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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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Still loving the appearance from last night. I thought it great that he was there with all those other singers. I'm scared that I recognized 80% of the singers on that stage. Hee.

Good review of last night's 30 rock from zap2it:


30 Rock, 'Kidney Now': It Doesn't Hurt That Bad

Seeing the list of musical guest stars for the "30 Rock" season finale a few weeks ago made me a little apprehensive -- how was the show going to fit in the likes of Elvis Costello, Mary J. Blige, Sheryl Crow, Clay Aiken and Adam Levine without it overwhelming the episode?

The answer to that turned out to be "very effectively." Jack's quest to get his dad a kidney balanced nicely with Liz "getting hers," and even the C-story with Tracy speaking at his old high school had some good moments. For a show that doesn't always know how to end episodes, it's done really well at ending seasons.

Kidney Now!

Jack is initially skeptical/apprehensive about possibly donating a kidney to the dad he just met: "He's writing a three-volume biography of Jimmy Carter, and if I give him one he could finish it." Dr. Spaceman is his usual helpful self -- giggling at the word "kidney" ("I think it's the hard 'k' sound") and confusing who's giving whom an organ -- but it turns out Jack is not a match. Whew.

Except: After Milton tells him he wants to get to know Jack more than he wants a new kidney, Jack is inspired to find one for his pops. Milton is too old for the donor list, "and since Giuliani left it's gotten harder to harvest hobo organs," so he comes up with the next best thing -- a benefit song solely for Milton.

He strong-arms Mary J. Blige ("Who got you out of a 20-year exclusive contract with SeaWorld?"), Clay Aiken ("Your cousin Kenneth Parcell" -- hee! -- "already promised me you'd do it") and Elvis Costello ("or should I say, Declan McManus, international art thief?") and then sweet-talks Sheryl Crow and Adam Levine. Costello and the Broadway-seasoned Aiken are clearly the most natural actors of the group (and got several good lines), but all five seemed pretty game.

And the benefit song itself? Well, that was just a bucket of awesome. The lyrics are here, and the list of people lending their voices to help find Milton a kidney -- including Steve Earle, Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz, Norah Jones, Talib Kweli, Michael McDonald and Cyndi Lauper ("I'm one of the drunk ones!") -- can be found here. I think I'll be singing "Milton Greene Milton Greene Milton Greene Milton Greene" for most of the weekend.

Damn...that UM was FIIIIIIIIIINE!

*waves to fellow Steve Earle lover kf*

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When someone has a career that requires them to be in the public eye, most especially in the entertainment business where it's pretty much a "visual art", if you get what I mean, I think having a nip and tuck or whatever is part and parcel of it.

I think there is a big difference between wanting to look one's best (isn't that why we go to the hairdressers and wear make-up?), and being obsessed about one's appearance. I know a few of the latter and it is something I find annoying in women and particularly hate it in men, and I mean men who spend more time in front of the mirror than women.

I agree Claytonic. Its funny , I was watching a documentary a week or so ago about a comedians' rise to fame and at one stage he had a makeover and he said words to the effect of: "In my work I am asking people to look at me and I know I prefer looking at people who, if not hot-looking, are at least intriguing to look at."

I can totally understand this.

I have heard of people having a tummy-tuck at the same time as a c-section. I don't know if it's true but I sure wish I had thought to ask!

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Clay is really brave IMO. I also have TMJ and was diagnosed when I was a Junior in HS. They wanted to break my jaw and realign it and still do. But I have elected not to have this done because I don't have the time, the money and quite frankly I am a chicken. I remember the first time they told me about it when I was like 16 or 17 and it scared the crap out of me. LOL This procedure can be quite painful and has quite a long recovery as we have seen with Clay. If I recall correctly, the doctors I saw did say it can change the appearance of your jawline somewhat. I decided I would do it when the pain I was in made going through all that worthwhile and so far for me I am so not there yet! I do hope that Clay's pain is gone now.

I love all of Clay's looks and I'd say his current appearance is a combination of maturing and the surgery. He is still one fine sexy man if you ask me! And I bet his look will change many more times still. I love that about him.

