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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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Wow, I'm behind. Oolsee, I'm so glad to hear your doggie is going to be OK! I've never gone through anything like that, thankfully, but when our dogs were younger and more prone to trying to get out of our fence, I was terrified it would happen.

Twitter stalkerish? I suppose. I like thinking of it more as one of those "OMGOMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO I JUST SAW!!!!" text messages you might get. :) But, yeah, I can see the stalkerishness. Still, I like seeing that Clay is out and about with people.

The new banner is... surprising! :laugh2: I logged on and Clay was staring at me! Whoosh! Is it sad that I recognized the freckles before the eye, though?

If I've forgotten anything... sorry! I'm tired. I think this mondo-sized, unidentifiable welt on my arm really is an invading alien parasite sapping my energy to soon take over my body... and from there, the world!!! :o My friends are so supportive when I'm sick. The nursing majors are OK, but everyone else tells me it's spider babies or the aforementioned alien parasites.

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The new technology does take some getting used to. People do have the capability of snapping your picture and having it online somewhere in real time. It's a bit scary.

On the other hand, saw a story on the news today where a girl got her purse snatched and she and the sister had some sort of program called "google Latitude" I think it was called...and the sister was able to tell the police exactly where the phone and thereby the thief was. I honestly wouldn't want someone to know where I was every moment of every day but I guess it could be a useful tool in some cases.

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I do believe I have neglected to comment on the eye appeal of the new banner. Great design! This is one of cindilu's creations, right? Smack me if I'm wrong.....sometimes I enjoy that.

Being wrong that is.... :cryingwlaughter:

Heheh, not wrong this time anyway, and thank you!

Hearing about Reed's FB playing the song "You and I" sung by Michael Buble. (Sorry, can't stands Buble)

Your Facebook page can play music? I didn't know that! Though I did see 'leaving, on a jet plane' on Reed's Myspace page :cry4:

Thanks -- it must be his Myspace then, not FB. I didn't go there myself, just heard about it.

Regarding the Twitter convo, there are good and bad aspects to Twitter, much like everything else. IMO, Twitter is here to stay and only getting exponentially bigger every day. I remember when YouTube came out people were wondering how long it would last. I think we had that answer about three months into it. This stuff is now a part of everyday life. When pictures and info are posted publicly, it's out there for better or worse. One great thing ... politicians can longer go around saying one thing to one group and another thing to a different group. Now they get busted in videos blasted around the world. How many people have videocams, camera cell phones, and there a world population with web access and connections to YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, et al. It's the 21st Century ... and a time of huge change on so many levels. There's no place better to go when there's a crisis somewhere in the world than to Twitter. It was amazing to follow the Mumbai situation on Twitter last year. The Tweets coming in from the scene were better than CNN. I'm confident that Clay and all other recognizable people out there are more aware of the presence of Tweets and Blabby Blogs than any of us. So, in that vein, Clay and Diane look like old pals together. And Tyra last night? Yeah, she's crazy about him. In fact, I think Tyra's a bit in love with Clay. Damn, I wish he were bisexual so he could make everybody's dreams come true. I think I'll think about that for awhile.

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Twitter is probably invasive, but (hides head in shame) I love getting these little tidbits about Clay.

Little drops of gossip in the midst of a drought.

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The new technology does take some getting used to. People do have the capability of snapping your picture and having it online somewhere in real time.

all that yet Canadians can't watch some Clay videos


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Good Morning Everyone,

1, 2 or 3 Days until Clay Explains All! :yahoo:

6 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor!


12 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit!


29 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock!


Everyone have a great day!


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Another Tweet from last night, via the CH:

It looks like Clay went to see a Broadway show last night.

From Twitter:

DBiggie: NEXT TO NORMAL went really well last night! (Clay Aiken didn't look like he agreed... wah wah!) MARY STUART and IRENA'S VOW today...

Wed, 15 Apr 2009

I pretty much agree with kf about all this. I'm not fond of the whole thing in a few ways, but also, I do believe it's here to stay, and that Clay realizes everything that happens with Twitter, Facebook, and the like. The whole idea of "privacy" has changed so very much with the advent of the internet and technology, and I'm not sure that we can ever go back.

Congrats on the new job claylove!

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Regarding the Twitter convo, there are good and bad aspects to Twitter, much like everything else. IMO, Twitter is here to stay and only getting exponentially bigger every day. I remember when YouTube came out people were wondering how long it would last. I think we had that answer about three months into it. This stuff is now a part of everyday life. When pictures and info are posted publicly, it's out there for better or worse. One great thing ... politicians can longer go around saying one thing to one group and another thing to a different group. Now they get busted in videos blasted around the world. How many people have videocams, camera cell phones, and there a world population with web access and connections to YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, et al. It's the 21st Century ... and a time of huge change on so many levels. There's no place better to go when there's a crisis somewhere in the world than to Twitter. It was amazing to follow the Mumbai situation on Twitter last year. The Tweets coming in from the scene were better than CNN.

