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#60: I l.o.v.e. my hawt humanatarianactivistsingersongwriterambassador boyfriend!


FCA Thread Title  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Seven or eight years, phsssh, just a tiny period of time in the galaxy that is Clay.
    • He still sings pretty and I still listen.
    • It?s impossible to deny his voice is a thing of power.
    • Eight years of freakishly fun tours...and yes, he's still the one.

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Wanted to show you the diaper "cake" we made for Emily's baby shower next week:

VERY cute. And no calories either!

I'd like those things too. But I'm lucky that usually, when Clay disappears (i.e. after the gala) I have my other obsession to fall back on. I just got back from 5 days in an arena and I have televised figure skating events to watch until March. Thankfully, the Charlotte & Greenville TNT concerts don't conflict with anything! smile.gif

I'm a one-obsession-at-a-time kinda gal... no back-up for when Clay's not around. I think DVD boxsets fill a pretty good void though. *g*

I'm finding the "down time" to be a good time to watch DVD's too. I'm also surfing around for Huey Lewis stuff -- one of my college loves, and he has a new album coming out this week. It's been NINE years since his last album. That's why I don't worry too much about Clay taking time off, he never leaves us THAT long! Hee.

shortyjill, sorry to hear about your friend's son. I've been through a similar thing with one of my good friends from college, who lost her nephew in the war about 3 years ago. Sucks.... I will pray for the family...and for this war to end....

Just stopping by to say hello as there's not much going on in the world of Clay.

There may not be much going on in our little Clay world, but I am hoping there is lots going on in his..that he is busy working on projects that will blow us away in 2011!


Totally agree! I think Clay is probably taking some time off here, but he's probably also got plans a-cooking in his head for his next steps. If nothing else, he's got a nice little tour to plan!

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It's basketball season so my two team obsession is back. I'm still trying to see what other concert I can attend next year but the schedule just isn't working for me. Not too many grouped shows.

Can you imagine Clay taking 9 years between albums LOL. Unthinkable!

Has anyone ever been through a systems change at work. It's absolutely killing me. What I used to be able to do in 30 minutes it's taking me 2 hours. It's only been a week but damn hopefully I'll get the hang of this FAST.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Cute cake!!

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22 Days until Clay's Birthday!:yahoo:

86 Days until The T&T Tour Begins!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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shortyjill... I'm very sorry you lost even a distant friend. Since Clay showed us the children and women of Afganistan and their quest to learn, I have supported that country becoming a safe place to live and grow for all, but just wish it wasn't so costly in terms of lives.

It's basketball season so my two team obsession is back. I'm still trying to see what other concert I can attend next year but the schedule just isn't working for me. Not too many grouped shows.

Can you imagine Clay taking 9 years between albums LOL. Unthinkable!

Has anyone ever been through a systems change at work. It's absolutely killing me. What I used to be able to do in 30 minutes it's taking me 2 hours. It's only been a week but damn hopefully I'll get the hang of this FAST.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Cute cake!!

Couchie... I went from Microsoft XP to 2007 in June and still haven't figured out how to do some of the stuff I used to do without even thinking about it. Soooo frustrating, since this was supposed to be an improvement... right! Pssssffft!

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21 Days until Clay's Birthday!


85 Days until The T&T Tour Begins!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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It took me a day to get to FCA and mention there is a new Carolina On My Mind blog entry: Clay Aiken Winter Tour 'Trending Topic' with Fans. Videos are by dlh7777 are featured. Fountaindawg's awesome Chicago graphic is at the top with regular/widescreen clickables, too.

The other topic is Pepsi Refresh, complete with the latest list of top charity voters, Scarlett's smartphone app, the updated voting widget, etc. Since I am clueless about smartphone technology and terminology, Scarlett had to write the segment about the app. One thing she has had to remind everyone is that you have to sign into Pepsi with a different ID from the one already registered at the site.

We took Rett Syndrome Clinic off the voting widget's alliance list, but many of us are still voting for them because they are still a very strong partner, sending us votes from their supporters as well as Hale Middle School.

Thank you for your blog visits and especially your comments. I realize everyone is busy, but whatever you do helps an Internet Clay blog in the Google line-up.

Monday is my longest day. Looking forward to the rest of the week! Hope yours is great! :twinklewhore:

Caro :listen:

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From notacanuck at the CC:

Twitter sighting

unctv: @clayaiken sighting @broadstreetcafe 4 @unctv taping? We can't get away from the invisible man! #unctvclay #claymates

The cherry on my sundae was the tour I ran yesterday. We got a call late last week from a woman that works for a nonprofit. She wanted to book a tour for a donor who won a day with a celebrity. Luckily my boss hasn't gone into labor yet, because this was a unique request. The tour would be for four people total; donor, celebrity, organizer, and tour guide. It was to take place mid-afternoon and be extremely private. Somehow we managed to put together a great schedule and I got to be the tour guide, which meant that I spent my Monday with Raleigh-native, National Inclusion Project founder, Clay Aiken. It sure doesn't feel like it sometimes, but this is work.


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20 Days until Clay's Birthday!:yahoo:

84 Days until The T&T Tour Begins!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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bottlecap, I wanted to thank you for the Spamalot pictures yesterday. That was such a crazy fun time, and I'm so glad we had that year. I'm also incredibly grateful that I got to see him live on that stage more than a few times!

One of my favorite pictures...from the first night, with the first set of "family:"


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Ahhh, Spamalot, how I miss thee. Love looking at those pics and remembering the wonderful times - truly some of the best memories I have. It still tickles me that this Canadian gal from Nowhereville, Ontario can give travel/accomodation/dining tips to people planning a trip to NYC. Thanks Clay!

I recently saw the road show of Spamalot here in London (dunno if I mentioned that or not) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it made me a little misty for our people. I still left the theatre with my face sore from grinning.

On another note - went with luckiest1 to see Red tonight. Most fun I've had at a movie in a long time. Bruce, John, Morgan and Helen were excellent - and I even enjoyed Mary Louise Parker (whom I normally can't abide). Excellent flick!

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I :wub: Spamalot. Even before Clay was in it I went to see it on Broadway! I had the CD. For Clay to be in it, for two long stints, was :wub: :wub: for me.

And I heart NYC. So it was :wub: :wub: :wub: And I had moved away so when I went I got to see friends in PA and NY. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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19 Days until Clay's Birthday!:yahoo:

84 Days until The T&T Tour Begins!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Wave to ldyj, who accidently got a text about my foggy commute this morning that was supposed to go to my sister. LOL! I have fumble fingeritis, apparently. Maybe the Reverend Doctor Bishop Deacon Ruben Studdard can help me out with that. I better start saving now…

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Wave to ldyj, who accidently got a text about my foggy commute this morning that was supposed to go to my sister. LOL! I have fumble fingeritis, apparently. Maybe the Reverend Doctor Bishop Deacon Ruben Studdard can help me out with that. I better start saving now…


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