30 Rock - Definitely not enough Clay for me! Thanks so much for bringing over the download :-)

Right on! Being a big lover of pain myself (SO not!!...bigges wuss in the world), I absolutely cringed when Clay told us more of the details. It had not been clear previously that he had had the "whole magilla"; my understanding is that this is not a "little procedure". It is MAJOR, and listening to him describe it made my blood run cold.

I wouldn't be at all surprised the doctor suggested the little bit of lipo while he was there~and why not some additional gain from the pain?

Clay singing UM at the DF Gala! EEEEEEEE!, It's beautiful!

EEEeeeeeeeee!!! Thank you for bringing that over!! It IS a fantastic rendition ! The sound in that little room was great...but WHAT is it with all the people who won't STFU!!! when someone is singing :angry2::angry2: My GAWD how incredibly rude!

And what's with the guy bopping/head-nodding along to Clay....and filming out the window?? :hysterical: Doesn't he know we need the clack??

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Clay singing UM at the DF Gala! EEEEEEEE!, It's beautiful!

Just saw it, it was so beautiful, what a thrill for those there to hear him sing it! Oh I so much what to go to the Gala!!

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Clay is really brave IMO. I also have TMJ and was diagnosed when I was a Junior in HS. They wanted to break my jaw and realign it and still do. But I have elected not to have this done because I don't have the time, the money and quite frankly I am a chicken. I remember the first time they told me about it when I was like 16 or 17 and it scared the crap out of me. LOL This procedure can be quite painful and has quite a long recovery as we have seen with Clay. If I recall correctly, the doctors I saw did say it can change the appearance of your jawline somewhat. I decided I would do it when the pain I was in made going through all that worthwhile and so far for me I am so not there yet! I do hope that Clay's pain is gone now.

I love all of Clay's looks and I'd say his current appearance is a combination of maturing and the surgery. He is still one fine sexy man if you ask me! And I bet his look will change many more times still. I love that about him.

30 Rock - Definitely not enough Clay for me! Thanks so much for bringing over the download :-)

Right on! Being a big lover of pain myself (SO not!!...bigges wuss in the world), I absolutely cringed when Clay told us more of the details. It had not been clear previously that he had had the "whole magilla"; my understanding is that this is not a "little procedure". It is MAJOR, and listening to him describe it made my blood run cold.

I wouldn't be at all surprised the doctor suggested the little bit of lipo while he was there~and why not some additional gain from the pain?

Clay singing UM at the DF Gala! EEEEEEEE!, It's beautiful!

EEEeeeeeeeee!!! Thank you for bringing that over!! It IS a fantastic rendition ! The sound in that little room was great...but WHAT is it with all the people who won't STFU!!! when someone is singing :angry2::angry2: My GAWD how incredibly rude!

And what's with the guy bopping/head-nodding along to Clay....and filming out the window?? :hysterical: Doesn't he know we need the clack??

I so agree with you about people talking when he was singing, didn't they know what privilige they had to listen to Clay singing. People don't realize how lucky they are.

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I so agree with you about people talking when he was singing, didn't they know what privilige they had to listen to Clay singing. People don't realize how lucky they are.

Well, remember that this was a cocktail party -- where the mingling and the talking is just as important as the entertainment (probably moreso) to some people. I am also sure that there were some people at that party who could have cared less that Clay Aiken sang, and would have rather heard, oh say, Donny Osmond sing there.

I, however, was glued to every syllable he sang via this clack. I've never been a huge UM fan, but that version was sublime!

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I so agree with you about people talking when he was singing, didn't they know what privilige they had to listen to Clay singing. People don't realize how lucky they are.

Well, remember that this was a cocktail party -- where the mingling and the talking is just as important as the entertainment (probably moreso) to some people. I am also sure that there were some people at that party who could have cared less that Clay Aiken sang, and would have rather heard, oh say, Donny Osmond sing there.

I, however, was glued to every syllable he sang via this clack. I've never been a huge UM fan, but that version was sublime!

That was a great video! And it wasn't taken by "that other guy" since he's in the video!

Anybody know the song written by that other guy Tony that David was about to introduce at the end of the video? I'm really curious!