I agree that it's here to stay; and as Clay is such a self-professed techno-geek I think it's quite possible he is very aware of the tweeting and FB stalking. Doesn't make some of it any less invasive, IMO. There is still a line, and people will still happily jump over it, as with anything else.

Your comment about being on Twitter at the time of a world event is interesting. I would never have thought of that use (nor would I have dreamed someone in Mumbai would be twittering), but...interesting! It would certainly stop what I have considered to be CNN's frequent over-dramatization of the facts.

<snip> Clay and Diane look like old pals together. And Tyra last night? Yeah, she's crazy about him. In fact, I think Tyra's a bit in love with Clay. Damn, I wish he were bisexual so he could make everybody's dreams come true. I think I'll think about that for awhile.

:lol: About Tyra, I agree....and I think the same applies to Diane. And me. From one of Clay's reactions on ANTM, I think he is also a little in love with Tyra. :) Re the rest?.....who knows, right? We were wrong last time! :hahaha:

Crap!! Why do I always hit "add reply" and THEN remember what I really wanted to post when I started??

Did the Claynadians realize that TVBOCA is up on Canadian Itunes as of yesterday? BUT before you go running over....it won't come up when you search "Clay Aiken", only if you put in the title (unless they've since fixed that).

Also, it looks a little odd....it's called a "partial album"; no full album purchase, only the tracks individually...and it's missing OTWOL, and the tracks are in a completely different sequence and there's no pdf file of course.

Kind of looks to me like someone at itunes.ca saw the sales of TVBOCA and went "a-ha!! we already have all those tracks, so let's just put it together on one page and call it....TVBOCA!!" Strange....but kind of cool, in a way.....

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Ok, first off, can someone post the Diane/Clay picture? That Twitter link no longer works.

Next, can someone tell me what the difference between Facebook and Twitter is? I am a Facebook user, but other than reading about "tweets" I really have no idea. And is it just me or does the name "Twitter" and the word "tweets" irritate anyone else? I just think it sounds ridiculous, like a flock of birds or something. :P

So maybe I'm not in a good mood, LOL. Can you tell? My kitchen is gone but in the process so is my heat and my cable. Ugh. Some wires got cut that shouldn't have. Hopefully things will be fixed by the time I get home. Well, heat and cable anyways. No kitchen until the 25th. Hey, I keep telling myself it's ok, it's like camping in my house! At least the electricity still works! :)

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Hi there! Did you miss me? I've had no internet access at home since Friday and last night I got the new modem but couldn't connect wirelessly sooooo I had to connect to my laptop. Well the battery died and the charger was at work! So I was not too happy to say the least.

At least I could read the FCA on my cell phone. Otherwise I think I would have gone into withdrawal and it would not have been a pretty sight!

I'm planning on going to the Gala. Who's all going from here and what kind of seats do you have?

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Ok, first off, can someone post the Diane/Clay picture? That Twitter link no longer works.

Here's my "cleaned up" version:

So maybe I'm not in a good mood, LOL. Can you tell? My kitchen is gone but in the process so is my heat and my cable. Ugh. Some wires got cut that shouldn't have. Hopefully things will be fixed by the time I get home. Well, heat and cable anyways. No kitchen until the 25th. Hey, I keep telling myself it's ok, it's like camping in my house! At least the electricity still works! :)

Oh, crap, it never fails huh?? :friends:

I'm planning on going to the Gala. Who's all going from here and what kind of seats do you have?

I'm going! Hopefully, after yesterday, I'm at a silver table. My first (and perhaps only....) chance to do that, so I took it.


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As someone who knows that television and even print news is regularly censored, Twitter is a corrective that may force news organizations to come clean. If there had been Twitter in November 1963 we could have caught the shooter on the grassy knoll.

I don't use Twitter for social networking at all, and if that's the intent I think Myspace and Facebook are better suited. Tweets are limited to 140 characters -- and in a "breaking news" situation it moves faster than one can read. I've noticed that most news "personalities" are advertising their Twitter addresses now so they can get scoops and instant feedback.

But of course people have their individual purposes and interests and if they are celebrity driven, I'm not surprised that pictures and gossipy items show up on their Twitter pages. Ultimately, it's all about where you look. I'm on Twitter and never ever see anything about Clay except from here when it's brought over.

