have known The Hitchiker's Guide for years. I love those books and I don't group them with my other SF ones. I'd call them humorous inspirational in an SF setting.

Keepingfaith, thanks. Those quotes were good to read and very timely!

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Totally out of the loop, because I'm just not a movie buff! :lol:

And with that, I am off to Toronto for the day. Have a good one!

Oh sure....TODAY she comes to Toronto! Yesterday I was at The Beach all day, but was she in Toronto THAT day?? NO!!

:) Have a good one!

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Actually, before the television series, it started as a BBC radio drama. My family and I listened to it when it was rebroadcast on CBC in the late 70's. I had it on audio tape which has long since disintegrated.

We loved those books and each new one was eagerly anticipated, thoroughly enjoyed and shared with friends.

I wonder if there is a small cafe in Rickmansworth that claims to be that cafe...I'll be there in early July while visiting my brother during my trip to the UK.

Thank you! I thought I had a vague memory of an early version!

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From CV

Luvgr8music has done a montage of Clay's Solitaire performances over the years.

I do so miss him and now I must tear myself away to do my taxes...oh joy..not.

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OMG! I had my first REAL Clay dream last night/this morning! I mean...I got to scratch his tummy and feel the hair...and I got to....omg....omg....after all these years, I actually got to.....

Oh crap...gotta go! :)

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I never saw the movie, but I did read all the books--A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :wub:

Yeah, that's a great one! Wasn't that from "Mostly Harmless?"

I love Douglas Adams, I was so sorry when he died so young. Did you know that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a TV show and then morphed into a book? He was so bad about deadlines and getting it written on time to be broadcast every week, that sometimes he would be writing it as the players were performing it. I read this in a really cool book by Neil Gaiman (another of my favorite authors) in a book about Douglas Adams called "Don't Panic."

Actually, before the television series, it started as a BBC radio drama. My family and I listened to it when it was rebroadcast on CBC in the late 70's. I had it on audio tape which has long since disintegrated.

Somewhere in the house I have a really bad quality videotape of the original Hitchhiker's TV series, from a PBS showing, I think. It might even be on Betamax, if I copied it back in the 80's. Don't know if it would be worth it to transfer to digital, but I'll post if anyone is interested.

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I never saw the movie, but I did read all the books--A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :wub:

Yeah, that's a great one! Wasn't that from "Mostly Harmless?"

I love Douglas Adams, I was so sorry when he died so young. Did you know that Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a TV show and then morphed into a book? He was so bad about deadlines and getting it written on time to be broadcast every week, that sometimes he would be writing it as the players were performing it. I read this in a really cool book by Neil Gaiman (another of my favorite authors) in a book about Douglas Adams called "Don't Panic."

Actually, before the television series, it started as a BBC radio drama. My family and I listened to it when it was rebroadcast on CBC in the late 70's. I had it on audio tape which has long since disintegrated.

Somewhere in the house I have a really bad quality videotape of the original Hitchhiker's TV series, from a PBS showing, I think. It might even be on Betamax, if I copied it back in the 80's. Don't know if it would be worth it to transfer to digital, but I'll post if anyone is interested.

kimiye... I'm interested!!! That would be totally cool!

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my favorite quotable movies are usually the silly movies..like Elf, I love quoting Elf lol its not deep, but it cracks me up

Santa: I've been to New York thousands of times.

Buddy: Really?

Santa: Mm-hmm.

Buddy: What's it like?

Santa: Well, there are some things you should know. First off, you see gum on the street, leave it there. It isn't free candy.

Buddy: Oh.

Santa: Second, there are, like, thirty Ray's Pizzas. They all claim to be the original. But the real one's on 11th. And if you see a sign that says "Peep Show", that doesn't mean that they're letting you look at the new toys before Christmas.


oh and this is my favorite from music and lyrics

Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex.

Alex Fletcher: I so get that.

Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical.

oh and from madagascar

Whats a bite on the buttocks between friends

I dont have any deep quotes lol but I love movies!

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This is for KAndre:

Traxler: Say, Professor Tripp, is all that stuff really true about Errol Flynn? How he used to put paprika on his dick to make it, you know, like, more stimulating for the chick?

Tripp: Christ, Traxler, how the hell should I know?

Traxler: You're reading his biography, aren't you?

Tripp: Oh! .... Yeah, it's true. He used to rub all sorts of things on it. Salad dressing... ground lamb...

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To those downloading the Pala clips, all the XviDs we're going to have are there now and the last 2 of the mp4's are uploading (when the size doesn't change in a couple of minutes, it's done). I'm very sorry to take this long, gg, I know I shouldn't have been watching/re-watching them yesterday, just wasn't thinking. Also, I hope I got the name of my seatmate right -- she's the one who took the Classics Medley and it's somewhat obvious that I forgot to show her how to zoom; she had to keep pointing to various places onstage instead of zooming out. That was my fault. I put her name down as kococepelli but if anyone can verify, please let me know so that we can update. The other venues should go much faster than Pala. Again, sorry about the time -- I'll probably use another vacation day midweek since I don't know where the weekend went.

Thanks to all who responded with quotes, we had some great ones! :wub:

Kimiye, what a find! :clap:

ETA: I forgot to re-post the link to the Pala clips.

Oh, and the mp4's are done so everything's there that's going to be there.

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Somewhere in the house I have a really bad quality videotape of the original Hitchhiker's TV series, from a PBS showing, I think. It might even be on Betamax, if I copied it back in the 80's. Don't know if it would be worth it to transfer to digital, but I'll post if anyone is interested.

I'm interested too. :lilredani:

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Somewhere in the house I have a really bad quality videotape of the original Hitchhiker's TV series, from a PBS showing, I think. It might even be on Betamax, if I copied it back in the 80's. Don't know if it would be worth it to transfer to digital, but I'll post if anyone is interested.

I'm interested too. :lilredani:

Me too...because I know where my towel is. *g*

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To those downloading the Pala clips, all the XviDs we're going to have are there now and the last 2 of the mp4's are uploading (when the size doesn't change in a couple of minutes, it's done). I'm very sorry to take this long, gg, I know I shouldn't have been watching/re-watching them yesterday, just wasn't thinking. Also, I hope I got the name of my seatmate right -- she's the one who took the Classics Medley and it's somewhat obvious that I forgot to show her how to zoom; she had to keep pointing to various places onstage instead of zooming out. That was my fault. I put her name down as kococepelli but if anyone can verify, please let me know so that we can update. The other venues should go much faster than Pala. Again, sorry about the time -- I'll probably use another vacation day midweek since I don't know where the weekend went.

Thanks to all who responded with quotes, we had some great ones! :wub:

Kimiye, what a find! :clap:

ETA: I forgot to re-post the link to the Pala clips.

Oh, and the mp4's are done so everything's there that's going to be there.

Thank you for doing all this work. I really appreciate it. I'm just at the point now where your clack is coming into use. Can't wait. :BlowKiss:

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