OT: I am off to Ireland for vacation! It's going to be a fun 11 days, I'll return with tons of photos! I might be able to post from there (prob not pictures tho) otherwise, see ya on the flip side! So far the 10 days forecast has only one non-rainy day in it, and that one is saying mostly cloudy! :cryingwlaughter:


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I so agree with you about people talking when he was singing, didn't they know what privilige they had to listen to Clay singing. People don't realize how lucky they are.

Hee, not to mention the people going up and down the escalator. OMG!

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Have a fantastic holiday, chach!!

I've been enjoying all of the recent clack. Clay looks amazing, and sounds wonderful! I think the chin lipo was a great idea. Really, he's had very little done in the way of cosmetic enhancement compared to other celebs - the teeth, and a little bit of chin lipo. Not bad at all! He looks sooo studly in pics lately.

I really enjoyed the UM youtube, and I'm hoping that Mr. Camerman on the other side of the piano will cough up his clack at some point. I read that someone asked him for it, so we'll see! He probably got a better angle.

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I so agree with you about people talking when he was singing, didn't they know what privilige they had to listen to Clay singing. People don't realize how lucky they are.

Hee, not to mention the people going up and down the escalator. OMG!

oldmoviegal from the CH (who attended the afterparty) posted this about the atmosphere:

GBB -- the restaurant is the very swanky RM Seafood, and the dinner part was in the swankier-still upstairs private room. (In Vegas, it is not uncommon to see Spago right next door to a MAC cosmetics store next door to a souvenir shop! Some very weird zoning going on there.) Clay was standing in front of the window that faces the shops in Mandalay Bay, which accounts for the mall-like atmosphere just outside the window!
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I know this is tres piquiey, but Jack McBrayer on 30 Rock plays Kenneth Parcell, better known as Kenneth the Page -- but he's never ever called "Kenny".

Kenneth the Page is one of the most popular characters on the show -- a sweet innocent religious Southern mama's boy in a world of cynicism and dog eat dog. I think the Kenneth character broke out in Season 2. I loved it when Alec Baldwin last hosted SNL and the set up for the faux Q&A in the monologue was that everyone asked him about Jack McBrayer or told him how Kenneth was their favorite character in the show -- and Jack was there. It was really cute. Even before there was talk of him being Clay Aiken's cousin, there was talk that Tina Fey drew up the Kenneth character based on Clay.

The Kenneth the Page character was all over the news in February after Bobby Jindal gave the Republican response to Obama's speech before Congress -- and Jindal's sing-song delivery was compared to Kenneth the Page (which I always thought made Kenneth sound like Al Gore). Jack McBrayer did a famous video spoof of the Jindal speech that first aired on Jimmy Fallon and went viral.


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I got my OFC package yesterday - without the pin. How hard is it to remember to put pack three whole things (travel mug, lanyard, and pin) in each box? I don't even really care, but since it's part of the package and I like my Clay stuff to be complete, I e-mailed Clique about the omission.

I'm sure they'll get right on it.... :hahaha:

I can't watch UM at work, so I have something to look forward to this evening. Tries not to think about the lack of new Clack on the horizon.

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When I had to have surgery on my thyroid I told the (bastard) doctor that as long as he was slitting my throat anyway, I'd appreciate it if he'd remove my double chin, but I woke up with it.

Good for Clay--might as well benefit from misery.

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Have a fantastic holiday, chach!!

I've been enjoying all of the recent clack. Clay looks amazing, and sounds wonderful! I think the chin lipo was a great idea. Really, he's had very little done in the way of cosmetic enhancement compared to other celebs - the teeth, and a little bit of chin lipo. Not bad at all! He looks sooo studly in pics lately.

I really enjoyed the UM youtube, and I'm hoping that Mr. Camerman on the other side of the piano will cough up his clack at some point. I read that someone asked him for it, so we'll see! He probably got a better angle.

Problem is, if you watch him video he was focussing on David.