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. And is it just me or does the name "Twitter" and the word "tweets" irritate anyone else? I just think it sounds ridiculous, like a flock of birds or something. :P

Bwah you are never alone.

And Keepingfaith, I haven't signed up and don't have to for my project, YAY, but I hate CHAT -it bothers my eyes and I just can't deal with things scrolling so fast...and it seems like twitter is like that.

soooooooooooooo I guess maybe I should do my taxes?

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. And is it just me or does the name "Twitter" and the word "tweets" irritate anyone else? I just think it sounds ridiculous, like a flock of birds or something. :P

Bwah you are never alone.

And Keepingfaith, I haven't signed up and don't have to for my project, YAY, but I hate CHAT -it bothers my eyes and I just can't deal with things scrolling so fast...and it seems like twitter is like that.

soooooooooooooo I guess maybe I should do my taxes?

luckiest, I think the name comes from "The Music Man." There were a set gossipy ladies in the town, and their song was "pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, tweet tweet tweet, talk a lot, pick a little more." So, in a way, it IS a bit like birds, all gossiping away on their cell phones.

couchie, Twitter totally depends on how much the people you "follow" up date their stuff via the phones. I think some people are constantly tweeting, while others (like me) have only done it a few times. For the most part, I don't see the point in it, except in situations like kf describes -- seeing something newsworthy. (Or someONE, like Clay!)

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Catching up from the weekend...

Niiice banner, cindilu!!! :clap:

couchie, aikim & djs, soooo was I the only one who looked forward to watching John Derek (as Joshua) on the Ten Commandments year after year?

Kareneh, safe and happy travels!

Fear, sorry to hear about your poison oak. :thbighug-1:

jmh, thanks for the great article on Mike Nichols!

merrieeee, thank for the new/old Benihana clip!

ncgurrl & 00lsee, I loved the Susan Boyle clip! Please post any more updates on her performances!!!

Claylove, congratulations on the new job!

Clayzy, how about comparing notes with fear? Maybe you have the same thing? Hope you feel better soon. :hugs-1:

00lsee, wishing Jack a quick and complete recovery!!!

Keepingfaith and KAndre, how about doing Vietnamese this week before I head back to work?

Couchie, hee, yes I think you should be doing your taxes!

*waves happily back at ldyjocelyn, annabear, calurker and aikim!!!* :hello:

Tweets? I guess it would be nice to be able to follow some of the ehp's travels that way but since we already send text messages and post updates and pictures in almost real time (and we could do real time if we weren't so lazy), I don't seen the need for 140-character entries.


ETA: Thanks for the good wishes, traveller!!!

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whew..well the federal is done. I've been burying my head in the sand cuz I knew I had income from that little second job of mine that had no taxes taken out. So was scared I owed the government a crap load of money but I only owe them a spoonful since I can file head of household. I normally get a refund though, close to 2K so I will miss that this year. Now for the state...

CNN has gone twitter crazy...so I guess that's different..it seems more like a board where people post comments on stories and that's what seems to be going fast.

I wanna Clay concert. hee. I miss that.

ETA: Yay enough back from the state to pay my federal..and I'll even end up with a grand total of $46 hee.

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Hello, FCA! :BlowKiss:

I enjoy Twitter on a limited basis. It's hard for me to even form a thought in 140 characters, but I do. Sally and I joined as a means for posting good links (blog posts, music, photos, montages, etc.) about Clay.

While I am a casual user, she has gone "pro," for sure. I'm in and out between teaching music lessons, writing a blog every three days, etc. She has over 2500 followers (I have yet to hit 200) and keeps up with all the tutorials. I think she has met lots of interesting people with similar interests (photography, graphics, etc.).

If any of you are over there, holler. Sally is MissSallysPC, and I am CarolinaClay. I have met a very interesting man who has ALS and is writing some powerful music (especially the lyrics) before he can't. I plan to write a blog about him in the near future. If you are at Twitter, look up AceNoface. :)

Meanwhile, this time I featured Gerwhisp's AI2 montage along with some of Fountaindawg's graphics at the Carolina site. At Twitter, the blog often gets a couple of retweets, and that's cool. Hope you enjoy! :imgtongue:

Very nice banner, cindilu2! :clap: :clap:

I have two days with students on Srping Break. WOOHOO!!! Have a great afternoon, all! :whistling-1:

Caro listen.gif

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From CV:

You can see Reed's FB Pics here. Clay commented under pic #6 and number #22.

Clay Aiken at 4:25am April 15

Show off!

to a pic of him standing on his hands doing a split in a courtyard in front of an historic building.

Clay Aiken at 4:23am April 15

Good LORD on the amount of bags you have with you!

To a pic of the dancers at the airport.

It is public.

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