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The UM video is a blessing! Thankyou to whomever :BlowKiss:

And Su-blime is what immediately came to mind!! :clap:

Clay is fucking fantastic and this has been the bestest drought evah IMLAO :tasty::lipstick:

But....now what??!! *bites nails nervously*

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I click on comcast.net to check my email this afternoon and on the home page is a picture of CLAY! The story is Ultimate Idol Power Rankings and it includes every finalist from the 8 seaons, Top 10 from Season 1, Top 12 from Seasons 2-7, and Top 13 from this year -- and ranks them. It starts with #95 (Corey Clark) and ends with #1 (Kelly Clarkson). Kelly is picked #1 because "if she hadn't made it, the show would have meant nothing going forward."

Clay is #4 and his blurb reads:

If anyone is a testament to the wild-card rule, it's Clay. What would "Idol" be without Clay? I mean, really? The geeky camp counselor from North Carolina went through a transformation that started when he walked into the audition room and, in some ways, hasn't really ended. Hit albums and a critically acclaimed run in "Spamalot" on Broadway could still just be the start of what will likely be a long career.

I read this several weeks ago when it was just the Top 10, but it's been expanded and revised. Adam Lambert is #9, between Ruben and Fantasia.

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Guess whose photo is used in the rotating cube advertising the top stories on Comcast today? Is it Idol #1?? #2?? #3?? Nope, it's Clay! :hahaha:

Meanwhile, on EW's Popwatch, an article about Scrubs is illustrated by, you guessed it, Clay guesting as Kenny: Scrubs is inching towards..... :hahaha::hahaha:

Must be getting close to the American Idol finale or something....

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New Clay interview!!! Just saw this article from MTV when doing a Google search: :thumbsup2:


Mary J. Blige, Clay Aiken Loved Singing For '30 Rock'

Singers had a blast participating in season finale's 'Kidney Now!' benefit show.

By Jocelyn Vena and Sabrina Rojas Weiss


Learning that Clay Aiken is the cousin of NBC's most cheerful employee, Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer), was almost as shocking as the seeing the rest of the star-studded crowd Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) could coerce into participating in his "Kidney Now!" benefit concert on the season finale of "30 Rock."

In the episode, Aiken and a slew of famous faces, like Mary J. Blige, Sheryl Crow, Elvis Costello and Cyndi Lauper, joined in Jack's effort to find a kidney donor for Milton Greene (Alan Alda), the man who may or may not be his father. Aiken says it was an honor to be involved.

" '30 Rock' is not only the funniest show on TV now; it's also the smartest," Aiken told MTV News in a statement. "Things that you see or hear on that show start popping up in everyday life all of the time. I don't think any show since 'Seinfeld' has been able to do that.

Like "Seinfeld," these days Liz Lemon and her motley crew leave the "American Idol" alum in stitches every week. " 'Seinfeld' had 'yada, yada, yada' and 'master of your domain.' '30 Rock' has "That's a deal-breaker, ladies' and many more. I find myself saying 'What the what?' all of the time. They've really broken into the zeitgeist like no other show has."

Given the subtle reveal of Aiken's newfound "cousin," it sounds like the "Spamalot" star might have an opening to return for another stint. "

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New Clay interview!!! Just saw this article from MTV when doing a Google search: :thumbsup2:


Given the subtle reveal of Aiken's newfound "cousin," it sounds like the "Spamalot" star might have an opening to return for another stint. "

Eeeeeeee!!!!! I know a few of us have said it....but to hear MTV saying it adds a little legitimacy, somehow.....EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! keeping every, single body part I have crossed! I know Tina loves him....hoping that turns the trick! :clap:

ETA: luckiest1, I can't either. I'm hoping someone might be able to make it available to us; I'd be happy to pay someone to DL it from Itunes on my behalf and send me the .mp3.

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New Clay interview!!! Just saw this article from MTV when doing a Google search: :thumbsup2:


Given the subtle reveal of Aiken's newfound "cousin," it sounds like the "Spamalot" star might have an opening to return for another stint. "

Eeeeeeee!!!!! I know a few of us have said it....but to hear MTV saying it adds a little legitimacy, somehow.....EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! keeping every, single body part I have crossed! I know Tina loves him....hoping that turns the trick! :clap:

ETA: luckiest1, I can't either. I'm hoping someone might be able to make it available to us; I'd be happy to pay someone to DL it from Itunes on my behalf and send me the .mp3.

I was told the dl is a video not audio. It's an mp4 Unless there are two different dl.

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